Philosophy forum

nice dodge son. weak, punkish, and evasion of the truth that you dont want to see. LOLOLOL!!!!!!

i am in your playhouse. and you want to come to mine to see what you dont want to accept. too bad. as i said, you have the link. either you use it, or not. that is your choice, not mine.

yoiu will notice i am not playing by yours either. that makes your claim just that much more impotent. so sonny, keep on trying to stir up your infantile lies, spew your mindless insults, and dont forget to take your milk and cookies at noon recess. LOL!!!!

whatsa matter son? afraid to open the link?


I couldn't write that poorly if I tried. Did you know Firefox has a built-in spellcheck feature?
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Liberty Library of Constitutional Classics

51. A Letter Concerning Toleration, John Locke (1689) — Classic statement of the case for toleration of those holding different views.

52. Second Treatise on Government, John Locke (1690) — Principal proponent of the social contract theory which forms the basis for modern constitutional republican government.
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Jamie: All is ok because it correlates with the natural order and balance of the universe. There has to be wrong in order for there to be right. Vise versa. You have to have immorality in order to have morality. Otherwise neither of them would exist.

I can relate in that bad things happening , may by contrast and accent the value of good, that however does not justify the bad. To the victim it is not all good. I'm not saying I always know where the line is, and because I don't, I do know grace, I am saying there is a line. There is a path, that may have multiple acceptable forks, there are forks that shouldn't be taken. Consequence, both good and bad, can be very exacting. Locke was big on natural law. I like his perspective.

I dont necessarily like Locke. Although I agree with him on some issues, I generally do not like his work. There is a line between morality and immorality. But you dont have to have a God in order to know or follow that. There may be a path, but that path does not necessarily have to come from God to be understood. I understand what you are saying about forks, however, but again, this doesnt have to come from God to be understood either. I am not Athiest, but I am not a theist either. I am in between because I believe in energy. I believe that there is a natural balance in everything. Some of my views may be reflections of my theory, but on the same token, my theory challenges a lot of theories out there.

The Christian religion to me is nothing but a theory - along with all other religions. I do not agree with religion most of the time because most are myths to live by...not facts to live by. When it comes to absolute morality, I dont think the NT obeys the laws of it because Jesus is saying that all you have to do is accept him into your heart and you will be forgiven. There might be "I dont want you to do this and I want you to do that"...but in the end, it makes no sense because all you have to do is repent what you've done that he doesnt want you to do, accept him into your heart and you will be forgiven. Absolute morality comes into play where we are dealing with "absolutes". The OT is a great example of this because there was no "repent and you shall be forgiven". It stated that if you went against what was being handed down, there were consequences and you would suffer them good and bad.

my postition is that women are the cornerstone of civilization, and are women only as they are thinking or acting for the benefit of the family. in any other capacity, they are not women. i say this as i have looked for characteristics that only are shared among women, and have found only their ability to give life. otherwise, i dont think there can be said anything about womens thinking process or behavior that cannot also be said of men.

With regards to the study that shows that females and males are more alike than they are different, I would like to add some of the facts that have been shown to show this.

The gender similarities hypothesis stands in stark contrast
to the differences model, which holds that men and women,
and boys and girls, are vastly different psychologically.
The gender similarities hypothesis states, instead, that
males and females are alike on most—but not all—psychological
variables. Extensive evidence from meta-analyses
of research on gender differences supports the gender
similarities hypothesis. A few notable exceptions are some
motor behaviors (e.g., throwing distance) and some aspects
of sexuality, which show large gender differences. Aggression
shows a gender difference that is moderate in
It is time to consider the costs of overinflated claims of
gender differences. Arguably, they cause harm in numerous
realms, including women’s opportunities in the workplace,
couple conflict and communication, and analyses of selfesteem
problems among adolescents. Most important, these
claims are not consistent with the scientific data.

Read More Here:

This study goes to show that there are very very few things that separate females from males - the most influential being that women have the ability to reproduce. Other than that, they should not be excluded from any activity were a male is involved. On the other note, women are not fully different from men until they have had a baby, but then again, with these days and times, men are going to be able to have the ability to have a child with medical help so then the gender difference isnt going to matter. Women, as a bottom note, should not be excluded from anything and anyone who argues this fact is shown to be weak - especially females.

my postition is that women are the cornerstone of civilization, and are women only as they are thinking or acting for the benefit of the family. in any other capacity, they are not women. i say this as i have looked for characteristics that only are shared among women, and have found only their ability to give life. otherwise, i dont think there can be said anything about womens thinking process or behavior that cannot also be said of men.

With regards to the study that shows that females and males are more alike than they are different, I would like to add some of the facts that have been shown to show this.

