Press Blaming Trump For Their Own Misreporting Or Outright Lies

Because he is a Salesman, a great used car salesman that will tell you anything... that you want to hear!
Uh-Huh, just like every other politician in the United States, in fact it has become a prerequisite to getting elected.

With time, everyone simply figures that out...
If everyone "simply figures that out" how come we keep electing the lying, corrupt miscreants EVERY election? The names change, the lack of integrity, ethics and principles remains the same.
or goes on steroids! :eek:
What did Sessions recuse himself from in regards to Comey?
He said he would recuse himself from anything that had to do with the investigation into ties with Russia. Comey was leading that investigation.
bit of a stretch there, bildo

Copy of his letter.

FBI Director James B. Comey's termination: Letters from the White House, Attorney General

PROVE the recusal had anything to do with the Russian investigation.
Are you serious? Have you watched the President's interview with Lester Holt shown last night and all of this morning? Then compared it to what he sent out Pence to say and KellyAnne etc to say...etc....?
What did Sessions recuse himself from in regards to Comey?
He said he would recuse himself from anything that had to do with the investigation into ties with Russia. Comey was leading that investigation.
bit of a stretch there, bildo

Copy of his letter.

FBI Director James B. Comey's termination: Letters from the White House, Attorney General

PROVE the recusal had anything to do with the Russian investigation.
Are you serious? Have you watched the President's interview with Lester Holt shown last night and all of this morning? Then compared it to what he sent out Pence to say and KellyAnne etc to say...etc....?

My bad

PROVE Sessions comments on Comey had anything to do with the Russian investigation
Because he is a Salesman, a great used car salesman that will tell you anything... that you want to hear!
Uh-Huh, just like every other politician in the United States, in fact it has become a prerequisite to getting elected.

With time, everyone simply figures that out...
If everyone "simply figures that out" how come we keep electing the lying, corrupt miscreants EVERY election? The names change, the lack of integrity, ethics and principles remains the same.
or goes on steroids! :eek:
IMHO Trump isn't anything "on steroids" when it comes to the normal politician routine of telling people what they want to hear in carefully poll tested sound bytes, in fact in some ways he's the opposite since he has shown a tendency for stream of consciousness communication, the downside of which is that he says all sorts of outlandish things in public which have both actual and potential negative ramifications that he doesn't appear to understand.

"Bull in a China Shop" is more like what Trump is and apparently a lot of the electorate likes that about him which (in part) explains why he got elected and why so many citizens are so ardent in their support of him.
I love how Sessions recused himself, yet signed the firing memo about Comey.

I guess Sessions is a RINO? RECUSED IN NAME ONLY!
What did Sessions recuse himself from in regards to Comey?
he recused himself from any involvement in the Trump campaign team Russian investigations....Comey was the head of the FBI investigation in to the Trump Campaign Team investigation and sessions fired him/recommended he be fired....that's involvement
mudwhistle, have you listened to the full interview?

President Trump is struggling as president, because he can no longer go through life making up one lie after another and get away with it because he is a Star or Billionaire...

He can't talk his way out of it has finally caught up, with the silver spoon.

Prsident Trump basically put a:

''I AM GUILTY of obstructing justice in the Russian investigation '' flag around his body by firing the head over the Russian investigation, to make this investigation go away...

He's in real trouble this time.... his mouth has done him in... his spokespeople have done him in... this is the beginning of the end for him....mark my words.... this is the moment!
Mark your words?????? Are you trying to be funny?
You'll be posting your bullshit claims for the next eight years. Then you will post bullshit about President Ivanka for eight years.
I love how Sessions recused himself, yet signed the firing memo about Comey.

I guess Sessions is a RINO? RECUSED IN NAME ONLY!
What did Sessions recuse himself from in regards to Comey?
he recused himself from any involvement in the Trump campaign team Russian investigations....Comey was the head of the FBI investigation in to the Trump Campaign Team investigation and sessions fired him/recommended he be fired....that's involvement

To misquote Elvis...

