Progressives Killed Eric Garner

It's true.
What was the "root cause" of police approaching Garner? He was illegally selling untaxed cigarettes.
Now, NY has raised taxes on cigarettes, a favored progressive cause, to unbelievable levels.
Garner was simply responding to incentives put out by progressives and their insane tax policies and selling cigs to earn a living.
Yep. And Mayor DiBlasio put out the word to the police to really crack down on people selling these untaxed cigarettes. So when the cops saw Garner doing that, they jumped all over him. He was breaking the law, no doubt. And he resisted arrest. And he was grossly overweight, had diabetes, and had high blood pressure. and the cops were rough on him. That combination put him in the hospital, and later, in the morgue.

Maybe if he'd sold crack or marijuana instead, the cops would have given him a pass. There was no word from on high, to really crack down on illegal druggies or pot heads.

Or maybe, if the liberals hadn't jacked up the taxes on cigarettes to insane levels in NYC, people wouldn't be looking to buy cheaper ones, and Garner never would have gotten in trouble selling them in the first place.
Like I said, you're the type of statist fuck that is destroying this country.

Actually it's those of you who somehow believe your "freedom" supercedes the concepts of RIGHT and WRONG and the most basic societal ideals of LAW and ORDER who are destroying this nation, but that's a discussion for another time and place.

There is no evidence that Garner was doing anything wrong. He was confronted by police, he told them he didn't want to talk to them an wanted to be left alone. The whole thing should have ended there. The police had no right to arrest Garner. What you call "resisting" is what everyone else calls "having rights."

That's because I don't believe in Rights. I believe in Privileges, granted only to those who have proven they can live properly, and rescindable at a moment's notice.
Unless you are Cliven Bundy and/or one of his armed supporters of course.

There's a difference in the Bundy situation. Bundy was prepared to deal with the Government and called its bluff. He was smart enough not to allow the LEOs to get the upper hand. Now, if they'd stormed the ranch and left a pile of dead bodies like at the end of the Waco siege, I would have no sympathy for him, but he made his choice and forced the Government to blink. I just want people to accept the consequences; good, bad, or indifferent; from choosing not to comply with LEOs.
lol, what was the tax rate on those cigars that Michael Brown stole?

His tobacco related theft was the crime of the century, remember?
Assaulting a police officer is the crime that got him killed, moron
Where in the video do you see a police officer being assaulted?

It's difficult for them to answer while their knees are jerking so hard.

Another dumbass who can't read.
I 100% agree with the OP. In liberal la-la land, only a mayor and police chief would waste police resources on having vice bust cigarette peddlers. I guess there is no heroin or sex trafficking problems in NYC.
It's true.
What was the "root cause" of police approaching Garner? He was illegally selling untaxed cigarettes.
Now, NY has raised taxes on cigarettes, a favored progressive cause, to unbelievable levels.
Garner was simply responding to incentives put out by progressives and their insane tax policies and selling cigs to earn a living.
Yep. And Mayor DiBlasio put out the word to the police to really crack down on people selling these untaxed cigarettes. So when the cops saw Garner doing that, they jumped all over him. He was breaking the law, no doubt. And he resisted arrest. And he was grossly overweight, had diabetes, and had high blood pressure. and the cops were rough on him. That combination put him in the hospital, and later, in the morgue.

Maybe if he'd sold crack or marijuana instead, the cops would have given him a pass. There was no word from on high, to really crack down on illegal druggies or pot heads.

Or maybe, if the liberals hadn't jacked up the taxes on cigarettes to insane levels in NYC, people wouldn't be looking to buy cheaper ones, and Garner never would have gotten in trouble selling them in the first place.

A perfect example of HOW liberal policies tend to create more problems then they solve!
lol, what was the tax rate on those cigars that Michael Brown stole?

His tobacco related theft was the crime of the century, remember?
Assaulting a police officer is the crime that got him killed, moron
Where in the video do you see a police officer being assaulted?

It's difficult for them to answer while their knees are jerking so hard.
I think you're bodies's male sock.

So then dickless, back to your earlier idiotic comment. Who was assaulted?
It's true.
What was the "root cause" of police approaching Garner? He was illegally selling untaxed cigarettes.
Now, NY has raised taxes on cigarettes, a favored progressive cause, to unbelievable levels. And of course that invites activity to skirt the tax in any way. The simplest is to load up a van in NC, where the tax is low, drive the cigs to NY, where the tax is high, and sell them. They are like arbitragers.
Garner was simply responding to incentives put out by progressives and their insane tax policies and selling cigs to earn a living. But the result was an unforutnate encounter and his death. Better tax policies in NY would have left this man alive.

