President Barak Obama: The 'Dumbest President in US History' (IQ)

In all areas outside of brain surgery, Ben Carson is incredibly dumb

The average USMB poster knows more about current events and political issues. We follow it every day....Carson has ignored it and it shows

1) 'All Areas' is extremely broad and almost always false.

2) 'Dumb' in this context is the wrong word. I think the 'proper' word is 'ignorant' or / as in 'un-educated'. For Example: Trump was asked the specific names of the specific players in the Middle East...he was called dumb for not knowing. No, he was ignorant because he has not been briefed on those. He made a great point, the day after he is elected (IF) he will be smarter than any of the other candidates he is running against will ever be. I bet Hillary couldn't perform a brain surgery if she tried, but that doesn't make her makes her un-educated.

3) We follow it every day, yup, cause we have time to stay on top of it all day. Candidates are going all over the place campaigning, and they are being briefed by people while busy. If he misses something, I blame his campaign reps / handlers as much if not more so.

Neither Trump nor Carson show any inclination to do their homework

Both seem content to spout off the cuff one liners about complex issues. You can call it dumb or ignorant....your choice

this from people who fell for a chant of "CHANGE!!:"

THIS IS WHY you people arent taken seriously
I have read many Liberals claiming that Donald Trump is NOT 'intelligent', certainly not enough to be I did some digging. What I found is NOT going to make the Liberals happy!


Mr. Trump has a 156 IQ at the minimum. The standard description of this level of intelligence is “Genius – Exceptional intellectual ability and capable of looking beyond known facts.” However, the percentile rating is more revealing than the raw score. A 156 IQ is at the 99.9905490555 percentile. That means that Donald Trump is smarter than 99.99 percent of the people on planet earth. Not only does Trump qualify for membership in Mensa but he could join the Triple Nine Society.

LINK: Donald Trump is a Genius – But That’s Just His IQ! | Opinion - Conservative


President Obama Scores 102 On IQ Test, Lowest In Presidential History
LINK: President Obama Scores 102 On IQ Test, Lowest In Presidential History | Empire News

"As it turns out, the Republicans may have been right all along, and President Obama is not the smartest person in the room after all. Since Woodrow Wilson took office in 1913, all presidents have been given an IQ test at some point during their time as leader. Gerald Ford always held the record for lowest score, with a 111, which is considered just slightly above average. On the other end of the spectrum, George W. Bush scored a 132, which is considered ‘gifted.’ Two-Thirds of people who take the standardized IQ test score between 85-115.

The White House today spun President Obama’s 102 as a ‘solid' AVERAGE that is nothing to be ashamed of."

102....a solid 'average'!

Jimmy Carter thanks Obama for being the WORST President in US History now ... and Gerald Ford thanks Obama for being the DUMBEST President in US history now!


Yeah, why don't you roll that up and use it for toilet paper.

Why do you jokers think that anything you find on the internet constitutes and "legitimate source"??

I question your IQ.
Sorry but you are not going to like this. Try again. There is a reason Obama has made the repubs look silly encounter after encounter.

IQ scores not accurate marker of intelligence, study shows

I hear ya, Asclepias, but that still doesn't change the fact that he has the lowest IQ of any recorded President. IQs do tell a lot about ability to problem solve and actions they take.

Forget the fact that he thought there were 57 states...decision making? Bush saw / knew that handing over thousands of guns to criminals was a bad idea because once the guns were gone they could not be controlled or gotten back. That's why he refused to give the 'ok' for the Fast and Furious' Op. Obama gave the ok for the Fast and Furious gun running op to go forward...thousands of funs were given to Drug Cartels, all were lost, over 350 people have died SO FAR, to include 2 American citizens. IQ may not tell you everything,, but in this case it looked pretty spot on.
The link invalidates your opinion though. IQ is the ability to learn not how much you have already learned. Jedi mind trick for you.

If IQ was the determining factor there would be no dumb people that were ever successful.

