Per Fox News: Gunman was registered democrat

He was a Democrat, but he hated gays. Not a very good Democrat.

Democrats are the true haters of anything and everything. Just because the "gays" are part of their protected class does not mean they can not hate them..

But then again Muslims are part of the far left protected class as well..

So one protected class is killing the other protected class.

Muslim is a protected class by the Constitution.

Another far left drone proving they do not understand the Constitution, they just run their debunked religious narratives..

There is no such thing as a protected class anywhere in the Constitution

Religion is a protected class based on the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and that being federal law is constitutionally protected.

And the far left drone just proved my comments!
He was a Democrat, but he hated gays. Not a very good Democrat.

An AR-15 assault gun owner who loved handguns. Not a very good Democrat indeed.
An AR-15 assault gun ? Wow you really do not no anything about firearms. Not surprised and I do not blame the common left leaning voter that false propaganda comes from the elite in the Democratic party and is disseminated willingly by the left leaning media outlets.

I'll clear the confusion up for you now. The only thing that an AR-15 has in common with a real military (assault) rifle is cosmetics and that it is gas operated this means that it uses the gasses from the expended round to reload the weapon. A standard issue US military rifle has selective fire which means you can switch from semi-automatic which means fire one round for every trigger pull to burst which fires 2 to 3 rounds (depending on the weapon) to fully automatic which means the weapon continuously loads and fires a round until the magazine is empty or you release the trigger. An AR-15 is a semi-automatic weapon that's it.

Your leaders have duped you into being scared of mostly plastic.
Then why did a cop on FOX this morning point out the difference between the damage done by an AR-15 and a handgun--how the wounds are far more devastating and more likely fatal from an AR-15 than a handgun. Witnesses said the shots continued the length of a song. With one rifle. Easily replaced large capacity magazines, no? Don't try selling your bullshit that AR-15's are just a little, old fashioned gun dressed up to look mean.
An ar15 that hasn't been illegally modified is no more dangerous than any other semi automatic rifle. That's just a fact

If it was modified to fire full auto, it was done illegally.
That's reassuring!
Frankly I don't care if you're reassured. I'm just sick of so many stupid people spouting shit that isnt factual.
But this one was a democrat....fact. The dems own a mass shooting. This is precious after all the "right wing, Christian terrorism". LOL Hell he's even a protected "Muslim" adding insult to injury.

I don't think the democratic party was involved here. Do you have any evidence to the contrary?

I never said the democrat "party" was involved did I? Again...stop making shit up
Heh heh heh! Well, why do you think Fox thought it was newsworthy to even mention a party affiliation? I'll tell you. It was to influence sheep like EWE!

Again I never quoted did I? When are you going to stop making shit up? Hint: You're losing badly here
well gee, you seem to have accepted the Fox declaration that the killer was a democrat per the op title. I didn't make that up. BTW you sound just like the Arabs back in 1967 during the war with Israel.Even as their tanks were outfitted with transmission having one gear(reverse) they were shouting through the turrets…"you jews are losing badly"…heh heh heh!
He was a Democrat.
OMAR MIR SEDDIQUE MATEEN (born 11/16/1986) 2513 S 17TH ST
He was a Democrat, but he hated gays. Not a very good Democrat.

Democrats are the true haters of anything and everything. Just because the "gays" are part of their protected class does not mean they can not hate them..

But then again Muslims are part of the far left protected class as well..

So one protected class is killing the other protected class.

Funny how the common denominator is an assault weapon.

An ar15 isnt an assault weapon Juan. Not in the way you are trying to make it so. An assault rifle is by definition a rifle with selective fire capability from the factory. Thus a saw249 that only fires fully automatic is not even a assault rifle. It's a machine gun. The ar15 unless illegally modified will not fire full auto and is thus classified as a sport rifle exactly no different than any other semi auto rifle. The black plastic doesn't make it an assault weapon .

The fact of the classification of the rifle is totally irrelevant to this conversation anyway

It's the same weapon that killed 20 children in Newtown. The same weapon that congress refuses to discuss and It is completely relevant to the conversation.
well gee, you seem to have accepted the Fox declaration that the killer was a democrat per the op title. I didn't make that up. BTW you sound just like the Arabs back in 1967 during the war with Israel.Even as their tanks were outfitted with transmission having one gear(reverse) they were shouting through the turrets…"you jews are losing badly"…heh heh heh!

You're a waste of keep making shit up. A democrat I presume?
No, I am both republican\ and democrat…depending on the issue and whether the candidate is local or national. And Israel did win the war of 1967. Capiche ?

I never said Israel didn't win the war.....once again, stop making fucking shit up, Moon Bat
Stop lying.

