Pete Buttigieg Says America Was Never That Great, Gets Destroyed On Twitter

Exact quote for those who have adult level reading comprehension skills:

“So many of the solutions, I believe, are gonna come from our communities. Communities like the one where I grew up, which is an industrial mid-western city, That is exactly the kind of place that our current president targeted with a message saying that we could find greatness by just stopping the clock and turning it back and making America great again. That past that he is promising to return us to was never as great as advertised, especially for marginalized Americans… and there’s no going back anyway,”
You know that doesn't change anything at all, right?

It doesn't? Let's parse this out...what when does Trump refer to when he wants to "make America great again"? How far back does he want to turn the clock?
Its not going backwards you idiot...

Trump is creating massive jobs for all of middle America. This includes all Americans, Hispanics, Latinos, Blacks, Asians, Europeans, Everyone... Women are in that group as well as a subset. LOWEST UNEMPLOYMENT EVER for most if not all./ American individuals are again being able to be self sufficient and that scares the hell out of satirists who demand subservience and control.

That is what is making America great again means. We need not depend on ANYONE ELSE FOR OUR SURVIVAL and the government is our servant, not our master.

That isn't what the orange moron said. His entire campaign was about how terrible America was and only he could fix it.

His inaugural address was about the "carnage" of America's landscape. It wasn't an optimistic look forward, it was more dark campaign rhetoric.

Trump's message could have been "make America greater". It wasn't. It was/is "make America great AGAIN". The "again" implies he and his boot lickers don't think it was or is.
It's all about projection with them.....

If they claim that Democrats are saying "America sucks".....look to what THEY are saying.
Which candidates have said that.... <snip>.

If you had a boyfriend, husband, lover, partner -- Whatever, and all that person ever did was try to 'fix' you, criticize you, tell you how bad you are at just about everything....

Does that person love you? In your mind?

Maybe for you. Not for me.

I'm gonzo.

Get a shrink

Are you medicated? You claimed all the Democratic candidates have stated that America sucks. I asked for links. I knew you had no such links, sure, but I thought you'd at least try for a coherent response. My bad, dude.
yeah, so where do you suppose you'll find a link where all twenty would be on one link? now you want him to pull twenty links? too funny.

How about two? Manage to find two candidates other than Trump who have said "America sucks".
Joe Biden launches 2020 bid warning ‘soul’ of America at stake – Chico Enterprise-Record

Booker Joins Markey, Ocasio-Cortez to Introduce Green New Deal Resolution | Cory Booker | U.S. Senator for New Jersey

So that's your idea of someone saying "America sucks"? By your standard, every single candidate running for office in America must think it "sucks". :lol:
He should get Michelle Obama to be his running mate, then they could have TWO America Haters on the ticket!

I see no reason to even acknowledge a candidate that runs on being Gay, and would govern as being Gay. Also, he has no shot.
If you had a boyfriend, husband, lover, partner -- Whatever, and all that person ever did was try to 'fix' you, criticize you, tell you how bad you are at just about everything....

Does that person love you? In your mind?

Maybe for you. Not for me.

I'm gonzo.

Get a shrink

Are you medicated? You claimed all the Democratic candidates have stated that America sucks. I asked for links. I knew you had no such links, sure, but I thought you'd at least try for a coherent response. My bad, dude.
yeah, so where do you suppose you'll find a link where all twenty would be on one link? now you want him to pull twenty links? too funny.

How about two? Manage to find two candidates other than Trump who have said "America sucks".
Joe Biden launches 2020 bid warning ‘soul’ of America at stake – Chico Enterprise-Record

Booker Joins Markey, Ocasio-Cortez to Introduce Green New Deal Resolution | Cory Booker | U.S. Senator for New Jersey

So that's your idea of someone saying "America sucks"? By your standard, every single candidate running for office in America must think it "sucks". :lol:
well duh, isn't that what the dude poster said? hahahahaaha

Are you medicated? You claimed all the Democratic candidates have stated that America sucks. I asked for links. I knew you had no such links, sure, but I thought you'd at least try for a coherent response. My bad, dude.
yeah, so where do you suppose you'll find a link where all twenty would be on one link? now you want him to pull twenty links? too funny.

How about two? Manage to find two candidates other than Trump who have said "America sucks".
Joe Biden launches 2020 bid warning ‘soul’ of America at stake – Chico Enterprise-Record

Booker Joins Markey, Ocasio-Cortez to Introduce Green New Deal Resolution | Cory Booker | U.S. Senator for New Jersey

So that's your idea of someone saying "America sucks"? By your standard, every single candidate running for office in America must think it "sucks". :lol:
well duh, isn't that what the dude poster said? hahahahaaha


Every candidate running for ANY office be it democrat, republican or Trumpican.
yeah, so where do you suppose you'll find a link where all twenty would be on one link? now you want him to pull twenty links? too funny.

