Perspective: How It All Happened

What is amazing is how the right wing mind, which we now know is totally controlled by fear can find a 'slippery slope' in a sentence like that. Then Oddball posts a video by a think tank funded by the biggest polluters on the planet whose ONLY agenda is corporation bottom lines and the dismantling of the marketplace in their interests.

They are like people who can only look to the left when they cross the street, because they believe nothing can possibly run them over coming from the right.

A corporation does not want democracy. It does not want free markets, it wants profits, and the best way for it to get profits is to use our campaign-finance system -- which is just a system of legalized bribery -- to get their stakes, their hooks into a public official and then use that public official to dismantle the marketplace to give them a competitive advantage and then to privatize the commons, to steal the commonwealth, to liquidate public assets for cash, to plunder, to steal from the rest of us.

Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, said that America would never be destroyed by a foreign power but he warned that our political institutions, our democratic institutions, would be subverted by malefactors of great wealth, who would erode them from within. Dwight Eisenhower, another Republican, in his most famous speech, warned America against domination by the military industrial complex.

Abraham Lincoln, the greatest Republican in our history, said during the height of the Civil War "I have the South in front of me and I have the bankers behind me. And for my country, I fear the bankers more." Franklin Roosevelt said during World War II that the domination of government by corporate power is "the essence of fascism" and Benito Mussolini -- who had an insider's view of that process -- said the same thing. Essentially, he complained that fascism should not be called fascism. It should be called corporatism because it was the merger of state and corporate power. And what we have to understand as Americans is that the domination of business by government is called communism. The domination of government by business is called fascism. And our job is to walk that narrow trail in between, which is free-market capitalism and democracy. And keep big government at bay with our right hand and corporate power at bay with our left.

I just couldn't get past the part that I bolded....I just had to laugh.
Wasn't it Obama that played the fear mongering with how the sequester would make the sky fall?
Yup, when I read your posts, they just reek of hypocrisy.

just an observation

Okay...lets go there.

Explain the right wing opposition to equal rights for same sex marriages?

It's not fear, candy.
It's a Bible thing that you just wouldn't understand.
And, it never was about them not having equal rights :eusa_eh:
What is amazing is how the right wing mind, which we now know is totally controlled by fear can find a 'slippery slope' in a sentence like that. Then Oddball posts a video by a think tank funded by the biggest polluters on the planet whose ONLY agenda is corporation bottom lines and the dismantling of the marketplace in their interests.

They are like people who can only look to the left when they cross the street, because they believe nothing can possibly run them over coming from the right.

A corporation does not want democracy. It does not want free markets, it wants profits, and the best way for it to get profits is to use our campaign-finance system -- which is just a system of legalized bribery -- to get their stakes, their hooks into a public official and then use that public official to dismantle the marketplace to give them a competitive advantage and then to privatize the commons, to steal the commonwealth, to liquidate public assets for cash, to plunder, to steal from the rest of us.

Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, said that America would never be destroyed by a foreign power but he warned that our political institutions, our democratic institutions, would be subverted by malefactors of great wealth, who would erode them from within. Dwight Eisenhower, another Republican, in his most famous speech, warned America against domination by the military industrial complex.

Abraham Lincoln, the greatest Republican in our history, said during the height of the Civil War "I have the South in front of me and I have the bankers behind me. And for my country, I fear the bankers more." Franklin Roosevelt said during World War II that the domination of government by corporate power is "the essence of fascism" and Benito Mussolini -- who had an insider's view of that process -- said the same thing. Essentially, he complained that fascism should not be called fascism. It should be called corporatism because it was the merger of state and corporate power. And what we have to understand as Americans is that the domination of business by government is called communism. The domination of government by business is called fascism. And our job is to walk that narrow trail in between, which is free-market capitalism and democracy. And keep big government at bay with our right hand and corporate power at bay with our left.

