President Trump BOLDLY walked up St. John's Church with a Bible in his hand.

are we supposed to reply to this?......

I'd rather you didn't. ;)
They can't handle the truth. I just watched Esper say he did know why they were going to the church. Yesterday he said that he DIDN'T. He is another f'n Trump Admin liar.

He knew the place was boarded up. What an idiot.
The clergy was handing out water for the protesters and ended up getting gassed. Watching that crap go down sickened me. The last straw with that immoral POS.

No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Donnie is doing his best Putin/ Erdogan murderous authoritarian act. No one should be the slightest bit surprised if he refuses to leave the White House on 1-20-21.
wow, bringing a bible to a church is now authoritarian?!?!?!? you people a nucking futs

An amoral, entirely unreligious man who's never read a single page from the Bible, using it as a prop for a photo-op is sacrilege.
Not a single person from that church hasn't condemned what he did last Monday.
And yes, Donnie has strong authoritarian tendencies and he's is definitely losing his mind.
Another thread started that is in the process of making a mountain out of a molehill.
As far as I know, USMB does not require threads to be started on only the more pressing, critical or most important stories and issues of the day.

So, if an individual is not sufficiently interested in any given thread, they can just choose to ignore it and concentrate on other threads more to their liking.

As for me, the reactions and behaviors by obedient Trumpsters to this thread have been interesting, predictable and satisfying.

Fortunately, your approval is not required for that. If it is in the future, I'll make a point of approaching you for approval before I begin a thread.

Ha ha ha, you actually made my point.

Ha ha ha, I do believe that you believe that.

That way, your whining about my posts makes you feel a little better about yourself.

The mind of an obedient Trumpster -- always fascinating to observe.
I just no longer have words for this, so I'll ask three very serious questions:

First, would someone like to explain what this man did yesterday, holding up Bible and saying "It's a Bible"?

Second, what was the point of that, what was his goal?

Third, do you believe we were witnessing a devout Christian there, holding up a religion's holy book in humble reverence?

Thanks in advance.

I keep wondering who the hell is advising him on this stuff and if they are secretly plotting to get him to lose because he has the worst advisors in presidential history

Trump makes his own decisions we’ve seen that time and time again. Yes, his advisers are pretty bad but he is much worse

Yeah, that's my impression of this. I don't think his advisors make a dent, unless they agree with him to begin with.
Another thread started that is in the process of making a mountain out of a molehill.
As far as I know, USMB does not require threads to be started on only the more pressing, critical or most important stories and issues of the day.

So, if an individual is not sufficiently interested in any given thread, they can just choose to ignore it and concentrate on other threads more to their liking.

As for me, the reactions and behaviors by obedient Trumpsters to this thread have been interesting, predictable and satisfying.

Fortunately, your approval is not required for that. If it is in the future, I'll make a point of approaching you for approval before I begin a thread.

Ha ha ha, you actually made my point.

Ha ha ha, I do believe that you believe that.

That way, your whining about my posts makes you feel a little better about yourself.

The mind of an obedient Trumpster -- always fascinating to observe.

You are looking stupider in every post here, you keep proving my point. :laugh:

By the way I am NOT a republican, never voted for Trump in 2016.

I am a freethinking Independent man.
Trump makes his own decisions we’ve seen that time and time again. Yes, his advisers are pretty bad but he is much worse

"Bad advisors" cannot be an excuse - he chose them, after all.

Reportedly, the stunt was the Orange dunce's own idea. Jared and Ivanka were instrumental in implementing it, and Barr was the one ordering the troop's assault on protesters. Whether that's true or not, who knows? Anyway, the buck stops with the Orange dunce.
Actually he stated he thought Trump was going to address the Secret Service and the cops on the ground....but the cops had moved on by the time they got to the street so Trump went over to the church.....he is a great suck on that.
Oh yeah? Is that why he brought the Bible prop?

