POLL: Is this in the best interests of our young people, or is it not?

Should we promote & enable challenging opinions for our young people?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 92.2%
  • No

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Mango

    Votes: 3 5.9%

  • Total voters
So what are the chances I'll have a "Progressive" weigh in, vote "Yes", and bravely disagree with their ideological brethren about Coulter?

Is that what this is about? Ann Coulter?

Hell, let her speak. I seem to recall conserve-hate-ives going batshit crazy when Iranian Strongman Ahmadenijab was invited to speak at Columbia U.

Columbia U. President: Ahmadinejad Speech 'Extremely Important'

Here is one from a noted Conservative who is now the darling of the Free Speech movement (it appears):

Ann Coulter - September 26, 2007 - TASE HIM, BRO!

Do you support Ms. Coulter’s stance?
I don't like Ann Coulter. While I don't know her stance on several issues, I have no doubt I disagree with many of them.

But I'm consistent. I believe in freedom of expression, whether I agree with it or not, whether I like the person or not.

This shouldn't be difficult to understand.


Did you put out a poll on the board about that calling out Conservatives? How’d it go?
Perhaps you didn't read the OP. Non-partisan. There are liberal colleges and conservative colleges.

Non-partisan my ass. Your posts only include attacks on the left,

AND, you accused me of DEFLECTING when I brought up examples of conservative colleges doing what you complained about.
So what are the chances I'll have a "Progressive" weigh in, vote "Yes", and bravely disagree with their ideological brethren about Coulter?
Let's get to the heart of the issue of our young people and speakers.

Here's my position: It's a moral and cultural obligation of ours, as citizens of the United States, to promote and enable our young people to be exposed to contrary, stimulating, challenging, and yes, even controversial opinions at every opportunity. It is in their best interests, and the best interests of our country, to do so.

And further, there is no better place or time in their lives to be challenged like this than their college years. If we do not, we are doing our young people and our country a terrible disservice.

Do you agree or disagree? And please note: This is NOT a First Amendment issue, so let's not go there.
I have struggled to think that far back into the past and recall what my political views were at 18, 20. I was ill-informed and agreed 100% with my peers and rock bands and whatever the guy with long hair said; the guy in the military fatigues--the enemy. I doubt I was the only one.
It takes us time to become thoughtful, independent thinkers and at standard college age, young people are still heavily influenced by their peers and popular media. They've got their opinions on Ann Coulter and Milo before they step in the door and they are not going to change them. That's not cool.
Personally, I believe the universities should allow speakers as long as they aren't into actual hate speech. (An opposing point of view is not "hate speech.") They should permit their campus security to ensure safety for all, including the speaker and the audience. However, thinking college students will change their minds and quietly welcome Ann Coulter is expecting way too much of the age group.
What happens is that the Regressives will label pretty much anything they don't like as "hate speech", and boom, there's their excuse to shut it down. I would draw the line at a speaker who is literally inciting violence. That's it.

I do remember what I was like in college: I was a pot-smokin', Birkenstock-wearin', Grateful Dead-listenin', long haired hippy. Fit right in with my broadcast journalism classes.

And do you remember what you thought of Nixon and William F. Buckley, Jr.? If one of them had decided to speak on your campus, would you have considered throwing tomatoes?
So what are the chances I'll have a "Progressive" weigh in, vote "Yes", and bravely disagree with their ideological brethren about Coulter?
Let's get to the heart of the issue of our young people and speakers.

Here's my position: It's a moral and cultural obligation of ours, as citizens of the United States, to promote and enable our young people to be exposed to contrary, stimulating, challenging, and yes, even controversial opinions at every opportunity. It is in their best interests, and the best interests of our country, to do so.

And further, there is no better place or time in their lives to be challenged like this than their college years. If we do not, we are doing our young people and our country a terrible disservice.

Do you agree or disagree? And please note: This is NOT a First Amendment issue, so let's not go there.
I have struggled to think that far back into the past and recall what my political views were at 18, 20. I was ill-informed and agreed 100% with my peers and rock bands and whatever the guy with long hair said; the guy in the military fatigues--the enemy. I doubt I was the only one.
It takes us time to become thoughtful, independent thinkers and at standard college age, young people are still heavily influenced by their peers and popular media. They've got their opinions on Ann Coulter and Milo before they step in the door and they are not going to change them. That's not cool.
Personally, I believe the universities should allow speakers as long as they aren't into actual hate speech. (An opposing point of view is not "hate speech.") They should permit their campus security to ensure safety for all, including the speaker and the audience. However, thinking college students will change their minds and quietly welcome Ann Coulter is expecting way too much of the age group.
What happens is that the Regressives will label pretty much anything they don't like as "hate speech", and boom, there's their excuse to shut it down. I would draw the line at a speaker who is literally inciting violence. That's it.