I just couldn't get past the part that I bolded....I just had to laugh.
Wasn't it Obama that played the fear mongering with how the sequester would make the sky fall?
Yup, when I read your posts, they just reek of hypocrisy.

just an observation
the irony is delicious here considering the repubs ran on fear in 2004 :clap2: Remember Condi & Dick saying "vote for us or see a mushroom cloud" campaign. :thup: Repubs :lol:

I see my point actually did go right over your head.....not surprised. :eusa_whistle:

Holy fuck Jethro, why waste your time parroting small time malfeasants of government by the people like big tobacco, you go right to the folks who want to dismantle America.

ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It is not just a lobby or a front group; it is much more powerful than that. Through ALEC, corporations hand state legislators their wishlists to benefit their bottom line. Corporations fund almost all of ALEC's operations. They pay for a seat on ALEC task forces where corporate lobbyists and special interest reps vote with elected officials to approve “model” bills.

Can there be anyone on this planet more obtuse that you Jethro?

he can't be beat for the rw dream world he lives in. REMEMBER!!! He's not a Repub, he's a libertarian :rolleyes:
I just couldn't get past the part that I bolded....I just had to laugh.
Wasn't it Obama that played the fear mongering with how the sequester would make the sky fall?
Yup, when I read your posts, they just reek of hypocrisy.

just an observation

Okay...lets go there.

Explain the right wing opposition to equal rights for same sex marriages?

It's not fear, candy.
It's a Bible thing that you just wouldn't understand.
And, it never was about them not having equal rights :eusa_eh:

Sure its fear.

The Bible speaks out against Gay Marriage? Chapter and verse please. I doubt you'll find it.

So you're okay with same sex couples who are "married" in civil unions having the same rights as marriages--survivor benefits, etc...

Holy fuck Jethro, why waste your time parroting small time malfeasants of government by the people like big tobacco, you go right to the folks who want to dismantle America.

ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It is not just a lobby or a front group; it is much more powerful than that. Through ALEC, corporations hand state legislators their wishlists to benefit their bottom line. Corporations fund almost all of ALEC's operations. They pay for a seat on ALEC task forces where corporate lobbyists and special interest reps vote with elected officials to approve “model” bills.

Can there be anyone on this planet more obtuse that you Jethro?

he can't be beat for the rw dream world he lives in. REMEMBER!!! He's not a Repub, he's a libertarian :rolleyes:
See: Ad hominem jr. :lol:
Okay...lets go there.

Explain the right wing opposition to equal rights for same sex marriages?

It's not fear, candy.
It's a Bible thing that you just wouldn't understand.
And, it never was about them not having equal rights :eusa_eh:

Sure its fear.

The Bible speaks out against Gay Marriage? Chapter and verse please. I doubt you'll find it.

So you're okay with same sex couples who are "married" in civil unions having the same rights as marriages--survivor benefits, etc...
The Bible speaks about marriage being between a man and a woman.
The Bible speaks out against homosexuality. Romans 1

Yes, I'm all for a civil union for gay couples....with all the bells and whistles
It's not fear, candy.
It's a Bible thing that you just wouldn't understand.
And, it never was about them not having equal rights :eusa_eh:

Sure its fear.

The Bible speaks out against Gay Marriage? Chapter and verse please. I doubt you'll find it.

So you're okay with same sex couples who are "married" in civil unions having the same rights as marriages--survivor benefits, etc...
The Bible speaks about marriage being between a man and a woman.
The Bible speaks out against homosexuality. Romans 1

Yes, I'm all for a civil union for gay couples....with all the bells and whistles

Doesn't the Bible also speak of killing those who work on the Sabbath? So if you guys take the text that literally, shouldn't you be against anyone working on Sunday? Not an NFL fan, huh? Can you also sell your daughter into slavery? Thats in the book too right? As for the NFL...touching the skin of a dead pig is a no-no too.