LOL You're too fucking stupid to live..please link where I said Israel lost the 67 war. Now stop, ya fucking moron.,

You've lost it… Link to where i said you said Israel lost the '67 war? Red: I made an analogy.
BLUE: you said I made it up. conclusion: You are a lying ass!
Democrats are the true haters of anything and everything. Just because the "gays" are part of their protected class does not mean they can not hate them..

But then again Muslims are part of the far left protected class as well..

So one protected class is killing the other protected class.

Muslim is a protected class by the Constitution.

Another far left drone proving they do not understand the Constitution, they just run their debunked religious narratives..

There is no such thing as a protected class anywhere in the Constitution

Religion is a protected class based on the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and that being federal law is constitutionally protected.

And the far left drone just proved my comments!

If religion is a protected class under the Constitution the cake bakers will be getting their money back soon
You're a waste of keep making shit up. A democrat I presume?
No, I am both republican\ and democrat…depending on the issue and whether the candidate is local or national. And Israel did win the war of 1967. Capiche ?

I never said Israel didn't win the war.....once again, stop making fucking shit up, Moon Bat
Stop lying.

LOL You're too fucking stupid to live..please link where I said Israel lost the 67 war. Now stop, ya fucking moron.,

You've lost it… Link to where i said you said Israel lost the '67 war? Red: I made an analogy.
BLUE: you said I made it up. conclusion: You are a lying ass!

Again, stop making shit up, Moon bat and show where I said Israel lost the 67 war. Hint: I am a huge supporter of Israel and one of Israel's finer moments was kicking the Muslims ass in 1967. Now stfu and sit down
Muslim is a protected class by the Constitution.

Another far left drone proving they do not understand the Constitution, they just run their debunked religious narratives..

There is no such thing as a protected class anywhere in the Constitution

Religion is a protected class based on the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and that being federal law is constitutionally protected.

And the far left drone just proved my comments!

If religion is a protected class under the Constitution the cake bakers will be getting their money back soon

No in far left land Christianity is not protected!
He was a Democrat, but he hated gays. Not a very good Democrat.

An AR-15 assault gun owner who loved handguns. Not a very good Democrat indeed.
lots of gun owner are registered dems and now you can add a terrorist to your list.
Probably a NRA member in good standing too.
The NRA is harmless...

As harmless as a pedophile babysitter.
Well us rightwingers are not surprised at all.

Per Plato, Aristotle and all the laws of logic, your thread fails as a moronic Composition Fallacy troll bridge to nowhere.

So you quote from a couple of guys that believed in rightwing collectivism.

No, actually I quoted your fatal fallacy. "Rightwing" wasn't even invented until 18th century France. You're off by quite a few centuries.

Here, break a brain sweat and learn something.

>> The second type of fallacy of Composition is committed when it is concluded that what is true of the parts of a whole must be true of the whole without there being adequate justification for the claim. More formally, the line of "reasoning" would be as follows:

  1. The parts of the whole X have characteristics A, B, C, etc.
  2. Therefore the whole X must have characteristics A, B, C.
That this sort of reasoning is fallacious because it cannot be inferred that simply because the parts of a complex whole have (or lack) certain properties that the whole that they are parts of has those properties. This is especially clear in math: The numbers 1 and 3 are both odd. 1 and 3 are parts of 4. Therefore, the number 4 is odd.

Example of Composition
  1. Atoms are colorless. Cats are made of atoms, so cats are colorless. <<

I'm sure this is sailing completely over your head, since you were stupid enough to actually post such a thread, so let us dumb it down into terms you might have a chance of getting:

  • David Duke founded a Louisiana Ku Klux Klan chapter. David Duke is a Republican. Therefore all Republicans found Ku Klux Klan chapters.
  • Larry Craig got busted soliciting homo sex in an airport bathroom. Larry Craig is a Republican. Therefore all Republicans solicit homo sex in airport bathrooms. After they're done founding Ku Klux Klan chapters of course.
  • Dennis Hastert admitted to buggering little boys. Dennis Hastert is a Republican. Therefore all Republicans bugger little boys. After they get out of the airport bathroom where they solicited homo sex and have founded their required-minimum Ku Klux Klan chapter.
  • David Vitter solicited prostitutes to make him wear diapers. David Vitter is a Republican. Therefore all Republicans solicit prostitutes to make them wear diapers. When they're not buggering little boys, soliciting homo sex in airport bathrooms or founding Ku Klux Klan chapters.
Etc etc etc. Sure you wanna plant your flag on this fallacy?

Notice also that not a single one of the traits above have jack shit to do with actual politics, which is what "Republican" and "Democrat" are actually about.

