Q Anon hearts Trump, so Trump hearts Q Anon

When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, needy, pathetic child.

Oh Brother.... once again not anything that matters.
meanwhile, on the other side of the fence.... we have 1,000's rioters/vandals/thieves running rampant in numerous cities and the Democrats have financed them/excused them AND praised them.
But by all means... the important thing here is Orange man bad.

Did Qanon tell you that?
Ever hear of the news? :rolleyes:
Yeah...over 1500 people have been arrested for the rioting and looting.

And nothing about our US congressmen or Senators supporting the violence...

Nor any of that qanon disinformation on who is funding these groups....
Umm bullshit.
A dem senator just said a few days ago the unrest needs to continue. Them saying the riots in Portland arent riots, they are peacefully protesting.
Donations to post bond for the arrested rioters etc.
Pay attention please.
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, needy, pathetic child.

Oh Brother.... once again not anything that matters.
meanwhile, on the other side of the fence.... we have 1,000's rioters/vandals/thieves running rampant in numerous cities and the Democrats have financed them/excused them AND praised them.
But by all means... the important thing here is Orange man bad.

Did Qanon tell you that?
Ever hear of the news? :rolleyes:
Yeah...over 1500 people have been arrested for the rioting and looting.

And nothing about our US congressmen or Senators supporting the violence...

Nor any of that qanon disinformation on who is funding these groups....
Umm bullshit.
A dem senator just said a few days ago the unrest needs to continue. Them saying the riots in Portland arent riots, they are peacefully protesting.
Donations to post bond for the arrested rioters etc.
Pay attention please.
It was that moron Ayanna Presley ( the Ringo of the squab) from Mass....Not a Senator, but the rest of it is correct.
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, needy, pathetic child.

Oh Brother.... once again not anything that matters.
meanwhile, on the other side of the fence.... we have 1,000's rioters/vandals/thieves running rampant in numerous cities and the Democrats have financed them/excused them AND praised them.
But by all means... the important thing here is Orange man bad.

Did Qanon tell you that?
Ever hear of the news? :rolleyes:
Yeah...over 1500 people have been arrested for the rioting and looting.

And nothing about our US congressmen or Senators supporting the violence...

Nor any of that qanon disinformation on who is funding these groups....
Umm bullshit.
A dem senator just said a few days ago the unrest needs to continue. Them saying the riots in Portland arent riots, they are peacefully protesting.
Donations to post bond for the arrested rioters etc.
Pay attention please.
It was that moron Ayanna Presley ( the Ringo of the squab) from Mass....Not a Senator, but the rest of it is correct.
Ahh. House, my bad. Thanks.
Trump is in multiple pictures, spanning years, palling around with one of the world's most notorious pedophile ringleaders. And when recently asked for comment he doubled-down and wished her well.

It doesn't take rocket science to understand that this Degenerate-in-Chief is balls-deep involved in the Satanism.
And yet the Donald never flew to one of his islands to rape children. He disavowed him. You hero BJ Clinton did. Many of those Hollywood elite that hate President Trump did.
He can't even control it. Is he so damaged that he doesn't even realize there are cameras and microphones present?
Control it? Why would he? He has been consistently rewarded for this behavior. First, his reality tv paychecks. Then, elected to the most most powerful office in the world. Then, acquitted at impeachment. And all of the enrichment that has come with his abuse of power.
Any equivalent of a Democratic President doing anything even REMOTELY close to this OP?

All the dem presidents who sucked up to Farakan.

Hell, rev wright was a BLT guy. Their beliefs are even goofier and more hateful and racist and marxist.

so, yes. lots. even worse.
There wasn‘t one Democratic president that sucked up to Farrakan. Stop with your friggin lies.

View attachment 377286
So what. There are many photos of photos with politicians with people they disapprove. You wrote all dems presidents sucked up to farrakan... admit you lied.

yes, all the ones that did that, fit the bill.

i admit i expected more photos to show up.

do you think donny will work with q anon to further their agenda as long as they further his no matter what either agenda might be?

i think that that is quite a leap from "heard of them" to "work to further their agenda".

Try to be less crazy.

uh-huh.... he's only 'heard of them' ... but didn't know who david duke was?

how do you handle a question, along the lines of "have you stopped beating your wife yet"?

how about 'david duke is a fucking racist & i don't want his endorsement' ?


yeah, he tried that. it did not work.

SO, next he tried blowing off the question.

That is the point, you wace baiting partisan hack.