So you're for putting the NFL players to death right (sanctioned by the Bible)
So you're for getting rid of football in general (sanctioned by the Bible)
So you're for selling your daughter into slavery (sanctioned by the Bible)

Right? What would the difference between those 3 and the part about homosexuality?

Please enlighten us or do you only take some parts of the Bible seriously (strangely enough the only parts that fit into Conservative superstitions)?

Please explain...

So you're for survivor benefits for same-sex couples?
The truth was that it was Eisenhower who broke the Democrats’ hold on the South in 1952. Want to know was appealing to bigots? Democrat Adlai Stevenson, known to experience “personal discomfort in the presence of Negroes.” Taylor Branch, “Parting the Waters: America in the King Years,1954-1963,” p. 360. Oh, yes, and Stevenson chose John Sparkman of Alabama, a Democrat segregationist, as his running mate.

The passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was the event that finally moved the majority of Southern states to the Republican Party

Wrong again, Boring.

In ’28, ’52, ’56, and ’60, Republicans generally won Virginia, Florida, Texas, Kentucky and sometimes North Carolina or Louisiana. Did you notice that those years were before 1964?

None of those states were "Deep South".

52 and 56 were years when the GOP was running a freakin War Hero.

28 the Democratic Party was moribund. Kind of like the Republicans are now.
They would be happy there if you believe their rhetoric. Of course they have a casual relationship with the truth at best.

What is amazing is how the right wing mind, which we now know is totally controlled by fear can find a 'slippery slope' in a sentence like that. Then Oddball posts a video by a think tank funded by the biggest polluters on the planet whose ONLY agenda is corporation bottom lines and the dismantling of the marketplace in their interests.

They are like people who can only look to the left when they cross the street, because they believe nothing can possibly run them over coming from the right.

A corporation does not want democracy. It does not want free markets, it wants profits, and the best way for it to get profits is to use our campaign-finance system -- which is just a system of legalized bribery -- to get their stakes, their hooks into a public official and then use that public official to dismantle the marketplace to give them a competitive advantage and then to privatize the commons, to steal the commonwealth, to liquidate public assets for cash, to plunder, to steal from the rest of us.

Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, said that America would never be destroyed by a foreign power but he warned that our political institutions, our democratic institutions, would be subverted by malefactors of great wealth, who would erode them from within. Dwight Eisenhower, another Republican, in his most famous speech, warned America against domination by the military industrial complex.

Abraham Lincoln, the greatest Republican in our history, said during the height of the Civil War "I have the South in front of me and I have the bankers behind me. And for my country, I fear the bankers more." Franklin Roosevelt said during World War II that the domination of government by corporate power is "the essence of fascism" and Benito Mussolini -- who had an insider's view of that process -- said the same thing. Essentially, he complained that fascism should not be called fascism. It should be called corporatism because it was the merger of state and corporate power. And what we have to understand as Americans is that the domination of business by government is called communism. The domination of government by business is called fascism. And our job is to walk that narrow trail in between, which is free-market capitalism and democracy. And keep big government at bay with our right hand and corporate power at bay with our left.

I just couldn't get past the part that I bolded....I just had to laugh.
Wasn't it Obama that played the fear mongering with how the sequester would make the sky fall?
Yup, when I read your posts, they just reek of hypocrisy.

just an observation

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone

Actually what has been apparent to many people for centuries now has scientific proof. A right wing brain is infested with FEAR, paranoia, conspiracies, slippery slopes and massive ignorance. There is biological proof.

A study at University College London found that the right wing brain infested with FEAR, paranoia, conspiracies, slippery slopes and massive ignorance had a larger amygdala than liberals. The amygdala is an almond-shaped structure deep in the brain that is active during states of fear and anxiety. Liberals had more gray matter at least in the anterior cingulate cortex, a region of the brain that helps people cope with complexity.