"there's a whole lotta stretching going on"
/---- You are so used to career politicians in the White House, you can't understand a private citizen doing the job. Personally I don't care if you accept him or not. now back to my point: And yet you offer no evidence of any lies-------
View attachment 126233
If destroying our democracy is "doing his job", then I guess you're right.
/---- A straw man argument. Pres Trump is not destroying our Republic. ( A democracy is mob rule where 51% can take away the rights of the 49%)
straw man.jpg
I love how Sessions recused himself, yet signed the firing memo about Comey.

I guess Sessions is a RINO? RECUSED IN NAME ONLY!
What did Sessions recuse himself from in regards to Comey?
he recused himself from any involvement in the Trump campaign team Russian investigations....Comey was the head of the FBI investigation in to the Trump Campaign Team investigation and sessions fired him/recommended he be fired....that's involvement

To misquote Elvis...

"there's a whole lotta stretching going on"

Uh-Oh, you misquoted Elvis, according to official Rockabilly Dogma you're going hell, make sure you bring some beer with you, I'm probably going to be thirsty. ;)

"Rhythm is something you either have or don't have, but when you have it, you have it all over." -- Elvis Presley
Here's the latest lie out of the NYTimes.

In a Private Dinner, Trump Demanded Loyalty. Comey Demurred.


President Trump and James B. Comey during a reception at the White House for law enforcement officials days after the inauguration. Credit Al Drago/The New York Times
WASHINGTON — Only seven days after Donald J. Trump was sworn in as president, James B. Comey has told associates, the F.B.I. director was summoned to the White House for a one-on-one dinner with the new commander in chief.

The conversation that night in January, Mr. Comey now believes, was a harbinger of his downfall this week as head of the F.B.I., according to two people who have heard his account of the dinner.

As they ate, the president and Mr. Comey made small talk about the election and the crowd sizes at Mr. Trump’s rallies. The president then turned the conversation to whether Mr. Comey would pledge his loyalty to him.

Mr. Comey declined to make that pledge. Instead, Mr. Comey has recounted to others, he told Mr. Trump that he would always be honest with him, but that he was not “reliable” in the conventional political sense.

The White House says this account is not correct. And Mr. Trump, in an interview on Thursday with NBC, described a far different dinner conversation with Mr. Comey in which the director asked to have the meeting and the question of loyalty never came up. It was not clear whether he was talking about the same meal, but they are believed to have had only one dinner together.

By Mr. Comey’s account, his answer to Mr. Trump’s initial question apparently did not satisfy the president, the associates said. Later in the dinner, Mr. Trump again said to Mr. Comey that he needed his loyalty.

Mr. Comey again replied that he would give him “honesty” and did not pledge his loyalty, according to the account of the conversation.

But Mr. Trump pressed him on whether it would be “honest loyalty.”

“You will have that,” Mr. Comey told his associates he responded.​

Here is what you don't fucking seem to understand - it is OBSCENE (from both accounts of what happened) for a president to demand loyalty in exchange for employment from a guy who happens to be charge of investigating president's campaign, and possibly president himself if investigation leads that way.

FBI isn't there to serve president's political needs, FBI is there to do it's fucking job in investigating crime and enforcing the law.

Trump is behaving EXACTLY like a person who is neck deep in cover up and is peddling with every muscle and lever available.

Amazing how quickly drain-the-swamp crowd gets comfortable with living in a sewer.
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I love how Sessions recused himself, yet signed the firing memo about Comey.

I guess Sessions is a RINO? RECUSED IN NAME ONLY!
What did Sessions recuse himself from in regards to Comey?
he recused himself from any involvement in the Trump campaign team Russian investigations....Comey was the head of the FBI investigation in to the Trump Campaign Team investigation and sessions fired him/recommended he be fired....that's involvement

To misquote Elvis...

"there's a whole lotta stretching going on"
no it ain't!!! :)

truly, this is PRECISELY the kind of thing recusals are for...specifically, his recusal promise...
I love how Sessions recused himself, yet signed the firing memo about Comey.

I guess Sessions is a RINO? RECUSED IN NAME ONLY!
What did Sessions recuse himself from in regards to Comey?
he recused himself from any involvement in the Trump campaign team Russian investigations....Comey was the head of the FBI investigation in to the Trump Campaign Team investigation and sessions fired him/recommended he be fired....that's involvement

To misquote Elvis...

