Pocahontas: "there is nobody in America who got rich on his own. NOBODY!"...Um, your opponent Trump!

The statement in the meme is not any statement from Mrs. Warren, it is from former president Oblama.
Is this the worst thread of 2019 so far?
Author misatribution and false claims about Trump making himself rich.
Who pays for government Senator Warren? Does government generate its own wealth, or do us taxpayers (individuals, and private corporations) fund government? Yes, we DID BUILD THAT!!!

We don't have to "pay it forward" because WE ALREADY PAID FOR IT YOU DUMB *SS!!!

You are rich Senator. Give back all the money you "earned" other than your salary while in public office, then we can talk.
Does the govt. creat it’s own wealth, yes it does in partial but it is not the whole of govt. funding.
Lizzie seemed to do alright for herself. Is she trying to say a government salary is actually a government handout?
you've got to be kidding!


Elizabeth Warren Has Had It With Donald Trump | HuffPost
Trump was already a millionaire when he was born.

You fucking commie don't get it at all. Instead of pissing away millions, he turned what he was left with into billions.
Lizzie seemed to do alright for herself. Is she trying to say a government salary is actually a government handout?
Seems to me everything she's gotten was a handout or lied to get it.

Let her run...she'll get scalped
Trump was already a millionaire when he was born.

You fucking commie don't get it at all. Instead of pissing away millions, he turned what he was left with into billions.

Sure, that's why he can't show the public his taxes like everyone else running for that position. He was born a trust fund baby and US banks have known better than to deal with serial bankruptcy reneging ass for decades.

Have I earned a label darling?
Ahhh you lib assholes. There are two type of children who get money from their parents. Those who piss it away and those who build on the millions they got to turn it into billions.

So fuck off with the bullshit that he got millions. I can think of many a family whose children have pissed away the fortunes like the Bronfmans.

If someone had been given the amount of money Trump inherited and invested it all in government Treasury bonds, that person would be worth more than Trump has today. IOW if you'd have done absolutely nothing with the money Trump inherited, you'd have more money than Trump.

True story.

Orange Jesus worshippers need their own myths though.
Leftista said:
The mean orange man I'm programmed to hate was already a jew when he was born, or the 1%, or the bourgeoisie, or a kulak, or a ni99er, or whatever I'm supposed to demagogue and hate out of mindless loyalty to the globalist collective cause.

Well then he should be purged!!!
Damn straight.

Think Ward Churchill.

I just about forgot about THAT malignant parasite. Another example of the pieces of shit who steal our oxygen.

You may not perceive them to be your enemy, they see it that way for you.
Ahhh you lib assholes. There are two type of children who get money from their parents. Those who piss it away and those who build on the millions they got to turn it into billions.

So fuck off with the bullshit that he got millions. I can think of many a family whose children have pissed away the fortunes like the Bronfmans.

If someone had been given the amount of money Trump inherited and invested it all in government Treasury bonds, that person would be worth more than Trump has today. IOW if you'd have done absolutely nothing with the money Trump inherited, you'd have more money than Trump.

True story.

Orange Jesus worshippers need their own myths though.

So he won some and he lost some.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX times me. But I got X amount as well and have turned it into a house that I own and a great life on a less than a Maro Lago scale but a life that I love.

And calling me an orange jesus worshipper is beyond the pale Toro. Now fellow Canuck how the hell did you swing so far left? Oh I remember.

The statement in the meme is not any statement from Mrs. Warren, it is from former president Oblama.
I remember well. It's from the same speech in which he told me that my taxes needed to be massively raised because I didn't build those roads and bridges that I built.

That coming from a leech on society who's never done anything productive in his entire life and wouldn't last an hour on a road crew because of all the blisters on his delicate feminine hands :rolleyes:

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