Specifically, the research shows that people with conservative tendencies have a larger amygdala and a smaller anterior cingulate than other people. The amygdala — typically thought of as the “primitive brain” — is responsible for reflexive impulses, like fear. The anterior cingulate is thought to be responsible for courage and optimism. This one-two punch could be responsible for many of the anecdotal claims that conservatives “think differently” from others.
The truth was that it was Eisenhower who broke the Democrats’ hold on the South in 1952. Want to know was appealing to bigots? Democrat Adlai Stevenson, known to experience “personal discomfort in the presence of Negroes.” Taylor Branch, “Parting the Waters: America in the King Years,1954-1963,” p. 360. Oh, yes, and Stevenson chose John Sparkman of Alabama, a Democrat segregationist, as his running mate.

The passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was the event that finally moved the majority of Southern states to the Republican Party

Wrong again, Boring.

In ’28, ’52, ’56, and ’60, Republicans generally won Virginia, Florida, Texas, Kentucky and sometimes North Carolina or Louisiana. Did you notice that those years were before 1964?

He referred to the MAJORITY of the Southern states. I realize you're an immigrant with a somewhat challenged comprehension of the English language,

but knowing what the word MAJORITY means is fairly basic.

You should learn something:

Solid South - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Put succinctly,

the South after the Civil War voted Democrat for 100 years because they were voting against the Republican Party that was the party of Lincoln.

As the Republican Party stopped being the party of Lincoln, the South stopped voting against it.
It's not fear, candy.
It's a Bible thing that you just wouldn't understand.
And, it never was about them not having equal rights :eusa_eh:

Sure its fear.

The Bible speaks out against Gay Marriage? Chapter and verse please. I doubt you'll find it.

So you're okay with same sex couples who are "married" in civil unions having the same rights as marriages--survivor benefits, etc...
The Bible speaks about marriage being between a man and a woman.
The Bible speaks out against homosexuality. Romans 1

Yes, I'm all for a civil union for gay couples....with all the bells and whistles

The Bible is also OK with abortion if a wife "has defiled herself" while under her "husband's authority" and some man other than her husband has had intercourse with her.

Numbers 5:11 - The Test for an Unfaithful Wife

25 The priest shall take the grain offering of jealousy out of the woman's hand, and shall elevate the grain offering before Yahweh and bring it to the altar; 26 and the priest shall take a handful of the grain offering, as its memorial portion, and turn it into smoke on the altar, and afterward shall make the woman drink the water. 27 When he has made her drink the water, then, if she has defiled herself and has been unfaithful to her husband, the water that brings the curse shall enter into her and cause bitter pain, and her womb shall discharge, her uterus drop, and the woman shall become an execration among her people.

Holy fuck Jethro, why waste your time parroting small time malfeasants of government by the people like big tobacco, you go right to the folks who want to dismantle America.

ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It is not just a lobby or a front group; it is much more powerful than that. Through ALEC, corporations hand state legislators their wishlists to benefit their bottom line. Corporations fund almost all of ALEC's operations. They pay for a seat on ALEC task forces where corporate lobbyists and special interest reps vote with elected officials to approve “model” bills.

Can there be anyone on this planet more obtuse that you Jethro?
See: Ad homenim.


You mean ad hominem? appealing to one's prejudices, emotions, or special interests rather than to one's intellect or reason.

That is a perfect description of the motivation for the fallacy Lawrence W. Reed is trying to pass as truth. We don't have to go back the Great Depression to see how the right uses ad hominem attacks.

Here are 2 FACTS about the Great Depression AND the recent financial crisis:

  • Capitalism and the free market economy were responsible for the Great Depression's stock market crash and the housing bubble crash. NOT government.

  • AND, only government intervention brought about America's economic recovery.

When you know these 2 facts, and those facts totally destroy every one of your prejudices, emotions, or special interests, ad hominem is your only avenue.
Sure its fear.

The Bible speaks out against Gay Marriage? Chapter and verse please. I doubt you'll find it.

