Pissed off about progress with North Korea? You might be a partisan hack.

Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.
What progress?

Please, point it out.

Well, a U.S president met with the leader of NK for the first time in history, and it went well. There's an unprecedented willingness to cooperate from North Korea. I think it's for real this time. You can try to minimize it all you want, but the truth is it's looking very positive.

What do you put the odds at that NK hands over their nukes?

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better than iran.
In Iran we had inspections, clear goals, and signed binding agreements with many other nations involved.

The substanceless reality show we just went through has none of that.

LOL, obozo gave Iran billions of dollars and got nothing in return, their nuke program continues today with our money, they continue to fund terrorism with our money, thanks obozo you fricken traitor.
Just like during the Obama years. :biggrin:
Yet Obama and every president since failed to do what Trump has done. I hope it gives all of you heart attacks. Never have I seen such SCUM hate success like you animals do.

What has Trump done exactly?

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The pretending never ends with you animals.

So you cannot answer the question, no surprise

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what was accomplished? is that your question? How about removing nukes from the Korean peninsula? How about bringing the NK people into the 21st century? How about finally ending the Korean war? How about finding a way to work with the Chinese for the benefit of the entire world?

You are a disgrace to the gator nation.

This is the problem with our country today, in our society of everyone gets a trophy people think that just talking about something is the same as that thing happening.

No nukes have been removed from NK, there are no plans to remove nukes from NK and NK has not agreed to have such a thing happen in the future.

But snowflakes like you think those things have already been accomplished.

It is scary that people like you get to vote

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Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.
They will not. They will celebrate every disappointment and downplay every victory.

That's what partisans do. That's who they are. It is what it is.
Tell us what you think about the Iran nuclear deal now that we all know what a sham it was, considering there was no actual deal, but rather a pay off.

How did that similar thing workout when slick did that with NK in the 90s?

Please, tell us about it. Just curious.

Also, what actual racist things has Trump said about blacks? Do you know or have any actual quotes?
It is truly disgusting how the same media and people who were praising and cheering Kim calling his sister NK's answer to Ivanka, are now doing all they can to diminish and disrupt the potential for a peaceful outcome with NK simply because of their uncontrollable and now openly dangerous hatred for TRUMP.

If Trump single handedly cured cancer, the MSM would howl with rage.

The peaceniks of the media suddenly deplore dialogue.

The media rebuked Ronald Reagan for calling the Soviet Union an evil empire. These days the media is demanding that Donald Trump isolate North Korea as one. Suddenly the peaceniks of the press corps deplore dialogue and demand to know why “Trump is legitimizing” Kim Jong Un.
—just go back and look at MSNBC’s fawning coverage of Fidel Castro’s death—but on Monday night they played hardliners. Rachel Maddow, furrowing her brow as usual, objected to Trump even holding a summit. She has finally found a communist leader she thinks America should ostracize. When Obama met with the Castro brothers, she burbled with enthusiasm. But she covered this moment of historic diplomacy like a funeral, shuddering at the thought of North Korea joining the “community” of nations.
During the Cold War, the press would admonish Reagan for drawing attention to the Soviet Union’s appalling human rights record. Journalists cast that concern as unhelpful to diplomacy and complained that it smacked of Western chauvinism. But on Monday night the relativists at MSNBC needled Trump for supposedly showing no interest in North Korea’s human rights abuses and treated the summit as an automatic loser since it wasn’t going to revolve around that subject. Trump won’t bring it up, they pouted. This, of course, is the same press that was chastising Trump for “provocations” a few months ago.

Scoring the Summit
This is the problem with our country today, in our society of everyone gets a trophy people think that just talking about something is the same as that thing happening.
.. and the other problem with our country today is that some people in our society seem to think that foreign policy is conducted using magic wands and fairy dust.

This process is going to happen in (very small) baby steps and the results are far from certain but the likelihood of it yielding lasting, positive results is vastly reduced if half the country is constantly dismissing every baby step forward as irrelevant because they don't happen to like the person leading it.
Yet Obama and every president since failed to do what Trump has done. I hope it gives all of you heart attacks. Never have I seen such SCUM hate success like you animals do.

What has Trump done exactly?

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The pretending never ends with you animals.

So you cannot answer the question, no surprise

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what was accomplished? is that your question? How about removing nukes from the Korean peninsula? How about bringing the NK people into the 21st century? How about finally ending the Korean war? How about finding a way to work with the Chinese for the benefit of the entire world?

