Photo of Doug Mastriano wearing Confederate uniform goes viral

Southern civilians who supported the permanent enslavement of black people. The Confederacy, its culture and its people were pieces of shit. Some of the worst human beings to walk the earth. That really isn't in dispute anywhere. I'm not sure about whatever outhouse you received your education in but decent society recognizes everything I've said as fact.
They never even heard of it, you ignorant, babbling hyena. What you have said is ignorant MORON TALK, and you're so stupidly and thoroughly DUPED by your MISeducation of glaring OMISSION, that you can't even come to terms with the reality-truth, when it is finally presented to you, after years of being "taught" by DUPED, MISeducated airheads.
Wrong. Couldn't be that, because I copy/pasted it from a previous post of MINE, from a few years ago.

Here's another one >>


So you made it up then and now you're just citing yourself.

Sure guy. The trailer park you were homeschooled in is not an accredited institution.
Wow. Nice slam on all the millions of people who were raised in trailer parks (many of them now doctors, lawyers, scientists), and all the kids growing up in this e trailer parks now. You are a pitiful divergence from humanity.''

Just for the record, I graduated with a BA from the City University Of New York, taught economics there after graduation, and went to graduate school in a Masters degree course at Memphis State University, until I quit because of being discriminated against by Affirmative Action.
They never even heard of it, you ignorant, babbling hyena. What you have said is ignorant MORON TALK, and you're so stupidly and thoroughly DUPED by your MISeducation of glaring OMISSION, that you can't even come to terms with the reality-truth, when it is finally presented to you, after years of being "taught" by DUPED, MISeducated airheads.
I know southern whites are some of the dumbest mother fuckers walking but its still ridiculous to insist that this thing (slavery) that 90% of their economy relied on was virtually unheard of in the south is stupid. 😄

So you made it up then and now you're just citing yourself.
HA HA HA. I knew you were going to say that. I know you only too well Faun. Problem is when you say I made it up, you have no idea what you're talking about (as usual), and YOU are now making that up. :lol:
Wow. Nice slam on all the millions of people who were raised in trailer parks (many of them now doctors, lawyers, scientists), and all the kids growing up in this e trailer parks now. You are a pitiful divergence from humanity.''

Just for the record, I graduated with a BA from the City University Of New York, taught economics there after graduation, and went to graduate school in a Masters degree course at Memphis State University, until I quit because of being discriminated against by Affirmative Action.
Sure you did you cosplayer. 😂
What about the video of Biden calling an exhaulted cyclops of the KKK a friend, mentor, and guide?
HA HA HA. I knew you were going to say that. I know you only too well Faun. Problem is when you say I made it up, you have no idea what you're talking about (as usual), and YOU are now making that up. :lol:


Nope, you still made it up as you typed it. But as you showed, today wasn't the first time you typed it.
I know southern whites are some of the dumbest mother fuckers walking but its still ridiculous to insist that this thing (slavery) that 90% of their economy relied on was virtually unheard of in the south is stupid. 😄
See ? You don't even know that slavery was a phenomenon of COASTAL areas, which were correlated with cotton farming, and that a very large portion of the south -Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Arkansas-were mountainous and rugged, thus had no cotton farming, plantations, no blacks, no slavery, and no Confederacy.

Even today, there still is a huge racial disparity between southern mountain cities, and southern coastal plain ones, Two cities where I have lived are a good example,

Mountains - Johnson City, TN - 89% white ; 6% black
Boone, NC - 92% white ; 2% black

Coastal Plains -Tampa, Florida - 65% white ; 24% black
- Savannah GA - 40% white ; 54% black

Even many areas in the south outside the mountains, didn't have plantations. Every time you post, you display more and more, how deep is your ignorance. This is definitely not the right thread for you.
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See ? You don't even know that slavery was a phenomenon of COASTAL areas, which were correlated with cotton farming, and that a very large portion of the south -Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Arkansas-were mountainous and rugged, thus had no cotton farming, plantations, no blacks, no slavery, and no Confederacy.

Even today, there still is a huge racial disparity between southern mountain cities, and southern coastal plain ones, Two cities where I have lived are a good example,

Mountains - Johnson City, TN - 89% white ; 6% black
Boone, NC - 92% white ; 2% black

Coastal Plains -Tampa, Florida - 65% white ; 24% black
- Savannah GA - 40% white ; 54% black

Even many areas in the south outside the mountains, didn't have plantations. Every time you post, you display more and more, how deep is your ignorance. This is definitely not the right thread for you.


There you go, just making shit up again.

