Q Anon hearts Trump, so Trump hearts Q Anon

When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, pathetic child.

Sounds like he was being diplomatic in both cases.

uh - there is no need to be diplomatic with an insane CONspiratorial group of extremist nutters who have birthed theories of 'elite pedophile rings' bent on world domination - that has resulted in violence.

donny is so insecure, that he will latch onto anybody & anything he believes 'likes' him & gives him the praise he craves so much.

A “conspiracy theory”? Perhaps you can explain why John Podesta has a bunch of emails talking about hotdogs, pizza, maps, and pasta? If you don’t believe the Podesta brothers are pedophiles then you are a nutcase, who will do and say anything to protect known pedophiles.
Heaven sakes..you actually believe this q-anon bullshit. I presume you also believe all that there are “deep state“ cannibals eating children...c’mon be honest..you do..

oh lordy - i haven't heard that one. & those freaks may get into congress?

Nancy Salzman pleaded guilty to being in the pedo sex cult:
Or is that a conspiracy theory too?

Is it a conspiracy theory that the leaders of the pedo ring said they illegally donated lots of money to the Clintons?

But, but, but, the Clintons has “no idea” all their pals and donors are pedophiles.
The actor seth greens childhood friend went public and Seth admitted to him about the rich fucking kids. He said they called them "chickens"
Soon after he went public he "commited suicide"
One of hillarys hacked emails said "im going to sacrifice a chicken to molloch"
Moloch is an ancient canaanite god where the people sacrificed their children to him for prosperity and shit.
That kind of shit plagues the Clintons.
Oh for heaven’s sake..not more of this conspiracy bullshit. That there are people who actually believe the Clintons have a hit squad would Be hilarious if not so friggin pathetic. Show us the e-mail that Hillary said she would “sacrifice a chicken to molloch”. Sounds like a joke that only nutters would take seriously.

Haven’t Seth Rich’s parents suffered enough without this trash continuing to be posted.
I didnt say Hillary said, I said it was in her emails.
Thank you for the link.I see absolutely nothing insidious about that language or it’s context. He was obviously trying to be funny.
Yea, thats why he said "chickens". So, no, its not obvious.
He could say it was serious to your face and your hacked out ass would deny it.
lol..only someone so divorced from the real world would find his language insidious.

Here is the sentence that has you losing control of your bodily functions:

“W ith fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . .”

Now English is your first language is it not? I just want to make sure.

Mr. Amselem was giving thanks that all is going well regarding a recent meeting.

Only someone whose mind is completely warped by conspiracy laden nonsense would see anything wrong with what was written.

Get off 8 Chan or 4 Chan or whatever site you get your trash and think for yourself.
Using pedo ring code words is just him celebrating a good meeting.
Lol ok.
Have you ever seen tony podestas artwork? What about what madly culkin admitted a while back?
Do you fucking know anything?
Pedo code words???? Do these people wear secret decoder rings as well? I mean seriously you got that bizarre Interpretation from that innocuous e-mail.

I thought you were somewhat rational, now I don’t know.

People can read insidious intent into “Hello, How are you”.

It all depends on your disposition to find insidious intent where none exists..
You are a fucking idiot.
Its amazing what you ignore so you can defend your cult masters.
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, needy, pathetic child.

Oh Brother.... once again not anything that matters.
meanwhile, on the other side of the fence.... we have 1,000's rioters/vandals/thieves running rampant in numerous cities and the Democrats have financed them/excused them AND praised them.
But by all means... the important thing here is Orange man bad.

Did Qanon tell you that?
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, needy, pathetic child.

Oh Brother.... once again not anything that matters.
meanwhile, on the other side of the fence.... we have 1,000's rioters/vandals/thieves running rampant in numerous cities and the Democrats have financed them/excused them AND praised them.
But by all means... the important thing here is Orange man bad.

Did Qanon tell you that?
Ever hear of the news? :rolleyes:
Thanks for the link. Yeah, I agree with you that is some disturbing and sick shit.

Listen, there are disgusting pedophile rings out there that should be crushed. No one can deny that. Jeffery Epstein is exhibit A on that score.

However, that does not mean there is a "deep state" cabal of pedophiles who eat children.
Thanks for the link. Yeah, I agree with you that is some disturbing and sick shit.

Listen, there are disgusting pedophile rings out there that should be crushed. Jeffery Epstein is exhibit A on that score.