Damn son, you will believe ANYTHING.
2. You say that a warning bell is "scapegoating a group". You offer no ideas of insight as to how we are to discuss problems or issues that are caused by or even more prevalent in one group, without being smeared by people like you, as "fascist".
Not everyone who is racist is fascist.

This is a simple definition of fascism:
a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

We are not there yet, and as my quote noted, it is not so much the leader himself we need to worry about, but his genius in being able to tap into the beliefs and emotions of the folks who follow him without question, no matter what.
View attachment 344976

Rising nationalism, more vocal white supremacists, the urge to forcibly suppress criticism, a leader who boasts about overstepping his Constitutional authority....and worst of all, propaganda that has convinced many that any facts they don't like are "fake."

I didn't offer up that quote to start a discussion on how to "fix" problems in the black community. If you want to discuss that, I know there are other threads to do it in. I offered that quote as a comment on troubling grumblings of fascism that have begun in this country. We learn history so as not to repeat it.

I asked you, seriously and honestly, in response to your point about "Scapegoating" and Fascism, how to distinguish between valid discussion of problems that might be caused by or associated with "groups" and said "scapegoating".

Nothing in your response answered that.

YOu did, again, make ominous and slanderous implications that those that are your political enemies are terrible people.

Wow. That was helpful.

Hey, do you ever worry, that when you smear large groups of people, like you just did, that you might ironically be "Scapegoating" them?

I'm not going around in endless circles with you, Correll. I addressed your post by trying to explain my focus, my intent. It's unjustified to twist my words into "scapegoating" or saying that they are my "political enemies." That's how you see the world, not me.
I just no longer have words for this, so I'll ask three very serious questions:

First, would someone like to explain what this man did yesterday, holding up Bible and saying "It's a Bible"?

Second, what was the point of that, what was his goal?

Third, do you believe we were witnessing a devout Christian there, holding up a religion's holy book in humble reverence?

Thanks in advance.

I keep wondering who the hell is advising him on this stuff and if they are secretly plotting to get him to lose because he has the worst advisors in presidential history

IF you believe the scuttlebutt from those inside the WH that like to tattle, Trump as President gets to insist on some things. He is not real keen on listening to advisors sometimes. You know, "I know more than the generals." I don't think they're giving him bad advice--I think he isn't listening to them.
"I didn't know where I was going...”

This remark by the Secretary of Defense is revealing...
It could apply to many other places since the Vietnam War....
At least he subsequently said he’d rather not treat the U.S. like he treats Afghanistan!
I just no longer have words for this, so I'll ask three very serious questions:

First, would someone like to explain what this man did yesterday, holding up Bible and saying "It's a Bible"?

Second, what was the point of that, what was his goal?

Third, do you believe we were witnessing a devout Christian there, holding up a religion's holy book in humble reverence?

Thanks in advance.

I keep wondering who the hell is advising him on this stuff and if they are secretly plotting to get him to lose because he has the worst advisors in presidential history

IF you believe the scuttlebutt from those inside the WH that like to tattle, Trump as President gets to insist on some things. He is not real keen on listening to advisors sometimes. You know, "I know more than the generals." I don't think they're giving him bad advice--I think he isn't listening to them.

Well it is well known that Trump is a loudmouth, always has been, always will be.

But Generals as a group, has sucked for decades, they are no good at dealing with the unexpected, quickly changing conditions or war, the lack logistical skills to move their divisions well. They micro manage their commanders, they lack a moral code with their men, allowing drug culture and gangs to exist in their troops.

There have been a lot of book published about it, I have several of them.

