Poll: Did ypu Expect the Whining to Be this Bad?

Did You expect the Whining to be this Bad?

  • Yes, it was inevitable.

    Votes: 32 74.4%
  • No, I thought they would show a bit of c;ass.

    Votes: 11 25.6%

  • Total voters
Running away from posters like me is all you retards can do.

Keep running.

From who?

Every time I challenge you to prove that you are more left wing than I am you run to that pathetic emoticon.

What are you talking about? My political compass test results? I've already posted them -- and I AM more left wing than you, fruitcake. Quit a bit further to the left.
Yep...you're a LWNJ fascist....no argument here....
Running away from posters like me is all you retards can do.

Keep running.

From who?

Every time I challenge you to prove that you are more left wing than I am you run to that pathetic emoticon.

What are you talking about? My political compass test results? I've already posted them -- and I AM more left wing than you, fruitcake. Quit a bit further to the left.
You can't be a leftist and vote for a fascist party like the Democrats.
Payback is a bitch hey. Yet you all still talk non stop about Hillary and Obama. Non stop. Get use to it and quit your whining.
In the case of Hillary it really is just so much fun...it was just such a fairy tale ending watching the evil queen meltdown that it makes reliving it such a joyfully delightful feeling...can you describe for me what it was like for you around 10pm est. on election night?...please
I honestly didn't expect Trump to win so I hadn't thought about it. The began their whining and crying before I was fully able to get my mind around what happened. So I can't answer your poll with the options provided. Now I just watch and laugh at the desperate lengths the left is going.

Now they are trying something new, they are trying to claim that the Electoral College is racist.
The problem is that they have outed themselves as literal traitors who fundamentally oppose the founding of this country.

They are finished.

They just don't get it. They got their asses handed to them, not just this election but the past several. It's because the majority of Americans are tired of their lies and yet they are doubling down on the bull shit. The next Democrat president hasn't been born yet.
I love that signature.

Unlike Rightwinger's dumbass previous signature, yours is actually true.
The Poll Choices are inadequate. I knew the Progs would be Sore LoserMans, but the Flaming Spectacle of their ButtHurt is far beyond what I would have imagined.

But then again, this is evergreen:

Poor libs, I think they are Bah Humbug this Christmas.

Christmas isn't their holiday. They Celebrate Festivus year round with their constant Airing of Grievances (although they are rather heretical given their inability to perform adequate Feats of Strength).
The Poll Choices are inadequate. I knew the Progs would be Sore LoserMans, but the Flaming Spectacle of their ButtHurt is far beyond what I would have imagined.

But then again, this is evergreen:

View attachment 103198

That picture always warms my heart.

Indeed. One would have to have a heart of stone to observe the Prog Loser Lamentations without laughing.
As discussed in another thread, I think the hardcore Left assumed that it was over, that the real battle was over and we were inextricably marching towards a Euro-social Democracy, and that demographics would only quickly amplify that. That's what I thought, too.

So that extra shock may explain some of the crazier behaviors.

Now we'll see if (a) the Dems actually learned anything and (b) the GOP repeats that mistake and buries itself in its own hubris.
I voted Yes. That's because I remember the aftermath of the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections. There was a pattern that started in 2008, that has carried over to the 2016 election. It's like an endless circle.

Oh my. Please link to any credible Non-Fake News that shows GOP members holding Crybaby-a-thons or trying to perform a Coup d'Etat by sending death threats to the EC.
I expected the whining, but i have to say i was surprised at their vicious harassment of Electors. I didn't think they could stoop that low. It's unprecedented. And it won't be forgotten. I think Trump has a good chance of winning much easier next time around.
The Poll Choices are inadequate. I knew the Progs would be Sore LoserMans, but the Flaming Spectacle of their ButtHurt is far beyond what I would have imagined.

But then again, this is evergreen:

View attachment 103198

Are you accusing Flaming Assholes of having flaming assholes?

Almost. I am accurately observing that Prog Flaming Assholes have Flaming Assholes.
Poor libs, I think they are Bah Humbug this Christmas.

I know someone who literally said they hate Christmas now because of Trump's victory.

I personally think it is more because I told him on the morning of the election that Democrats would riot shortly after Trump's win if he won and he didn't believe me. LOL
OK, no one really expected Trump to trounce the Beast. But given what happened, did you think the whining by the losers would be as bad as it is?

Simple question.

<I did>



I remember 2000 and 2004 and the whining, bitching and moaning those two elections taught me that Progressive Liberals are the biggest crybabies when they lose!
And the biggest liars

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