The gender similarities hypothesis stands in stark contrast
to the differences model, which holds that men and women,
and boys and girls, are vastly different psychologically.
The gender similarities hypothesis states, instead, that
males and females are alike on most—but not all—psychological
variables. Extensive evidence from meta-analyses
of research on gender differences supports the gender
similarities hypothesis. A few notable exceptions are some
motor behaviors (e.g., throwing distance) and some aspects
of sexuality, which show large gender differences. Aggression
shows a gender difference that is moderate in
It is time to consider the costs of overinflated claims of
gender differences. Arguably, they cause harm in numerous
realms, including women’s opportunities in the workplace,
couple conflict and communication, and analyses of selfesteem
problems among adolescents. Most important, these
claims are not consistent with the scientific data.

Read More Here:

This study goes to show that there are very very few things that separate females from males - the most influential being that women have the ability to reproduce. Other than that, they should not be excluded from any activity were a male is involved. On the other note, women are not fully different from men until they have had a baby, but then again, with these days and times, men are going to be able to have the ability to have a child with medical help so then the gender difference isnt going to matter. Women, as a bottom note, should not be excluded from anything and anyone who argues this fact is shown to be weak - especially females.


Didn't you already post that link? Don't you have any response to the sources I cited?

You say you want discussion but whenever anyone you can't dominate tries you run away.

i hadn't realized there were studies on this. i was under the impression that the pop culture idea of men being from mars and women being from venus was the dominating force. but then, we are talking about the pop culture versus actual hard science after all.

i say that women are more moral than men, as woman are biologically pre-disposed to consider something larger than themselves, that being their offspring. from ones offspring, it is easy to extrapolate to a wider picture. granted, some women can act in the best interests of their child(ren) to the detriment of others, which can boomerang to destruction. destruction runs counter to benefitting their offspring, and so isn't acting as a woman.

everything men learn of construction, nurturing, healing, and society they learn from a woman. women give men focus and purpose, and on this are civilizations built.
Hey Xeno, I think I found that pic you were looking for...



Liberty Library of Constitutional Classics

51. A Letter Concerning Toleration, John Locke (1689) — Classic statement of the case for toleration of those holding different views.
John Locke: A Letter Concerning Toleration

52. Second Treatise on Government, John Locke (1690) — Principal proponent of the social contract theory which forms the basis for modern constitutional republican government.
John Locke: Second Treatise of Civil Government

Are you folks allowed to have a sense of humor, or is that not "cool" and too pretentious? :eusa_whistle:

Liberty Library of Constitutional Classics

51. A Letter Concerning Toleration, John Locke (1689) — Classic statement of the case for toleration of those holding different views.
John Locke: A Letter Concerning Toleration

52. Second Treatise on Government, John Locke (1690) — Principal proponent of the social contract theory which forms the basis for modern constitutional republican government.
John Locke: Second Treatise of Civil Government

Are you folks allowed to have a sense of humor, or is that not "cool" and too pretentious? :eusa_whistle:

Hey, don't go all witty and clever on us, this philosophy stuff is serious business!

Now someone get me an espresso, I feel some pontificating coming on... :lol:
Jamie: All is OK because it correlates with the natural order and balance of the universe. There has to be wrong in order for there to be right. Vise versa. You have to have immorality in order to have morality. Otherwise neither of them would exist.

I can relate in that bad things happening , may by contrast and accent the value of good, that however does not justify the bad. To the victim it is not all good. I'm not saying I always know where the line is, and because I don't, I do know grace, I am saying there is a line. There is a path, that may have multiple acceptable forks, there are forks that shouldn't be taken. Consequence, both good and bad, can be very exacting. Locke was big on natural law. I like his perspective.

I don't necessarily like Locke. Although I agree with him on some issues, I generally do not like his work. There is a line between morality and immorality. But you don't have to have a God in order to know or follow that. There may be a path, but that path does not necessarily have to come from God to be understood. I understand what you are saying about forks, however, but again, this doesn't have to come from God to be understood either. I am not Atheist, but I am not a theist either. I am in between because I believe in energy. I believe that there is a natural balance in everything. Some of my views may be reflections of my theory, but on the same token, my theory challenges a lot of theories out there.

The Christian religion to me is nothing but a theory - along with all other religions. I do not agree with religion most of the time because most are myths to live by...not facts to live by. When it comes to absolute morality, I don't think the NT obeys the laws of it because Jesus is saying that all you have to do is accept him into your heart and you will be forgiven. There might be "I don't want you to do this and I want you to do that"...but in the end, it makes no sense because all you have to do is repent what you've done that he doesn't want you to do, accept him into your heart and you will be forgiven. Absolute morality comes into play where we are dealing with "absolutes". The OT is a great example of this because there was no "repent and you shall be forgiven". It stated that if you went against what was being handed down, there were consequences and you would suffer them good and bad.


