Past Presidents Agree that Border is a Crisis


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
So every President we have had since Ronald Reagan was in office agreed that the border was a severe problem or crisis and promised to take action to fix it.

this problem has festered now since at least 1986 and liberals want to pitch a fit because Trump is actually trying to fix this problem?

This is the height of hypocrisy and corporate cronyism.

A Crisis At The Border? The Numbers Say Yes | Investor's Business Daily

In 1982, for example, President Ronald Reagan said that "The ongoing migration of persons to the United States in violation of our laws is a serious national problem detrimental to the interests of the United States."

President Bill Clinton said in his 1995 State of the Union address that "All Americans … are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country." That's why, he said, "our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders."

President George Bush, in a prime-time Oval Office speech in 2006, declared that securing the U.S. border is a basic responsibility of a sovereign nation. It is also an urgent requirement of our national security."

Bush also promised to end the practice of catch-and-release "once and for all." He said that "people will know that they'll be caught and sent home if they enter our country illegally."

President Barack Obama in 2005 declared that "we simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked." And in 2014 even he admitted there was a crisis on the border — one that he did virtually nothing to fix. (Apprehensions at the border last year were almost the same as in 2014.)

Yet despite repeated promises by presidents and Congress for the past three decades, the border remains nearly as porous as ever. And catch-and-release is still alive and well. Is it any wonder so many try to cross the border illegally every month?

Isn't the failure of leaders to do what they all say is necessary to protect national security interests the very definition of a crisis at the border?

Democrats, it seems, want to label everything a crisis. We have a health care crisis. A clean water crisis. A "food desert" crisis. An infrastructure crisis. A homelessness crisis.

Democrats label just about everything a crisis. Why? Because they want to whip up public support for bigger, more expensive, more intrusive government programs.

Everything, that is, except for the very real, long-standing crisis posed by a porous border that each year lets in tens of thousands of illegals.​
So every President we have had since Ronald Reagan was in office agreed that the border was a severe problem or crisis and promised to take action to fix it.

this problem has festered now since at least 1986 and liberals want to pitch a fit because Trump is actually trying to fix this problem?

This is the height of hypocrisy and corporate cronyism.

A Crisis At The Border? The Numbers Say Yes | Investor's Business Daily

In 1982, for example, President Ronald Reagan said that "The ongoing migration of persons to the United States in violation of our laws is a serious national problem detrimental to the interests of the United States."

President Bill Clinton said in his 1995 State of the Union address that "All Americans … are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country." That's why, he said, "our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders."

President George Bush, in a prime-time Oval Office speech in 2006, declared that securing the U.S. border is a basic responsibility of a sovereign nation. It is also an urgent requirement of our national security."

Bush also promised to end the practice of catch-and-release "once and for all." He said that "people will know that they'll be caught and sent home if they enter our country illegally."

President Barack Obama in 2005 declared that "we simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked." And in 2014 even he admitted there was a crisis on the border — one that he did virtually nothing to fix. (Apprehensions at the border last year were almost the same as in 2014.)

Yet despite repeated promises by presidents and Congress for the past three decades, the border remains nearly as porous as ever. And catch-and-release is still alive and well. Is it any wonder so many try to cross the border illegally every month?

Isn't the failure of leaders to do what they all say is necessary to protect national security interests the very definition of a crisis at the border?

Democrats, it seems, want to label everything a crisis. We have a health care crisis. A clean water crisis. A "food desert" crisis. An infrastructure crisis. A homelessness crisis.

Democrats label just about everything a crisis. Why? Because they want to whip up public support for bigger, more expensive, more intrusive government programs.

Everything, that is, except for the very real, long-standing crisis posed by a porous border that each year lets in tens of thousands of illegals.​

Truer words were never spoken. We've had a national emergency at the border for decades.

Glad Trump is doing something about it.
Trump can flail all he wants, but he is breaking the constitution, the Congress has the power of the purse, not the President.
So consider the following scenario:

It's 2021, and the newly-inaugurated Democratic President declares a NATIONAL EMERGENCY related to "climate change" and announces a series of Executive Orders (overturning multiple existing laws and regulations) intended to reduce the country's "carbon footprint."

Would any of the Leftists who currently howling that "THIS IS NOT AN EMERGENCY" be doing the same thing? Would they be saying that the President is exceeding her Constitutional mandate? Would these Attorneys General and the ACLU be suing the government?

