Poll: Who has enforcement authority of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution?

Who does the 14th specify as having the authority to enforce the 14th?

  • Congress

    Votes: 27 93.1%
  • The Maine SOS

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A civil court judge in Colorado.

    Votes: 2 6.9%

  • Total voters
Try again liar. That is a misnomer as there was no insurrection declared, recognized, charged or convicted. Keep on howling.

I didn’t lie. Congress did exactly what I said and you claimed it was false.

I know you don’t like it, but that didn’t change reality.

I didn’t lie. Congress did exactly what I said and you claimed it was false.

I know you don’t like it, but that didn’t change reality.

Congress did not say there was an insurrection, they falsely labeled rioters as insurrectionists. There has been no official claim that there was an insurrection--even your commie msm has taken to calling it what it was----a spontaneous riot. LIAR.
Congress did not say there was an insurrection, they falsely labeled rioters as insurrectionists. There has been no official claim that there was an insurrection--even your commie msm has taken to calling it what it was----a spontaneous riot. LIAR.

That’s ok. I understand your rage that the Congress labeled it an insurrection mob.

Take a deep breath. The 7 stages of grief are a real thing. You are at the anger stage, but it will pass.

Thoughts and prayers.

That’s ok. I understand your rage that the Congress labeled it an insurrection mob.

Take a deep breath. The 7 stages of grief are a real thing. You are at the anger stage, but it will pass.

Thoughts and prayers.

Typical lying democrat. You are in the first stage--denial.
Typical lying democrat. You are in the first stage--denial.

Firtst I'm not a democrat, I'm a GOP never-Trumper. If the party wants my vote back then Dump Trump who has been the most damaging influence on the party ever.

Let me check, I said that the House recognized J6 as an insurrection in their impeachment articles against FPOTUS#45 - that was true. Then I said the Congress passed Public Law 117-32 and was signed by the President which included language calling J6 and insurrectionist mob - also true.

Then you call me a liar, knowing you would because that's how cultist role - deny, deny, deny. I provided links to the actual legislation.

It's OK they you anger and denial have no influence on the real world, but you do you if you think it makes you feel better. I'm mean it doesn't, just makes you bitter.

No, they don't, Stupid
They do you Snowflake. They are official courts and their rulings are official rulings. You hope a higher court over rules them but until that happens Trump has officially been found to be a piece of shit insurrectionist and thus disqualified from holding the office of President just as a civil trial last year determined that he was lying, sexual assaulter and monetarily liable to his victim. Those are facts. Feel free to cry about them. :dunno:
Run your platitudes somewhere else. I have said in the past what my reasoning is and you have ignorantly chosen to ignore them. The point of the matter is, Trump appearance on the ballot is being challenged in CO and ME because he supposedly took part in an insurrection that has never been recognized by ANYONE officially. He could not have participated in an event that never happened. J6 was a spontaneous riot. Go howl at the moon to someone else that you don't agree with. The SCOTUS will make the proper decision and you can whine and cry about fairness then.
Insurrection has been acknowledged repeatedly.
Just not by you. :rolleyes:
Firtst I'm not a democrat, I'm a GOP never-Trumper. If the party wants my vote back then Dump Trump who has been the most damaging influence on the party ever.

Let me check, I said that the House recognized J6 as an insurrection in their impeachment articles against FPOTUS#45 - that was true. Then I said the Congress passed Public Law 117-32 and was signed by the President which included language calling J6 and insurrectionist mob - also true.

Then you call me a liar, knowing you would because that's how cultist role - deny, deny, deny. I provided links to the actual legislation.

It's OK they you anger and denial have no influence on the real world, but you do you if you think it makes you feel better. I'm mean it doesn't, just makes you bitter.

First, you are a democrat. Second, Trump was impeached by a partisan congress for incitement to insurrection--a charge of which he was FOREVER ACQUITTED. As for an attaboy for the capitol cops for following Piglosi, it is simply that and has absolutely NO weight of law in regard to whether there was an insurrection or not. Now, you and your democrat buddies, can go converse amongst yourselves about more irrelevant crap. When the SCOTUS rules on CO and ME, the decision will be made regardless of your howling.
First, you are a democrat. Second, Trump was impeached by a partisan congress for incitement to insurrection--a charge of which he was FOREVER ACQUITTED. As for an attaboy for the capitol cops for following Piglosi, it is simply that and has absolutely NO weight of law in regard to whether there was an insurrection or not. Now, you and your democrat buddies, can go converse amongst yourselves about more irrelevant crap. When the SCOTUS rules on CO and ME, the decision will be made regardless of your howling.

Just be be clear, you are saying if someone is impeached that they are then not subject to criminal prosecution, trial, judgement, and punishment?

Firtst I'm not a democrat, I'm a GOP never-Trumper. If the party wants my vote back then Dump Trump who has been the most damaging influence on the party ever.

Let me check, I said that the House recognized J6 as an insurrection in their impeachment articles against FPOTUS#45 - that was true. Then I said the Congress passed Public Law 117-32 and was signed by the President which included language calling J6 and insurrectionist mob - also true.

Then you call me a liar, knowing you would because that's how cultist role - deny, deny, deny. I provided links to the actual legislation.

It's OK they you anger and denial have no influence on the real world, but you do you if you think it makes you feel better. I'm mean it doesn't, just makes you bitter.

You're a fucking rino no better than a democrat.
They do you Snowflake. They are official courts and their rulings are official rulings. You hope a higher court over rules them but until that happens Trump has officially been found to be a piece of shit insurrectionist and thus disqualified from holding the office of President just as a civil trial last year determined that he was lying, sexual assaulter and monetarily liable to his victim. Those are facts. Feel free to cry about them. :dunno:
I'm truly wounded that I don't have your personal approval. Now I won't be able to sleep nights.

Yawn you bore me behind the safety of your keyboard.
I just checked my weekly stress level report
25 out of 99
25 is in a state of relaxation
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