I think Trump took the Medical advisors advice too many times contributing to the overreaction to a non pandemic situation. He took them too seriously uncritically at times.
I keep wondering who the hell is advising him on this stuff and if they are secretly plotting to get him to lose because he has the worst advisors in presidential history
Trump makes his own decisions we’ve seen that time and time again. Yes, his advisers are pretty bad but he is much worse

Probably true, although I can't imagine he came up with the Bible thing.
Had they not tear gased the crowd, had they coordinated with the Church, had he interacted with the priest and or protestors, had he partook in a prayer, all would be good. Yes some would criticize him praying but that would be defensible. I would have defended him had he at least mad an effort to understand, relate and partake in unifying efforts. But I don’t expect Trump to do that, it’s not in his nature. The idea to go to the church was fine, advisors should have known that Trump couldn’t pull it off and they should have coordinated much more than they did.
2. You say that a warning bell is "scapegoating a group". You offer no ideas of insight as to how we are to discuss problems or issues that are caused by or even more prevalent in one group, without being smeared by people like you, as "fascist".
Not everyone who is racist is fascist.

This is a simple definition of fascism:
a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

We are not there yet, and as my quote noted, it is not so much the leader himself we need to worry about, but his genius in being able to tap into the beliefs and emotions of the folks who follow him without question, no matter what.
View attachment 344976

Rising nationalism, more vocal white supremacists, the urge to forcibly suppress criticism, a leader who boasts about overstepping his Constitutional authority....and worst of all, propaganda that has convinced many that any facts they don't like are "fake."

I didn't offer up that quote to start a discussion on how to "fix" problems in the black community. If you want to discuss that, I know there are other threads to do it in. I offered that quote as a comment on troubling grumblings of fascism that have begun in this country. We learn history so as not to repeat it.

I asked you, seriously and honestly, in response to your point about "Scapegoating" and Fascism, how to distinguish between valid discussion of problems that might be caused by or associated with "groups" and said "scapegoating".

Nothing in your response answered that.

YOu did, again, make ominous and slanderous implications that those that are your political enemies are terrible people.

Wow. That was helpful.

Hey, do you ever worry, that when you smear large groups of people, like you just did, that you might ironically be "Scapegoating" them?

I'm not going around in endless circles with you, Correll. I addressed your post by trying to explain my focus, my intent. It's unjustified to twist my words into "scapegoating" or saying that they are my "political enemies." That's how you see the world, not me.

How can I, or anyone, for example, address the illegal immigration problem, without someone like you, seeing it as Scapegoating?

Or does the very idea of addressing any problems, have to be put on hold, until we achieve perfect social harmony?
are we supposed to reply to this?......

I'd rather you didn't. ;)
They can't handle the truth. I just watched Esper say he did know why they were going to the church. Yesterday he said that he DIDN'T. He is another f'n Trump Admin liar.

He knew the place was boarded up. What an idiot.
The clergy was handing out water for the protesters and ended up getting gassed. Watching that crap go down sickened me. The last straw with that immoral POS.

No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Donnie is doing his best Putin/ Erdogan murderous authoritarian act. No one should be the slightest bit surprised if he refuses to leave the White House on 1-20-21.
wow, bringing a bible to a church is now authoritarian?!?!?!? you people a nucking futs

An amoral, entirely unreligious man who's never read a single page from the Bible, using it as a prop for a photo-op is sacrilege.
Not a single person from that church hasn't condemned what he did last Monday.
And yes, Donnie has strong authoritarian tendencies and he's is definitely losing his mind.
no the left wing knuttjob hyper overreaction is crazy
And if you believe that, I got a really kewel bridge and some swampland you'll LOVE!! ;)

Defense Secretary Mark Esper says he was given no notice before President Donald Trump led him and other senior administration officials to St. John's Episcopal Church for a widely criticized photo opportunity.​
"I thought I was going to do two things: to see some damage and to talk to the troops," Esper said Tuesday night in an exclusive interview with NBC News.​
Esper said he believed they were going to observe the vandalized bathroom in Lafayette Square, which is near the church.​
"I didn't know where I was going," Esper said. "I wanted to see how much damage actually happened."​

And that SOB is backpeddling. Was trying to wipe Trumps ass on why U.S. citizens were gassed and fired on. I saw drone video of Trump's goon squad hitting people with batons. The WH lies like no tomorrow.
There was no tear gas,but I guess you can say it as much as you want.
I don't get it.
1) He’s a fake Christian and you embarrassingly believe he is one.