How about two? Manage to find two candidates other than Trump who have said "America sucks".
Joe Biden launches 2020 bid warning ‘soul’ of America at stake – Chico Enterprise-Record

Booker Joins Markey, Ocasio-Cortez to Introduce Green New Deal Resolution | Cory Booker | U.S. Senator for New Jersey

So that's your idea of someone saying "America sucks"? By your standard, every single candidate running for office in America must think it "sucks". :lol:
well duh, isn't that what the dude poster said? hahahahaaha


Every candidate running for ANY office be it democrat, republican or Trumpican.
yeah, so? are you better off today economically than three years ago? is unemployment better than 65 years ago? are salaries up? why do the answers to those questions suck?

So that's your idea of someone saying "America sucks"? By your standard, every single candidate running for office in America must think it "sucks". :lol:
well duh, isn't that what the dude poster said? hahahahaaha


Every candidate running for ANY office be it democrat, republican or Trumpican.
yeah, so? are you better off today economically than three years ago? is unemployment better than 65 years ago? are salaries up? why do the answers to those questions suck?

Ah, when backed against a wall you change the topic? If I tell my child that got a B "you can do better", I am not saying "you suck".
well duh, isn't that what the dude poster said? hahahahaaha


Every candidate running for ANY office be it democrat, republican or Trumpican.
yeah, so? are you better off today economically than three years ago? is unemployment better than 65 years ago? are salaries up? why do the answers to those questions suck?

Ah, when backed against a wall you change the topic? If I tell my child that got a B "you can do better", I am not saying "you suck".
well explain what sucks other than trump is in office? why do you avoid making your position known what sucks exactly? The new green deal is an idea that will destroy our country and most likely the planet, and you all are all over that. too fking funny.

And I'm still waiting for the socialist country everyone is trying to get to.
Exact quote for those who have adult level reading comprehension skills:

“So many of the solutions, I believe, are gonna come from our communities. Communities like the one where I grew up, which is an industrial mid-western city, That is exactly the kind of place that our current president targeted with a message saying that we could find greatness by just stopping the clock and turning it back and making America great again. That past that he is promising to return us to was never as great as advertised, especially for marginalized Americans… and there’s no going back anyway,”
You know that doesn't change anything at all, right?

It doesn't? Let's parse this out...what when does Trump refer to when he wants to "make America great again"? How far back does he want to turn the clock?
Its not going backwards you idiot...

Trump is creating massive jobs for all of middle America. This includes all Americans, Hispanics, Latinos, Blacks, Asians, Europeans, Everyone... Women are in that group as well as a subset. LOWEST UNEMPLOYMENT EVER for most if not all./ American individuals are again being able to be self sufficient and that scares the hell out of satirists who demand subservience and control.

That is what is making America great again means. We need not depend on ANYONE ELSE FOR OUR SURVIVAL and the government is our servant, not our master.

That isn't what the orange moron said. His entire campaign was about how terrible America was and only he could fix it.

His inaugural address was about the "carnage" of America's landscape. It wasn't an optimistic look forward, it was more dark campaign rhetoric.

Trump's message could have been "make America greater". It wasn't. It was/is "make America great AGAIN". The "again" implies he and his boot lickers don't think it was or is.
It's all about projection with them.....

If they claim that Democrats are saying "America sucks".....look to what THEY are saying.
Ask Michelle what she thought of America prior to 2008.
Hey, Pete, you dumbass, you just shit all over the people whose votes you need.

What a moron.

Strong verb.

And he mentioned no "people" anyway except those shat upon.
You and people like you are the reason Trump won -- and you're too fucking stupid to know you need the votes of Middle America.

You mean the Literates?

The text isn't even referring to "people". It's referring to a concept. Read it.

The OP saw a fake headline, started drooling, didn't bother to vet it, and now look where he is.
No matter what I say, you'll read BACK TO WHEN SLAVERY WAS LEGAL.
You want to go all the way back to the 1800s? You think that's when Trump meant?
Yup, I called it.
You didn't call shit. I asked you questions you aren't answering. I will try again. What period of time do you think Trump refers to when he thought America was great? Come on, its his slogan.
I said:

No matter what I say, you'll read BACK TO WHEN SLAVERY WAS LEGAL.
You immediately screeched YOU WANT TO BRING BACK SLAVERY.

You self-awareness meter is stuck on zero.
No, actually, I did nothing of the sort. I asked you a question and you jumped to slavery. I then asked you to clarify and you claimed an imaginary victory without ever answering the question. Total pussy move.
If that lets you feel better about doing exactly what I predicted you'd do, sure.
Exact quote for those who have adult level reading comprehension skills:

“So many of the solutions, I believe, are gonna come from our communities. Communities like the one where I grew up, which is an industrial mid-western city, That is exactly the kind of place that our current president targeted with a message saying that we could find greatness by just stopping the clock and turning it back and making America great again. That past that he is promising to return us to was never as great as advertised, especially for marginalized Americans… and there’s no going back anyway,”
You know that doesn't change anything at all, right?
For those with reading comprehension problems mixed with 5th Ave Syndrome, you are most likely right.
Hey, what does Ilhan Omar say about it? Aside from wanting you dead, I mean.
Could you show us the quote of Ilhan Omar saying that she wants me dead? I have provided you with a quote, it's the least you can do.
Oh, she doesn't mention you personally.