President Obama Scores 102 On IQ Test, Lowest In Presidential History
LINK: President Obama Scores 102 On IQ Test, Lowest In Presidential History | Empire News


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Empire News is intended for entertainment purposes only. Our website and social media content uses only fictional names, except in cases of public figure and celebrity parody or satirization. Any other use of real names is accidental and coincidental.

lol, the author of this thread fell for a satirical piece on a satirical website.

According to the American Institute of Intellectual Analysis,

92% of the people who are duped by satirical news stories have IQ's under 100.

Sad day for you Easy.
I have read many Liberals claiming that Donald Trump is NOT 'intelligent', certainly not enough to be I did some digging. What I found is NOT going to make the Liberals happy!


Mr. Trump has a 156 IQ at the minimum. The standard description of this level of intelligence is “Genius – Exceptional intellectual ability and capable of looking beyond known facts.” However, the percentile rating is more revealing than the raw score. A 156 IQ is at the 99.9905490555 percentile. That means that Donald Trump is smarter than 99.99 percent of the people on planet earth. Not only does Trump qualify for membership in Mensa but he could join the Triple Nine Society.

LINK: Donald Trump is a Genius – But That’s Just His IQ! | Opinion - Conservative


President Obama Scores 102 On IQ Test, Lowest In Presidential History
LINK: President Obama Scores 102 On IQ Test, Lowest In Presidential History | Empire News

"As it turns out, the Republicans may have been right all along, and President Obama is not the smartest person in the room after all. Since Woodrow Wilson took office in 1913, all presidents have been given an IQ test at some point during their time as leader. Gerald Ford always held the record for lowest score, with a 111, which is considered just slightly above average. On the other end of the spectrum, George W. Bush scored a 132, which is considered ‘gifted.’ Two-Thirds of people who take the standardized IQ test score between 85-115.

The White House today spun President Obama’s 102 as a ‘solid' AVERAGE that is nothing to be ashamed of."

102....a solid 'average'!

Jimmy Carter thanks Obama for being the WORST President in US History now ... and Gerald Ford thanks Obama for being the DUMBEST President in US history now!


Yeah, why don't you roll that up and use it for toilet paper.

Why do you jokers think that anything you find on the internet constitutes and "legitimate source"??

I question your IQ.

Conservatives are incapable of understanding the concept of satire
I have read many Liberals claiming that Donald Trump is NOT 'intelligent', certainly not enough to be I did some digging. What I found is NOT going to make the Liberals happy!


Mr. Trump has a 156 IQ at the minimum. The standard description of this level of intelligence is “Genius – Exceptional intellectual ability and capable of looking beyond known facts.” However, the percentile rating is more revealing than the raw score. A 156 IQ is at the 99.9905490555 percentile. That means that Donald Trump is smarter than 99.99 percent of the people on planet earth. Not only does Trump qualify for membership in Mensa but he could join the Triple Nine Society.

LINK: Donald Trump is a Genius – But That’s Just His IQ! | Opinion - Conservative


President Obama Scores 102 On IQ Test, Lowest In Presidential History
LINK: President Obama Scores 102 On IQ Test, Lowest In Presidential History | Empire News

"As it turns out, the Republicans may have been right all along, and President Obama is not the smartest person in the room after all. Since Woodrow Wilson took office in 1913, all presidents have been given an IQ test at some point during their time as leader. Gerald Ford always held the record for lowest score, with a 111, which is considered just slightly above average. On the other end of the spectrum, George W. Bush scored a 132, which is considered ‘gifted.’ Two-Thirds of people who take the standardized IQ test score between 85-115.

The White House today spun President Obama’s 102 as a ‘solid' AVERAGE that is nothing to be ashamed of."

102....a solid 'average'!

Jimmy Carter thanks Obama for being the WORST President in US History now ... and Gerald Ford thanks Obama for being the DUMBEST President in US history now!