The Christian Religion like other Religions is based on Faith, not Theory, Faith precedes Theory or Understanding. Much is still to be revealed or explained. The point is that even without Understanding there is Faith. I'm not, nor was Locke, trying to sell anyone on Christianity. The Old Testament is filled with direction, code, and instruction, referenced to by the New Testament. You way be oversimplifying the New just a tiny bit.
Let me introduce you to two favorite Chapters from the Old that plainly state Repentance.

King Solomon Prays for all on earth that turn to God in Sincerity of Heart (Think Conscience). 1 Kings Chapter 8

8:38 What prayer and supplication soever be made by any man, or by all thy people Israel, which shall know every man the plague of his own heart, and spread forth his hands toward this house:

8:39 Then hear thou in heaven thy dwelling place, and forgive, and do, and give to every man according to his ways, whose heart thou knowest; (for thou, even thou only, knowest the hearts of all the children of men;)

8:40 That they may fear thee all the days that they live in the land which thou gavest unto our fathers.

8:41 Moreover concerning a stranger, that is not of thy people Israel, but cometh out of a far country for thy name's sake;

8:42 (For they shall hear of thy great name, and of thy strong hand, and of thy stretched out arm;) when he shall come and pray toward this house;

8:43 Hear thou in heaven thy dwelling place, and do according to all that the stranger calleth to thee for: that all people of the earth may know thy name, to fear thee, as do thy people Israel; and that they may know that this house, which I have builded, is called by thy name. Kings&Chapter=8# If the link doesn't bring you to the page, you'll have to get there manually.

Next is Ezekiel speaking of Repentance and Life of the Soul.
Chapter # 18
18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. Defenders Notes >>

18:21 But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die.

18:22 All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him: in his righteousness that he hath done he shall live.

18:23 Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord GOD: and not that he should return from his ways, and live? Defenders Notes >>

18:24 But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die.

18:25 Yet ye say, The way of the LORD is not equal. Hear now, O house of Israel; Is not my way equal? are not your ways unequal?

18:26 When a righteous man turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and dieth in them; for his iniquity that he hath done shall he die.

18:27 Again, when the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive.

18:28 Because he considereth, and turneth away from all his transgressions that he hath committed, he shall surely live, he shall not die.

18:29 Yet saith the house of Israel, The way of the LORD is not equal. O house of Israel, are not my ways equal? are not your ways unequal?

18:30 Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his ways, saith the Lord GOD. Repent, and turn yourselves from all your transgressions; so iniquity shall not be your ruin.

18:31 Cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby ye have transgressed; and make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why will ye die, O house of Israel?

The Holy Bible

Jamie, I'm open to discussion with or without Bible Reference, what ever you are comfortable with. Here are two examples of reconciliation. Personally I like to read Scripture in context, by chapter or group of chapters. More of a complete impression.

Locke defends the Athiests better than most, and appeared to be big on example, very anti mandate.
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Jamie: "my postition is that women are the cornerstone of civilization, and are women only as they are thinking or acting for the benefit of the family. in any other capacity, they are not women. i say this as i have looked for characteristics that only are shared among women, and have found only their ability to give life. otherwise, i dont think there can be said anything about womens thinking process or behavior that cannot also be said of men.'

The very first thing that comes to mind is the distinction between my daughters basketball team, and my sons basketball team. 12 to 15 year old C.Y.O., P.A.L. A.A.U., etc.

I can only describe girls basketball as like watching a multiple car accident, on ice, in slow motion. It is the most exciting, seat of your pants, heart stopping experience, that can go to the last second of play, more than not.
If some one breaks your nail, that does qualify as a crisis. A Vendetta is not soon forgotten, a scratch is remembered for years. They have rules, when they play, like you were not allowed to pass the ball to my daughter, she did not want it. She was a good rebounder, but naturally shy, and that was one of her rules.

Boys basketball, if they are playing and practicing 5 days a week or more, is synchronous art. When they were poorly practiced, they would be more, show-off, out of sync., and foolish. You could easily mix and match teams with different events and leagues. Boy's hold shorter grudges. Easier to befriend the competition.

traveling in a confined vehicle with 4 to 5 to 8 girls is a horrific experience on the ears. It does not stop, it does not turn off, except to inhale. Boys do not compare.

We may be more alike than different, but we are still different. I think that girls or women generally fascinate us, yet our interests more dissimilar than similar.

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