Oregonians continue to protest

If someone causes enough trouble, they find that people don't care to do business with them. And it gets very lonely. No, they are not particularly violent, but they don't like people creating problems and getting negative publicity about the county. Agriculture and tourism is about all that is left in the county, and the type of publicity that Sheriff Palmer has created is not welcome.
Now that will just go over like shit in Grant County. As of this election, Palmer is history, and best leave the county immediately after the election. Will not have a badge after that to hide behind. Another fruitoop biting the dust.
He isn't going anywhere. And Grant county is a totally different animal than Harney county. They aren't afraid of the feds and never have been. That's why they invited the protesters over and thats why the feds killed finicum before he could get there.
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Now that will just go over like shit in Grant County. As of this election, Palmer is history, and best leave the county immediately after the election. Will not have a badge after that to hide behind. Another fruitoop biting the dust.

Why would he need to leave the county? Are people that violent in Grant County?
the people of grant county love palmer, hes not leaving.

Grasty already plans to leave harney county, though. And that pig ward doesn't take a shitnwithout an armed escort.
If someone causes enough trouble, they find that people don't care to do business with them. And it gets very lonely. No, they are not particularly violent, but they don't like people creating problems and getting negative publicity about the county. Agriculture and tourism is about all that is left in the county, and the type of publicity that Sheriff Palmer has created is not welcome.
Oh lord here we go again with old fag pretending he is a.member of the community.
The imprisonment and trumped up charges against protesters.

In front of the justice center in Portland this am...look at those terrifying extremists...

View attachment 71072

Idiot, they turned a bird sanctuary into a turd sanctuary, leaving feces all over the place. Fuck those idiots.

It's costing the tax payers over $6 million to clean up after them. Fuck em!

Did you get upset when OWS left millions of dollars of clean up all over the country a few years back?
Yes indeed.
Incidentally, there were 350 people at the meeting that Finicum and the rest were on their way to attend in Grant county. In a county of about seven thousand, and a town of 1700.

Grant county became a county in the first place.because they didn't like having their legal and criminal issues settled by people outside the community.

Their economy is driven by forest.products and ranching..recreation and tourism aren't big there. . They haven't been totally jnfected.by the feds yet.
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Now that will just go over like shit in Grant County. As of this election, Palmer is history, and best leave the county immediately after the election. Will not have a badge after that to hide behind. Another fruitoop biting the dust.
He isn't going anywhere. And Grant county is a totally different animal than Harney county. They aren't afraid of the feds and never have been. That's why they invited the protesters over and thats why the feds killed finicum before he could get there.

Yes it's all a big government conspiracy

The imprisonment and trumped up charges against protesters.

In front of the justice center in Portland this am...look at those terrifying extremists...

View attachment 71072

Idiot, they turned a bird sanctuary into a turd sanctuary, leaving feces all over the place. Fuck those idiots.

It's costing the tax payers over $6 million to clean up after them. Fuck em!
The feds shut off the water. Oh well, it's a shit heap anyway.

One of the funniest things in this mess is how the outsiders who seek to justify the presence of federal goons have started referring to the sanctuary buildings as "federal headquarters" as if that's what it was before. Lolololol...
The imprisonment and trumped up charges against protesters.

In front of the justice center in Portland this am...look at those terrifying extremists...

View attachment 71072

Idiot, they turned a bird sanctuary into a turd sanctuary, leaving feces all over the place. Fuck those idiots.

It's costing the tax payers over $6 million to clean up after them. Fuck em!
The feds shut off the water. Oh well, it's a shit heap anyway.

One of the funniest things in this mess is how the outsiders who seek to justify the presence of federal goons have started referring to the sanctuary buildings as "federal headquarters" as if that's what it was before. Lolololol...

I hope it was worth it, because they're gonna rot in prison.

Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
The imprisonment and trumped up charges against protesters.

In front of the justice center in Portland this am...look at those terrifying extremists...

View attachment 71072

Looks like about 20 folks or so. Who says they're all from Oregon?

Kallgrl personally knows each and everyone of them. She's got the inside scoop.

LIke she did on the occupation itself? Because most of her claims never actually panned out.
The imprisonment and trumped up charges against protesters.

In front of the justice center in Portland this am...look at those terrifying extremists...

View attachment 71072

Are you sure that is what they are protesting? Wouldn't that be at the Federal Courthouse?
Nope, they are being held at the JUSTICE CENTER in Portland.

People show up every single time they have hearings and sometimes in between as well, to educate the public about the underhanded and illegal nature of the arrests, the murder of LaVoy Finicum, and the ongoing situation in the rural US, where feds are targeting, harassing, killing rural residents and property owners, as well as destroying private property, violating terms of treaties and other long-standing agreements, and denying redress to those who are demanding it..and in fact imprisoning those who demand redress, and charging them with CONSPIRACY for demanding it and discussing the issues over with friends and neighbors.

Currently the fbi scumbags are creeping around trying to get people in the Harney County area to say that Kris Anne Hall called for the "death of federal agents" during the meetings that she has hosted in the area, so they can throw her in jail, too.

