Photo of Doug Mastriano wearing Confederate uniform goes viral

Confederates you dipshit. They killed around 360,000 Americans during the war. That's before all the raping and slaving. How stupid are you?
And they did that in SELF-DEFENSE (a concept liberals can't seem to master), as it was northern armies who traveled to the South, where the war was fought, not the other way around. How stupid are YOU ?
Yea. That statues taken down from Monument Ave in Virginia are going to California to get displayed next to the works of black artists as a giant fuck you to the cuck whites. 😄
Or a giant fuck you to the black artists...
Confederates you dipshit. They killed around 360,000 Americans during the war. That's before all the raping and slaving. How stupid are you?
hahaha...the confederates killed enemy soldiers during a war being fought to stop a tyrannical government. hahahaha......Your people continue to murder at levels only seen in dark uncivilized thirdworld shitholes.
And they did that in SELF-DEFENSE (a concept liberals can't seem to master), as it was northern armies who traveled to the South, where the war was fought, not the other way around. How stupid are YOU ?
Rapists and slavers don't get to claim self defense in their violent attempts to defend their raping and slaving. Don't be a fucking moron.
hahaha...the confederates killed enemy soldiers during a war being fought to stop a tyrannical government. hahahaha......Your people continue to murder at levels only seen in dark uncivilized thirdworld shitholes.
Its hilarious that you don't recognize the Confederacy, a slave state, as a tyrannical government as well. 😄
LOL! Okay. That makes all the difference.
The mixed race artists better put some type of interpretation summary there so the rest of us know the score.
We already know the score. 😁 Your culture is being replaced.
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By what? The "woke culture"?
If thinking that makes you happy in your little urban plantations, fine.
I'm not one living in a cosplay fantasy, little cuck. They took down statues of Confederates and then gave them to black artists so they could show your culture as the sewage that it is. That's actually happened. 😁
Rapists and slavers don't get to claim self defense in their violent attempts to defend their raping and slaving. Don't be a fucking moron.
Brainwashed DUPE-imbecile. 90% of southerners who fought in the Civil War knew nothing at all about slavery, never heard of the Confederacy or Jefferson Davis,

For millions of civilian southerners (many of whom never owned a slave, never saw one, and didn't even know of the existence of slavery, or black people) the civil war was one of self-defense. (a concept unknown to leftists). It was a battle against swarms of soldiers from hundreds of miles away, attacking their towns, shooting at them, blowing up their buildings and bridges, and burning down their churches.

When asked by Union soldiers, why they were fighting, the southerners most often replied "Because you're here". When told about slavery, many southerners (especially in mountain areas) were puzzled, and had no idea what these blue-suited guys were talking about.

In the mid-19th century South, things were primitive. There were no TVs, radios, computers, and even newspapers were few and far between (if southern people could even read them). This was a land of extreme poverty, with most people barely eeking out a living on small farms, not rich people paying hundreds of dollars to buy slaves. There were roads and railroads, but not many people traveled on them. Photos of civil war battlefields are replete with pictures of barefoot southerners, lying dead on the ground. Those few who joined the Confederate Army, after putting on their new uniforms, boots and all, were known to say "This is the best suit of clothes I've ever had"

So yes, there IS something more than slavery and hate, that the southerners fought for. It was a defense of one's homeland, against whoever would attack them, as the Union Army did with massive firepower.
Brainwashed DUPE-imbecile. 90% of southerners who fought in the Civil War knew nothing at all about slavery, never heard of the Confederacy or Jefferson Davis,

For millions of civilian southerners (many of whom never owned a slave, never saw one, and didn't even know of the existence of slavery, or black people) the civil war was one of self-defense. (a concept unknown to leftists). It was a battle against swarms of soldiers from hundreds of miles away, attacking their towns, shooting at them, blowing up their buildings and bridges, and burning down their churches.

When asked by Union soldiers, why they were fighting, the southerners most often replied "Because you're here". When told about slavery, many southerners (especially in mountain areas) were puzzled, and had no idea what these blue-suited guys were talking about.

In the mid-19th century South, things were primitive. There were no TVs, radios, computers, and even newspapers were few and far between (if southern people could even read them). This was a land of extreme poverty, with most people barely eeking out a living on small farms, not rich people paying hundreds of dollars to buy slaves. There were roads and railroads, but not many people traveled on them. Photos of civil war battlefields are replete with pictures of barefoot southerners, lying dead on the ground. Those few who joined the Confederate Army, after putting on their new uniforms, boots and all, were known to say "This is the best suit of clothes I've ever had"

So yes, there IS something more than slavery and hate, that the southerners fought for. It was a defense of one's homeland, against whoever would attack them, as the Union Army did with massive firepower.
Everything you said is stupid. 😄
Its hilarious that you don't recognize the Confederacy, a slave state, as a tyrannical government as well. 😄
It;s not hilarious but actually sad that due to your warped "education" in left-liberal schools, you are oblivious to the fact that the Confederacy (slave sate) that you harp about, was only a small fraction of the fighting that took place in the Civil War. The great majority was Union Army vs southern civilians.
Everything you said is stupid. 😄
This is the common reaction of undereducated, ignorant victims of left-liberal schools, "taught" by left-liberal (themselves undereducated) "teachers", when they suddenly are confronted by the realities they have been oblivious to, all their airhead lives.
That's because he just made it up as he was typing.
Wrong. Couldn't be that, because I copy/pasted it from a previous post of MINE, from a few years ago.

Here's another one >>

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Exactly. Democrats in the 1860's were pro-slavery and Mastriano dressed as pro-slavery secessionist. Today's Democrats don't dress as Confederates. Thanks for calling Mastriano a racist, which is obvious.
no today’s dems dress in hoods and black face
It;s not hilarious but actually sad that due to your warped "education" in left-liberal schools, you are oblivious to the fact that the Confederacy (slave sate) that you harp about, was only a small fraction of the fighting that took place in the Civil War. The great majority was Union Army vs southern civilians.
Southern civilians who supported the permanent enslavement of black people. The Confederacy, its culture and its people were pieces of shit. Some of the worst human beings to walk the earth. That really isn't in dispute anywhere. I'm not sure about whatever outhouse you received your education in but decent society recognizes everything I've said as fact.
This is the common reaction of undereducated, ignorant victims of left-liberal schools, "taught" by left-liberal (themselves undereducated) "teachers", when they suddenly are confronted by the realities they have been oblivious to, all their airhead lives.
Sure guy. The trailer park you were homeschooled in is not an accredited institution.

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