I do remember what I was like in college: I was a pot-smokin', Birkenstock-wearin', Grateful Dead-listenin', long haired hippy. Fit right in with my broadcast journalism classes.

And do you remember what you thought of Nixon and William F. Buckley, Jr.? If one of them had decided to speak on your campus, would you have considered throwing tomatoes?
I would never have been violent. I just wouldn't have gone.
Here's my position: It's a moral and cultural obligation of ours, as citizens of the United States, to promote and enable our young people to be exposed to contrary, stimulating, challenging, and yes, even controversial opinions at every opportunity. It is in their best interests, and the best interests of our country, to do so.


Those protesting Coulter already know her opinions.
I believe in free, open and unencumbered debate of all ideas at every opportunity, in challenging our young people to be open minded and curious and to think for themselves and expand their intellectual horizons.

You're the o p p o s i t e.

Yeah. I'm very comfy with that. But keep trolling, you just keep making my point.

You support free debate. Okay then...

Can you prove that Coulter was appearing for FREE to DEBATE someone at Berkeley?

Please do. I might be inspired to alter my opinion on this issue.

If not, then enough of your nonsense.
That's the best you can do?



Please take a good look at NYC's post, folks. I rest my case.


IOW you can't back up your claim.
So what are the chances I'll have a "Progressive" weigh in, vote "Yes", and bravely disagree with their ideological brethren about Coulter?

Is that what this is about? Ann Coulter?

Hell, let her speak. I seem to recall conserve-hate-ives going batshit crazy when Iranian Strongman Ahmadenijab was invited to speak at Columbia U.

Columbia U. President: Ahmadinejad Speech 'Extremely Important'

Here is one from a noted Conservative who is now the darling of the Free Speech movement (it appears):

Ann Coulter - September 26, 2007 - TASE HIM, BRO!

Do you support Ms. Coulter’s stance?
I don't like Ann Coulter. While I don't know her stance on several issues, I have no doubt I disagree with many of them.

But I'm consistent. I believe in freedom of expression, whether I agree with it or not, whether I like the person or not.

This shouldn't be difficult to understand.


Did you put out a poll on the board about that calling out Conservatives? How’d it go?
Perhaps you didn't read the OP. Non-partisan. There are liberal colleges and conservative colleges.

The OP may have been non partisan. You’re behavior since then has not been…
You repeatedly called out Progressives in thread….or are you now denying that?

3 times in the first 20 posts:

Screen Shot 2017-04-24 at 8.03.25 AM.png

Screen Shot 2017-04-24 at 8.03.10 AM.png

Screen Shot 2017-04-24 at 8.02.52 AM.png

Did you call out conservatives for their resistance to having a HEAD OF STATE speak (someone who could actually provide some measure of truth; not just speculation? Did you even bother to make a thread?

It’s a simple question…yes or no?
You support free debate. Okay then... Can you prove that Coulter was appearing for FREE to DEBATE someone at Berkeley? Please do. I might be inspired to alter my opinion on this issue. If not, then enough of your nonsense.
My favorite USMB post of all time.

I didn't pay him for this, I swear.

So you're conceding that Coulter was simply being paid to perform at Berkeley.

What does that have to do with free and open debate?
So what are the chances I'll have a "Progressive" weigh in, vote "Yes", and bravely disagree with their ideological brethren about Coulter?

Is that what this is about? Ann Coulter?

Hell, let her speak. I seem to recall conserve-hate-ives going batshit crazy when Iranian Strongman Ahmadenijab was invited to speak at Columbia U.

Columbia U. President: Ahmadinejad Speech 'Extremely Important'

Here is one from a noted Conservative who is now the darling of the Free Speech movement (it appears):

Ann Coulter - September 26, 2007 - TASE HIM, BRO!

Do you support Ms. Coulter’s stance?
I don't like Ann Coulter. While I don't know her stance on several issues, I have no doubt I disagree with many of them.

But I'm consistent. I believe in freedom of expression, whether I agree with it or not, whether I like the person or not.

This shouldn't be difficult to understand.


Did you put out a poll on the board about that calling out Conservatives? How’d it go?
Perhaps you didn't read the OP. Non-partisan. There are liberal colleges and conservative colleges.