Rep. Ilhan Omar Goes After Covington Catholic Students For ‘Taunting 5 Black Men’

She defended the "5 black men" who are part of the black supremacist Hebrew Israelite hate group, who preach, among other despicable things, that all gays should be put to death.

She's also connected to a jihadi imam who's notorious for calling for the killing of homosexuals...just as Sharia and the Quran prescribe.

But, hey, you just keep pretending she doesn't want you dead. But if I were you, I wouldn't be alone with her.
Exact quote for those who have adult level reading comprehension skills:

“So many of the solutions, I believe, are gonna come from our communities. Communities like the one where I grew up, which is an industrial mid-western city, That is exactly the kind of place that our current president targeted with a message saying that we could find greatness by just stopping the clock and turning it back and making America great again. That past that he is promising to return us to was never as great as advertised, especially for marginalized Americans… and there’s no going back anyway,”
You know that doesn't change anything at all, right?

It doesn't? Let's parse this out...what when does Trump refer to when he wants to "make America great again"? How far back does he want to turn the clock?
No matter what I say, you'll read BACK TO WHEN SLAVERY WAS LEGAL.
Interesting that that is where in time you go back to. These kinds of replies say a lot.....a lot.
Keep reading. She proved me right. And me correctly pointing out the left's irrational claims about Trump is in no way reflective of what I want.
Hey, Pete, you dumbass, you just shit all over the people whose votes you need.

What a moron.

Strong verb.

And he mentioned no "people" anyway except those shat upon.
You and people like you are the reason Trump won -- and you're too fucking stupid to know you need the votes of Middle America.

You mean the Literates?

The text isn't even referring to "people". It's referring to a concept. Read it.

The OP saw a fake headline, started drooling, didn't bother to vet it, and now look where he is.
So, you're claiming he believes America sucks, but Americans don't.

You're really not as smart as you think you are.
So that's your idea of someone saying "America sucks"? By your standard, every single candidate running for office in America must think it "sucks". :lol:
well duh, isn't that what the dude poster said? hahahahaaha


Every candidate running for ANY office be it democrat, republican or Trumpican.
yeah, so? are you better off today economically than three years ago? is unemployment better than 65 years ago? are salaries up? why do the answers to those questions suck?

Ah, when backed against a wall you change the topic? If I tell my child that got a B "you can do better", I am not saying "you suck".
well explain what sucks other than trump is in office? why do you avoid making your position known what sucks exactly? The new green deal is an idea that will destroy our country and most likely the planet, and you all are all over that. too fking funny.

And I'm still waiting for the socialist country everyone is trying to get to.

What part of "nobody outside of Trump and his MAGA morons thinks America sucks" don't you understand? Wanting America to d o better is not saying it sucks.

I'm actually not all that familiar with what all is in the "Green New Deal" but if it will lower our carbon emissions, reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and get us using more renewable resources, I could get behind it. We have to do something. The current trajectory is unsustainable.
You want to go all the way back to the 1800s? You think that's when Trump meant?
Yup, I called it.
You didn't call shit. I asked you questions you aren't answering. I will try again. What period of time do you think Trump refers to when he thought America was great? Come on, its his slogan.
I said:

No matter what I say, you'll read BACK TO WHEN SLAVERY WAS LEGAL.
You immediately screeched YOU WANT TO BRING BACK SLAVERY.

You self-awareness meter is stuck on zero.
No, actually, I did nothing of the sort. I asked you a question and you jumped to slavery. I then asked you to clarify and you claimed an imaginary victory without ever answering the question. Total pussy move.
If that lets you feel better about doing exactly what I predicted you'd do, sure.

What do you believe I did except ask you when you thought Trump believes America was great? A question you refuse to answer. You said slavery. I actually don't think that is the America that Trump refers to as when America was great. Do you?
Exact quote for those who have adult level reading comprehension skills:

“So many of the solutions, I believe, are gonna come from our communities. Communities like the one where I grew up, which is an industrial mid-western city, That is exactly the kind of place that our current president targeted with a message saying that we could find greatness by just stopping the clock and turning it back and making America great again. That past that he is promising to return us to was never as great as advertised, especially for marginalized Americans… and there’s no going back anyway,”
You know that doesn't change anything at all, right?
For those with reading comprehension problems mixed with 5th Ave Syndrome, you are most likely right.
Hey, what does Ilhan Omar say about it? Aside from wanting you dead, I mean.
Could you show us the quote of Ilhan Omar saying that she wants me dead? I have provided you with a quote, it's the least you can do.
Oh, she doesn't mention you personally.

Rep. Ilhan Omar Goes After Covington Catholic Students For ‘Taunting 5 Black Men’

She defended the "5 black men" who are part of the black supremacist Hebrew Israelite hate group, who preach, among other despicable things, that all gays should be put to death.

She's also connected to a jihadi imam who's notorious for calling for the killing of homosexuals...just as Sharia and the Quran prescribe.

But, hey, you just keep pretending she doesn't want you dead. But if I were you, I wouldn't be alone with her.

You should see a doctor about that stretched groin muscle. :lol:

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