Pocahontas: "there is nobody in America who got rich on his own. NOBODY!"...Um, your opponent Trump!

Damn straight.

Think Ward Churchill.

I just about forgot about THAT malignant parasite. Another example of the pieces of shit who steal our oxygen.

You may not perceive them to be your enemy, they see it that way for you.

Oh I personally loved to death baby helping to nuke that lying son of a bitch out of his position and his finances.

We busted him over the artwork. After the left had almost lifted Ward into God like status, we caught him selling art that was by First Nations but he was copying and selling as his own.

It was unreal. This was by Thomas E Mails.




Fucking busted....

Ward Churchill, (con)Artist - BoldColors.NET
This is the left's latest scheme to justify stealing money from those who earn it. A twisted lie that they are somehow entitled to other peoples wealth and businesses. This is why people hate liberals, they can rot in hell.
Oh I personally loved to death baby helping to nuke that lying son of a bitch out of his position and his finances.

We busted him over the artwork. After the left had almost lifted Ward into God like status, we caught him selling art that was by First Nations but he was copying and selling as his own.

It was unreal. This was by Thomas E Mails.




Fucking busted....

Ward Churchill, (con)Artist - BoldColors.NET

Is there a single one of them that isn't a complete piece of shit?
Now to be lectured by some white blonde bitch with high cheekbones who fucking STOLE a position from a First Nations individual at a university.........that's precious. I can't wait for this **** to run.
she stole a position? was it part of a quota system?


you're a real card, a real tool
Oh I personally loved to death baby helping to nuke that lying son of a bitch out of his position and his finances.

We busted him over the artwork. After the left had almost lifted Ward into God like status, we caught him selling art that was by First Nations but he was copying and selling as his own.

It was unreal. This was by Thomas E Mails.




Fucking busted....

Ward Churchill, (con)Artist - BoldColors.NET

Is there a single one of them that isn't a complete piece of shit?

It makes situations that could be resolved easily, very hard. I've personally fought for First Nations water issues and I am a conservationist not a whacko enviro but I don't meet opposition by First Nations but by whacko out of this world white liberal bitches who are insane. Sigh. For another day.
Now to be lectured by some white blonde bitch with high cheekbones who fucking STOLE a position from a First Nations individual at a university.........that's precious. I can't wait for this **** to run.
she stole a position? was it part of a quota system?


you're a real card, a real tool

First woman of color don't you know.?
Fauxahontas opens her doomed campaign by doubling-down on Obama's denigration of hard working Americans.

I laughed when she said hold on, I'm going to get a beer. She looked at it like oh my before she took a sip. I'm waiting for the liberals to come out and attack her for being on social media. Oh wait she's a white liberal.
Who pays for government Senator Warren? Does government generate its own wealth, or do us taxpayers (individuals, and private corporations) fund government? Yes, we DID BUILD THAT!!!

We don't have to "pay it forward" because WE ALREADY PAID FOR IT YOU DUMB *SS!!!

You are rich Senator. Give back all the money you "earned" other than your salary while in public office, then we can talk.
Does the govt. creat it’s own wealth, yes it does in partial but it is not the whole of govt. funding.
Please tell, and without tax payer dollars.
How many Government workers built the Erie Canal? How about the Transcontinental rail road? How about the trails through the midwest and rockies?

I was going to start this paragraph with "Do bed wetters know..."

Bed wetters can not "know" anything. Their skulls are absent a frontal lobe.

To inform anyone who can be informed....

many of the major interstates are in places established by wagon trains. It wasn't until regressives attempted to control the economy in the 1930's that we had government doing a hell of a lot to actually provide and establish infrastructure. Most of it was done with private enterprise and some government checks after successful completion, but the federal government wasn't the catalyst or the driver. These things would have happened regardless of government. People need trade routes, they make them. Did the Romans establish all the trade routes on the eastern hemisphere? No, they just made their armies pave them with rocks so they could march from place to place faster.

Government zealots are way worse that any religious zealots.


Well, to answer your question concerning the Erie Canal, it was built by the STATE of New York. The Transcontinental Railroad, it was authorized by a Congressional Act in 1862 and four of the five railroads were built with the use of GOVERNMENT land grants. And an interesting side note, while a state legislator in Illinois Abraham Lincoln famously jumped out of a second floor window to avoid a quorum call in regards to a vote to CUT railroad subsidies.
I've personally never seen such a FUBAR'D candidate before. Lying she's a Cherokee, but proving her family was part of making them suffer by driving them on the Trail of Tears.
While I don't agree with either your post or the sentiment expressed in the meme. I guess some think that one or the other is right.

But the meme is wrong because the person that built the factory is paying the same taxes for the same services as everyone else the only thing is because they make more money then most they pay a higher percentage of taxes.

Wrong. Guess you never heard of economic stimulus incentives.
Who pays for government Senator Warren? Does government generate its own wealth, or do us taxpayers (individuals, and private corporations) fund government? Yes, we DID BUILD THAT!!!

We don't have to "pay it forward" because WE ALREADY PAID FOR IT YOU DUMB *SS!!!

You are rich Senator. Give back all the money you "earned" other than your salary while in public office, then we can talk.

Actually the government has a huge hand in creating the conditions for people to make money...

Just look at Somalia, no Government and how is the transport network, education of the workforce?

Ask any worth while business and they will say that stable economy is the best for making money...
It's been my observation those who promote the you didn't build that mindset have never built anything in fact most seem to be life long politicans who have gotten rich over the years by exploting the power of their office and the tax dollars of those who did build something pay. Presidential and Congressional pay is not that high all things considered yet pretty much all Presidents and Congressional members manage to leave office far richer than when they went in something to think about.
While I don't agree with either your post or the sentiment expressed in the meme. I guess some think that one or the other is right.

But the meme is wrong because the person that built the factory is paying the same taxes for the same services as everyone else the only thing is because they make more money then most they pay a higher percentage of taxes.

Wrong. Guess you never heard of economic stimulus incentives.
Heard of them. To bad the Dems don't know how they are supposed to work. You actually need to complete them and on buget.
Shades of Hussein's "You didn't build that" speech: obama you didn't build that quote - Bing video
Let's totally ignore that people who build that factory pay taxes, usually far more than any of us. Let's ignore the fact that they risk their own capital to build that. Let's ignore the fact that by building that, a future is established for the "next kid who comes along", or operates as an example of what any individual might accomplish.

And let's ignore the fact that not all their capital was at risk since any losses could be deducted from the income
Trump was already a millionaire when he was born.

You fucking commie don't get it at all. Instead of pissing away millions, he turned what he was left with into billions.

LMAO. He would have more money if he would just have deposited his inheritance into an index fund.

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