"there's a whole lotta stretching going on"
no it ain't!!! :)

truly, this is PRECISELY the kind of thing recusals are for...specifically, his recusal promise...

Quoted from a different thread.

"Letter sent the IG by Chaffetz. Any further questions?

Dear Mr. Horowitz:

Yesterday, May 9, 2017, the President fired the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, James Comey. In a letter to the Director advising him of his termination, the President cited recommendations from Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. The Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General based their recommendation on the Director’s decision to publicize the results of the FBI’s investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last year, among other things.

I request that you expand the scope of your office’s ongoing review of allegations regarding certain actions by the Department of Justice and the FBI in advance of the 2016 election to include the facts and circumstances surrounding the removal of Director Comey. You stated previously that your work includes an examination of whether Comey’s public communications and notifications to Congress about the Clinton investigation comported with Justice Department and FBI policies and procedures. You separately stated “if circumstances warrant, the OIG will consider including other issues that may arise during the course of the review.” The recommendation to remove Comey indeed warrants such consideration.

The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is the principal oversight committee of the House of Representatives and may at “any time” investigate “any matter” as set forth in House Rule X.

I thank you for your attention to this matter.


Jason Chaffetz,

It seems Sessions was concerned more about what was going on with Comeys screw-ups on the Hillary/Huma/Weiner fiasco than the Russian investigation.

Thanks for the copy/paste, billy k
/---- And yet you offer no evidence of any lies-------
View attachment 126232
I love how you "act" like believing Trump is normal and logical.

I'm sorry, you're the ones that our "out there!"
/---- You are so used to career politicians in the White House, you can't understand a private citizen doing the job. Personally I don't care if you accept him or not. now back to my point: And yet you offer no evidence of any lies-------
View attachment 126233

That's true. As much as politicians lie, it still hasn't quite prepared us for the gall with which this "private citizen" and his posse peddle bullshit.
I think it's more accurate to say nothing prepared you for the not only inaccurate coverage but outright mindless hostility in which he has been covered.
/---- And yet you offer no evidence of any lies-------
View attachment 126232
I love how you "act" like believing Trump is normal and logical.

I'm sorry, you're the ones that our "out there!"
/---- You are so used to career politicians in the White House, you can't understand a private citizen doing the job. Personally I don't care if you accept him or not. now back to my point: And yet you offer no evidence of any lies-------
View attachment 126233

That's true. As much as politicians lie, it still hasn't quite prepared us for the gall with which this "private citizen" and his posse peddle bullshit.
I think it's more accurate to say nothing prepared you for the not only inaccurate coverage but outright mindless hostility in which he has been covered.

Trump's admin LIED that Comey was fired because of some memo by someone.

Trump has explicitly and unethically, asked Comey for loyalty, this while Comey was conducting an investigation into connections between Trump's campaign members and Russians..

Comey declined.

Trump has fired Comey, while tasking his administration to push a false narrative that it was someone else's idea. When this false narrative was rejected as nonsense, he came out, switched the story and de-facto confirmed that the original talking points propagated by his Press Secretary and even the Vice President among other was in fact made up bullshit.

What of this is the invent of Media, rather than fact?
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The press is so much in a hurry to report anything negative they can on Trump that they constantly report the first bit of information they get without vetting. Then they find out later that what they reported was completely wrong and instead of correcting it, they accuse Trump of misleading them.

The press claims that this White House isn't communicating it's message effectively. The problem with that is the press isn't listening. They try to badger members in the administration into giving them the answers they want and they really aren't listening to their answers.

A prime example of this lead-in to the Trump interview, accusing the administration of being two-faced to set-up what turned into a heavily interrupted interview. 9 interruptions in 3 mins experts have counted. This isn't asking a question and listening. This is an argument. How can you get to the facts when you refuse to listen?? It takes Obama 3 mins to answer the question "What Time Is It". Do you think Obama would sit there and put up with constant badgering like Trump is???? Heck NO!!!!

The media isn't listening. They're arguing. And when they get it wrong they're blaming Trump.

To top this off the corrupt media floated what turned out to be outright lies. One of them was the rumor that James Comey asked for more funding for the investigation, which led to his firing. This turned out to be a fabrication by the press. The acting FBI director was asked about it and he said he never heard about it and said that they have plenty of funds and manpower to conduct the investigation.