Does anybody reading this believe that the reaction would be the same to a perfectly analogous Leftist Presidential action?
None of them shut down the government or attempted to loot the treasury over the issue. It only became a crisis when the blob started kidnapping young kids; 3 of whom have died in his concentration camps
Trump can flail all he wants, but he is breaking the constitution, the Congress has the power of the purse, not the President.
not the way you think. they make money available, that's it, they don't get to control how it is spent. so you're wrong.
So every President we have had since Ronald Reagan was in office agreed that the border was a severe problem or crisis and promised to take action to fix it.

this problem has festered now since at least 1986 and liberals want to pitch a fit because Trump is actually trying to fix this problem?

This is the height of hypocrisy and corporate cronyism.

A Crisis At The Border? The Numbers Say Yes | Investor's Business Daily

In 1982, for example, President Ronald Reagan said that "The ongoing migration of persons to the United States in violation of our laws is a serious national problem detrimental to the interests of the United States."

President Bill Clinton said in his 1995 State of the Union address that "All Americans … are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country." That's why, he said, "our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders."

President George Bush, in a prime-time Oval Office speech in 2006, declared that securing the U.S. border is a basic responsibility of a sovereign nation. It is also an urgent requirement of our national security."

Bush also promised to end the practice of catch-and-release "once and for all." He said that "people will know that they'll be caught and sent home if they enter our country illegally."

President Barack Obama in 2005 declared that "we simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked." And in 2014 even he admitted there was a crisis on the border — one that he did virtually nothing to fix. (Apprehensions at the border last year were almost the same as in 2014.)

Yet despite repeated promises by presidents and Congress for the past three decades, the border remains nearly as porous as ever. And catch-and-release is still alive and well. Is it any wonder so many try to cross the border illegally every month?

Isn't the failure of leaders to do what they all say is necessary to protect national security interests the very definition of a crisis at the border?

Democrats, it seems, want to label everything a crisis. We have a health care crisis. A clean water crisis. A "food desert" crisis. An infrastructure crisis. A homelessness crisis.

Democrats label just about everything a crisis. Why? Because they want to whip up public support for bigger, more expensive, more intrusive government programs.

Everything, that is, except for the very real, long-standing crisis posed by a porous border that each year lets in tens of thousands of illegals.​
WE don't want to waste 8 billion on a 40' concrete wall when the money would be best spent elsewhere on border seciuitry.

Will you assfucks quit lying about this. You are getting quite pathetic.

The Democrats gave him money & he turned it down. Had to have a shutdown. So Fuck You & Fuck your lies & Fuck your fake emergency & Fuck your fast assed orange buddy.
Trump can flail all he wants, but he is breaking the constitution, the Congress has the power of the purse, not the President.
not the way you think. they make money available, that's it, they don't get to control how it is spent. so you're wrong.
Nope, you're wrong. :)

They have the power of appropriations as well.... look it up.

Our presidents were given the power via congressional legislation to manage the money that congress has allocated....for the specific legislation.

But in this case, our congressional 'representatives voted specifically to deny the President the funding the President requested.... they said NO.
So every President we have had since Ronald Reagan was in office agreed that the border was a severe problem or crisis and promised to take action to fix it.

this problem has festered now since at least 1986 and liberals want to pitch a fit because Trump is actually trying to fix this problem?

This is the height of hypocrisy and corporate cronyism.

A Crisis At The Border? The Numbers Say Yes | Investor's Business Daily

In 1982, for example, President Ronald Reagan said that "The ongoing migration of persons to the United States in violation of our laws is a serious national problem detrimental to the interests of the United States."

President Bill Clinton said in his 1995 State of the Union address that "All Americans … are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country." That's why, he said, "our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders."

President George Bush, in a prime-time Oval Office speech in 2006, declared that securing the U.S. border is a basic responsibility of a sovereign nation. It is also an urgent requirement of our national security."

Bush also promised to end the practice of catch-and-release "once and for all." He said that "people will know that they'll be caught and sent home if they enter our country illegally."

President Barack Obama in 2005 declared that "we simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked." And in 2014 even he admitted there was a crisis on the border — one that he did virtually nothing to fix. (Apprehensions at the border last year were almost the same as in 2014.)

Yet despite repeated promises by presidents and Congress for the past three decades, the border remains nearly as porous as ever. And catch-and-release is still alive and well. Is it any wonder so many try to cross the border illegally every month?

Isn't the failure of leaders to do what they all say is necessary to protect national security interests the very definition of a crisis at the border?

Democrats, it seems, want to label everything a crisis. We have a health care crisis. A clean water crisis. A "food desert" crisis. An infrastructure crisis. A homelessness crisis.