So you're okay with same sex couples who are "married" in civil unions having the same rights as marriages--survivor benefits, etc...
The Bible speaks about marriage being between a man and a woman.
The Bible speaks out against homosexuality. Romans 1

Yes, I'm all for a civil union for gay couples....with all the bells and whistles

Doesn't the Bible also speak of killing those who work on the Sabbath? So if you guys take the text that literally, shouldn't you be against anyone working on Sunday? Not an NFL fan, huh? Can you also sell your daughter into slavery? Thats in the book too right? As for the NFL...touching the skin of a dead pig is a no-no too.

So you're for putting the NFL players to death right (sanctioned by the Bible)
So you're for getting rid of football in general (sanctioned by the Bible)
So you're for selling your daughter into slavery (sanctioned by the Bible)

Right? What would the difference between those 3 and the part about homosexuality?

Please enlighten us or do you only take some parts of the Bible seriously (strangely enough the only parts that fit into Conservative superstitions)?

Please explain...

So you're for survivor benefits for same-sex couples?
You asked, I told you. Now go pound sand.
What is amazing is how the right wing mind, which we now know is totally controlled by fear can find a 'slippery slope' in a sentence like that. Then Oddball posts a video by a think tank funded by the biggest polluters on the planet whose ONLY agenda is corporation bottom lines and the dismantling of the marketplace in their interests.

They are like people who can only look to the left when they cross the street, because they believe nothing can possibly run them over coming from the right.

A corporation does not want democracy. It does not want free markets, it wants profits, and the best way for it to get profits is to use our campaign-finance system -- which is just a system of legalized bribery -- to get their stakes, their hooks into a public official and then use that public official to dismantle the marketplace to give them a competitive advantage and then to privatize the commons, to steal the commonwealth, to liquidate public assets for cash, to plunder, to steal from the rest of us.

Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, said that America would never be destroyed by a foreign power but he warned that our political institutions, our democratic institutions, would be subverted by malefactors of great wealth, who would erode them from within. Dwight Eisenhower, another Republican, in his most famous speech, warned America against domination by the military industrial complex.

Abraham Lincoln, the greatest Republican in our history, said during the height of the Civil War "I have the South in front of me and I have the bankers behind me. And for my country, I fear the bankers more." Franklin Roosevelt said during World War II that the domination of government by corporate power is "the essence of fascism" and Benito Mussolini -- who had an insider's view of that process -- said the same thing. Essentially, he complained that fascism should not be called fascism. It should be called corporatism because it was the merger of state and corporate power. And what we have to understand as Americans is that the domination of business by government is called communism. The domination of government by business is called fascism. And our job is to walk that narrow trail in between, which is free-market capitalism and democracy. And keep big government at bay with our right hand and corporate power at bay with our left.

I just couldn't get past the part that I bolded....I just had to laugh.
Wasn't it Obama that played the fear mongering with how the sequester would make the sky fall?
Yup, when I read your posts, they just reek of hypocrisy.

just an observation

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone

Actually what has been apparent to many people for centuries now has scientific proof. A right wing brain is infested with FEAR, paranoia, conspiracies, slippery slopes and massive ignorance. There is biological proof.

A study at University College London found that the right wing brain infested with FEAR, paranoia, conspiracies, slippery slopes and massive ignorance had a larger amygdala than liberals. The amygdala is an almond-shaped structure deep in the brain that is active during states of fear and anxiety. Liberals had more gray matter at least in the anterior cingulate cortex, a region of the brain that helps people cope with complexity.

Specifically, the research shows that people with conservative tendencies have a larger amygdala and a smaller anterior cingulate than other people. The amygdala — typically thought of as the “primitive brain” — is responsible for reflexive impulses, like fear. The anterior cingulate is thought to be responsible for courage and optimism. This one-two punch could be responsible for many of the anecdotal claims that conservatives “think differently” from others.