Biased reporting.....and totally made up because they are trying to make Trump look disorganized. They aren't talking about the facts.....they're simply making this shit up as they go. They say they don't know what the truth is, and make up what they think are plausible explanations.
Meanwhile, during this silly discussion they have negative banners posted under all of this to provide a subconscious impression that leads the viewer to the wrong conclusions.

It's nothing but Resistance Propaganda.

Utterly despicable.

One more thing. Guess who was on this panel? Bill Clinton's former adviser....Paul Begala.

WTF is a Hillary Clinton's guy doing on CNN making up lies about Trump????

Does anyone have a problem with this???

Should we ask the Russian media to give us their view?
Actually I am pointing out what I see and providing evidence for it.. I'm not making anything up here.
However, the press regularly uses conjecture and then speculates what their incomplete information means.
Inferring members of Congress never say anything negative about him after meeting behind closed doors, is conjecture.

Active FBI Director stating before a Congressional committee that Comey has the confidence of all rank and file members of the department, is evidence of the truth.
Maybe you need to go back and reread my post.

I said "after meeting privately with Trump....".

I never said that no Republican has said anything negative about Trump.

This is what I mean. You're acting like our biased press. They constantly misquote him or attempt to put words in his mouth. They've been doing it so long that lies from the press are attributed to Trump.

A perfect example of the inherent bias of the left is when a journalist asked college students what they thought of Trump's first 100 days. They read off a list of actions by Obama including his European apology tour. They all said that what Trump was doing was UnAmerican. Then the journalist told them what they really did was list Obama's acts, not Trump's. Boy did that change their opinions.
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/---- And yet you offer no evidence of any lies-------
View attachment 126232
I love how you "act" like believing Trump is normal and logical.

I'm sorry, you're the ones that our "out there!"
/---- You are so used to career politicians in the White House, you can't understand a private citizen doing the job. Personally I don't care if you accept him or not. now back to my point: And yet you offer no evidence of any lies-------
View attachment 126233

That's true. As much as politicians lie, it still hasn't quite prepared us for the gall with which this "private citizen" and his posse peddle bullshit.
I think it's more accurate to say nothing prepared you for the not only inaccurate coverage but outright mindless hostility in which he has been covered.

Trump's admin LIED that Comey was fired because of some memo by someone.

Trump has explicitly and unethically, asked Comey for loyalty.

Comey declined.

Trump has fired Comey, while tasking his administration to push a false narrative that it was someone else's idea.

What of this is the invent of Media, rather than fact?
Actually the media lied that that memo caused him to fire Comey. Trump set the record straight. Which version are you going to believe, the media's version or Trumps actual explanation?

Not only did the media lie about the memo, but they also lied that the author of the memo threatened to quit. They simply made it all up.

Trump said that in his mind Comey was gone long ago. He was just waiting on Congress to do their jobs.
I love how you "act" like believing Trump is normal and logical.

I'm sorry, you're the ones that our "out there!"
/---- You are so used to career politicians in the White House, you can't understand a private citizen doing the job. Personally I don't care if you accept him or not. now back to my point: And yet you offer no evidence of any lies-------
View attachment 126233

That's true. As much as politicians lie, it still hasn't quite prepared us for the gall with which this "private citizen" and his posse peddle bullshit.
I think it's more accurate to say nothing prepared you for the not only inaccurate coverage but outright mindless hostility in which he has been covered.

Trump's admin LIED that Comey was fired because of some memo by someone.

Trump has explicitly and unethically, asked Comey for loyalty.

Comey declined.

Trump has fired Comey, while tasking his administration to push a false narrative that it was someone else's idea.

What of this is the invent of Media, rather than fact?
Actually the media lied that that memo caused him to fire Comey.

Wow...I mean wow you are a fucking moron.

Here is the very letter Trump signed:


He is CLEARLY saying that firing of Comey was someone else's idea and that he simply agreed with it while the REALITY was that Comey got fired because TRUMP wanted him gone for weeks and well before any memos.

Vice President and the rest of administration have stated in no uncertain terms that the memo about how Comey mis-treated Clinton was the CAUSE of the firing, not the TRUTH that it was just a pretense constructed to justify the firing.
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