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Origins of political correctness

PC assholes wanted to change the name of the New York Jets after 9/11 and the Miami Hurricanes after Hurricane Andrew hit Miami.

Itā€™s so fucking stupid and itā€™s just a way for left wing lunatics to be fascist
Wow- 23 minutes of sustained conspiracy theory.

I remember "Political Correctness" under it's original title, "Being a Decent Human Being."

ā€œDecent human beingā€ is subjective. Conservatives believe saving childā€™s life when they are in the third trimester or just outside the womb is ā€œBeing a Decent Human Being." Conservatives believe defending our borders is
ā€œBeing a Decent Human Being." Some people believe stoning homosexuals or women for their behavior and choices is ā€œBeing a Decent Human Being."

So, aside from you people, who appointed you to be the authority on ā€œBeing a Decent Human Being?ā€

And in the U.S. Liberals and Progressives (Democrats) support Muslims who DO stone Gays, and Women, and would do it here if they could get away with it.
Progressives like Trump do support stoning of gays, in fact most of the repubs prefer to deny gay folks the ability to marry and adopt kids....and forced pregnancies of women to carry full term...
Like Iā€™ve always said ALL progressives are fucked in the head...
Especially the ones that claim to have religion.
ā€œReligionā€ is 100% man madeā€¦ That is the reason why itā€™s so flawed

I agree that they're offensive and shouldn't be used but how far do we go to stop them from being used??

We think in words, people. When you lay down at night and think about what you're going to do tomorrow, you think in words.

You dream in words. You plan in words. You communicate in words

If you give dimocrap scum control of what you can say, you give them control of what you can think.

It's called 'Thought Control' and, yes, it's a real thang


(there I go again)

Not at all. Words are a tool. A tool should be used responsibly. A hammer is good to drive in nails, but not so much when you pound someone's head in with it.

I really can't stop you from thinking the N-word, but if you use it out loud and in public with the intent to degrade and demean people, you should face the consequences.
Sticks and stonesā€¦ And only fuck ups are hurt by words
Wow- 23 minutes of sustained conspiracy theory.

I remember "Political Correctness" under it's original title, "Being a Decent Human Being."

ā€œDecent human beingā€ is subjective. Conservatives believe saving childā€™s life when they are in the third trimester or just outside the womb is ā€œBeing a Decent Human Being." Conservatives believe defending our borders is
ā€œBeing a Decent Human Being." Some people believe stoning homosexuals or women for their behavior and choices is ā€œBeing a Decent Human Being."

So, aside from you people, who appointed you to be the authority on ā€œBeing a Decent Human Being?ā€

And in the U.S. Liberals and Progressives (Democrats) support Muslims who DO stone Gays, and Women, and would do it here if they could get away with it.
Progressives like Trump do support stoning of gays, in fact most of the repubs prefer to deny gay folks the ability to marry and adopt kids....and forced pregnancies of women to carry full term...

Where is the quote of Trump supporting stoning of gays? What is the percentage or number of Republicans denying gays rights to adopt children? There are more forced marriages of underage brides among Muslims vs ā€œforced pregnanciesā€ in the US.
Hence his bigotry....as the asshole sits smugly calling others bigots.

Seriously...he's as stupid as a fckn stump

Naw, if you try to make laws - really dumb laws- based on fear of an imaginary sky pixie based on bronze age writings, you kind of deserve all the disdain I inflict on you.

I mean, I'm glad you aren't going around killing each other over arguments about whether or not Jesus was made out of bread or something. But 2000 years of religious crazy, I kind of have every reason to be concerned.
Says someone who wants to force everyone into the fucking collectiveā€¦ Take your political correctness and shove it up your ass. If itā€™s so great why donā€™t you keep that shit to yourselves?
It's called a background check , financial check and drug test just to have employment to be able to live...That is a collective of underwriters and insurance agents that make sure bad people are punished all their life if they don't comply...Hell of a free society we don't have thanks to the govt. and our magnificent business community...

Once I was sent to a Chest Xray along with the usual Blood test during the interveiw process. White spot determined to be Calcium deposit they let me pass thru. This in mid-90s?

Stormy MacGator would not survive w/o Political Correctness.
Political correctness is being polite in public, and tolerant, towards others, especially towards those you disagree with.