You have got to be the town idiot where you live, bfgrn, it's ok every town has one. :eusa_whistle:
I just couldn't get past the part that I bolded....I just had to laugh.
Wasn't it Obama that played the fear mongering with how the sequester would make the sky fall?
Yup, when I read your posts, they just reek of hypocrisy.

just an observation

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone

Actually what has been apparent to many people for centuries now has scientific proof. A right wing brain is infested with FEAR, paranoia, conspiracies, slippery slopes and massive ignorance. There is biological proof.

A study at University College London found that the right wing brain infested with FEAR, paranoia, conspiracies, slippery slopes and massive ignorance had a larger amygdala than liberals. The amygdala is an almond-shaped structure deep in the brain that is active during states of fear and anxiety. Liberals had more gray matter at least in the anterior cingulate cortex, a region of the brain that helps people cope with complexity.

Specifically, the research shows that people with conservative tendencies have a larger amygdala and a smaller anterior cingulate than other people. The amygdala — typically thought of as the “primitive brain” — is responsible for reflexive impulses, like fear. The anterior cingulate is thought to be responsible for courage and optimism. This one-two punch could be responsible for many of the anecdotal claims that conservatives “think differently” from others.

You have got to be the town idiot where you live, bfgrn, it's ok every town has one. :eusa_whistle:

Yea, let's also ignore all the other psychological studies conducted between 1958 and 2002 that involved 22,818 people from 12 different countries that prove conservatism is an illness. Specific variables that predict conservatism include fear and aggression (Adorno et al.,1950; Altemeyer, 1998), intolerance of ambiguity (Fibert &Ressler, 1998; Frenkel-Brunswik, 1949), rule following and negative affect (Tomkins, 1963, 1965), uncertainty avoidance (Sorrentino & Roney, 1986; Wilson, 1973b), need for cognitive closure (Kruglanski & Webster, 1996), personal need for structure (Altemeyer,1998; Schaller, Boyd, Yohannes, & O'Brien, 1995; Smith& Gordon, 1998), need for prevention-oriented regulatory focus (Higgins, 1997; Liberman et al., 1999), anxiety arising from mortality salience (Greenberg et al., 1990, 1992), group-based dominance (Pratto et al., 1994; Sidanius & Pratto, 1999), and system justification tendencies (Jost & Banaji, 1994; Jost, Burgess, &Mosso, 2001).
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Holy fuck Jethro, why waste your time parroting small time malfeasants of government by the people like big tobacco, you go right to the folks who want to dismantle America.

ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It is not just a lobby or a front group; it is much more powerful than that. Through ALEC, corporations hand state legislators their wishlists to benefit their bottom line. Corporations fund almost all of ALEC's operations. They pay for a seat on ALEC task forces where corporate lobbyists and special interest reps vote with elected officials to approve “model” bills.

Can there be anyone on this planet more obtuse that you Jethro?
See: Ad homenim.


You mean ad hominem? appealing to one's prejudices, emotions, or special interests rather than to one's intellect or reason.

That is a perfect description of the motivation for the fallacy Lawrence W. Reed is trying to pass as truth. We don't have to go back the Great Depression to see how the right uses ad hominem attacks.

Here are 2 FACTS about the Great Depression AND the recent financial crisis:

  • Capitalism and the free market economy were responsible for the Great Depression's stock market crash and the housing bubble crash. NOT government.

  • AND, only government intervention brought about America's economic recovery.

When you know these 2 facts, and those facts totally destroy every one of your prejudices, emotions, or special interests, ad hominem is your only avenue.

Those two are about as far from 'facts' as one can get.

1. In 1931, in some of the darkest days of the Great Depression and the middle of the Hoover administration, unemployment rate stood at 17.4 %. Seven years later, after five years of FDR, and literally hundred s of wildly ambitious new government programs, more than doubling of federal spending, the national unemployment rate stood at – 17.4 %. At no point during the 1930’s did unemployment go below 14 %. Even in 1941, in the midst of the military buildup, 9.9 % of American workers were unemployed.
March 4, 1933, in his first Inaugural Address, FDR said “Our greatest primary task is to put people to work.” This meant that the New Deal was a wretched, ill-conceived failure.

2. Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., liberal New Deal historian wrote in The National Experience, in 1963, “Though the policies of the Hundred Days had ended despair, they had not produce recovery…” He also wrote honestly about the devastating crash of 1937- in the midst of the “second New Deal” and Roosevelt’s second term. “The collapse in the months after September 1937 was actually more severe than it had been in the first nine months of the depression: national income fell 13 %, payrolls 35 %, durable goods production 50 %, profits 78% .

3. In 1935, the Brookings Institution (left-leaning) delivered a 900-page report on the New Deal and the National Recovery Administration, concluding that “ on the whole it retarded recovery.”
The Real Deal - Society and Culture - AEI

4. John Maynard Keynes, in a letter published in the NYTimes, December 31, 1933, warned “ even wise and necessary Reform may, in some respects, impede and complicate Recovery. For it will upset the confidence of the business world and weaken their existing motives to action.” Even Keynes saw the danger in treating the nation’s capitalists as an enemy, as “the unscrupulous money changers,” as FDR called them in his first Inaugural.

5. FDR and government solutions worsened the recession into a Depression.
Warren Harding inherited one of the sharpest recessions in American history in 1921. By July it was over. Harding and Treasury Sec’y Mellon cut government expenditures by 40 %, allowing wages to fall, in a natural recovery to full employment. The cuts, and even sharper tax cuts under Coolidge, produced the long period of growth and rising living standards associated with the Roaring Twenties.

6. 'In The High Tide of American Conservatism: Davis, Coolidge, and the 1924 Election," Garland Tucker casts new light on the election and the two candidates, Democrat John W. Davis and Republican Calvin Coolidge.
He quotes Paul Rubin: "We now know that FDR's policies likely prolonged the Great Depression because the economy never fully recovered in the 1930s, and actually got worse in the latter half of the decade." And then, quotes Paul Johnson: "Coolidge Prosperity was huge, real, widespread and it showed that the concept of a property-owning democracy could be realized."

For scholars, FDR is no longer off limits for study....and the above represent the direction revelations are going.

Of course, these revelations will have no moment for religious fanatics of a Liberal bent...such as you, BoringFriendlessGuy.

You may now return to genuflecting in front of the FDR icon......
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The Bible speaks about marriage being between a man and a woman.
The Bible speaks out against homosexuality. Romans 1

Yes, I'm all for a civil union for gay couples....with all the bells and whistles

Doesn't the Bible also speak of killing those who work on the Sabbath? So if you guys take the text that literally, shouldn't you be against anyone working on Sunday? Not an NFL fan, huh? Can you also sell your daughter into slavery? Thats in the book too right? As for the NFL...touching the skin of a dead pig is a no-no too.

So you're for putting the NFL players to death right (sanctioned by the Bible)
So you're for getting rid of football in general (sanctioned by the Bible)
So you're for selling your daughter into slavery (sanctioned by the Bible)

Right? What would the difference between those 3 and the part about homosexuality?

Please enlighten us or do you only take some parts of the Bible seriously (strangely enough the only parts that fit into Conservative superstitions)?

Please explain...

So you're for survivor benefits for same-sex couples?
You asked, I told you. Now go pound sand.

I asked, you answered, I pointed out why your answer is bullshit, you ran. can you pick and choose what part of "Holy Scripture" you adhere to? If you are hell bent on taking some of it literally, how do you decide which parts?

Republican superstition has nothing to do with it? Are you sure?
1. For a full century after the Civil War, the Democrat Party was correctly identified as the party of slavery and segregation. In fact.....they killed every anti-lynching bill that made its way to the Senate. Democrats.