You are a disgrace to the gator nation.

This is the problem with our country today, in our society of everyone gets a trophy people think that just talking about something is the same as that thing happening.

No nukes have been removed from NK, there are no plans to remove nukes from NK and NK has not agreed to have such a thing happen in the future.

But snowflakes like you think those things have already been accomplished.

It is scary that people like you get to vote

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He has already destroyed some of his nuclear facilities, or did the left wing fake news fail to cover that? No, everyone does not get a trophy, Clinton, both Bushes, and obozo the Kenyan messiah failed to even come close to what Trump has done with NK. Only the winner gets a trophy, its only the first inning in this game and the first inning goes to Trump.
Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.
What progress?

Please, point it out.

Well, a U.S president met with the leader of NK for the first time in history, and it went well. There's an unprecedented willingness to cooperate from North Korea. I think it's for real this time. You can try to minimize it all you want, but the truth is it's looking very positive.

Agreed, why is this so hard for some. I do not care one lil bit for Bone Spur but this could turnout to be a great thing.
Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.
What progress?

Please, point it out.
first - why don't you and all those saying nothing was done tell us what you'd have done and what you consider progress so we can address from that point of view. all you're going to do here is go "no that's not progress!" and be a partisan hack at this point.
How about a denuclearization agreement with inspections and verifications like we had in Iran until Cheeto Jesus bless it up?
this the one obama himself bypassed in order to launder money for iran?
Lol, repeating conspiracy theories doesn't make them true.
Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.
What progress?

Please, point it out.

Well, a U.S president met with the leader of NK for the first time in history, and it went well. There's an unprecedented willingness to cooperate from North Korea. I think it's for real this time. You can try to minimize it all you want, but the truth is it's looking very positive.
What cooperation?

Any president who wanted to legitimize the NK regime could have met with them BTW.
Sigh all you want, you know I'm right.
Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.
What progress?

Please, point it out.
first - why don't you and all those saying nothing was done tell us what you'd have done and what you consider progress so we can address from that point of view. all you're going to do here is go "no that's not progress!" and be a partisan hack at this point.
How about a denuclearization agreement with inspections and verifications like we had in Iran until Cheeto Jesus bless it up?

We had nothing of the sort in Iran. Military bases were kept off limits.
That is exactly what we had in Iran, and military bases were not off limits.
What progress?

Please, point it out.

Well, a U.S president met with the leader of NK for the first time in history and it went well. There's an unprecedented willingness to cooperate from North Korea. You can try to minimize it all you want, but the truth is it's looking very positive.

Of course he met with him. North Korea has been trying to meet with every U.S. president.

Trump isn't the first US President to get a North Korean invite. - CNNPolitics

Trump is the first to tell them to shape up or get fried.
Lol, did he do that? In writing? Or any way besides Twitter?

Lol, hot air on TV?
This is the problem with our country today, in our society of everyone gets a trophy people think that just talking about something is the same as that thing happening.
.. and the other problem with our country today is that some people in our society seem to think that foreign policy is conducted using magic wands and fairy dust.

This process is going to happen in (very small) baby steps and the results are far from certain but the likelihood of it yielding lasting, positive results is vastly reduced if half the country is constantly dismissing every baby step forward as irrelevant because they don't happen to like the person leading it.

I agree that is a problem, that is why I wish the Trump worshipers would quit making claims of accomplishments that have not happened yet.

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Goofy Gayturd is just another posting bot. Whomever programmed deanturd and fakey probably programmed that drone as well because the algorithm seems to resort to the same game.

Thanks for pointing that out. He's been an ISTDR, (Irrelevant Scroll Through Don't Read), for so long, I haven't noticed his similarity to deanturd and fakey. Time for him to join deanturd and fakey where bots belong.
What progress?

Please, point it out.

Well, a U.S president met with the leader of NK for the first time in history, and it went well. There's an unprecedented willingness to cooperate from North Korea. I think it's for real this time. You can try to minimize it all you want, but the truth is it's looking very positive.

What do you put the odds at that NK hands over their nukes?

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better than iran.
In Iran we had inspections

Military bases were off limits, for starters. Ergo, we didn't have inspections.
That isn't true according to the nuclear inspectors themselves.
What has Trump done exactly?

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The pretending never ends with you animals.

