People walk out of CPAC when Cruz attacks Trump

Gingrich and O'Reily are spot on here.

At the end of WW2, the USA had the only major industrial complex untouched by war. Our GDP was hugely globally dominant in the post war 1940s, and we put into laws great many incentives for our nations businesses to invest and grow into allied nations. Those laws have been tweaked over the decades to include almost any nation with 'favored nation' status. And then we set up NAFTA and GATT to compound all of that.

Well, news flash to the GOP Establishment, the rest of the world has recovered, and the continuation of all these laws is killing us. We are no longer the completely dominant global economy we once were, and China is almost bigger than we are in terms of GDP. So we dont need to continnue these laws and policies any more.

The trouble is that the GOP establishment is composed of a whole bunch of these Globalony people who still make a killing with these policies and they dont want to lose that even if it means that the rest of the country is fucked on a daily basis.
And yet Trump came in third at cpac. Wonder why people don't think he is conservative

As some said in the comments when is Cruz gonna start telling folks why they should vote for him and not AGAINST someone else? Not like I would ever vote for him just saying.

Cruz has put forward his ideas on a daily basis. I hear him talk about his ideas vs Trumps rhetoric all the time. That is how you draw a contrast.

So tell me, Why do I hear the phrase "little Marco" every time Trump talks? And not just once or twice but at least 10 times every time he talks about Rubio. Is Trump vying for the 10 and under voting block?
Alright now you see why Trump counters back with all the talk Cruz has been doing. Hey Ted, both of you on are in the same party. Can't be attacking fellow Republicans like that.

Trump is a fair weather republicrat. He has literally been on every side of every issue depending on the audience. They are in the same "party" but they do not share the same principles.

Then again Trump has no discernible principles. He's the world's richest professional clown.

Trump has the same principles as most of America.
Trump has the same principles as you. Conservative one day, liberal the next, no mooring to anything resembling character or conviction; whatever pisses off the most people is what you're for. Its as simple as that.

Seriously, when was the last time you had a good day or posted ANYTHING positive? Basically you want the world to be as miserable as you.

This is why he can win New York and why he can peel off millions of votes from Hillary. It's as simple as that.
He could have won NY. Until he started acting like the GOP base. Now he's just another blowhard with no ideas except to poke fun at he others

Their only hope is to paint him as a bigot.
Not hard since he has said Mexicans are rapists, Muslims should be banned, and hesitated to disavow the KKK's support of him blaming it on a bad ear piece.

The Republican's only hope is they can convince enough people that he's dishonest and a crook, but every single thing they brought up during the last debate turned out to be smoke and mirrors, based on half-truths if not fabrications.
He flip flopped on H1B visas and torture during one debate then flipped back again after the debate. He is dishonest. The Trump University scandal should illustrate if he is crooked or not.

You were given an opportunity to get a picture with a cardboard cut out of him....can anything be more cheap than that?

It's clear that they have been open about their desire to stop him. Not Democrats, but Republicans are willing to sell out to destroy the guy that seems to be the favorite choice of their voters.
Voters who wish to destroy the GOP. Like yourself.

There's something deeply insulting about that to anyone that believes in Democracy and fairness. This is a political party that has pulled this stunt, not once, but 3 times. The result was we lost to flawed Democrats when we should have won. The only guy we did get in the White House put in place the justice that gave Obama his ACA on a silver platter.

As always, the calculus was wrong. No way you win in 2008 with a war going terribly, a $700B bail out that wasn't Barney Frank's fault fuckwad, and running into a buzzsaw. I'll give you 2012. You guys couldn't figure out that if you come at Obama from the right, you lose; you have to soften his base. And you're going to lose coming at Hillary from the right if the election were held in today's climate.
Cruz won last night in caucus states, where turnout is much lower, and they favor candidates who are extremely well organized, rather than ones like Trump, who are bringing disaffected voters back into the GOP system. Only Hawaii and Utah of the remaining States hold such caucus elections....

As some said in the comments when is Cruz gonna start telling folks why they should vote for him and not AGAINST someone else? Not like I would ever vote for him just saying.

Cruz has put forward his ideas on a daily basis. I hear him talk about his ideas vs Trumps rhetoric all the time. That is how you draw a contrast.

So tell me, Why do I hear the phrase "little Marco" every time Trump talks? And not just once or twice but at least 10 times every time he talks about Rubio. Is Trump vying for the 10 and under voting block?

I give Grumps a hard at time as anyone here but he is 100% correct on this score.
Alright now you see why Trump counters back with all the talk Cruz has been doing. Hey Ted, both of you on are in the same party. Can't be attacking fellow Republicans like that.

Trump is a fair weather republicrat. He has literally been on every side of every issue depending on the audience. They are in the same "party" but they do not share the same principles.

Then again Trump has no discernible principles. He's the world's richest professional clown.

Trump has the same principles as most of America.
Trump has the same principles as you. Conservative one day, liberal the next, no mooring to anything resembling character or conviction; whatever pisses off the most people is what you're for. Its as simple as that.

Seriously, when was the last time you had a good day or posted ANYTHING positive? Basically you want the world to be as miserable as you.

This is why he can win New York and why he can peel off millions of votes from Hillary. It's as simple as that.
He could have won NY. Until he started acting like the GOP base. Now he's just another blowhard with no ideas except to poke fun at he others

Their only hope is to paint him as a bigot.
Not hard since he has said Mexicans are rapists, Muslims should be banned, and hesitated to disavow the KKK's support of him blaming it on a bad ear piece.

The Republican's only hope is they can convince enough people that he's dishonest and a crook, but every single thing they brought up during the last debate turned out to be smoke and mirrors, based on half-truths if not fabrications.
He flip flopped on H1B visas and torture during one debate then flipped back again after the debate. He is dishonest. The Trump University scandal should illustrate if he is crooked or not.

You were given an opportunity to get a picture with a cardboard cut out of him....can anything be more cheap than that?

It's clear that they have been open about their desire to stop him. Not Democrats, but Republicans are willing to sell out to destroy the guy that seems to be the favorite choice of their voters.
Voters who wish to destroy the GOP. Like yourself.

There's something deeply insulting about that to anyone that believes in Democracy and fairness. This is a political party that has pulled this stunt, not once, but 3 times. The result was we lost to flawed Democrats when we should have won. The only guy we did get in the White House put in place the justice that gave Obama his ACA on a silver platter.

As always, the calculus was wrong. No way you win in 2008 with a war going terribly, a $700B bail out that wasn't Barney Frank's fault fuckwad, and running into a buzzsaw. I'll give you 2012. You guys couldn't figure out that if you come at Obama from the right, you lose; you have to soften his base. And you're going to lose coming at Hillary from the right if the election were held in today's climate.

Assumptions are fun!

As some said in the comments when is Cruz gonna start telling folks why they should vote for him and not AGAINST someone else? Not like I would ever vote for him just saying.


Someday he will learn that having the savior also comes with the responsibility of 'the anointing of salvation with him'. He gave himself over to a lie so he is being given over to his own carnally minded desires for the moment. He may very well grow up one day and realize that.

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