Democrats label just about everything a crisis. Why? Because they want to whip up public support for bigger, more expensive, more intrusive government programs.

Everything, that is, except for the very real, long-standing crisis posed by a porous border that each year lets in tens of thousands of illegals.​
WE don't want to waste 8 billion on a 40' concrete wall when the money would be best spent elsewhere on border seciuitry.

Will you assfucks quit lying about this. You are getting quite pathetic.

The Democrats gave him money & he turned it down. Had to have a shutdown. So Fuck You & Fuck your lies & Fuck your fake emergency & Fuck your fast assed orange buddy.

Nah. You'd rather we tax payers spend billions every year of illegals.

You also have no problem with American citizens being robbed, raped and murder by illegals.

You also have no problem with anchor babies.

Oh and lets not forget the thousands at our border right now seeking asylum even though Mexico offered them all asylum.

You couldn't care less about our Southern border security.

Carry on you illegal loving dipshit.
So every President we have had since Ronald Reagan was in office agreed that the border was a severe problem or crisis and promised to take action to fix it.

this problem has festered now since at least 1986 and liberals want to pitch a fit because Trump is actually trying to fix this problem?

This is the height of hypocrisy and corporate cronyism.

A Crisis At The Border? The Numbers Say Yes | Investor's Business Daily

In 1982, for example, President Ronald Reagan said that "The ongoing migration of persons to the United States in violation of our laws is a serious national problem detrimental to the interests of the United States."

President Bill Clinton said in his 1995 State of the Union address that "All Americans … are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country." That's why, he said, "our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders."

President George Bush, in a prime-time Oval Office speech in 2006, declared that securing the U.S. border is a basic responsibility of a sovereign nation. It is also an urgent requirement of our national security."

Bush also promised to end the practice of catch-and-release "once and for all." He said that "people will know that they'll be caught and sent home if they enter our country illegally."

President Barack Obama in 2005 declared that "we simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked." And in 2014 even he admitted there was a crisis on the border — one that he did virtually nothing to fix. (Apprehensions at the border last year were almost the same as in 2014.)

Yet despite repeated promises by presidents and Congress for the past three decades, the border remains nearly as porous as ever. And catch-and-release is still alive and well. Is it any wonder so many try to cross the border illegally every month?

Isn't the failure of leaders to do what they all say is necessary to protect national security interests the very definition of a crisis at the border?

Democrats, it seems, want to label everything a crisis. We have a health care crisis. A clean water crisis. A "food desert" crisis. An infrastructure crisis. A homelessness crisis.

Democrats label just about everything a crisis. Why? Because they want to whip up public support for bigger, more expensive, more intrusive government programs.

Everything, that is, except for the very real, long-standing crisis posed by a porous border that each year lets in tens of thousands of illegals.​
a crisis, is not a National emergency. The president has more money than he knows what to do with according to him....
Trump can flail all he wants, but he is breaking the constitution, the Congress has the power of the purse, not the President.
not the way you think. they make money available, that's it, they don't get to control how it is spent. so you're wrong.
Nope, you're wrong. :)

They have the power of appropriations as well.... look it up.

Our presidents were given the power via congressional legislation to manage the money that congress has allocated....for the specific legislation.

But in this case, our congressional 'representatives voted specifically to deny the President the funding the President requested.... they said NO.
previous money he can use. you just said so, so I'm correct. you even proved my point. thanks,

Our presidents were given the power via congressional legislation to manage the money
Pres's on border.jpg
Of course there is a crisis. Trump's lawyers only need to read the words of Barack Obama to the SCOTUS to reaffirm Trump needs to declare a national emergency since the Democratic House won't do it's job.
So consider the following scenario:

It's 2021, and the newly-inaugurated Democratic President declares a NATIONAL EMERGENCY related to "climate change" and announces a series of Executive Orders (overturning multiple existing laws and regulations) intended to reduce the country's "carbon footprint."

Would any of the Leftists who currently howling that "THIS IS NOT AN EMERGENCY" be doing the same thing? Would they be saying that the President is exceeding her Constitutional mandate? Would these Attorneys General and the ACLU be suing the government?

Does anybody reading this believe that the reaction would be the same to a perfectly analogous Leftist Presidential action?
Although the actions called for would be welcome, it would be recognized as a reach & not follow the law.

Republicans used to recognize that too. Like when Bush tried to put Fannie & Freddy oversight in the White House taking it from Congress. Republicans said no.
So every President we have had since Ronald Reagan was in office agreed that the border was a severe problem or crisis and promised to take action to fix it.

this problem has festered now since at least 1986 and liberals want to pitch a fit because Trump is actually trying to fix this problem?