So you cannot answer the question, no surprise

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what was accomplished? is that your question? How about removing nukes from the Korean peninsula? How about bringing the NK people into the 21st century? How about finally ending the Korean war? How about finding a way to work with the Chinese for the benefit of the entire world?

You are a disgrace to the gator nation.

This is the problem with our country today, in our society of everyone gets a trophy people think that just talking about something is the same as that thing happening.

No nukes have been removed from NK, there are no plans to remove nukes from NK and NK has not agreed to have such a thing happen in the future.

But snowflakes like you think those things have already been accomplished.

It is scary that people like you get to vote

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He has already destroyed some of his nuclear facilities, or did the left wing fake news fail to cover that? No, everyone does not get a trophy, Clinton, both Bushes, and obozo the Kenyan messiah failed to even come close to what Trump has done with NK. Only the winner gets a trophy, its only the first inning in this game and the first inning goes to Trump.

He has completed his testing and his test mountain caved in after the last test. The facilities he destroyed were tied to that mountain.

They are also no longer needed as the testing phase is done, thus they held no value any more.

Here is my prediction for the outcome of the game, feel free to bookmark it...

NK will keep the nukes they have and agree not to make anymore in exchange for being a part of the world community.

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Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.
They will not. They will celebrate every disappointment and downplay every victory.

That's what partisans do. That's who they are. It is what it is.
Tell us what you think about the Iran nuclear deal now that we all know what a sham it was, considering there was no actual deal, but rather a pay off.

How did that similar thing workout when slick did that with NK in the 90s?

Please, tell us about it. Just curious.

Also, what actual racist things has Trump said about blacks? Do you know or have any actual quotes?
Didn't care much for the Iran deal. It changed nothing, essentially. We've done very little to slow them down over the last 20 years, obviously.

Haven't kept track of racist Trump comments. If he says something overt, then I'll have something. My interest is more with the white nationalists and white "supremacists" (hee hee) who support him.

Why is this so important to you?
he gave them $400m and got hostages back. he paid a ransom. no way around it.
he setup a treaty then set it aside to allow them to launder money. no way around it.

if trump did either of these things, you'd shit kittens in anger.

And if Trump did either of those things you would still worship him

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Except Obama didn't. Fox is lying to him. Trump is lying to him. Why can't these people turn on NPR for a day?

Because NPR was taken over by filthy liberals who lie through their teeth?
why can't you watch MY news? why can't you see it MY way???

why can't people step outside their own views for a bit and look around?

Trust in the so called news and so called journalists is at an all time low, due to their lying, twisting, and spinning.

"Trust in the so called news and so called journalists is at an all time low, due to their lying, twisting, and spinning"-BluesLegend

Yet, when Trump does the same exact thing, you eat it up.
Notice the difference between Trump and Obama. Obama's lame half measures on Iran kicking the nuclear can down the road vs Trump total denuclearization of NK. Poor Obama president Trump schools him again. :auiqs.jpg:
Please show me the denuclearization deal tRump has with NK.

Here ya go...

Read the full text of the Trump-Kim agreement here

"Convinced that the establishment of new U.S.-DPRK relations will contribute to the peace and prosperity of the Korean Peninsula and of the world, and recognizing that mutual confidence building can promote the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un state the following:

  1. The United States and the DPRK commit to establish new U.S.-DPRK relations in accordance with the desire of the peoples of the two countries for peace and prosperity.
  2. The United States and the DPRK will join their efforts to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula.
  3. Reaffirming the April 27, 2018 Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
  4. The United States and the DPRK commit to recovering POW/MIA remains, including the immediate repatriation of those already identified."
Of course the term "denuclearization" requires clarification because it's unclear whether or not the DPRK defines the term that same way as the U.S. defines it and this agreement is vague with respect to details like the specific steps to be taken, the timetable and so forth, but it's a start.
It's not anything but hot air. There's nothing there.
Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.
What progress?

Please, point it out.
first - why don't you and all those saying nothing was done tell us what you'd have done and what you consider progress so we can address from that point of view. all you're going to do here is go "no that's not progress!" and be a partisan hack at this point.
How about a denuclearization agreement with inspections and verifications like we had in Iran until Cheeto Jesus bless it up?

We had nothing of the sort in Iran. Military bases were kept off limits.
That is exactly what we had in Iran, and military bases were not off limits.

Willful ignorance suits you well.

Iran says military sites are off-limits for nuclear inspections despite U.S. pressure

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