Pocahontas: "there is nobody in America who got rich on his own. NOBODY!"...Um, your opponent Trump!

you've got to be kidding!


Elizabeth Warren Has Had It With Donald Trump | HuffPost
If Trump had started life poor I would support your statement but Trump is a limousine, silver spoon born in mouth trust fund baby who inherited millions.
Trump began his career managing the family business worth 175 million. Had he done nothing and invested the whole 175 million in the S&P500, he would have a net worth of about 8 billion today.

Is that a Sphincter assumption or do you have something to reference and lend credibility to your assertion? I don't doubt you're right I just wonder where you get the info.
If Trump had started life poor I would support your statement but Trump is a limousine, silver spoon born in mouth trust fund baby who inherited millions.
Pelosi is part of a corrupted power family who sold the people out and became rich doing it. Her father and others in northern cities welcomed african americans to their areas with promises of jobs and votes. This after WW2 when we ruled. But the world retooled and manufacturing jobs in those cities disappeared leaving blacks embittered and hopeless. The saying...last hired and first fired became a common sentence. Progressive socialists move from one agenda to another like locusts washing their hands of any damage they do. Has she said any word on the people penalized or paying massive increases for health insurances because of the Obamacare law? Spouting crumbs for tax cuts when the progressive socialists never offer a tax cut for people just above the poverty line up to 30 grand or more or so. Blaming the rich while taxing the lower middle class workers not priveleged. Gas is low. They will propose a gas tax increase as the always do. And if they had more control would get it easily. The fact is, foundation built this nation in a much cheaper way. We spend a billion dollars to rebuild 20 miles of roads today that may have built hundreds of miles in the 1950's. And many projects from the turn of the century in major cities would be near impossible today. Maybe if Warren was a 1910 era housewife and cooking food for her family and seeing her husband come home and near passing out before he ate would send some appreciation. We are a selfish people today. I just left a near crippled brother in law who lives high off the hog from being a government privledged swamper and is arrogant about it only because you have to agree by his way of thinking. Watching a collapse of our economy and he would be using two canes and a walker and it would be justified. Thank gaia he is not fat.
If Trump had started life poor I would support your statement but Trump is a limousine, silver spoon born in mouth trust fund baby who inherited millions.
Pelosi is part of a corrupted power family who sold the people out and became rich doing it. Her father and others in northern cities welcomed african americans to their areas with promises of jobs and votes. This after WW2 when we ruled. But the world retooled and manufacturing jobs in those cities disappeared leaving blacks embittered and hopeless. The saying...last hired and first fired became a common sentence. Progressive socialists move from one agenda to another like locusts washing their hands of any damage they do. Has she said any word on the people penalized or paying massive increases for health insurances because of the Obamacare law? Spouting crumbs for tax cuts when the progressive socialists never offer a tax cut for people just above the poverty line up to 30 grand or more or so. Blaming the rich while taxing the lower middle class workers not priveleged. Gas is low. They will propose a gas tax increase as the always do. And if they had more control would get it easily. The fact is, foundation built this nation in a much cheaper way. We spend a billion dollars to rebuild 20 miles of roads today that may have built hundreds of miles in the 1950's. And many projects from the turn of the century in major cities would be near impossible today. Maybe if Warren was a 1910 era housewife and cooking food for her family and seeing her husband come home and near passing out before he ate would send some appreciation. We are a selfish people today. I just left a near crippled brother in law who lives high off the hog from being a government privledged swamper and is arrogant about it only because you have to agree by his way of thinking. Watching a collapse of our economy and he would be using two canes and a walker and it would be justified. Thank gaia he is not fat.


Punctuation and paragraphs are your tools recruit, use them or we will buttfuck your internet soul.
There are millions of Americans who started with nothing and became successful without help from Uncle Sam. Warren's statement is as bogus as Obama's "You didn't build that". They are both chanting the Democrat mantra: you can't do anything without Gubmint "help". That is COMPLETE AND UTTER BULLSHIT.