This is the height of hypocrisy and corporate cronyism.

A Crisis At The Border? The Numbers Say Yes | Investor's Business Daily

In 1982, for example, President Ronald Reagan said that "The ongoing migration of persons to the United States in violation of our laws is a serious national problem detrimental to the interests of the United States."

President Bill Clinton said in his 1995 State of the Union address that "All Americans … are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country." That's why, he said, "our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders."

President George Bush, in a prime-time Oval Office speech in 2006, declared that securing the U.S. border is a basic responsibility of a sovereign nation. It is also an urgent requirement of our national security."

Bush also promised to end the practice of catch-and-release "once and for all." He said that "people will know that they'll be caught and sent home if they enter our country illegally."

President Barack Obama in 2005 declared that "we simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked." And in 2014 even he admitted there was a crisis on the border — one that he did virtually nothing to fix. (Apprehensions at the border last year were almost the same as in 2014.)

Yet despite repeated promises by presidents and Congress for the past three decades, the border remains nearly as porous as ever. And catch-and-release is still alive and well. Is it any wonder so many try to cross the border illegally every month?

Isn't the failure of leaders to do what they all say is necessary to protect national security interests the very definition of a crisis at the border?

Democrats, it seems, want to label everything a crisis. We have a health care crisis. A clean water crisis. A "food desert" crisis. An infrastructure crisis. A homelessness crisis.

Democrats label just about everything a crisis. Why? Because they want to whip up public support for bigger, more expensive, more intrusive government programs.

Everything, that is, except for the very real, long-standing crisis posed by a porous border that each year lets in tens of thousands of illegals.​
WE don't want to waste 8 billion on a 40' concrete wall when the money would be best spent elsewhere on border seciuitry.

Will you assfucks quit lying about this. You are getting quite pathetic.

The Democrats gave him money & he turned it down. Had to have a shutdown. So Fuck You & Fuck your lies & Fuck your fake emergency & Fuck your fast assed orange buddy.

Nah. You'd rather we tax payers spend billions every year of illegals.

You also have no problem with American citizens being robbed, raped and murder by illegals.

You also have no problem with anchor babies.

Oh and lets not forget the thousands at our border right now seeking asylum even though Mexico offered them all asylum.

You couldn't care less about our Southern border security.

Carry on you illegal loving dipshit.

Both parties passed spending on border security dumbass.

Anchor babies is in the Constitution. I thought you loved the Constitution.

The violent crime rate among illegals is lower than among US citizens.
So every President we have had since Ronald Reagan was in office agreed that the border was a severe problem or crisis and promised to take action to fix it.

this problem has festered now since at least 1986 and liberals want to pitch a fit because Trump is actually trying to fix this problem?

This is the height of hypocrisy and corporate cronyism.

A Crisis At The Border? The Numbers Say Yes | Investor's Business Daily

In 1982, for example, President Ronald Reagan said that "The ongoing migration of persons to the United States in violation of our laws is a serious national problem detrimental to the interests of the United States."

President Bill Clinton said in his 1995 State of the Union address that "All Americans … are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country." That's why, he said, "our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders."

President George Bush, in a prime-time Oval Office speech in 2006, declared that securing the U.S. border is a basic responsibility of a sovereign nation. It is also an urgent requirement of our national security."

Bush also promised to end the practice of catch-and-release "once and for all." He said that "people will know that they'll be caught and sent home if they enter our country illegally."

President Barack Obama in 2005 declared that "we simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked." And in 2014 even he admitted there was a crisis on the border — one that he did virtually nothing to fix. (Apprehensions at the border last year were almost the same as in 2014.)

Yet despite repeated promises by presidents and Congress for the past three decades, the border remains nearly as porous as ever. And catch-and-release is still alive and well. Is it any wonder so many try to cross the border illegally every month?

Isn't the failure of leaders to do what they all say is necessary to protect national security interests the very definition of a crisis at the border?

Democrats, it seems, want to label everything a crisis. We have a health care crisis. A clean water crisis. A "food desert" crisis. An infrastructure crisis. A homelessness crisis.

Democrats label just about everything a crisis. Why? Because they want to whip up public support for bigger, more expensive, more intrusive government programs.

Everything, that is, except for the very real, long-standing crisis posed by a porous border that each year lets in tens of thousands of illegals.​
WE don't want to waste 8 billion on a 40' concrete wall when the money would be best spent elsewhere on border seciuitry.

Will you assfucks quit lying about this. You are getting quite pathetic.

