President Barak Obama: The 'Dumbest President in US History' (IQ)

The dumbest President in US History?

The one who abandoned the war on terror so he could invade Iraq to look for imaginary WMDs
Obama has demonstrated his abilities time and time again and the simple fact he was president of the Harvard Law Review debunks your entire claim. You cannot attain those goals without being gifted and they just demonstrate that your hate mongering comes from having an extremely low IQ yourself.

Being President of the Harvard Law Review does not change the fact that Obama tested out at an IQ of 120.

Harvard Law Review?
As president of the Harvard Law Review and a law professor in Chicago, Senator Barack Obama refined his legal thinking, but left a scant paper trail. His name doesn't appear on any legal scholarship. Obama only wrote 1 piece for the Review and wrote it anonymously. Maybe having an IQ of only 120 made him want to hide the piece due to the quality of the paper, or perhaps it had something to od with it being about abortions.
Exclusive: Obama's lost law review article

what does it take to be a president of a freaking law review.? it's like he's a professor. well no he isn't, he didn't go to 12 -15 years of schooling to become one. it was BESTROWED on him. he was actually a freaking Guest Speaker every now then. that is such a joke he's a professor like I'm the Queen of England

Obama a Constitutional Law Professor?
  • March 28, 2008

Q: Was Barack Obama really a constitutional law professor?

A:His formal title was "senior lecturer,"

law professor
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The dumbest President in US History?

The one who abandoned the war on terror so he could invade Iraq to look for imaginary WMDs
He was taking the long road. Eventually someone in Iraq would tell him where in Afghanistan Bin Ladin was hiding. Stroke of genius really.
You're being stupid. Obama's IQ did not test out to anything, some idiot on an unknown blog made a silly statement without fact and you fell for it making you uncommonly gullible and foolish.

Don't feel so bad, Nuhuh...remember, the WH said 120 is nothing to be ashamed of.... (Being the dumbest President in US history is, but having an 'average' IQ isn't...)
By all means, show us that quote
We knew everything about George W. Bush's college years including marks and fraternities just as we know everything about every other republican candidate including Sara Palin. Why isn't the media the least bit curious why Barry Sotoro's school records are locked in a freaking vault?
Oh, i doubt very much that we know 'everything' about Palin's college years
But look at the idiots running as Republicans for the presidency

Ya a brain surgeon is dumb. Lol

He was smart once, but judging by his recent behavior I'd reconsider his sanity
We knew everything about George W. Bush's college years including marks and fraternities just as we know everything about every other republican candidate including Sara Palin. Why isn't the media the least bit curious why Barry Sotoro's school records are locked in a freaking vault?

Because the right hasn't figured out in eight years that laws prevent disclosure.
In all areas outside of brain surgery, Ben Carson is incredibly dumb

The average USMB poster knows more about current events and political issues. We follow it every day....Carson has ignored it and it shows

1) 'All Areas' is extremely broad and almost always false.

2) 'Dumb' in this context is the wrong word. I think the 'proper' word is 'ignorant' or / as in 'un-educated'. For Example: Trump was asked the specific names of the specific players in the Middle East...he was called dumb for not knowing. No, he was ignorant because he has not been briefed on those. He made a great point, the day after he is elected (IF) he will be smarter than any of the other candidates he is running against will ever be. I bet Hillary couldn't perform a brain surgery if she tried, but that doesn't make her makes her un-educated.

3) We follow it every day, yup, cause we have time to stay on top of it all day. Candidates are going all over the place campaigning, and they are being briefed by people while busy. If he misses something, I blame his campaign reps / handlers as much if not more so.

Neither Trump nor Carson show any inclination to do their homework

Both seem content to spout off the cuff one liners about complex issues. You can call it dumb or ignorant....your choice
That's all their constituents want and can understand
Sorry but you are not going to like this. Try again. There is a reason Obama has made the repubs look silly encounter after encounter.

IQ scores not accurate marker of intelligence, study shows

I hear ya, Asclepias, but that still doesn't change the fact that he has the lowest IQ of any recorded President. IQs do tell a lot about ability to problem solve and actions they take.

Forget the fact that he thought there were 57 states...decision making? Bush saw / knew that handing over thousands of guns to criminals was a bad idea because once the guns were gone they could not be controlled or gotten back. That's why he refused to give the 'ok' for the Fast and Furious' Op. Obama gave the ok for the Fast and Furious gun running op to go forward...thousands of funs were given to Drug Cartels, all were lost, over 350 people have died SO FAR, to include 2 American citizens. IQ may not tell you everything,, but in this case it looked pretty spot on.

Boy you're dumb as a box of rocks. How about testimony that Obama was behind all that? Because its all in your tiny little noggin that's why and here we are arguing stupid stuff you couldn't prove in a million years.
Obama has demonstrated his abilities time and time again and the simple fact he was president of the Harvard Law Review debunks your entire claim. You cannot attain those goals without being gifted and they just demonstrate that your hate mongering comes from having an extremely low IQ yourself.

Being President of the Harvard Law Review does not change the fact that Obama tested out at an IQ of 120.

Harvard Law Review?
As president of the Harvard Law Review and a law professor in Chicago, Senator Barack Obama refined his legal thinking, but left a scant paper trail. His name doesn't appear on any legal scholarship. Obama only wrote 1 piece for the Review and wrote it anonymously. Maybe having an IQ of only 120 made him want to hide the piece due to the quality of the paper, or perhaps it had something to od with it being about abortions.
Exclusive: Obama's lost law review article

what does it take to be a president of a freaking law review.? it's like he's a professor. well no he isn't, he didn't go to 12 -15 years of schooling to become one. it was BESTROWED on him. he was actually a freaking Guest Speaker every now then. that is such a joke he's a professor like I'm the Queen of England

Obama a Constitutional Law Professor?
  • March 28, 2008

Q: Was Barack Obama really a constitutional law professor?

A:His formal title was "senior lecturer,"

law professor
The only similarity between you and the Queen of England is 1000 years of inbreeding.
I disagree with your opinion on the article.

??? That its claims are not supported by the science it alleges to be reporting on? That's not opinion, that's fact. The article links to the paper. Read it yourself.
Thats the whole point of proving something is false. The established "science" is of course going to try and refute it. They dont want to look silly. Sorta like the fact that Aristotle and Socrates were prosecuted in Greece because they brought foreign teachings from the Egyptians to Greece.
But look at the idiots running as Republicans for the presidency

Ya a brain surgeon is dumb. Lol

He was smart once, but judging by his recent behavior I'd reconsider his sanity

If I were a Dr. of Bill Frist's caliber, I could diagnose Carson's sanity without ever being in the same room with him or even looking at how his sanity tests out. But it's obvious to me that Carson's political aptitude is very-very low but I think that's what anti-American-government Republicans like about him.

I find it interesting that the OP posted an article citing IQ but doesn't know how to spell POTUS' first name but-----but idiotic spelling aside... If the OP article had any credibility (it doesn't), we'd have to ask why the OP would claim that Donald Trump's IQ is identical to Jimmy Carter's?


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