POLL: Is this in the best interests of our young people, or is it not?

Should we promote & enable challenging opinions for our young people?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 92.2%
  • No

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Mango

    Votes: 3 5.9%

  • Total voters
Let's get to the heart of the issue of our young people and speakers.

Here's my position: It's a moral and cultural obligation of ours, as citizens of the United States, to promote and enable our young people to be exposed to contrary, stimulating, challenging, and yes, even controversial opinions at every opportunity. It is in their best interests, and the best interests of our country, to do so.

And further, there is no better place or time in their lives to be challenged like this than their college years. If we do not, we are doing our young people and our country a terrible disservice.

Do you agree or disagree? And please note: This is NOT a First Amendment issue, so let's not go there.

Mango. The disservice has already been done.
You could pass a Fairness Doctrine requiring all media to present both sides.

GREAT IDEA! And then we will get both sides and the people won't have to worry about slanted news coverage, Ya know because we have a law that says the media has to be fair and balanced. That is genius! Let's also pass a law that everybody has to be pleasant and nice, or that nobody can ever get ill. Typical fairyland liberal logic- pass a law and problem solved. Your naïveté never ceases to amaze me. Who is going to be the judge and jury for your "fairness doctrine"? You, because you are clearly so sane, rational and balanced.

I'll lower my sarcasm level in the future so maybe it doesn't go over your head.

Nice try- I've read enough of your post to know how and what you think.
Look at how they've behaved on this thread. Holy crap.

They react like this because they know what they're doing is wrong.

Your speech in this thread has been shut down?

Then why the fuck haven't you shut up?

Hey, by the way, did you vote Yes or No in the poll?

I'd just LOVE to know!

Or did you just go straight to the cowardly deflection and trolling?


What cowardly deflection?

Be specific, as in, beyond the infantile laugh icon.


This place is absolutely AMAZING. I love it!


It's your accusation. Remind everyone what you called a cowardly deflection.
You could pass a Fairness Doctrine requiring all media to present both sides.

GREAT IDEA! And then we will get both sides and the people won't have to worry about slanted news coverage, Ya know because we have a law that says the media has to be fair and balanced. That is genius! Let's also pass a law that everybody has to be pleasant and nice, or that nobody can ever get ill. Typical fairyland liberal logic- pass a law and problem solved. Your naïveté never ceases to amaze me. Who is going to be the judge and jury for your "fairness doctrine"? You, because you are clearly so sane, rational and balanced.

I'll lower my sarcasm level in the future so maybe it doesn't go over your head.

Nice try- I've read enough of your post to know how and what you think.

The OP supports the fairness doctrine. Haven't you noticed?
You could pass a Fairness Doctrine requiring all media to present both sides.
Hardly. Once you start requiring the press to present certain opinions, say bye-bye to the press.
And look at post 205. He's in flailing mode now, he'll say anything..
I dunno what happened to that one.
After all his posts on this thread, he still hasn't admitted whether he voted Yes or No.

He's a coward.
Effectively learning requires the principles of how to critically think. Without those principles, learners cannot filter out fake news and alt facts and pretenders who say the love but really hate critical thinking, like the OP.
So far I'm getting precisely the kind of responses I expected from the Regressive Left, like this one. All of them leaving the door open for thought censorship. Thanks. .
Learning critical thinking skills in the minds of the regressive Alt Right Mac1958 somehow creates thought censorship, when in fact it outs fake news and alt facts and those who love those dark deeds.
Thanks again!.
Why do love thought censorship, Mac?