Maybe if you hadn't failed U.S. History you would know that the two major political parties (DEMs and GOP) have switched poliical polarity TWICE in our history.

So, you've just revealed yourself to be very very stupid.

Well done. :clap2::clap2:
See: Ad homenim.


You mean ad hominem? appealing to one's prejudices, emotions, or special interests rather than to one's intellect or reason.

That is a perfect description of the motivation for the fallacy Lawrence W. Reed is trying to pass as truth. We don't have to go back the Great Depression to see how the right uses ad hominem attacks.

Here are 2 FACTS about the Great Depression AND the recent financial crisis:

  • Capitalism and the free market economy were responsible for the Great Depression's stock market crash and the housing bubble crash. NOT government.

  • AND, only government intervention brought about America's economic recovery.

When you know these 2 facts, and those facts totally destroy every one of your prejudices, emotions, or special interests, ad hominem is your only avenue.

Those two are about as far from 'facts' as one can get.

1. In 1931, in some of the darkest days of the Great Depression and the middle of the Hoover administration, unemployment rate stood at 17.4 %. Seven years later, after five years of FDR, and literally hundred s of wildly ambitious new government programs, more than doubling of federal spending, the national unemployment rate stood at – 17.4 %. At no point during the 1930’s did unemployment go below 14 %. Even in 1941, in the midst of the military buildup, 9.9 % of American workers were unemployed.
March 4, 1933, in his first Inaugural Address, FDR said “Our greatest primary task is to put people to work.” This meant that the New Deal was a wretched, ill-conceived failure.

2. Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., liberal New Deal historian wrote in The National Experience, in 1963, “Though the policies of the Hundred Days had ended despair, they had not produce recovery…” He also wrote honestly about the devastating crash of 1937- in the midst of the “second New Deal” and Roosevelt’s second term. “The collapse in the months after September 1937 was actually more severe than it had been in the first nine months of the depression: national income fell 13 %, payrolls 35 %, durable goods production 50 %, profits 78% .

3. In 1935, the Brookings Institution (left-leaning) delivered a 900-page report on the New Deal and the National Recovery Administration, concluding that “ on the whole it retarded recovery.”
The Real Deal - Society and Culture - AEI

4. John Maynard Keynes, in a letter published in the NYTimes, December 31, 1933, warned “ even wise and necessary Reform may, in some respects, impede and complicate Recovery. For it will upset the confidence of the business world and weaken their existing motives to action.” Even Keynes saw the danger in treating the nation’s capitalists as an enemy, as “the unscrupulous money changers,” as FDR called them in his first Inaugural.

5. FDR and government solutions worsened the recession into a Depression.
Warren Harding inherited one of the sharpest recessions in American history in 1921. By July it was over. Harding and Treasury Sec’y Mellon cut government expenditures by 40 %, allowing wages to fall, in a natural recovery to full employment. The cuts, and even sharper tax cuts under Coolidge, produced the long period of growth and rising living standards associated with the Roaring Twenties.

6. 'In The High Tide of American Conservatism: Davis, Coolidge, and the 1924 Election," Garland Tucker casts new light on the election and the two candidates, Democrat John W. Davis and Republican Calvin Coolidge.
He quotes Paul Rubin: "We now know that FDR's policies likely prolonged the Great Depression because the economy never fully recovered in the 1930s, and actually got worse in the latter half of the decade." And then, quotes Paul Johnson: "Coolidge Prosperity was huge, real, widespread and it showed that the concept of a property-owning democracy could be realized."

For scholars, FDR is no longer off limits for study....and the above represent the direction revelations are going.

Of course, these revelations will have no moment for religious fanatics of a Liberal bent...such as you, BoringFriendlessGuy.

You may now return to genuflecting in front of the FDR icon......

The popular rightwing mythology in the above has been thoroughly debunked several times on this board, and yet,

according to one of my rules about the right, it comes back again and again.

More proof that conservatives are ineducable.

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