Pocahontas: "there is nobody in America who got rich on his own. NOBODY!"...Um, your opponent Trump!

Who pays for government Senator Warren? Does government generate its own wealth, or do us taxpayers (individuals, and private corporations) fund government? Yes, we DID BUILD THAT!!!

We don't have to "pay it forward" because WE ALREADY PAID FOR IT YOU DUMB *SS!!!

You are rich Senator. Give back all the money you "earned" other than your salary while in public office, then we can talk.
Does the govt. creat it’s own wealth, yes it does in partial but it is not the whole of govt. funding.
Please tell, and without tax payer dollars.
What happens when government invests in private enterprises, in research and development?

Do propose crowd funding and donations to build research facilities and basic research?
you've got to be kidding!


Elizabeth Warren Has Had It With Donald Trump | HuffPost
While I don't agree with either your post or the sentiment expressed in the meme. I guess some think that one or the other is right.

But the meme is wrong because the person that built the factory is paying the same taxes for the same services as everyone else the only thing is because they make more money then most they pay a higher percentage of taxes.

Wrong. Guess you never heard of economic stimulus incentives.
Heard of them. To bad the Dems don't know how they are supposed to work. You actually need to complete them and on buget.

Yep, just as I thought. You don't even know what an economic incentive package is. There is no "completing them", nor is their an "on budget" aspect.
It's been my observation those who promote the you didn't build that mindset have never built anything in fact most seem to be life long politicans who have gotten rich over the years by exploting the power of their office and the tax dollars of those who did build something pay. Presidential and Congressional pay is not that high all things considered yet pretty much all Presidents and Congressional members manage to leave office far richer than when they went in something to think about.
really? There are tons of quotes out there from hugely successful entrepreneurs who say they did not do it alone

which is why your observations are akin to eyewitness testimonies

Who pays for government Senator Warren? Does government generate its own wealth, or do us taxpayers (individuals, and private corporations) fund government? Yes, we DID BUILD THAT!!!

We don't have to "pay it forward" because WE ALREADY PAID FOR IT YOU DUMB *SS!!!

You are rich Senator. Give back all the money you "earned" other than your salary while in public office, then we can talk.
Does the govt. creat it’s own wealth, yes it does in partial but it is not the whole of govt. funding.
Please tell, and without tax payer dollars.
What happens when government invests in private enterprises, in research and development?

Do propose crowd funding and donations to build research facilities and basic research?
Where did the goverment get the money?
Who pays for government Senator Warren? Does government generate its own wealth, or do us taxpayers (individuals, and private corporations) fund government? Yes, we DID BUILD THAT!!!

We don't have to "pay it forward" because WE ALREADY PAID FOR IT YOU DUMB *SS!!!

You are rich Senator. Give back all the money you "earned" other than your salary while in public office, then we can talk.

Actually the government has a huge hand in creating the conditions for people to make money...

Just look at Somalia, no Government and how is the transport network, education of the workforce?

Ask any worth while business and they will say that stable economy is the best for making money...

Did you even read my post? Who funds the government?
It makes situations that could be resolved easily, very hard. I've personally fought for First Nations water issues and I am a conservationist not a whacko enviro but I don't meet opposition by First Nations but by whacko out of this world white liberal bitches who are insane. Sigh. For another day.

I have no problem acknowledging the fact the government fucked the "natives". I do have a problem with bed wetters insisting I grovel and beg forgiveness for some shit I didn't do. I have NO respect for leftist indians in general and I don't mind saying the lot of them would not be doing anything different at this point than they were doing prior to the arrival of euroweenies.

It's not to say I view them as inferior or any such nonsense, but they had been isolated for thousands of years and had yet to smelt metal. If you think the stone age was preferable, have at it. I notice none of them are living that way now. It's a damn shame they're still having conflict with the government as some group of people of a different (lesser) class. They should have been assimilated and allowed to own land a long time ago.

This is a symptom of government. You had "indian managers" paid a salary to solve a problem government created, and rather than solve the problem and have to find a job we have offices still running due to failures on behalf of people who've been dead for over a hundred years. Government employees will always resist working themselves out of an easy job.
If Trump had started life poor I would support your statement but Trump is a limousine, silver spoon born in mouth trust fund baby who inherited millions.

Warren got rich raping America’s Middle Class by charging $300 an hour to teach one class at Harvard when she was not insulting Native Americans by playing the race card so she and 1/32nd of her cheek bones could get preferential treatment.
It's been my observation those who promote the you didn't build that mindset have never built anything in fact most seem to be life long politicans who have gotten rich over the years by exploting the power of their office and the tax dollars of those who did build something pay. Presidential and Congressional pay is not that high all things considered yet pretty much all Presidents and Congressional members manage to leave office far richer than when they went in something to think about.
really? There are tons of quotes out there from hugely successful entrepreneurs who say they did not do it alone

which is why your observations are akin to eyewitness testimonies

Yet you didn't quote any of them. How many of those other people came up with the idea? How many of them put up the money? How many of them took the majority of the financial risk if any of it? No one person doesn't build a successful business by themselves but generally it's only one or two people who come with the idea and take the risk. If it wasnt for those willing to take the big risk there would be no other people to come along and help build on the idea the fact so many can't comprehend this is telling and not in a good way.
Lieawatha's version of "you didn't build that"

The woman is a fraud. Nothing more and possibly much less
Actually the fraud of your propaganda. She said her great great great grandmother was supposed to be an Indian she took the test and she was exactly right, super duper haters. Everything you know about her and Hillary is garbage.
Who pays for government Senator Warren? Does government generate its own wealth, or do us taxpayers (individuals, and private corporations) fund government? Yes, we DID BUILD THAT!!!