However, that does not mean there is a "deep state" cabal of pedophiles who eat children.
People in hollywood would disagree. The ones that have seen it first hand.
Not to mention eating children has been going on forever. But yeah, that suddenly stopped.
Thank goodness.
Maculy culkin has said he knows first hand about the red shoe club.
There is a pic of american elite all wearing shoes. Guess who is one of them? The satanic pedophile tony podesta.
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, needy, pathetic child.

Oh Brother.... once again not anything that matters.
meanwhile, on the other side of the fence.... we have 1,000's rioters/vandals/thieves running rampant in numerous cities and the Democrats have financed them/excused them AND praised them.
But by all means... the important thing here is Orange man bad.

You can pretend this is a one-off and not an obvious pattern. You're another enabler of a deeply damaged man.

That's what you folks do. We've seen this before in world history, and now it's back. Many decades later.

Good for you, you're taking part in history.
mac, why havent you responded to my pages? I needed you to see something.
yes. Like this Mac1958
I don't know what you want.

Make a point.
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, pathetic child.

Sounds like he was being diplomatic in both cases.

uh - there is no need to be diplomatic with an insane CONspiratorial group of extremist nutters who have birthed theories of 'elite pedophile rings' bent on world domination - that has resulted in violence.

donny is so insecure, that he will latch onto anybody & anything he believes 'likes' him & gives him the praise he craves so much.

A “conspiracy theory”? Perhaps you can explain why John Podesta has a bunch of emails talking about hotdogs, pizza, maps, and pasta? If you don’t believe the Podesta brothers are pedophiles then you are a nutcase, who will do and say anything to protect known pedophiles.
Heaven sakes..you actually believe this q-anon bullshit. I presume you also believe all that there are “deep state“ cannibals eating children...c’mon be honest..you do..

oh lordy - i haven't heard that one. & those freaks may get into congress?

Nancy Salzman pleaded guilty to being in the pedo sex cult:
Or is that a conspiracy theory too?

Is it a conspiracy theory that the leaders of the pedo ring said they illegally donated lots of money to the Clintons?

But, but, but, the Clintons has “no idea” all their pals and donors are pedophiles.
The actor seth greens childhood friend went public and Seth admitted to him about the rich fucking kids. He said they called them "chickens"
Soon after he went public he "commited suicide"
One of hillarys hacked emails said "im going to sacrifice a chicken to molloch"
Moloch is an ancient canaanite god where the people sacrificed their children to him for prosperity and shit.
That kind of shit plagues the Clintons.
Oh for heaven’s sake..not more of this conspiracy bullshit. That there are people who actually believe the Clintons have a hit squad would Be hilarious if not so friggin pathetic. Show us the e-mail that Hillary said she would “sacrifice a chicken to molloch”. Sounds like a joke that only nutters would take seriously.

Haven’t Seth Rich’s parents suffered enough without this trash continuing to be posted.
I didnt say Hillary said, I said it was in her emails.
Thank you for the link.I see absolutely nothing insidious about that language or it’s context. He was obviously trying to be funny.
Yea, thats why he said "chickens". So, no, its not obvious.
He could say it was serious to your face and your hacked out ass would deny it.
lol..only someone so divorced from the real world would find his language insidious.

Here is the sentence that has you losing control of your bodily functions:

“W ith fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . .”

Now English is your first language is it not? I just want to make sure.

Mr. Amselem was giving thanks that all is going well regarding a recent meeting.

Only someone whose mind is completely warped by conspiracy laden nonsense would see anything wrong with what was written.

Get off 8 Chan or 4 Chan or whatever site you get your trash and think for yourself.
Using pedo ring code words is just him celebrating a good meeting.
Lol ok.
Have you ever seen tony podestas artwork? What about what madly culkin admitted a while back?
Do you fucking know anything?
Pedo code words???? Do these people wear secret decoder rings as well? I mean seriously you got that bizarre Interpretation from that innocuous e-mail.

I thought you were somewhat rational, now I don’t know.

People can read insidious intent into “Hello, How are you”.

It all depends on your disposition to find insidious intent where none exists..
They believe what they're told in their universe. It doesn't matter.
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, needy, pathetic child.

Oh Brother.... once again not anything that matters.
meanwhile, on the other side of the fence.... we have 1,000's rioters/vandals/thieves running rampant in numerous cities and the Democrats have financed them/excused them AND praised them.
But by all means... the important thing here is Orange man bad.

You can pretend this is a one-off and not an obvious pattern. You're another enabler of a deeply damaged man.

That's what you folks do. We've seen this before in world history, and now it's back. Many decades later.

