Protesters Dressed as Vaginas Greet RNC Delegates

"Well deserved?" The protestors are making Obama and the Dims look like fools.

Apparently there's no limit to the depths of bad taste that Democrats are willing to sink to.

What is absurd is that we even have to have this discussion, but since the religious right is so intent on inserting themselves up every woman's vagina and every gay person's bedroom these are the hilarities our politics have devolved into.

You can thank Todd Akin. When he was accidentally honest on TV he set off this fire storm and quite possibly cost the Republican Party what should have been an easy pick up in the U.S. Senate.

Actually, they would be out there with their vagina costumes doing what they're doing without Akin saying a damn word. Akin just happens to be the excuse.
But these are the women demanding someone else pay for their birth control. Telling others to "stick it" would be biting the hand they want to feed them, would it not?

How about don't stick it so unwanted pregnancies isn't a concern at all.

How dare you tell someone what to do with their body:p

Well if I have to pay for birth control for everyone else, then I've earned that right to tell them what to do with their bodies.
The Fluke Brigade makes it appearance


shouldn't women stand up and tell you idiots to stick it?

But these are the women demanding someone else pay for their birth control. Telling others to "stick it" would be biting the hand they want to feed them, would it not?

Ummm... no.

They are saying, "if the conditions of my employment include health insurance instead of compensation, then it should be complete coverage."

They are being PAID to do work by an employer. The employer is not giving them health coverage out of the goodness of their hearts.
See these women are idiots. Bode keep your hands to yourself, {edited attack on my family}. :)

I'm sorry...was there something of a point to your attack on my family?
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Funny how liberal men who are the greatest beneficiaries of the abortion issue with no responsibilities or physical or mental pain are full of political cliches when it comes to forcing women to kill their unborn babies. Pitiful bunch.

go back to fucking your sheep hillbilly

Actually I think that's the next freedom liberals like you want to make as mainstream as possible, maybe a combination of NAMBLA and PETA

What is it about NAMBLA and the Right?
When interviewed one of the vaginas said "I don't know what I'm doing in Tampa, I thought they said Tampax"
Funny how liberal men who are the greatest beneficiaries of the abortion issue with no responsibilities or physical or mental pain are full of political cliches when it comes to forcing women to kill their unborn babies. Pitiful bunch.

Who is forcing a woman to kill her unborn baby?
When is this going to make the nightly mainstream news? Democrats are having a very public meltdown and we should all get to see it.

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