The OP may have been non partisan. You’re behavior since then has not been…
You repeatedly called out Progressives in thread….or are you now denying that?

3 times in the first 20 posts:

View attachment 123049

View attachment 123050

View attachment 123051

Did you call out conservatives for their resistance to having a HEAD OF STATE speak (someone who could actually provide some measure of truth; not just speculation? Did you even bother to make a thread?

It’s a simple question…yes or no?
I don't know, how long ago was that? I certainly would have criticized them, but I don't remember.

I remain struck by how important my posts are here. The thread topic was pretty straightforward, and the anger and deflection it has caused has been remarkable.

I'm flattered, of course.
So what are the chances I'll have a "Progressive" weigh in, vote "Yes", and bravely disagree with their ideological brethren about Coulter?

Is that what this is about? Ann Coulter?

Hell, let her speak. I seem to recall conserve-hate-ives going batshit crazy when Iranian Strongman Ahmadenijab was invited to speak at Columbia U.

Columbia U. President: Ahmadinejad Speech 'Extremely Important'

Here is one from a noted Conservative who is now the darling of the Free Speech movement (it appears):

Ann Coulter - September 26, 2007 - TASE HIM, BRO!

Do you support Ms. Coulter’s stance?
I don't like Ann Coulter. While I don't know her stance on several issues, I have no doubt I disagree with many of them.

But I'm consistent. I believe in freedom of expression, whether I agree with it or not, whether I like the person or not.

This shouldn't be difficult to understand.


Did you put out a poll on the board about that calling out Conservatives? How’d it go?
Perhaps you didn't read the OP. Non-partisan. There are liberal colleges and conservative colleges.

The OP may have been non partisan. You’re behavior since then has not been…
You repeatedly called out Progressives in thread….or are you now denying that?

3 times in the first 20 posts:

View attachment 123049

View attachment 123050

View attachment 123051

Did you call out conservatives for their resistance to having a HEAD OF STATE speak (someone who could actually provide some measure of truth; not just speculation? Did you even bother to make a thread?

It’s a simple question…yes or no?

Mac is a moderate liberal with an inexplicable desire to curry favor with the far Right on USMB.
So what are the chances I'll have a "Progressive" weigh in, vote "Yes", and bravely disagree with their ideological brethren about Coulter?

Is that what this is about? Ann Coulter?

Hell, let her speak. I seem to recall conserve-hate-ives going batshit crazy when Iranian Strongman Ahmadenijab was invited to speak at Columbia U.

Columbia U. President: Ahmadinejad Speech 'Extremely Important'

Here is one from a noted Conservative who is now the darling of the Free Speech movement (it appears):

Ann Coulter - September 26, 2007 - TASE HIM, BRO!

Do you support Ms. Coulter’s stance?
I don't like Ann Coulter. While I don't know her stance on several issues, I have no doubt I disagree with many of them.

But I'm consistent. I believe in freedom of expression, whether I agree with it or not, whether I like the person or not.

This shouldn't be difficult to understand.


Did you put out a poll on the board about that calling out Conservatives? How’d it go?
Perhaps you didn't read the OP. Non-partisan. There are liberal colleges and conservative colleges.

Non-partisan my ass. Your posts only include attacks on the left,

AND, you accused me of DEFLECTING when I brought up examples of conservative colleges doing what you complained about.

Mac takes exception to you pointing out his hypocrisy. Can’t say I blame him. It’s not attractive and he’s tried very hard to set himself up as some sort of “above it all” umpire of what is fair and not here. Sometimes he’s pretty impartial but most times, it’s just like you’ve stated; let one side stub their toe and he’s all over it; the other side does something and it goes unreported. Given the culture of the mods these days, I think it’s a self-preservation thing.
Is that what this is about? Ann Coulter?

Hell, let her speak. I seem to recall conserve-hate-ives going batshit crazy when Iranian Strongman Ahmadenijab was invited to speak at Columbia U.

Columbia U. President: Ahmadinejad Speech 'Extremely Important'

Here is one from a noted Conservative who is now the darling of the Free Speech movement (it appears):

Ann Coulter - September 26, 2007 - TASE HIM, BRO!

Do you support Ms. Coulter’s stance?
I don't like Ann Coulter. While I don't know her stance on several issues, I have no doubt I disagree with many of them.

But I'm consistent. I believe in freedom of expression, whether I agree with it or not, whether I like the person or not.

This shouldn't be difficult to understand.


