Press Blaming Trump For Their Own Misreporting Or Outright Lies

Actually I am pointing out what I see and providing evidence for it.. I'm not making anything up here.
However, the press regularly uses conjecture and then speculates what their incomplete information means.
Inferring members of Congress never say anything negative about him after meeting behind closed doors, is conjecture.

Active FBI Director stating before a Congressional committee that Comey has the confidence of all rank and file members of the department, is evidence of the truth.
The PolitiFact scorecard
Donald Trump's website

Donald Trump's file
Who's factchecking PolitiFact??????

Find a fact checking site that says anything different.

ALL independent fact checkers agree that Trump is lying sack of shit.
There are no independent fact save it.

Of course there are and every single one has proven Trump to be lying more than he tells the truth. He won't just get "Lie of the Year" (again), he'll get the top 20 at LEAST.
Well, after 8 years of a compulsive liar occupying the Oval Office, there is a huge precedence that has been established for him.
Here's the latest lie out of the NYTimes.

In a Private Dinner, Trump Demanded Loyalty. Comey Demurred.


President Trump and James B. Comey during a reception at the White House for law enforcement officials days after the inauguration. Credit Al Drago/The New York Times
WASHINGTON — Only seven days after Donald J. Trump was sworn in as president, James B. Comey has told associates, the F.B.I. director was summoned to the White House for a one-on-one dinner with the new commander in chief.

The conversation that night in January, Mr. Comey now believes, was a harbinger of his downfall this week as head of the F.B.I., according to two people who have heard his account of the dinner.

As they ate, the president and Mr. Comey made small talk about the election and the crowd sizes at Mr. Trump’s rallies. The president then turned the conversation to whether Mr. Comey would pledge his loyalty to him.

Mr. Comey declined to make that pledge. Instead, Mr. Comey has recounted to others, he told Mr. Trump that he would always be honest with him, but that he was not “reliable” in the conventional political sense.

The White House says this account is not correct. And Mr. Trump, in an interview on Thursday with NBC, described a far different dinner conversation with Mr. Comey in which the director asked to have the meeting and the question of loyalty never came up. It was not clear whether he was talking about the same meal, but they are believed to have had only one dinner together.

By Mr. Comey’s account, his answer to Mr. Trump’s initial question apparently did not satisfy the president, the associates said. Later in the dinner, Mr. Trump again said to Mr. Comey that he needed his loyalty.

Mr. Comey again replied that he would give him “honesty” and did not pledge his loyalty, according to the account of the conversation.

But Mr. Trump pressed him on whether it would be “honest loyalty.”

“You will have that,” Mr. Comey told his associates he responded.​

Where has it been proven false?
I love how Sessions recused himself, yet signed the firing memo about Comey.

I guess Sessions is a RINO? RECUSED IN NAME ONLY!
The PolitiFact scorecard
Donald Trump's website

Donald Trump's file
Who's factchecking PolitiFact??????

Find a fact checking site that says anything different.

ALL independent fact checkers agree that Trump is lying sack of shit.
There are no independent fact save it.

Of course there are and every single one has proven Trump to be lying more than he tells the truth. He won't just get "Lie of the Year" (again), he'll get the top 20 at LEAST.
Well, after 8 years of a compulsive liar occupying the Oval Office, there is a huge precedence that has been established for him.

It's really amusing (and a little disturbing) how you've convinced yourself that up is down.
The PolitiFact scorecard
Donald Trump's website

Donald Trump's file
Who's factchecking PolitiFact??????

Find a fact checking site that says anything different.

ALL independent fact checkers agree that Trump is lying sack of shit.

Their bias matching your bias doesn't make them independent.

So every single fact checker is biased? :lol:

Come on Marty, what happened to you?

Every single person is biased. That is not the issue. Its people claiming they are not that is the issue, and how you guys got Trump, and will get MOAR TRUMP.
LOL, so individuals having there own opinions is "harmful to our democracy" now? Oh what delicious irony that is, newsflash pal, if the Trumpkins want to "defend" President Twitter that's their right and it's not only NOT "harmful to our democracy" it's the very foundation that democracy is built upon.

Reminds me of the days of the Bush Regime when anyone that didn't agree with President Gunslingers policy of preemptive invasion being accused of being "unpatriotic", it was an idiotic, anti-free speech sentiment then and it remains just as hypocritical and lamebrained today.
This has nothing to do with a persons opinion. This is not an authoritarian or totalitarian country,

Not yet but it's getting there fast thanks to the continuous efforts by those that would silence dissenting opinions via shame (ya know like asserting that someone having opinions that differ from your own makes them "unpatriotic", "anti-democratic" or "racist"), intimidation and force.

but that is exactly where we are heading if we let Trump get away with this.
"Get away" with what? Being a douche bag POTUS? Heck we've had douche bags in the White House stretching back for many decades, Trump is just a newer, bolder and more squirrelly flavor of the classic American POTUS Douchecicle.
The PolitiFact scorecard
Donald Trump's website

Donald Trump's file
Who's factchecking PolitiFact??????

Find a fact checking site that says anything different.

ALL independent fact checkers agree that Trump is lying sack of shit.
There are no independent fact save it.

Of course there are and every single one has proven Trump to be lying more than he tells the truth. He won't just get "Lie of the Year" (again), he'll get the top 20 at LEAST.
Lie of the year from PolitiFact is a badge of honor.

How about a source a bit less biased...

Like Pravda
Every single person is biased. That is not the issue. Its people claiming they are not that is the issue, and how you guys got Trump, and will get MOAR TRUMP.
Lets put this in perspective...

Two people are watching a woman getting raped:

One person says: "That woman is getting raped!"
The other person says: "That's a little bias considering she's wearing a red dress."
mudwhistle, have you listened to the full interview?

President Trump is struggling as president, because he can no longer go through life making up one lie after another and get away with it because he is a Star or Billionaire...

He can't talk his way out of it has finally caught up, with the silver spoon.

Prsident Trump basically put a:

''I AM GUILTY of obstructing justice in the Russian investigation '' flag around his body by firing the head over the Russian investigation, to make this investigation go away...

He's in real trouble this time.... his mouth has done him in... his spokespeople have done him in... this is the beginning of the end for him....mark my words.... this is the moment!
You're a cartoon. Obama lied every time he opened his mouth, you got your president's mixed up. Trump is in trouble because he's doing what he said he would do? How is that trouble? The left is in trouble, sniveling is literally all you have.
What did Sessions recuse himself from in regards to Comey?
He said he would recuse himself from anything that had to do with the investigation into ties with Russia. Comey was leading that investigation.
And you made the assumption that's why he was let go because that's what they trained you to think. It's been going on for 9 months now and still nothing found. How many more years do you think we should investigate who revealed the democrat corruption?
Every single person is biased. That is not the issue. Its people claiming they are not that is the issue, and how you guys got Trump, and will get MOAR TRUMP.
Lets put this in perspective...

Two people are watching a woman getting raped:

One person says: "That woman is getting raped!"
The other person says: "That's a little bias considering she's wearing a red dress."

False equivalency. You are talking about a directly observed event above, not assumptions, leaks, reports, and second or even third hand innuendo.

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