President Trump wants to cut energy assistance to the poor


Not mentioned in any article I could find, is that Trump wants to kill the FEDERAL assistance program and REPLACE IT with programs served by the state. Which he is right, people would be better served locally and less chance of fraud.

wasn't mentioned because it's non-existent

have an ice day

View attachment 177908

yeah, not seeing where it says they'll replace it with state block grants or whatever bullshit you claimed.

i'd also want to see the alleged study from 2010

not that trump and his ilk would lie or anything

Keep the energy assistance program, and if the cost bothers you, alleviate that cost by raising the outrageously low royalty payments that the oil companies pay for drilling rights on public land.

Not mentioned in any article I could find, is that Trump wants to kill the FEDERAL assistance program and REPLACE IT with programs served by the state. Which he is right, people would be better served locally and less chance of fraud.

wasn't mentioned because it's non-existent

have an ice day

View attachment 177908

yeah, not seeing where it says they'll replace it with state block grants or whatever bullshit you claimed.

i'd also want to see the alleged study from 2010

not that trump and his ilk would lie or anything

The Federal government replacing it themselves would still be a federal program - hello???
Clearly stated is the intent of ending a long abused system with a more efficient program ran by the states.
That is a good thing.
It is ludicrous that a bureaucrat sitting at a desk in Washington DC is supposed to appropriately oversee the needs of someone living in Duluth, MN.
Makes a HELLUVA lot more sense for local officials to do so.
I'm not opposed to federal assistance programs, but I'm also under no illusions that these programs aren't abused by druggies and losers who don't have any sort of physical impairment. How is the LIHEAP program different from the HEAP program?

Really? That’s the sword you’re going to fall on. That the seniors who are benefitting from this program are drug addicts?

How many seniors do you know who are drug addicts. Drug addicts manage to kill themselves long before they reach retirement age.
Its compromised of individuals as a whole, you fucking idiot.
If it meant on an individual basis, it would say "and promote the individual welfare"
Evidently you really dont know what general means :lol:
Not to mention, i even posted a little history for you. But god forbid, pogo be wrong about something.. Grow up, you damn dinosaur

You CANNOT promote the general welfare WITHOUT benefiting the individuals therein.

Holy SHIT you're an obtuse mothafucka :banghead:
You miss my entire fucking point.
Philosophy has corrupted that document. Its so sad. I mean, just look at you :/
I mean, local interests not meeting "general" requirements, meet requirements? How fucking deluded is that?

So your answer to the question you won't answer is that it was unConstitutional for the Army Corps of Engineers to work on the Mississippi River or the levees in New Orleans, since there was no direct benefit to the citizens of Nevada.

I'd wager if a headlight goes out in your car you don't bother to fix it on the basis that it doesn't affect the brakes.
God you are so fucking dumb.
Do me a favor, ACTUALLY go read some history. I get so tired of you prancing around like a know it all and dont know shit about it.
Have a good one pogo

Chill TN, apparently SOME people don't understand that the domestic economy is highly interconnected and inter-dependent so when something like say an enormous flood happens over one vast swath of the country most other areas will be negatively impacted from an economic standpoint and thus expenditures pursuant to preventing such occurrences actually do benefit nearly everyone aka it fits the criteria for "general welfare" .....

This ignorance of economics leads them to use absolutely stupid fucking examples to try and support their specious arguments. :cool:
That makes a lot more sense than raping words like pogo did. Thanks fox.
heat assistance is administered by local govt

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    NEAR is a free service for persons who want information on where to apply for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which may pay a portion of the energy bills of eligible low-income persons. Please include your city, county and state in your email message.
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I'm not opposed to federal assistance programs, but I'm also under no illusions that these programs aren't abused by druggies and losers who don't have any sort of physical impairment. How is the LIHEAP program different from the HEAP program?

Really? That’s the sword you’re going to fall on. That the seniors who are benefitting from this program are drug addicts?

How many seniors do you know who are drug addicts. Drug addicts manage to kill themselves long before they reach retirement age.