The Democrats gave him money & he turned it down. Had to have a shutdown. So Fuck You & Fuck your lies & Fuck your fake emergency & Fuck your fast assed orange buddy.

Nah. You'd rather we tax payers spend billions every year of illegals.

You also have no problem with American citizens being robbed, raped and murder by illegals.

You also have no problem with anchor babies.

Oh and lets not forget the thousands at our border right now seeking asylum even though Mexico offered them all asylum.

You couldn't care less about our Southern border security.

Carry on you illegal loving dipshit.

Both parties passed spending on border security dumbass.

Anchor babies is in the Constitution. I thought you loved the Constitution.

The violent crime rate among illegals is
lower than among US citizens.

You bet. The same wall Pelousy and UpChuck wanted a few years ago is the same one Trump wants now. Our border isn't secure and hasn't been for decades.

Oh if that amendment makes it to the supreme court the anchor baby bullshit will go away. Its all about jurisdiction.

Don't care how you look at it. Having illegals rob, rape and murder American citizens is something that can be prevented.

I'm sure if one of your loved ones were robbed, raped or killed by an illegal you would be singing a far different tune.

You sure are an illegal loving asshole.
Trump can flail all he wants, but he is breaking the constitution, the Congress has the power of the purse, not the President.
not the way you think. they make money available, that's it, they don't get to control how it is spent. so you're wrong.
Nope, you're wrong. :)

They have the power of appropriations as well.... look it up.

Our presidents were given the power via congressional legislation to manage the money that congress has allocated....for the specific legislation.

But in this case, our congressional 'representatives voted specifically to deny the President the funding the President requested.... they said NO.
previous money he can use. you just said so, so I'm correct. you even proved my point. thanks,

Our presidents were given the power via congressional legislation to manage the money
Manage the money they, the Congress has appropriated for each project they appropriated it for...

He can not go outside of what congress voted on...And appropriated PERIOD.

You'll see.... even the Supreme court will not support what the President has done.... imo.... most justices are constitutionalists on the conservatists side.....
Trump can flail all he wants, but he is breaking the constitution, the Congress has the power of the purse, not the President.
not the way you think. they make money available, that's it, they don't get to control how it is spent. so you're wrong.
Nope, you're wrong. :)

They have the power of appropriations as well.... look it up.

Our presidents were given the power via congressional legislation to manage the money that congress has allocated....for the specific legislation.

But in this case, our congressional 'representatives voted specifically to deny the President the funding the President requested.... they said NO.
previous money he can use. you just said so, so I'm correct. you even proved my point. thanks,

Our presidents were given the power via congressional legislation to manage the money
Manage the money they, the Congress has appropriated for each project they appropriated it for...

He can not go outside of what congress voted on...And appropriated PERIOD.

You'll see.... even the Supreme court will not support what the President has done.... imo.... most justices are constitutionalists on the conservatists side.....
um nope. he may reappropriate funds. sorry, just a fact.
Trump can flail all he wants, but he is breaking the constitution, the Congress has the power of the purse, not the President.
not the way you think. they make money available, that's it, they don't get to control how it is spent. so you're wrong.
Nope, you're wrong. :)

They have the power of appropriations as well.... look it up.

Our presidents were given the power via congressional legislation to manage the money that congress has allocated....for the specific legislation.

But in this case, our congressional 'representatives voted specifically to deny the President the funding the President requested.... they said NO.
previous money he can use. you just said so, so I'm correct. you even proved my point. thanks,

Our presidents were given the power via congressional legislation to manage the money
Manage the money they, the Congress has appropriated for each project they appropriated it for...

He can not go outside of what congress voted on...And appropriated PERIOD.

You'll see.... even the Supreme court will not support what the President has done.... imo.... most justices are constitutionalists on the conservatists side.....
um nope. he may reappropriate funds. sorry, just a fact.
I'm sure you can show me where the Constitution states such...

He can re-appropriate funds in a National Emergency, Hurricane victims need immediate money, FEMA needs more funds to give Firefighters to fight a roaring fire sweeping through neighborhoods etc.... are National Emergencies where immediate funds are needed and there is no time to have Congress, appropriate these immediately needed funds.

Congress, our Representatives, did not see this as a National Emergency or they would have funded it as one, in the bill they passed.

Truly, this is not a good precedent to set. It takes away every measure our founders put in to the constitution to make Congress an equal power of government to the Executive branch, and makes the congress, from this point forward, subservient to the Executive branch/the President....

AND THAT takes the power we citizens have in our representation, away.
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