I admit, it is very hard to do, in today's no holds barred society.
I thought it was this:

Someone took it as a "How-to"

Political Correctness = "Newspeak".

Wow- 23 minutes of sustained conspiracy theory.

I remember "Political Correctness" under it's original title, "Being a Decent Human Being."

ā€œDecent human beingā€ is subjective. Conservatives believe saving childā€™s life when they are in the third trimester or just outside the womb is ā€œBeing a Decent Human Being." Conservatives believe defending our borders is
ā€œBeing a Decent Human Being." Some people believe stoning homosexuals or women for their behavior and choices is ā€œBeing a Decent Human Being."

So, aside from you people, who appointed you to be the authority on ā€œBeing a Decent Human Being?ā€

And in the U.S. Liberals and Progressives (Democrats) support Muslims who DO stone Gays, and Women, and would do it here if they could get away with it.
Progressives like Trump do support stoning of gays, in fact most of the repubs prefer to deny gay folks the ability to marry and adopt kids....and forced pregnancies of women to carry full term...
Like Iā€™ve always said ALL progressives are fucked in the head...
Especially the ones that claim to have religion.
Marxism IS a religion. True Christianity isn't a religion, it's a relationship with God.
That may be so, but it's also extremely effective.

These people have Americans from coast to coast terrified of saying "the wrong thing", even when their intent is completely innocent. They have businesses from coast to coast terrified of employing people who say "the wrong thing", even when the intent is completely innocent. They ruin the careers of people for saying or doing "the wrong thing", issuing "consequences" as a way to punish and intimidate.

Stupid, maybe, but effective.

One more time, which word do you want to use sooooo badly that PC Culture keeps you from using? You see, you keep telling us about how you are oppressed and shit, but can never give us an example....
What makes political correctness decent in your mind?
I thought it was this:

Someone took it as a "How-to"

Political Correctness = "Newspeak".

Yep, Thinking for oneā€™s self is about as anti-PC as it gets. Freedom is the enemy of political correctness
Except that fucking loser proudly votes for the group using the marxist strategy to eradicate the free market.

That pathetic fucking loser is worse than JoeB. In the case of JoeB, he is so stupid that he actually believes what is being used by these marxists. He somewhat needs to be pitied.

Mac, every day points out what these fucking marxists are doing and he votes for them.

Fuck that piece of shit.

Buddy, Vichy Mac is on your side. If your level of crazy is so high you are fragging your own, you are a little nutty.

Sorry, man, Capitalism isn't disdained because people can't use racist language.

It's kind of the opposite. Racism is the tool the One Percent uses to get stupid people like you to vote against your own economic interests.

What I learned is that at the end of the day, the Lesbian Hispanic Chick is really in the same boat my lily-white straight ass is in. The one the One Percent is trying to sink. They've been at it since Nixon's Southern Strategy,and you are still falling for it.
You have no idea what the economic and otherwise the interests of conservatives areā€¦ Because youā€™re a fucking progressive. Get a grip man
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That is a good consensus. However, I can be a descent human being while disagreeing with a black politician without me being racist.

You can, if your disagreement is on policy. The problem is you guys completely freaked out when the black guy got elected, even to the point of rejecting your own ideas "Because the black guy did it."

I can be a decent human being while respecting sexual orientation while also respecting a bakerā€™s rights to refuse to do a decoration he is not comfortable with.

Then that baker should find something else to do for a living. The problem with the whole, "My Sky Fairy Says It's Bad" argument if Bakers refused to service to anyone who is in disobedience to biblical rules wouldn't sell a single cake.

Couples who live together, women who wear pants, braids, jewelry, men who have tatoos... guess what. all in violation of the bible.

Itā€™s no different than a Muslim clerk refusing to handle pork or Muslim cab driver refusing to hand bags that contain liquor.

Never had that issue... of course, when I buy pork, it's usually in a package someone has no problem handling.

Here's the thing. If someone did that, they'd get fired. So what you really want is a right for business owners, not employees.

Thereā€™s nothing more ā€œsmall mindedā€ than a progressiveā€¦ They canā€™t help themselves, they absolutely have to control people they disagree with
Political correctness is being polite in public, and tolerant, towards others, especially towards those you disagree with.