No, liar, slavery was not a coastal phenomenon. It had expanded far past the coasts as demonstrated by this 1861 map of slave populatios...


Nope, you still made it up as you typed it. But as you showed, today wasn't the first time you typed it.
HA HA. I just showed that it was copy pasted from 3 years ago, you idiot. And you also have no answer to >>YOU are now making that up. :lol:
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There you go, just making shit up again.

No, liar, slavery was not a coastal phenomenon. It had expanded far past the coasts as demonstrated by this 1861 map...

You bonehead, that map conforms to what I SAID, not you . You see the very BIG light colored dip in the middle of the dark to the right and left of it ? That big, light area is where there is not slavery. And guess what - it also happens to be the mountainous area of the south, just as I said. Check any topograghic map if you like.
And the darkest area is all along the Mississippii River (COASTAL lowlands)

You're about as good in this thread as curried goats, or whatever his name is.
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You bonehead, that map conforms to what I SAID, not you . You see the very BIG light colored dip in the middle of the dark to the right and left of it ? That big, light area is where there is not slavery. And guess what - it also happens to be the mountainous area of the south, just as I said. Check any topograghic map if you like.
And the darkest area is all along the Mississippii River (COASTAL lowlands)

You're about as good in this thread as curried goats, or whatever his name is.


You're batshit senile, gramps. Some pretty dark designations on that map in northern Louisiana and northern Mississippi and northern Alabama.

According to your hallucinations, those are coastal areas.

Even worse for you... according to you, most people in those areas didn't even know blacks there were enslaved.

See ? You don't even know that slavery was a phenomenon of COASTAL areas, which were correlated with cotton farming, and that a very large portion of the south -Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Arkansas-were mountainous and rugged, thus had no cotton farming, plantations, no blacks, no slavery, and no Confederacy.
And also very few people of any color. Communities and civilizations develop around rivers because fresh water is a necessity and the north American coasts are how colonizers exported the goods they were brutalizing slaves to produce on land they slaughtered indigenous people to obtain.
Even today, there still is a huge racial disparity between southern mountain cities, and southern coastal plain ones, Two cities where I have lived are a good example,

Mountains - Johnson City, TN - 89% white ; 6% black
Boone, NC - 92% white ; 2% black

Coastal Plains -Tampa, Florida - 65% white ; 24% black
- Savannah GA - 40% white ; 54% black

Even many areas in the south outside the mountains, didn't have plantations. Every time you post, you display more and more, how deep is your ignorance. This is definitely not the right thread for you.
This isn't the reality for your, Snowflake. 😄

You're batshit senile, gramps. Some pretty dark designations on that map in northern Louisiana and northern Mississippi and northern Alabama.

According to your hallucinations, those are coastal areas.

Even worse for you... according to you, most people in those areas didn't even know blacks there were enslaved.
:puhleeze:Not a very good comeback to Post # 135. That post refuted you solidly, and still does. 😐
And also very few people of any color. Communities and civilizations develop around rivers because fresh water is a necessity and the north American coasts are how colonizers exported the goods they were brutalizing slaves to produce on land they slaughtered indigenous people to obtain.

This isn't the reality for your, Snowflake. 😄
Talk about making stuff up, HA HA HA. This post is too much of a joke to even deserve the dignity of a response. Very few ? Try millions, idiot.

As for "indigenous people", they slaughtered other indigenous people for centuries, before a single ship from Europe ever arrived on North American shores. American Indians also slaughtered Indians of other tribes, after Europeans arrived here. Apaches and Navajos, for example, raided both each other and the sedentary Pueblo Indian tribes in an effort to acquire goods through plunder. Comanches fought Apaches, and stole their land, driving them out. Cheyennes fought Crows The Blackfeet attempted to impose genocide on the Flathead people, and the Cayuse were the bloodthirsty enemies of their native neighbors.
Further East, the Iroquois confederacy was dedicated to the wholesale extermination of the Huron, a loathsome feat they nearly managed to achieve.

More evidence of leftist OMISSION MISeducation.
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Talk about making stuff up, HA HA HA. This post is too much of a joke to even deserve the dignity of a response. Very few ? Try millions, idiot.
Maybe today. Not in 1860, dipshit.
As for "indigenous people", they slaughtered other indigenous people for centuries, before a single ship from Europe ever arrived on North American shores. American Indians also slaughtered Indians of other tribes, after Europeans arrived here. More evidence of leftist OMISSION MISeducation.
Not an omission. Irrelevant. The actions of Native Americans are not excuses for the actions of European colonizers.

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