We don't have to "pay it forward" because WE ALREADY PAID FOR IT YOU DUMB *SS!!!

You are rich Senator. Give back all the money you "earned" other than your salary while in public office, then we can talk.
Does the govt. creat it’s own wealth, yes it does in partial but it is not the whole of govt. funding.
Please tell, and without tax payer dollars.
What happens when government invests in private enterprises, in research and development?

Do propose crowd funding and donations to build research facilities and basic research?
Where did the government get the money?
Taxes of course. But if you want a nation with no taxes .. I have a solution -- Wake the fuck up
Trump was already a millionaire when he was born.

You fucking commie don't get it at all. Instead of pissing away millions, he turned what he was left with into billions.

Sure, that's why he can't show the public his taxes like everyone else running for that position. He was born a trust fund baby and US banks have known better than to deal with serial bankruptcy reneging ass for decades.

Have I earned a label darling?

Hey dumbass! Taxes show income, not wealth!
If Trump had started life poor I would support your statement but Trump is a limousine, silver spoon born in mouth trust fund baby who inherited millions.

Warren got rich raping America’s Middle Class by charging $300 an hour to teach one class at Harvard when she was not insulting Native Americans by playing the race card so she and 1/32nd of her cheek bones could get preferential treatment.
Wow! Now you hate education and the free market of college salaries?
It's been my observation those who promote the you didn't build that mindset have never built anything in fact most seem to be life long politicans who have gotten rich over the years by exploting the power of their office and the tax dollars of those who did build something pay. Presidential and Congressional pay is not that high all things considered yet pretty much all Presidents and Congressional members manage to leave office far richer than when they went in something to think about.
really? There are tons of quotes out there from hugely successful entrepreneurs who say they did not do it alone

which is why your observations are akin to eyewitness testimonies

Yet you didn't quote any of them. How many of those other people came up with the idea? How many of them put up the money? How many of them took the majority of the financial risk if any of it? No one person doesn't build a successful business by themselves but generally it's only one or two people who come with the idea and take the risk. If it wasnt for those willing to take the big risk there would be no other people to come along and help build on the idea the fact so many can't comprehend this is telling and not in a good way.
Entrepreneurs mostly borrow other people's money. Banks lend money to businesses -- other people's money. After all, whose money is it in the bank?

Businesses are usually built on debt.

Many businesses run a loss for years until they turn a profit. They fund future returns.

Now compare that with government funding of future returns on investment, except we the people/government get n profit.

I've always believed government investments out to get a return ..even if it is .0s%
If Trump had started life poor I would support your statement but Trump is a limousine, silver spoon born in mouth trust fund baby who inherited millions.

Warren got rich raping America’s Middle Class by charging $300 an hour to teach one class at Harvard when she was not insulting Native Americans by playing the race card so she and 1/32nd of her cheek bones could get preferential treatment.

She might have made more if she sold 1/2 of her ass, but she actually sold her soul, cheap.

It's not for me to judge that value.

Her whole ass is worthless in my book though.
Who pays for government Senator Warren? Does government generate its own wealth, or do us taxpayers (individuals, and private corporations) fund government? Yes, we DID BUILD THAT!!!

We don't have to "pay it forward" because WE ALREADY PAID FOR IT YOU DUMB *SS!!!

You are rich Senator. Give back all the money you "earned" other than your salary while in public office, then we can talk.
Does the govt. creat it’s own wealth, yes it does in partial but it is not the whole of govt. funding.
Please tell, and without tax payer dollars.
What happens when government invests in private enterprises, in research and development?

Do propose crowd funding and donations to build research facilities and basic research?
Where did the government get the money?
Taxes of course. But if you want a nation with no taxes .. I have a solution -- Wake the fuck up
I not calling for no taxes, but if you add it all up you pay over 50% of your income in taxes.
I not calling for no taxes, but if you add it all up you pay over 50% of your income in taxes.

That's the thing...

There isn't a mother fucker on earth except maybe a homeless guy off his meds giving a political speech to a street sign even talking about "NO taxes".

Any rational sentient human being acknowledges the need for some government and that it need to be collectively funded.

Is OUR GOVERNMENT COLLECTIVELY FUNDED? Is it funded by any sort of equivalent parameter or is it solely focused on exploiting the higher levels of income?

Think about this if it's possible (not directed at jknowgood ) If only around the highest 50% of wage earners pay any taxes, who do you think the political whores listen too? Furthermore do people actually believe that when the productive people face higher taxes, they just absorb the cost and don't charge more?

Why is simple addition and subtraction so hard for bed wetting regressive parasites to solve?

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If Trump had started life poor I would support your statement but Trump is a limousine, silver spoon born in mouth trust fund baby who inherited millions.
Trump began his career managing the family business worth 175 million. Had he done nothing and invested the whole 175 million in the S&P500, he would have a net worth of about 8 billion today.

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