Good for you, you're taking part in history.
mac, why havent you responded to my pages? I needed you to see something.
yes. Like this Mac1958
I don't know what you want.

Make a point.
I guess you are fucking stupid then
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, pathetic child.

Sounds like he was being diplomatic in both cases.

uh - there is no need to be diplomatic with an insane CONspiratorial group of extremist nutters who have birthed theories of 'elite pedophile rings' bent on world domination - that has resulted in violence.

donny is so insecure, that he will latch onto anybody & anything he believes 'likes' him & gives him the praise he craves so much.

A “conspiracy theory”? Perhaps you can explain why John Podesta has a bunch of emails talking about hotdogs, pizza, maps, and pasta? If you don’t believe the Podesta brothers are pedophiles then you are a nutcase, who will do and say anything to protect known pedophiles.
Heaven sakes..you actually believe this q-anon bullshit. I presume you also believe all that there are “deep state“ cannibals eating children...c’mon be honest..you do..

oh lordy - i haven't heard that one. & those freaks may get into congress?

Nancy Salzman pleaded guilty to being in the pedo sex cult:
Or is that a conspiracy theory too?

Is it a conspiracy theory that the leaders of the pedo ring said they illegally donated lots of money to the Clintons?

But, but, but, the Clintons has “no idea” all their pals and donors are pedophiles.
The actor seth greens childhood friend went public and Seth admitted to him about the rich fucking kids. He said they called them "chickens"
Soon after he went public he "commited suicide"
One of hillarys hacked emails said "im going to sacrifice a chicken to molloch"
Moloch is an ancient canaanite god where the people sacrificed their children to him for prosperity and shit.
That kind of shit plagues the Clintons.
Oh for heaven’s sake..not more of this conspiracy bullshit. That there are people who actually believe the Clintons have a hit squad would Be hilarious if not so friggin pathetic. Show us the e-mail that Hillary said she would “sacrifice a chicken to molloch”. Sounds like a joke that only nutters would take seriously.

Haven’t Seth Rich’s parents suffered enough without this trash continuing to be posted.
I didnt say Hillary said, I said it was in her emails.
Thank you for the link.I see absolutely nothing insidious about that language or it’s context. He was obviously trying to be funny.
Yea, thats why he said "chickens". So, no, its not obvious.
He could say it was serious to your face and your hacked out ass would deny it.
lol..only someone so divorced from the real world would find his language insidious.

Here is the sentence that has you losing control of your bodily functions:

“W ith fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . .”

Now English is your first language is it not? I just want to make sure.

Mr. Amselem was giving thanks that all is going well regarding a recent meeting.

Only someone whose mind is completely warped by conspiracy laden nonsense would see anything wrong with what was written.

Get off 8 Chan or 4 Chan or whatever site you get your trash and think for yourself.
Using pedo ring code words is just him celebrating a good meeting.
Lol ok.
Have you ever seen tony podestas artwork? What about what madly culkin admitted a while back?
Do you fucking know anything?
Pedo code words???? Do these people wear secret decoder rings as well? I mean seriously you got that bizarre Interpretation from that innocuous e-mail.

I thought you were somewhat rational, now I don’t know.

People can read insidious intent into “Hello, How are you”.

It all depends on your disposition to find insidious intent where none exists..
They believe what they're told in their universe. It doesn't matter.
The irony is blinding.
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, pathetic child.

Sounds like he was being diplomatic in both cases.

uh - there is no need to be diplomatic with an insane CONspiratorial group of extremist nutters who have birthed theories of 'elite pedophile rings' bent on world domination - that has resulted in violence.

donny is so insecure, that he will latch onto anybody & anything he believes 'likes' him & gives him the praise he craves so much.

A “conspiracy theory”? Perhaps you can explain why John Podesta has a bunch of emails talking about hotdogs, pizza, maps, and pasta? If you don’t believe the Podesta brothers are pedophiles then you are a nutcase, who will do and say anything to protect known pedophiles.
Heaven sakes..you actually believe this q-anon bullshit. I presume you also believe all that there are “deep state“ cannibals eating children...c’mon be honest..you do..

oh lordy - i haven't heard that one. & those freaks may get into congress?

Nancy Salzman pleaded guilty to being in the pedo sex cult:
Or is that a conspiracy theory too?

Is it a conspiracy theory that the leaders of the pedo ring said they illegally donated lots of money to the Clintons?