What it comes down to..if you object to the flagrant abuse of rural property owners, and the obvious conspiracy between federal agencies (and also between branches of the federal government) to transfer ownership of our rural lands to the feds and their pets, you will be fined, prosecuted, assaulted, imprisoned, and killed.

When you consider what a small population our rural areas are, how poor the people are there now that the feds are in control, and how far they have to travel...the ongoing presence of protesters is amazing. The paper won't report on it, because they are in collusion with the feds.

I haven't read the entire thread, but did you post a link to your allegations?

Whatever, the domestic terrorists deserve their day in court before being sentenced to the crimes the whole world witnessed.

If they go to jail, will taxpayers still have to pay 93% of these welfare queens' grazing fees?
No, because, quite justly, the Bundy's will forfeit the title to that section they own. And most of the 20 or so occupiers were not from Oregon, outsiders with no interest in the welfare of Harney County.

Grant County is different than Harney County in two respects. First, Grant still has an operating sawmill, one, that is. Second, it has more water, by only a little bit, however. Both have a population that was used to good wage mill jobs, and those jobs have dissappeared because of overlogging in the 80's. Many do not want to leave, and all too many are ill prepared to compete for jobs in an urban setting. So, instead of looking for a way to become competative, they look for someone to blame for their loss of economic status. And the rightwingnuts provide that in the form of hating anything to do with the US Government.

However, as we saw in Burns, there are far more that want no part of the wingnuts than there are those with irrational resentment of the fact that they are not competative in todays job market. There were and are more people in both counties that hold the militias and that whole mindset in contempt than there are that support that nonsense.

Without Federal help in the fires of the summer of 2015, there now would be no John Day or Canyon City. Possibly the whole of the southern part of Prairie City would have burned, also. Were it not for the Federal jobs concerning the Forest Service, Wilderness Areas, and Game Refuge, both counties would have about half there present population.
There's a Substantial Federal Presence in Eastern Oregon's Economy - Asset Publisher

As of 2012, the federal government employed an average of 28,100 workers in Oregon. As a share of nonfarm payroll employment, federal workers made up 1.7 percent of the total. In each of the six counties served by this newsletter, the federal workforce was an even bigger piece of the pie.

Graph 1 highlights the precise percentages of federal employment as a share of total nonfarm employment. In Harney and Grant counties, more than one in 10 nonfarm jobs are provided by the federal government. That's over six times the state average.

In fact, there are only two places in Oregon – Sherman County (15.2%) and Lake County (12.1%) – where the federal government is a more important contributor to the local job market than in Harney and Grant counties.

Sherman, Lake, Harney, and Grant are, by far, the Oregon counties most heavily affected by federal employment trends. No other county comes close. After those four, the next highest share in 2012 was in Crook County, at 5.9 percent. Baker County's 4.3 percent put it in sixth place for federal job dependency among Oregon's 36 counties in 2012.

At the other end of the spectrum, Washington County derived merely 0.3 percent of its nonfarm jobs from the federal government in 2012.


Having the Feds out of either county would just about destroy all that is left in either county.
There's a Substantial Federal Presence in Eastern Oregon's Economy - Asset Publisher

As of 2012, the federal government employed an average of 28,100 workers in Oregon. As a share of nonfarm payroll employment, federal workers made up 1.7 percent of the total. In each of the six counties served by this newsletter, the federal workforce was an even bigger piece of the pie.

Graph 1 highlights the precise percentages of federal employment as a share of total nonfarm employment. In Harney and Grant counties, more than one in 10 nonfarm jobs are provided by the federal government. That's over six times the state average.

In fact, there are only two places in Oregon – Sherman County (15.2%) and Lake County (12.1%) – where the federal government is a more important contributor to the local job market than in Harney and Grant counties.

Sherman, Lake, Harney, and Grant are, by far, the Oregon counties most heavily affected by federal employment trends. No other county comes close. After those four, the next highest share in 2012 was in Crook County, at 5.9 percent. Baker County's 4.3 percent put it in sixth place for federal job dependency among Oregon's 36 counties in 2012.

At the other end of the spectrum, Washington County derived merely 0.3 percent of its nonfarm jobs from the federal government in 2012.


Having the Feds out of either county would just about destroy all that is left in either county.

Lol...you can pump that tripe to your gay lover all you like. It isn't true, and the residents of Grant County definitely aren't interested. Grant.county didn't sell out to the feds, and they are staunchly independent. If you kill somebody for trespassing, or in self defense...you'll get off.

Meanwhile, I love.Grant county.
Jury rules county did not discriminate against lesbian job applicant
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If someone causes enough trouble, they find that people don't care to do business with them. And it gets very lonely. No, they are not particularly violent, but they don't like people creating problems and getting negative publicity about the county. Agriculture and tourism is about all that is left in the county, and the type of publicity that Sheriff Palmer has created is not welcome.

How much tourism does Grant and Harney county rake in.

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