No one wants to end heating assistance.
Just put down the Kool-Aid, and think for yourself and refuse to be among the faux outrage crowd.
Trump is not out to "kill old or poor people"....Good God... clearly he wants to end the federal program that the governments own audits show is full of fraud and abuse, and replace it with a state ran system with more controls and oversight.
This is a good thing.
The fed gov shouldnt be subsidizing energy.
I just wish you statist dumbfucks would amend the Constitution instead of shitting all over it.

Where's the Constitution mention "heat"? Hm?

Wanna see the part where it says it's there to "promote the general Welfare"?
So, the constitution says it will "promote" general welfare, not "provide" general welfare.

Promote, meaning, make conditions favorable, or conducive to general welfare.

Correct. Which is what energy assistance to those who need it --- does.

It doesn't heat your house or turn the heat on. It just makes it possible for the end user to do that.
Your example is an example of "providing".

When the general welfare clause says to promote, what I take it to mean is that, our government will pass laws and enact regulation that allows people to prosper and to accel at life.

I'm not against public assistance, where needed. Here is what I think. If we could get everyone who is gaming the system off the government books, there would actually be a lot more support for those who really need it.

We, as a people are overtaxed already. Don't blame people for wanting the government to stop taking all of their earnings, blame the people who, unnecessarily, and without need, soak up all the assistance dollars intended for people who really need help, which causes the government to have to further tax people to keep enough money to help the rest.

If you want more money in the system, stop advocating for tax increases, and start advocating for spending cuts and better policing of the assistance system.

The problem with tax increases is that it's usually followed up by spending increases. The best way to turn it around is spending cuts.
You Loons are noble as fuck with when armed with my checkbook aren’t you? “Give them free shit or you’ll kill them” haha
What is it that you hate about extending FREEDOM to people?
The freedom to control their own destiny. Sometimes their destiny leads them to death. Do you hate the idea of having the freedom to control your own destiny through your own choices?
Let me want the freedom to choose right up until that point where you’ve made the wrong choice and THEN you want taxpayer I right?
(we’ve probably reached that point where you’ll want to pretend you didn’t see this post...I’ll understand)

Do you really want to live in a nation where old ladies, crippled people and pregnant women freeze to death in the winter? In a nation that spends hundreds of billions to keep it's war machine well oiled in case it needs to bomb some afghan goat herders? C'mon.
I want to live in a nation where people take responsibility for themselves and don't burden others. Not really a hard ask.

Ironical post is ironical, seeing as how we elected, and this thread is directly about, an elitist asshole who's been handed everything in his life and has never taken any kind of reponsibility for anything, even simply holding a job, until the current one. Which is why he can't relate to people who actually DO take jobs and responsibilities.

What a great idea that was ----- said everybody in the world for the last two and a half years in dripping sarcasm.
heat assistance is administered by local govt

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    If you need help finding your local Low-Income Energy Office, call the National Energy Assistance Referral (NEAR) toll-free at 1-866-674-6327 or TTY 1-866-367-6228 for energy assistance referral. Or, email NEAR at [email protected].
    NEAR is a free service for persons who want information on where to apply for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which may pay a portion of the energy bills of eligible low-income persons. Please include your city, county and state in your email message.
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Clearly you can't read. :D
Read your own link ya dufus
I'm not opposed to federal assistance programs, but I'm also under no illusions that these programs aren't abused by druggies and losers who don't have any sort of physical impairment. How is the LIHEAP program different from the HEAP program?

Really? That’s the sword you’re going to fall on. That the seniors who are benefitting from this program are drug addicts?

How many seniors do you know who are drug addicts. Drug addicts manage to kill themselves long before they reach retirement age.

No one wants to end heating assistance.
Just put down the Kool-Aid, and think for yourself and refuse to be among the faux outrage crowd.
Trump is not out to "kill old or poor people"....Good God... clearly he wants to end the federal program that the governments own audits show is full of fraud and abuse, and replace it with a state ran system with more controls and oversight.
This is a good thing.