Here endeth the lesson. Learn it.
None of which were registered dems that murdered 50 people.
Oh ya, Larry Crag what was he picked up on. Oh tapping his feet in a bathroom. Arrested for some jaded code symbol
Remember I'm from Idaho. I know larry Craig. He was railroaded.
But hey that's more important to you than 50 people being murdered in Orlando. Interesting take on moral relativism
You said I'm/my head/my thread is stupid. Really??
They're threads all over this forum that your boy is a registered dem.
Btw, I didn't have to cut and paste my response.
I don't think the democratic party was involved here. Do you have any evidence to the contrary?

I never said the democrat "party" was involved did I? Again...stop making shit up
Heh heh heh! Well, why do you think Fox thought it was newsworthy to even mention a party affiliation? I'll tell you. It was to influence sheep like EWE!

Again I never quoted did I? When are you going to stop making shit up? Hint: You're losing badly here
well gee, you seem to have accepted the Fox declaration that the killer was a democrat per the op title. I didn't make that up. BTW you sound just like the Arabs back in 1967 during the war with Israel.Even as their tanks were outfitted with transmission having one gear(reverse) they were shouting through the turrets…"you jews are losing badly"…heh heh heh!
He was a Democrat.
OMAR MIR SEDDIQUE MATEEN (born 11/16/1986) 2513 S 17TH ST

You're dealing with a to avoid his lies and distortion
He was a Democrat, but he hated gays. Not a very good Democrat.

An AR-15 assault gun owner who loved handguns. Not a very good Democrat indeed.
lots of gun owner are registered dems and now you can add a terrorist to your list.
Probably a NRA member in good standing too.
The NRA is harmless...
Here you go...
I just joined NRA!
No, I am both republican\ and democrat…depending on the issue and whether the candidate is local or national. And Israel did win the war of 1967. Capiche ?

I never said Israel didn't win the war.....once again, stop making fucking shit up, Moon Bat
Stop lying.

LOL You're too fucking stupid to live..please link where I said Israel lost the 67 war. Now stop, ya fucking moron.,

You've lost it… Link to where i said you said Israel lost the '67 war? Red: I made an analogy.
BLUE: you said I made it up. conclusion: You are a lying ass!

Again, stop making shit up, Moon bat and show where I said Israel lost the 67 war. Hint: I am a huge supporter of Israel and one of Israel's finer moments was kicking the Muslims ass in 1967. Now stfu and sit down
I didn't say you said Israel lost the war,dung butler. Link to where i said that or STFU!
He was a Democrat, but he hated gays. Not a very good Democrat.

An AR-15 assault gun owner who loved handguns. Not a very good Democrat indeed.
lots of gun owner are registered dems and now you can add a terrorist to your list.
Probably a NRA member in good standing too.
The NRA is harmless...
Here you go...
I just joined NRA!

Neurotic Reactionary Ammo-holes?
He was a Democrat, but he hated gays. Not a very good Democrat.

An AR-15 assault gun owner who loved handguns. Not a very good Democrat indeed.
An AR-15 assault gun ? Wow you really do not no anything about firearms. Not surprised and I do not blame the common left leaning voter that false propaganda comes from the elite in the Democratic party and is disseminated willingly by the left leaning media outlets.

I'll clear the confusion up for you now. The only thing that an AR-15 has in common with a real military (assault) rifle is cosmetics and that it is gas operated this means that it uses the gasses from the expended round to reload the weapon. A standard issue US military rifle has selective fire which means you can switch from semi-automatic which means fire one round for every trigger pull to burst which fires 2 to 3 rounds (depending on the weapon) to fully automatic which means the weapon continuously loads and fires a round until the magazine is empty or you release the trigger. An AR-15 is a semi-automatic weapon that's it.

Your leaders have duped you into being scared of mostly plastic.
Then why did a cop on FOX this morning point out the difference between the damage done by an AR-15 and a handgun--how the wounds are far more devastating and more likely fatal from an AR-15 than a handgun. Witnesses said the shots continued the length of a song. With one rifle. Easily replaced large capacity magazines, no? Don't try selling your bullshit that AR-15's are just a little, old fashioned gun dressed up to look mean.

Doesn't matter. Our founding fodders said I have a right to a single load powder and ball musket. So now by god I get an AR-15.
No the Constitution states the right to bear "arm"s shall not be infringed. Nothing about muskets. Take a look at the Puckle Gun invented in 1718 it was the first weapon called a Machine gun. The founding Fathers knew there would be advances in weaponry. That old sad left wing attempt at claiming the original intent was for muskets only is BS.

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