2) He pushed for heavy force to clear the way to the church.

3) He posed for the cameras like a fucking idiot with a book he’s never read more than a page of.
Your problem is you care too much about stuff that doesn't matter.
You’re the one that brought this shit up. I’m just laying it down for you how ridiculous it was.
I don't understand.

I've got lots of books at home.

Next time I go to church, which book should I bring?

In your case, it wouldn't matter. You don't understand what the Bible represents anyway.

And you do, comrade traitor?

"And the LORD sayith, go forth and breaketh the windows of the white muthafuckas and stealith the TV's "

Proverbs 15 King James Version (KJV)
15 A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

2 The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.


What does this have to do with your slander against the president?

Exodus 23:1-2

“You shall not bear a false report; do not join your hand with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. You shall not follow the masses in doing evil, nor shall you testify in a dispute so as to turn aside after a multitude in order to pervert justice;


You don't want to get into Trump bearing a false report do you? I didn't think even you would be that dumb.

We're talking about you, you lying fuck.

Why do you think it's okay to lie about Trump? The "cause?"

There are thousands of demonstrable lies that that obese orange fool has told. Nothing you can say to change that, dumb ass.

So, Why do you think it's okay to lie about Trump? The "cause?"

Nobody lied about that fat fool, but that fat fool.

All you do is lie. Virtually none of the slander and libel you vomit out is ever true. You're a pathological liar and think you are justified because Orange Man Bad.

Here you are attacking him for having a Bible at a church your terrorist party had set on fire. I mean, what kind of fucking sleaze are you? You're a communist, fighting a war to destroy America. St. John's is a national monument, so you seek to destroy it, along with the Lincoln Memorial. You vermin had a plan to pull down the Washington monument.

Professor Tweets How to Pull Down What Some Think Is the Washington Monument, Twitter Isn’t Bothered


You're not just waging war to destroy our government and our constitution, you are waging war to erase America from history.

You are claiming I personally am a communist who wants to destroy America, and also want to destroy St. John's Church and the 555 ft. tall Washington Monument? And you also think all that is somehow related to Twitter's decisions. You are without a doubt one of the most insane people I have ever even heard of. I'm sorry that you have no one who cares enough about you to help you regain your sanity, but I'm not sure whether to laugh at you, or to pity you. Perhaps both. If this wasn't an anonymous board, I would get a restraining order on you today.
I just no longer have words for this, so I'll ask three very serious questions:

First, would someone like to explain what this man did yesterday, holding up Bible and saying "It's a Bible"?

Second, what was the point of that, what was his goal?

Third, do you believe we were witnessing a devout Christian there, holding up a religion's holy book in humble reverence?

Thanks in advance.

Another thread started that is in the process of making a mountain out of a molehill.

I am an Atheist, but don't give a shit about him holding up the book in front of a burned church.

No lives were destroyed over it, nor anyone lost a job over it, nor break any laws over it, nor is it worth whining about.

Come on people GET A LIFE!

He tear gased a peaceful crowd so he could take that photo. Dismiss it if you want but I think that shit should be called out as he continues to Mismanage his power and the responsibilities of his office

The Media made that claim, the Park service claims it was SMOKE.

Your TDS hate is well know, that is why people like you try hard to magnify anything.

Either way it is not defensible.
Actually he stated he thought Trump was going to address the Secret Service and the cops on the ground....but the cops had moved on by the time they got to the street so Trump went over to the church.....he is a great suck on that.
Oh yeah? Is that why he brought the Bible prop?

Damn son, you will believe ANYTHING.
He was going to the church where the forces had just vacated to chase the scum down the street away from Trump.....I can show you a photo op with bible in hand by every president going back to grow up will ya? unbelievable hypocrite...

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