Recent studies show that 82.4% of statistics quoted on the internet are made up on the spot

President Obama Scores 102 On IQ Test, Lowest In Presidential History
LINK: President Obama Scores 102 On IQ Test, Lowest In Presidential History | Empire News


About / Disclaimer

Empire News is intended for entertainment purposes only. Our website and social media content uses only fictional names, except in cases of public figure and celebrity parody or satirization. Any other use of real names is accidental and coincidental.

lol, the author of this thread fell for a satirical piece on a satirical website.

According to the American Institute of Intellectual Analysis,

92% of the people who are duped by satirical news stories have IQ's under 100.

Sad day for you Easy.
Clearly it's legitimate. . . . the neighbor's kid made their pages. . .
Teen Burns Down House To Avoid Doing Dishes :lmao:
:wtf:I research and find the candidates' IQs and post them on-line, and the Liberals get pissed that Obama has the lowest IQ in recorded Presidential history, so they move these facts to 'conspiracy theory'?!

There are students at Wharton who say they never met or saw Donald Trump and the allegation that he never attended and had someone attend for him is out there. Judging from the way Donald Trump talks and the ideas and sophistication he projects, I would estimate his IQ in the 90's somewhere and I conclude only idiots would follow a story from "before its news"
Sorta like what Obama's 'classmates' said about him. And you can 'estimate' all you want to, but it doesn't change the fact that Obama is the dumbest President in recorded US history! :p

Obama has demonstrated his abilities time and time again and the simple fact he was president of the Harvard Law Review debunks your entire claim. You cannot attain those goals without being gifted and they just demonstrate that your hate mongering comes from having an extremely low IQ yourself.
My guess would be somewhere in the low single digits.
But look at the idiots running as Republicans for the presidency

Yeah, look at them...they ALL have higher IQs than Barak Obama and Hillary!


Democrats, the 2016 Party of 'Old, White, and Stupid', and owns the title for 'Dumbest President in Recorded US History'!

Sorry but you are not going to like this. Try again. There is a reason Obama has made the repubs look silly encounter after encounter.

IQ scores not accurate marker of intelligence, study shows

That article is also largely BS. While modern IQ testing may not be perfect, it is extremely effective in gauging cognitive ability. The study cited in the article actually serves to improve successive generations of IQ tests, not debunk IQ testing.

First, the article itself is problematic in the conclusions that it draws. was an "online" study. But then it talks about brain scans that were done on participants. These statements do not jive, and while by themselves might not bear substantially on the results of the study, they highlight the fact that at the very least the article has some very sloppy reporting going on.

The article largely appeals to a very incredulous idea that there are "multiple intelligences" and that it is therefore impossible to gauge "overall" intelligence because it would be like trying to compare apples and oranges. This theory on intelligence is not substantially supported by the scientific community. In fact, it is largely regarded as a failure to understand mainstream theory on the matter. Proponents of the "multiple intelligence" theory tend to mistakenly believe that "singular" intelligence, for lack of a better name, is necessarily limited to a narrow range of abilities. They essentially argue that diverse abilities are all individually manifestations of distinct intelligences.

At first, this distinction might itself seem rather inoculous and mostly academic squabbling. But it might also be worth while to understand the deeper fundamental differences at work in these two camps. The "multiple intelligence" theory largely owes its existence to less than sophisticated attempts at explaining differences in performance on IQ assessments across cultural and racial lines. In order to understand why IQ tests might have once seemed to be biased in times past, the idea that the tests were "missing" an "other" intelligence was offered. Largely without any meaningful evidence to support it, the hypothesis is that in a multiple intelligence world, a test developer would tend to write a test that measures the type of intelligence that he himself possesses.