Did you put out a poll on the board about that calling out Conservatives? How’d it go?
Perhaps you didn't read the OP. Non-partisan. There are liberal colleges and conservative colleges.

The OP may have been non partisan. You’re behavior since then has not been…
You repeatedly called out Progressives in thread….or are you now denying that?

3 times in the first 20 posts:

View attachment 123049

View attachment 123050

View attachment 123051

Did you call out conservatives for their resistance to having a HEAD OF STATE speak (someone who could actually provide some measure of truth; not just speculation? Did you even bother to make a thread?

It’s a simple question…yes or no?
I don't know, how long ago was that? I certainly would have criticized them, but I don't remember.

I remain struck by how important my posts are here. The thread topic was pretty straightforward, and the anger and deflection it has caused has been remarkable.

I'm flattered, of course.

You're flattered at being rightfully mocked? goddam that's pathetic.
Is that what this is about? Ann Coulter?

Hell, let her speak. I seem to recall conserve-hate-ives going batshit crazy when Iranian Strongman Ahmadenijab was invited to speak at Columbia U.

Columbia U. President: Ahmadinejad Speech 'Extremely Important'

Here is one from a noted Conservative who is now the darling of the Free Speech movement (it appears):

Ann Coulter - September 26, 2007 - TASE HIM, BRO!

Do you support Ms. Coulter’s stance?
I don't like Ann Coulter. While I don't know her stance on several issues, I have no doubt I disagree with many of them.

But I'm consistent. I believe in freedom of expression, whether I agree with it or not, whether I like the person or not.

This shouldn't be difficult to understand.


Did you put out a poll on the board about that calling out Conservatives? How’d it go?
Perhaps you didn't read the OP. Non-partisan. There are liberal colleges and conservative colleges.

The OP may have been non partisan. You’re behavior since then has not been…
You repeatedly called out Progressives in thread….or are you now denying that?

3 times in the first 20 posts:

View attachment 123049

View attachment 123050

View attachment 123051

Did you call out conservatives for their resistance to having a HEAD OF STATE speak (someone who could actually provide some measure of truth; not just speculation? Did you even bother to make a thread?

It’s a simple question…yes or no?
I don't know, how long ago was that? I certainly would have criticized them, but I don't remember.

I remain struck by how important my posts are here. The thread topic was pretty straightforward, and the anger and deflection it has caused has been remarkable.

I'm flattered, of course.

Gee, how did we know you were going to say that?

We’re all struck by your hypersensitivity to every perceived mis-step a supposed liberal makes but you’re galaxy sized blind spot to what any conservative does.
I don't like Ann Coulter. While I don't know her stance on several issues, I have no doubt I disagree with many of them.

But I'm consistent. I believe in freedom of expression, whether I agree with it or not, whether I like the person or not.

This shouldn't be difficult to understand.


Did you put out a poll on the board about that calling out Conservatives? How’d it go?
Perhaps you didn't read the OP. Non-partisan. There are liberal colleges and conservative colleges.

The OP may have been non partisan. You’re behavior since then has not been…
You repeatedly called out Progressives in thread….or are you now denying that?

3 times in the first 20 posts:

View attachment 123049

View attachment 123050

View attachment 123051

Did you call out conservatives for their resistance to having a HEAD OF STATE speak (someone who could actually provide some measure of truth; not just speculation? Did you even bother to make a thread?

It’s a simple question…yes or no?
I don't know, how long ago was that? I certainly would have criticized them, but I don't remember.

I remain struck by how important my posts are here. The thread topic was pretty straightforward, and the anger and deflection it has caused has been remarkable.

I'm flattered, of course.

You're flattered at being rightfully mocked? goddam that's pathetic.

Mocked? Mockery is when you can’t do anything else. When you can demonstrate dishonesty as I have done with Mac Muffin…they really get upset.
I don't like Ann Coulter. While I don't know her stance on several issues, I have no doubt I disagree with many of them.

But I'm consistent. I believe in freedom of expression, whether I agree with it or not, whether I like the person or not.

This shouldn't be difficult to understand.


Did you put out a poll on the board about that calling out Conservatives? How’d it go?
Perhaps you didn't read the OP. Non-partisan. There are liberal colleges and conservative colleges.

The OP may have been non partisan. You’re behavior since then has not been…
You repeatedly called out Progressives in thread….or are you now denying that?

3 times in the first 20 posts:

View attachment 123049

View attachment 123050

View attachment 123051

Did you call out conservatives for their resistance to having a HEAD OF STATE speak (someone who could actually provide some measure of truth; not just speculation? Did you even bother to make a thread?