Why do not form coherent sentences? :dunno:

(Rhetorical question) The answer is Derp!
Effectively learning requires the principles of how to critically think. Without those principles, learners cannot filter out fake news and alt facts and pretenders who say the love but really hate critical thinking, like the OP.
So far I'm getting precisely the kind of responses I expected from the Regressive Left, like this one. All of them leaving the door open for thought censorship. Thanks. .
Learning critical thinking skills in the minds of the regressive Alt Right Mac1958 somehow creates thought censorship, when in fact it outs fake news and alt facts and those who love those dark deeds.
Thanks again!.
Why do love thought censorship, Mac?
So somebody caught it, but the troll had to go trolling in yesterday's material because she as usual was getting thumped. It was addressed to Mac1958, who has trouble reading unless the material is truncated. For you, Marian Morrisette, it means "why do you love thought control?" Why do you? Is it because that you need to be told how to think by a real man?
Let's get to the heart of the issue of our young people and speakers.

Here's my position: It's a moral and cultural obligation of ours, as citizens of the United States, to promote and enable our young people to be exposed to contrary, stimulating, challenging, and yes, even controversial opinions at every opportunity. It is in their best interests, and the best interests of our country, to do so.

And further, there is no better place or time in their lives to be challenged like this than their college years. If we do not, we are doing our young people and our country a terrible disservice.

Do you agree or disagree? And please note: This is NOT a First Amendment issue, so let's not go there.
Too vague. If you were female then I could see the cryptic writing. If you are male then you are becoming effeminate.
It is definitely the latter. Mac has become very interested in Bruce Jenner etc. the last year or so.
It's not about not wanting to hear it. Why can't yu yu understand English?

I told YOU it wasn't about "not wanting to hear it". It's about allowing others the courtesy and the liberty to hear it.

And I told you why. CONFIDENT people -- people trusting in their convictions and truths -- have NO PROBLEM with free speech. The paranoid and insecure -- DO have a problem with allowing others to hear opposing points of view.

Bullshit. They don't want to be associated with her bullshit. They are not afraid of her message.

Allowing others to hear it or not is NOT their call. They can protest from outside the hall. That's not associating themselves with it. OBVIOUSLY, her "message" makes them "uncomfortable". Because their fear has to be that OTHERS might learn something or agree in parts of what she says. Otherwise, there would be no downside. Let the "Illuminati" folks and the Holocaust deniers have their shots. How long does it take you to totally defeat their "message". Aint no sweat off anyone's back to refute and dismiss fuzzy, muddled, or hateful thinking.

If they are so GOOD at their convictions, letting free speech reign would be a WELCOMED thing. Even amusing at times. I think they are fearful, paranoid, and not very well equipped to refute the stuff they fear..
The Regressives know this. This is simply about their fear of opposing views ruining all the effort they make in conditioning our kids on campus.

Let me know when Liberty University and other bastions of rightwing indoctrination allow opposing views...

Let's see.. BESIDES Liberty Univ. where's the ginormous list of "bastions of rightwing indoctrination" that you refer to here? :lol: Seems to me -- that's gonna be a very small list compromising an amazingly TINY portion of college minds getting "indoctrinated".. Even Liberty U brings challenge to campus on TOPICS that rattle "conservative nerves" but is not HUGE on petty partisan political squabbles.

We're talking about an illness that has infected MOST universities in MOST states. Even my own UTenn had recent bouts with pronoun wars and speakers. Until they slash the budget for the Office on campus that was kicking out these ridiculous edicts and agendas..
Let's get to the heart of the issue of our young people and speakers.

Here's my position: It's a moral and cultural obligation of ours, as citizens of the United States, to promote and enable our young people to be exposed to contrary, stimulating, challenging, and yes, even controversial opinions at every opportunity. It is in their best interests, and the best interests of our country, to do so.

And further, there is no better place or time in their lives to be challenged like this than their college years. If we do not, we are doing our young people and our country a terrible disservice.

Do you agree or disagree? And please note: This is NOT a First Amendment issue, so let's not go there.
Too vague. If you were female then I could see the cryptic writing. If you are male then you are becoming effeminate.
It is definitely the latter. Mac has become very interested in Bruce Jenner etc. the last year or so.
Wow, I like the way you folks use that as an insult.

You have no shame. Just deflection, distortion and insults.

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