Perspective: How It All Happened

As I have said before about your active ignorance, intelligent people read to learn and gain knowledge. You read like a vulture only in search of road kill. Seeking ammunition to gun down anything you try to connect to liberalism, no matter how contrived or dishonest. You would have been very useful in the Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. All you would need to do is learn German.

SEE Post #455

First you state unequivocably that Mussolini endorsed Stalin. You'll be living until hell freezes over to find any authoritative source that will back you up on that.

Then you attribute the quote re corporatism to Mussolini despite the fact that this has also been debunked many times over as it is not a word he ever used anywhere else and nobody can find an authoritative source for it.

And then you accuse PC of ignorance and needing to read to learn and gain knowledge?

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan

WOW, you really are confused.

1) I never said 'unequivocably that Mussolini endorsed Stalin'. Go back and look.

I surmise you are attributing something PC said to me.

1. “He was a staunch proponent of revolutionary rather than reformist socialism, and actually received Lenin's endorsement and support for expelling reformists from the Socialist Party. He was in fact first dubbed "Il Duce" (the Leader) when he was a member of Italy's (Marxist) Socialist Party.”
Roman Salute & Benito Mussolini -The raised one arm salute is a myth re: Roman Salute: Cinema, History, Ideology & myths debunked by Dr. Rex Curry along with Gladiator: Film and History. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & SOCIALIST SALUTES & SOCIALISM: The socia

Post#438 -

2) There is some controversy about the corporatism quote only because it was ghostwritten. Giovanni Gentile who described himself as 'the philosopher of Fascism' ghostwrote A Doctrine of Fascism for Benito Mussolini. The quote is published under Mussolini's name in the Enciclopedia Italiana, but probably written by the Fascist philosopher/thinker Giovanni Gentile.

3)AND, the corporatism quote is irrelevant, because PC is the one who posted:

b. New Deal bureaucrats studied Mussolini’s corporatism closely. From “Fortune” magazine:
‘The Corporate state is to Mussolini what the New Deal is to Roosevelt.’(July 1934)

Post# 429 -

Okay if you didn't say Mussolini endorsed Lenin I apologize. (I sometimes post long after I should have hung it up and gone to bed.)

You did however quote that quote from Mussolini re corporatism did you not? I don't know if Lenin endorsed Mussolini and if he did, then PC is right and I am wrong about the two having anything in common other than the desire to head totalitarian governments. If he didn't, then PC's source was wrong about that.

However it is true that before he adopted facism and turned his back on communism, Mussolini started out as a staunch Marxist during the latter years of Lenin's life and it is possible Lenin commented on that. I have been able to find a few sources that suggest the two of them met at one point, but not much more than that.

. . . .Benito Mussolini did not begin his political career as just a Marxist, but as a violent, revolutionary Marxist. Mussolini was not just a leading Leftist in Italy, he was one of the most important Communists in the world. In 1914, Mussolini organized “Red Week” which was aimed at causing a violent revolution against the corrupt capitalist world. Mussolini is often referred to by the name “Duce,” which means “leader” - rather like Fuhrer in German or Vozd in Russian - and this is usually attributed to be a name given to him by the Fascists. This is not true. The moniker was given to him at a banquet given by Marxists after his release from prison for protesting the “imperialist” Italian war in Libya, at which one veteran socialist said: “From today you, Benito, are not only the representative of Romagna Socialists, but the Duce of all revolutionary Socialists in Italy!”
Fascists and Bolsheviks as friends

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