Why don't we just keep up this litany of non-links with yet another non-link to this "audited fraud and abuse".
a billionaire real estate tycoon was jobless :lol:

Yep. I never tire of pointing that out. Perhaps the application should have read, "some kind of work history in some damn thing required".
heat assistance is administered by local govt

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  • National Energy Assistance Referral (NEAR)
    If you need help finding your local Low-Income Energy Office, call the National Energy Assistance Referral (NEAR) toll-free at 1-866-674-6327 or TTY 1-866-367-6228 for energy assistance referral. Or, email NEAR at [email protected].
    NEAR is a free service for persons who want information on where to apply for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which may pay a portion of the energy bills of eligible low-income persons. Please include your city, county and state in your email message.
  • LIHEAP Applications
    Some states have LIHEAP applications posted online.
Get Help With Your Energy Bills | The LIHEAP Clearinghouse


Clearly you can't read. :D
Read your own link ya dufus

i did

should i wait until you find someone to do it for you?
I'm not opposed to federal assistance programs, but I'm also under no illusions that these programs aren't abused by druggies and losers who don't have any sort of physical impairment. How is the LIHEAP program different from the HEAP program?

Really? That’s the sword you’re going to fall on. That the seniors who are benefitting from this program are drug addicts?

How many seniors do you know who are drug addicts. Drug addicts manage to kill themselves long before they reach retirement age.

No one wants to end heating assistance.
Just put down the Kool-Aid, and think for yourself and refuse to be among the faux outrage crowd.
Trump is not out to "kill old or poor people"....Good God... clearly he wants to end the federal program that the governments own audits show is full of fraud and abuse, and replace it with a state ran system with more controls and oversight.
This is a good thing.

Why don't we just keep up this litany of non-links with yet another non-link to this "audited fraud and abuse".
The fed gov shouldnt be subsidizing energy.
I just wish you statist dumbfucks would amend the Constitution instead of shitting all over it.

Where's the Constitution mention "heat"? Hm?

Wanna see the part where it says it's there to "promote the general Welfare"?
So, the constitution says it will "promote" general welfare, not "provide" general welfare.

Promote, meaning, make conditions favorable, or conducive to general welfare.

Correct. Which is what energy assistance to those who need it --- does.

It doesn't heat your house or turn the heat on. It just makes it possible for the end user to do that.
Your example is an example of "providing".

When the general welfare clause says to promote, what I take it to mean is that, our government will pass laws and enact regulation that allows people to prosper and to accel at life.

I'm not against public assistance, where needed. Here is what I think. If we could get everyone who is gaming the system off the government books, there would actually be a lot more support for those who really need it.

We, as a people are overtaxed already. Don't blame people for wanting the government to stop taking all of their earnings, blame the people who, unnecessarily, and without need, soak up all the assistance dollars intended for people who really need help, which causes the government to have to further tax people to keep enough money to help the rest.

If you want more money in the system, stop advocating for tax increases, and start advocating for spending cuts and better policing of the assistance system.

The problem with tax increases is that it's usually followed up by spending increases. The best way to turn it around is spending cuts.

Once AGAIN -- this mythological "gaming the system" is nothing more than a messageboard fantasy. Show us something from the actual real world and we'll talk turkey.
The fed gov shouldnt be subsidizing energy.
I just wish you statist dumbfucks would amend the Constitution instead of shitting all over it.

Where's the Constitution mention "heat"? Hm?

Wanna see the part where it says it's there to "promote the general Welfare"?
So, the constitution says it will "promote" general welfare, not "provide" general welfare.

Promote, meaning, make conditions favorable, or conducive to general welfare.

It doesn't matter, the phrase "general welfare" is found in the preamble which does NOT in and of itself grant ANY authority to the federal government. All the preamble does is serve as an introduction (summary) of the intent of the authority explicitly granted to the federal government by the CONTENTS of the constitution.

In other words the preamble states that all the details contained within the Constitution are supposed to allow the federal government to serve those general ends.

Of course that doesn't stop the gub'mint worshippers from trying to imply that the federal government basically has unlimited authority to do whatever it wants as long as whatever it's doing can be mangled and shoehorned into something found in the preamble.

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