Pole shift count down

Hi Big:

Isn't march 15th the imfamous date of the shifting of the poles?

No!! That is the disinformation cover story leaded by Illuminati operative/Alex Jones asset David Beach in their DoD/State Dept Sting Operation that closed down youtube channels across the world wide web, just like mine and many others I know. The counterintelligence/terror ops and assets are working too hard in this disinformation operation and FEMA is buying too much food and Goggle (NSA) and NASA and the Govt are hiding something very big.

If you are a hardcore survivalist, then March 15, 2011 is the day with the highest degree of likelihood that the crap will hit the fan. The more I look around the more it looks like the economy is imploding where food riots can turn into something far worse in a heartbeat - if you know what I mean. If the 'event' does take place, then you can bet that things will go downhill fast in the earth change department and a pole shift could also happen around Sept. 26, 2011. In that case, then the likely time that a pole shift reversal would take place is Nov. 22, 2011 at the third conjunction.

I am putting in the time and doing the research and showing you guys the evidence, so that everyone has the same opportunity to prepare of laugh their tails off. It's all good ...


wasn't you one of those making that claim?
It's started.


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Hi Big:

wasn't you one of those making that claim?

Many warnings came out early on in my investigation about a March 15, 2011 pole shift that turned out to be DISINFORMATION. Your countdown is to the 'first conjunction' or the 'first shaking' of Hopi Prophecy. March 15, 2011 is a very important day in the timeline, because this is the day with the highest probability in our near future that the crap can hit the fan.

Again, the conditions are right for the anticipated Pole Shift on September 26, 2011 at the second conjunction. That change was made on Feb. 20, 2011, which has already been presented above.

Oh crap.....

Looks like I picked the wrong day to start smoking......
Hi Big:

wasn't you one of those making that claim?

Many warnings came out early on in my investigation about a March 15, 2011 pole shift that turned out to be DISINFORMATION. Your countdown is to the 'first conjunction' or the 'first shaking' of Hopi Prophecy. March 15, 2011 is a very important day in the timeline, because this is the day with the highest probability in our near future that the crap can hit the fan.

Again, the conditions are right for the anticipated Pole Shift on September 26, 2011 at the second conjunction. That change was made on Feb. 20, 2011, which has already been presented above.


Hi Terral, I was just wondering how much of your information is coming directly from DNI, and how much is your "own" best case estimate of whats going on?
"Earth's magnetic field is changing in time. And as far as we know, it has always been changing in time," geophysicist Jeffrey Love, with the U.S. Geological Survey in Colorado, told Discovery News.

The planet's magnetic field is generated inside the Earth's core, which is made of liquid iron. It's hot and in response to the heat, the fluid moves. That creates electric fields, which are amplified on a planet-wide scale.

The motion in the core is complicated and impacted by Earth rotation.

"The magnetic field tends to align itself with the axis of rotation, but it's not perfect," said Love. "It tends to wander around."

Every 100,000 years or so, the field flips, meaning that compasses would point south, rather than north. It's been about 780,000 years since the last reversal -- before Homo sapiens existed. Geologic history shows the shifts are random and highly variable. Scientists can't predict when one will occur, or even if the planet is in the middle of one.

"It's like a bull run in market. You won't know it's happening until it's half over," Love said.

Compass Direction, True North Parting Ways : Discovery News
I make my own power. Grow my own stuff, make my own soap and fuel and, according to the murkins and zetas, live far too close to several live volcanoes.
I could care less.
I do own a compass ( a few) but not for that purpose.
In the famous words of the murkin messiah of the decade 2000.
"Bring it on !"

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