Why not blame the founding fathers for allowing states to make their own tax laws?

A single cop killed Garner. The others did not help, but the one who put the choke hold on him killed him.
lol, what was the tax rate on those cigars that Michael Brown stole?

His tobacco related theft was the crime of the century, remember?
Assaulting a police officer is the crime that got him killed, moron
Where in the video do you see a police officer being assaulted?

Used to be Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. What happened to that republican battle cry?
Eric Garner DID commit failing to comply with the commands of the NYPD officers on the scene. At that point any negative outcome was his own fault.

I say this as an individual who truly expects to see his life end at the hands of LEOs, but when you resist an officer or fail to comply with commands, you have to expect the worst response (for you) possible.

And....why do you expect your life to be ended by LEO's?

This ought to be great.
It's true.
What was the "root cause" of police approaching Garner? He was illegally selling untaxed cigarettes.
Now, NY has raised taxes on cigarettes, a favored progressive cause, to unbelievable levels. And of course that invites activity to skirt the tax in any way. The simplest is to load up a van in NC, where the tax is low, drive the cigs to NY, where the tax is high, and sell them. They are like arbitragers.
Garner was simply responding to incentives put out by progressives and their insane tax policies and selling cigs to earn a living. But the result was an unforutnate encounter and his death. Better tax policies in NY would have left this man alive.

So it's up to the individual to decide what's a fair vs unfair tax. How tea party of you.
It's true.
What was the "root cause" of police approaching Garner? He was illegally selling untaxed cigarettes.
Now, NY has raised taxes on cigarettes, a favored progressive cause, to unbelievable levels. And of course that invites activity to skirt the tax in any way. The simplest is to load up a van in NC, where the tax is low, drive the cigs to NY, where the tax is high, and sell them. They are like arbitragers.
Garner was simply responding to incentives put out by progressives and their insane tax policies and selling cigs to earn a living. But the result was an unforutnate encounter and his death. Better tax policies in NY would have left this man alive.

So it's up to the individual to decide what's a fair vs unfair tax. How tea party of you.
What did I possibly write that you could get that out of it?
It is a fact that NYC's tax on cigarettes is the highest, or almost, in the country.
It is a fact that the tax was put through by progressives for the public welfare supposedly
It is a fact that the city has a huge problem with bootleg cigarettes precisely because the incentive for doing that is huge.

So where does "fair" and "unfair" come into it?
It's true.
What was the "root cause" of police approaching Garner? He was illegally selling untaxed cigarettes.
Now, NY has raised taxes on cigarettes, a favored progressive cause, to unbelievable levels. And of course that invites activity to skirt the tax in any way. The simplest is to load up a van in NC, where the tax is low, drive the cigs to NY, where the tax is high, and sell them. They are like arbitragers.
Garner was simply responding to incentives put out by progressives and their insane tax policies and selling cigs to earn a living. But the result was an unforutnate encounter and his death. Better tax policies in NY would have left this man alive.

Why not blame the founding fathers for allowing states to make their own tax laws?

A single cop killed Garner. The others did not help, but the one who put the choke hold on him killed him.

The lead cop on the scene was a black female, so it's a black on black crime.

Never mind.
Cigarette taxes are not just a progressive thing. Anyone who thinks so is willfully blind. It's a favorite revenue raiser for almost all of the states.

It's right up there with the lottery.
Cigarette Taxes on the Increase in Texas
“Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) has signed legislation to increase the state's cigarette tax by $1 per pack effective January 1, 2007. The tax is currently 41 cents per pack.

He damned near quadrupled cigarette taxes!


They should deal with these crimes like they do in Germany,.....The cop fines you on the spot......20 Euros, ........Mouth off to him and the cop says "40 Euros",.....keep mouthing off and they wrap you in the skull and haul you to jail.
lol, what was the tax rate on those cigars that Michael Brown stole?

His tobacco related theft was the crime of the century, remember?
Assaulting a police officer is the crime that got him killed, moron
Where in the video do you see a police officer being assaulted?

Used to be Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. What happened to that republican battle cry?

Another idiot who doesn't get. The point here is that my respondent didn't read the preceding posts carefully. The subject was Michael Brown, not the Eric Garner, as he assumed.

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