I admit, it is very hard to do, in today's no holds barred society.

Na, not really
Political correctness is some repugnant shit... Itā€™s delusional to think any different

And in the U.S. Liberals and Progressives (Democrats) support Muslims who DO stone Gays, and Women, and would do it here if they could get away with it.

yes, because clearly questioning the wisdom of an endless war is the exact same thing as support for their culture.

That is an intellectually dishonest, broad-brushed statement about Conservatives and Obama. This Conservative wanted. Herman Cain or Ben Carson as President; not Obama. Donā€™t give me the ā€œyou guys and the black guyā€ brush.

You didn't nominate either one of these Uncle Toms. Or Alan Keyes for that matter. You guys stick some Stepenfetchit like Keyes, Cain or Carson up on the stage and he blurts out, "Them other negroes sure be shiftless, boss!" and you guys eat that up, but you'd never nominate one of them.
Political correctness is being polite in public, and tolerant, towards others, especially towards those you disagree with.

I admit, it is very hard to do, in today's no holds barred society.

Na, not really
Political correctness is some repugnant shit... Itā€™s delusional to think any different

God bless George Carlin! He did make a whole career out of NOT being politically correct. :lol:

That would not work or be funny, in today's world, because it is an every day occurrence of rudeness and speaking before thinking, and 15 minutes of famers, and the total disregard for what the Bible teaches on it.
PC assholes wanted to change the name of the New York Jets after 9/11 and the Miami Hurricanes after Hurricane Andrew hit Miami.

Itā€™s so fucking stupid and itā€™s just a way for left wing lunatics to be fascist

So how widespread was it. Was it like one guy.

Marxism IS a religion. True Christianity isn't a religion, it's a relationship with God.

Given that there about 100 versions of Christianity, God must be a real slut.
The problem with PC isn't in individual words or phrases.

It's in the way the illiberal authoritarian Left has weaponized it to control, intimidate and punish.

It's also a cowardly and intellectually dishonest way to avoid an honest conversation about issues. Example:
Person 1: "I think Obamacare is a lousy system."

That is NOT the behavior of a liberal.
It's also a cowardly and intellectually dishonest way to avoid an honest conversation about issues. Example:
Person 1: "I think Obamacare is a lousy system."

That is NOT the behavior of a liberal.

The problem with that example is that if you ask some poor white trash who just got insurance for the first time in his life, he says he LOVES the Affordable Care Act... but he hates ObamaCare because he's too stupid to realize they are the same thing.

Or to put it another way, in 2006 Mitt Romney instituted the same system in MA, and Republicans loved, loved, loved it. Romney almost rode to the Republican Nomination on it in 2008, if all the Evangelical assholes didn't reject him for being a Mormon.

Then Obama got elected and instituted it... and suddenly EVERYONE Hated the idea. Romney distanced himself from his own plan, and the Evangelicals suddenly learned to love Mormons because OH MY GOD THERE'S A BLACK MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!

But when you pin these wingnuts down to what they don't like, they really can't say things like,"I think the insurance companies should totally be able to deny you coverage after you've paid your premium".

So they screamed about how Obama was from Kenya and a socialist!
My observation is it is an attemp to blunt factually correct speech in favor of speech that can create a comfort level for both sides.
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And in the U.S. Liberals and Progressives (Democrats) support Muslims who DO stone Gays, and Women, and would do it here if they could get away with it.

yes, because clearly questioning the wisdom of an endless war is the exact same thing as support for their culture.

That is an intellectually dishonest, broad-brushed statement about Conservatives and Obama. This Conservative wanted. Herman Cain or Ben Carson as President; not Obama. Donā€™t give me the ā€œyou guys and the black guyā€ brush.

You didn't nominate either one of these Uncle Toms. Or Alan Keyes for that matter. You guys stick some Stepenfetchit like Keyes, Cain or Carson up on the stage and he blurts out, "Them other negroes sure be shiftless, boss!" and you guys eat that up, but you'd never nominate one of them.

Very politically incorrect terms woven into your retort, referring to Blacks in 2019 as Uncle Tom and Stepenfetchet.

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