But, but, but, the Clintons has “no idea” all their pals and donors are pedophiles.
The actor seth greens childhood friend went public and Seth admitted to him about the rich fucking kids. He said they called them "chickens"
Soon after he went public he "commited suicide"
One of hillarys hacked emails said "im going to sacrifice a chicken to molloch"
Moloch is an ancient canaanite god where the people sacrificed their children to him for prosperity and shit.
That kind of shit plagues the Clintons.
Oh for heaven’s sake..not more of this conspiracy bullshit. That there are people who actually believe the Clintons have a hit squad would Be hilarious if not so friggin pathetic. Show us the e-mail that Hillary said she would “sacrifice a chicken to molloch”. Sounds like a joke that only nutters would take seriously.

Haven’t Seth Rich’s parents suffered enough without this trash continuing to be posted.
I didnt say Hillary said, I said it was in her emails.
Thank you for the link.I see absolutely nothing insidious about that language or it’s context. He was obviously trying to be funny.
Yea, thats why he said "chickens". So, no, its not obvious.
He could say it was serious to your face and your hacked out ass would deny it.
lol..only someone so divorced from the real world would find his language insidious.

Here is the sentence that has you losing control of your bodily functions:

“W ith fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . .”

Now English is your first language is it not? I just want to make sure.

Mr. Amselem was giving thanks that all is going well regarding a recent meeting.

Only someone whose mind is completely warped by conspiracy laden nonsense would see anything wrong with what was written.

Get off 8 Chan or 4 Chan or whatever site you get your trash and think for yourself.
Using pedo ring code words is just him celebrating a good meeting.
Lol ok.
Have you ever seen tony podestas artwork? What about what madly culkin admitted a while back?
Do you fucking know anything?
Pedo code words???? Do these people wear secret decoder rings as well? I mean seriously you got that bizarre Interpretation from that innocuous e-mail.

I thought you were somewhat rational, now I don’t know.

People can read insidious intent into “Hello, How are you”.

It all depends on your disposition to find insidious intent where none exists..
Well, perhaps you can explain how a handkerchief has a map on it, and is “pizza related”.

“Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you're busy, so feel free not to respond if it's not yours or you don't want it. Susaner”
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, pathetic child.

Sounds like he was being diplomatic in both cases.

uh - there is no need to be diplomatic with an insane CONspiratorial group of extremist nutters who have birthed theories of 'elite pedophile rings' bent on world domination - that has resulted in violence.

donny is so insecure, that he will latch onto anybody & anything he believes 'likes' him & gives him the praise he craves so much.
Those views and theories just did not start. If people can get away with heinous things, they do. If they are in control, it is open season.
Maculy culkin has said he knows first hand about the red shoe club.
There is a pic of american elite all wearing shoes. Guess who is one of them? The satanic pedophile tony podesta.
Funny how sketch artists managed to make these drawings of suspects in the Madeleine McCann disappearance, and they both look exactly like the Podesta brothers:


Nothing to see here....move along...move along...
Maculy culkin has said he knows first hand about the red shoe club.
There is a pic of american elite all wearing shoes. Guess who is one of them? The satanic pedophile tony podesta.
Funny how sketch artists managed to make these drawings of suspects in the Madeleine McCann disappearance, and they both look exactly like the Podesta brothers:


Nothing to see here....move along...move along...
Its not true if their friends say it isnt!
You damn conspirator!
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, needy, pathetic child.

Oh Brother.... once again not anything that matters.
meanwhile, on the other side of the fence.... we have 1,000's rioters/vandals/thieves running rampant in numerous cities and the Democrats have financed them/excused them AND praised them.
But by all means... the important thing here is Orange man bad.

Did Qanon tell you that?
Tell me what?
Trump is in multiple pictures, spanning years, palling around with one of the world's most notorious pedophile ringleaders. And when recently asked for comment he doubled-down and wished her well.

It doesn't take rocket science to understand that this Degenerate-in-Chief is balls-deep involved in the Satanism.
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, needy, pathetic child.

Oh Brother.... once again not anything that matters.
meanwhile, on the other side of the fence.... we have 1,000's rioters/vandals/thieves running rampant in numerous cities and the Democrats have financed them/excused them AND praised them.
But by all means... the important thing here is Orange man bad.

Did Qanon tell you that?
Ever hear of the news? :rolleyes:
Yeah...over 1500 people have been arrested for the rioting and looting.

And nothing about our US congressmen or Senators supporting the violence...

Nor any of that qanon disinformation on who is funding these groups....

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