Paul Ryan Takes Apart the IRS Commissioner

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Ryan lays out why anything coming out of the IRS is beyond believable. The list of lies gets bigger and bigger.
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Notice when Koskinen says he didn't find out about crash in Feb.?
Later he back tracked and said he did, yet never notified the Committee, had even been before them and never mentioned it to them.

It was a one sided hearing, if you watched it. Only one Dem tried to ask any questions.
Maybe Issa and Ryan can form a sort of Wonder Twins relationship.

That way Issa can take the shape of bullshit.

And Ryan can take the shape of a monkey.

Then he can fling Issa all over the place.


Wonder Twins power ACTIVATE!
Maybe Issa and Ryan can form a sort of Wonder Twins relationship.

That way Issa can take the shape of bullshit.

And Ryan can take the shape of a monkey.

Then he can fling Issa all over the place.


Wonder Twins power ACTIVATE!

And the Obama Defense Team kicks in with their usual crap. If this is the best you got, this is a real real issue for the administration.
Maybe Issa and Ryan can form a sort of Wonder Twins relationship.

That way Issa can take the shape of bullshit.

And Ryan can take the shape of a monkey.

Then he can fling Issa all over the place.


Wonder Twins power ACTIVATE!

And the Obama Defense Team kicks in with their usual crap. If this is the best you got, this is a real real issue for the administration.

What usual crap?

Did you even bother to hear the exchange?

Ryan engaged in a non-sequitur.

He's an asshole anyway..what the fuck does he care about the average Tax Payer.

The IRS has provided close to a million documents in this obviously partisan fishing expedition.

And Issa's behaved like a complete incompetent fuck up.

He goes on the Morning shows making accusations. He leaks out parts of emails and/or documents that "sound" like they support what he's saying. THEN the administration has to release the full document to show he's full of shit.

I'm glad the Commissioner told him to go fuck himself.
Maybe Issa and Ryan can form a sort of Wonder Twins relationship.

That way Issa can take the shape of bullshit.

And Ryan can take the shape of a monkey.

Then he can fling Issa all over the place.


Wonder Twins power ACTIVATE!

Partisan support of corruption is exactly why it happens, regardless of which party is in control.
Maybe Issa and Ryan can form a sort of Wonder Twins relationship.

That way Issa can take the shape of bullshit.

And Ryan can take the shape of a monkey.

Then he can fling Issa all over the place.


Wonder Twins power ACTIVATE!

You can always tell when the rodents are running scared. They make a post like the one above doing nothing but personally attacking anyone and everyone threatening their Socialist Utopia.
Maybe Issa and Ryan can form a sort of Wonder Twins relationship.

That way Issa can take the shape of bullshit.

And Ryan can take the shape of a monkey.

Then he can fling Issa all over the place.


Wonder Twins power ACTIVATE!

Surely this is not going to be a "troll" day for you Sallow? And certainly not in the Politics forum. You know. Where it's against the rules?
Rabbi, why do you think Ryan lying on camera is news? That's just a dog bites man story. If Ryan told the truth, that would be something to post about. Do you have any examples of that?

It must be a slow day for the ODS kooks, if that's the best lie they could come up with. Ryan himself sounded very upset. Almost in tears, probably because all of his fake scandals are going nowhere. And the ODS whiners here are crying as well. Nobody pays attention to their cult any more. That's clearly got them flustered.
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I was just reading about this at DM. Ryan drilled him a new orifice. :lol:

Ryan just kills with "you expect taxpayers to keep their records for 7 years and you can't keep emails for six months".
Rabbit, why do you think Ryan lying on camera is news? That's just a dog bites man story. If Ryan told the truth, that would be something to post about. Do you have any examples of that?

I'm no fan of Paul Ryan.. he's a RINO prick but what exactly is he lying about?
Here's part of a hysterical exchange on the Morning Joe. It's worth the read at the link.

“I like how they use the word ‘recycle,’” Scarborough interrupted. “Instead of ‘We trashed the evidence and tore it up and buried it. No, we were earth friendly.’”

“Have you ever heard that?” he continued. “Like what if a mobster went before a panel? ‘Where is the body?’”

“‘We recycled it!’” Scarborough crowed in a fake Russian accent.

“We compost,” Geist jumped in. “We compost out back.”

'Morning Joe' Rips On IRS Over 'Recycled' Lerner Computer | The Daily Caller
Rabbit, why do you think Ryan lying on camera is news? That's just a dog bites man story. If Ryan told the truth, that would be something to post about. Do you have any examples of that?

We understand that you are pretty dim. But please tell us where Ryan lied. Koskinen lied right there when he said he had only heard about the mising emails last week. The IRS notified Justice and the WH back i Feb. Wby didt they notify Congress, which was actually investigating?
We need to eliminate the IRS its toxic waste. Eliminate the entire agency. Close it and sell the assets on eBay

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The acting IRS commission was initially appointed by W. He came out of retirement for this. Ryan was campaigning and playing for the FOX cameras. Nothing here to see...move along please.
The acting IRS commission was initially appointed by W. He came out of retirement for this. Ryan was campaigning and playing for the FOX cameras. Nothing here to see...move along please.

So irrelevance combined with stupidity and ignoranec.
Nothing new for you.

Why did the IRS wait for months before notifying Congress?
Maybe Issa and Ryan can form a sort of Wonder Twins relationship.

That way Issa can take the shape of bullshit.

And Ryan can take the shape of a monkey.

Then he can fling Issa all over the place.


Wonder Twins power ACTIVATE!

How typically liberal of you....can't come up with a legitimate argument to combat the exposure of unmitigated FRAUD in the Obama administration so you resort to cute little imaginary characters to denigrate those exposing the fraud.

Constitutional law means nothing to liberals. Machiavelli would be so proud of you!
Maybe Issa and Ryan can form a sort of Wonder Twins relationship.

That way Issa can take the shape of bullshit.

And Ryan can take the shape of a monkey.

Then he can fling Issa all over the place.


Wonder Twins power ACTIVATE!

And the Obama Defense Team kicks in with their usual crap. If this is the best you got, this is a real real issue for the administration.

What usual crap?

Did you even bother to hear the exchange?

Ryan engaged in a non-sequitur.

He's an asshole anyway..what the fuck does he care about the average Tax Payer.

The IRS has provided close to a million documents in this obviously partisan fishing expedition.

And Issa's behaved like a complete incompetent fuck up.

He goes on the Morning shows making accusations. He leaks out parts of emails and/or documents that "sound" like they support what he's saying. THEN the administration has to release the full document to show he's full of shit.

I'm glad the Commissioner told him to go fuck himself.

I would like very much to read that full document.
Do you have a link?

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