Another fundamental difference in thinking that exists is that the multiple intelligence school of thought tends to be highly determinist-materialistic. In that I mean that people subscribing to this thinking tend to focus much more heavily on human cognition as a purely material function of brain activity. In essence, they believe that there is no such thing as the human mind. There is merely electrical activity in the brain, and the resulting sensation of being that we all feel is merely an illusion. The implications on this principle on the multiple intelligence way of thinking is that all cognitive activity is "intelligence." This idea is sometimes taken to such degree as to claim that instinctual behaviors (for example, a newborn suckling a mother's breast) are a form of "built in" intelligence.

This is the idea that is being essentially presented by the article. It's become a favorite of un/marginally informed liberalized laypersons who are looking for evidence that "everyone is special" or for an excuse to build a world of participation trophies. It's really quite sad, because the even though the science itself is faulty, the science also deserves more than to be politicized and to become associated with bad political ideas. Really, it's the science itself that should be evaluated for its merits and/or shortcomings, which is why you should really look directly to the study itself.

The study does not actually make the claims that the article suggests, or draws out of it. The summary states:
  • We propose that human intelligence is composed of multiple independent components
  • Each behavioral component is associated with a distinct functional brain network
  • The higher-order “g” factor is an artifact of tasks recruiting multiple networks
  • The components of intelligence dissociate when correlated with demographic variables

What the researchers are saying here actually isn't so earth shattering as the article would have you think. Let's take the first point: We propose that human intelligence is composed of multiple independent components. This is largely something that is already understood. There are a great many things that combine to form intelligence, and modern IQ tests are designed to assess as many of these factors as possible.

The second point: Each behavioral component is associated with a distinct functional brain network. Again, this is not remarkable by itself. It's something we already know.

Third point: The higher-order “g” factor is an artifact of tasks recruiting multiple networks. Now this is a juicy one, and it tells us alot. Mind you, the idea is not novel. In fact, in some ways it's a bit mundane itself. But the nature of the intangible "g" is the meat and potatoes of studying human intelligence. Here, the authors' are telling us that they believe they've been able to actually observe g in action in a tangible way. We already believe g to be a sort of tiered pyramid, whereby smaller factors serve as a base upon which other factors rest, all leading to g at the zenith. The authors' ideas here are in line with the idea that multiple factors contribute to g, but seems to imply that g might be something that is less about structure and more about access. Or to put it a bit more plainly: The authors are arguing that instead of intelligence being a sort of sum total of a various cognitive abilities, maybe it is the degree of accessibility a person is able to employ through the execution of a task.

For example, note the following graphic from the paper, and it's caption:


Figure 3.

Determining Whether Cross-component Correlations in the Behavioral Factor Analysis Are Accounted for by the Tasks Recruiting Multiple Independent Functional Brain Networks

A cognitive task can measure a combination of noise, task-specific components, and components that are general, contributing to the performance of multiple tasks. In the current study, there were three first-order components: reasoning, short-term memory (STM), and verbal processing. In classical intelligence testing, the first-order components are invariably correlated positively when allowed to rotate into oblique orientations. A factor analysis of these correlations may be undertaken to estimate a second-order component and this is generally denoted as “g.” “g” may be generated from distinct sources: task mixing, the tendency for tasks to corecruit multiple systems, and diffuse factors that contribute to the capacities of all of those systems. When simulations were built based on the brain imaging data, the correlations between the first-order components from the behavioral study were entirely accounted for by tasks corecruiting multiple functional networks.
:wtf:I research and find the candidates' IQs and post them on-line, and the Liberals get pissed that Obama has the lowest IQ in recorded Presidential history, so they move these facts to 'conspiracy theory'?!


When your "research" is from a satiricle website and some guys wild guess it really belongs in humor
Sorry but you are not going to like this. Try again. There is a reason Obama has made the repubs look silly encounter after encounter.

IQ scores not accurate marker of intelligence, study shows

That article is also largely BS. While modern IQ testing may not be perfect, it is extremely effective in gauging cognitive ability. The study cited in the article actually serves to improve successive generations of IQ tests, not debunk IQ testing.

I disagree with your opinion and never said anything of the sort. I said IQ test dont accurately measure intelligence.

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