It’s a simple question…yes or no?
I don't know, how long ago was that? I certainly would have criticized them, but I don't remember.

I remain struck by how important my posts are here. The thread topic was pretty straightforward, and the anger and deflection it has caused has been remarkable.

I'm flattered, of course.

Gee, how did we know you were going to say that?

We’re all struck by your hypersensitivity to every perceived mis-step a supposed liberal makes but you’re galaxy sized blind spot to what any conservative does.
Tell ya what. I have to make some buys for clients before the market opens.

You folks keep avoiding how the Regressive Left is anti-freedom of expression. Authoritarians. Cowards.

Try all the excuses and diversions you want. Trolling is trolling, it's all good.

Back later.
Mac claims that this thread was about left AND right, but here is my exchange with him from post 30:

NYcarbineer said:
Just to put some rational perspective on one more Mac attack on liberals, let's keep in mind:

The conservative push for school vouchers, school choice, religious schools, homeschooling are all examples of how CONSERVATIVES are, as much or more than liberals,

desirous of shielding their children from differing opinions.

Mac1958 said:

Is that a "Yes" or a "No"?
And by the way, I don't attack liberals. I do attack Regressive Leftists.

You people are NOT liberal.

NYcarbineer said:

What about the rightwingers who homeschool, or send their kids to a religious school, or a conservative college?

why do you give them a pass?

Mac1958 said:

Start a thread, invite me, I'll comment.

Your cowardly deflections don't work with me.


So, a few minutes ago, Mac LIED by claiming his thread was about left and right. The above clearly shows it was nothing of the kind.


Did you put out a poll on the board about that calling out Conservatives? How’d it go?
Perhaps you didn't read the OP. Non-partisan. There are liberal colleges and conservative colleges.

The OP may have been non partisan. You’re behavior since then has not been…
You repeatedly called out Progressives in thread….or are you now denying that?

3 times in the first 20 posts:

View attachment 123049

View attachment 123050

View attachment 123051

Did you call out conservatives for their resistance to having a HEAD OF STATE speak (someone who could actually provide some measure of truth; not just speculation? Did you even bother to make a thread?

It’s a simple question…yes or no?
I don't know, how long ago was that? I certainly would have criticized them, but I don't remember.

I remain struck by how important my posts are here. The thread topic was pretty straightforward, and the anger and deflection it has caused has been remarkable.

I'm flattered, of course.

You're flattered at being rightfully mocked? goddam that's pathetic.

Mocked? Mockery is when you can’t do anything else. When you can demonstrate dishonesty as I have done with Mac Muffin…they really get upset.

I'm mocking his dishonesty AND proving it, as my last post demonstrates.

Did you put out a poll on the board about that calling out Conservatives? How’d it go?
Perhaps you didn't read the OP. Non-partisan. There are liberal colleges and conservative colleges.

The OP may have been non partisan. You’re behavior since then has not been…
You repeatedly called out Progressives in thread….or are you now denying that?

3 times in the first 20 posts:

View attachment 123049

View attachment 123050

View attachment 123051

Did you call out conservatives for their resistance to having a HEAD OF STATE speak (someone who could actually provide some measure of truth; not just speculation? Did you even bother to make a thread?

It’s a simple question…yes or no?
I don't know, how long ago was that? I certainly would have criticized them, but I don't remember.

I remain struck by how important my posts are here. The thread topic was pretty straightforward, and the anger and deflection it has caused has been remarkable.

I'm flattered, of course.

Gee, how did we know you were going to say that?

We’re all struck by your hypersensitivity to every perceived mis-step a supposed liberal makes but you’re galaxy sized blind spot to what any conservative does.
Tell ya what. I have to make some buys for clients before the market opens.

You folks keep avoiding how the Regressive Left is anti-freedom of expression. Authoritarians. Cowards.

Try all the excuses and diversions you want. Trolling is trolling, it's all good.

Back later.

And when you hit the nerve, calling him “dishonest” and backing it up with screen shots, he finds something better to do.

For the record, I don’t think he is dishonest; he has an agenda of trying to set himself up as some sort of umpire here who is “above the fray”. When you injure that agenda, you really piss him off.

It’s funny to watch the indignation at work.

At the end of the day, though, MAC is right about what he wrote. The truth though is that if David Boren (former Senator from OK) were to have done the same thing and prevented Lester Holt from giving a talk in Stillwater, MAC wouldn’t have said a damn thing.

Thats the rub.

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