I built my own biz & farm from nothing

But i agree with Warren

Self made men are a myth

It is true, but not in the aspect she thinks.
The federal government would be absolutely nothing without entrepreneurs… Carrying their weight

A symbiant relationship exists Rustic, because either faction would not w/out the other.....~S~
If Trump had started life poor I would support your statement but Trump is a limousine, silver spoon born in mouth trust fund baby who inherited millions.
The money didn't come from the government, turd, so what entitles the government to any of it?

I built my own biz & farm from nothing

But i agree with Warren

Self made men are a myth

It is true, but not in the aspect she thinks.
The federal government would be absolutely nothing without entrepreneurs… Carrying their weight

A symbiant relationship exists Rustic, because either faction would not w/out the other.....~S~
Not really, it took great independent man to think of a republic like this. Not a government
I not calling for no taxes, but if you add it all up you pay over 50% of your income in taxes.
wouldn't the overwhelming percentage be voluntary? One can choose what to buy that is not an actual need.

I'd ask why a specif tax exists. specifically ask, to address what issues? Or do you want free things, or less schools, less roads, less enforcement (until a property owner buys land next door in a residential area and build s a pig farm)?

Do you include fees, and fines and other payments as taxes?

your broad statements, your bumper sticker like, slogans have little context
I not calling for no taxes, but if you add it all up you pay over 50% of your income in taxes.

That's the thing...

There isn't a mother fucker on earth except maybe a homeless guy off his meds giving a political speech to a street sign even talking about "NO taxes".

Any rational sentient human being acknowledges the need for some government and that it need to be collectively funded.

Is OUR GOVERNMENT COLLECTIVELY FUNDED? Is it funded by any sort of equivalent parameter or is it solely focused on exploiting the higher levels of income?

Think about this if it's possible (not directed at jknowgood ) If only around the highest 50% of wage earners pay any taxes, who do you think the political whores listen too? Furthermore do people actually believe that when the productive people face higher taxes, they just absorb the cost and don't charge more?

Why is simple addition and subtraction so hard for bed wetting regressive parasites to solve?

Ahhh wage earners.

Leave out non wage sources of incomes
Not really, it took great independent man to think of a republic like this. Not a government
After the colonists' rebellion in North America one area became a Confederation. Didn't work out so well, so who put together the group (not any mythical individual) that helped think of what any new republic would look like, and under what authority?
I not calling for no taxes, but if you add it all up you pay over 50% of your income in taxes.

^^^^^This. If you add up:

Federal Income Tax
State Income Tax
Local Income Tax
Real Estate Taxes
Property Taxes
Sales Taxes
Utility Taxes
Occupational Privilege Taxes
Various fees, surcharges for government services that should be covered by taxes
The only reason why The Creature is where he is now, is due to Grandpa's Whoremongering and Daddy's Money...
I not calling for no taxes, but if you add it all up you pay over 50% of your income in taxes.
wouldn't the overwhelming percentage be voluntary? One can choose what to buy that is not an actual need.

I'd ask why a specif tax exists. specifically ask, to address what issues? Or do you want free things, or less schools, less roads, less enforcement (until a property owner buys land next door in a residential area and build s a pig farm)?

Do you include fees, and fines and other payments as taxes?

your broad statements, your bumper sticker like, slogans have little context
All i stated that the average american pays over 50% of their income in taxes. Through payroll taxes, sales tax, property taxes, car taxes, gas taxes, extra taxes on utilities, taxes on phones, extra taxes when you eat out. Hell you buy tires extra taxes, extra taxes on alcohol, and cigarettes. I'm glad you brought up education. We could send every child to a private school and close down public schools, and it would be cheaper than what we pay now.
I not calling for no taxes, but if you add it all up you pay over 50% of your income in taxes.

^^^^^This. If you add up:

Federal Income Tax
State Income Tax
Local Income Tax
Real Estate Taxes
Property Taxes
Sales Taxes
Utility Taxes
Occupational Privilege Taxes
Various fees, surcharges for government services that should be covered by taxes
I did a list like yours before i read this.

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