I think the next step, is anyone asks you that question, you slap them. Hard.

that's not a question to blow off. he could have & should have denounced it right then & there. instead he lies about knowing who the dude is.

what a cop out from the both of you.

he had denounced it many times before. you know that.

how do you answer a question like, "have you stopped beating your wife yet"?

lol ... how about 'i don't beat my wife'.

pretty simple. donny will lie even when the truth would work for him. he simply can't help himself.

and you fall into the trap.

and the story in the press is, "playtime denies beating his wife".

these "questions" are not actually questions. they are accusations thinly veiled, used to smear republicans.

the person asking the question is a vile piece of shit, and trump was trying ways of blowing off the question.

but donny is a stable genius who plays chess while everyone else is playing checkers.

right? lol ....

correct. and eventually he came up, "you're fake news".

but you people still reach back to the old shit, to try to gin up shit.

but, it is all shit you all know it.

donny also said that 'they love their country' & said one Q freakazoid, margorie taylor green - who has said racist & isamaphobic things & 9/11 CONspiracy nutter is a 'rising star' in the (R) party a while ago.... so he knows who they are & he'll cuddle up to anybody as long as they 'like him'.
Any equivalent of a Democratic President doing anything even REMOTELY close to this OP?

All the dem presidents who sucked up to Farakan.

Hell, rev wright was a BLT guy. Their beliefs are even goofier and more hateful and racist and marxist.

so, yes. lots. even worse.
There wasn‘t one Democratic president that sucked up to Farrakan. Stop with your friggin lies.

View attachment 377286
So what. There are many photos of photos with politicians with people they disapprove. You wrote all dems presidents sucked up to farrakan... admit you lied.

yes, all the ones that did that, fit the bill.

i admit i expected more photos to show up.

do you think donny will work with q anon to further their agenda as long as they further his no matter what either agenda might be?

i think that that is quite a leap from "heard of them" to "work to further their agenda".

Try to be less crazy.

uh-huh.... he's only 'heard of them' ... but didn't know who david duke was?

how do you handle a question, along the lines of "have you stopped beating your wife yet"?

how about 'david duke is a fucking racist & i don't want his endorsement' ?


yeah, he tried that. it did not work.

SO, next he tried blowing off the question.

That is the point, you wace baiting partisan hack.

I think the next step, is anyone asks you that question, you slap them. Hard.

that's not a question to blow off. he could have & should have denounced it right then & there. instead he lies about knowing who the dude is.

what a cop out from the both of you.

he had denounced it many times before. you know that.

how do you answer a question like, "have you stopped beating your wife yet"?

lol ... how about 'i don't beat my wife'.

pretty simple. donny will lie even when the truth would work for him. he simply can't help himself.

and you fall into the trap.

and the story in the press is, "playtime denies beating his wife".

these "questions" are not actually questions. they are accusations thinly veiled, used to smear republicans.

the person asking the question is a vile piece of shit, and trump was trying ways of blowing off the question.

but donny is a stable genius who plays chess while everyone else is playing checkers.

right? lol ....

correct. and eventually he came up, "you're fake news".

but you people still reach back to the old shit, to try to gin up shit.

but, it is all shit you all know it.

donny also said that 'they love their country' & said one Q freakazoid, margorie taylor green - who has said racist & isamaphobic things & 9/11 CONspiracy nutter is a 'rising star' in the (R) party a while ago.... so he knows who they are & he'll cuddle up to anybody as long as they 'like him'.

so, you're dropping the nonsense about duke, to move on to other shit allegations?

you really are wally.

Any equivalent of a Democratic President doing anything even REMOTELY close to this OP?

All the dem presidents who sucked up to Farakan.

Hell, rev wright was a BLT guy. Their beliefs are even goofier and more hateful and racist and marxist.

so, yes. lots. even worse.
There wasn‘t one Democratic president that sucked up to Farrakan. Stop with your friggin lies.

View attachment 377286
So what. There are many photos of photos with politicians with people they disapprove. You wrote all dems presidents sucked up to farrakan... admit you lied.

yes, all the ones that did that, fit the bill.

i admit i expected more photos to show up.

do you think donny will work with q anon to further their agenda as long as they further his no matter what either agenda might be?

i think that that is quite a leap from "heard of them" to "work to further their agenda".

Try to be less crazy.

uh-huh.... he's only 'heard of them' ... but didn't know who david duke was?

how do you handle a question, along the lines of "have you stopped beating your wife yet"?

how about 'david duke is a fucking racist & i don't want his endorsement' ?


yeah, he tried that. it did not work.

SO, next he tried blowing off the question.

That is the point, you wace baiting partisan hack.

I think the next step, is anyone asks you that question, you slap them. Hard.

that's not a question to blow off. he could have & should have denounced it right then & there. instead he lies about knowing who the dude is.

what a cop out from the both of you.

he had denounced it many times before. you know that.

how do you answer a question like, "have you stopped beating your wife yet"?

lol ... how about 'i don't beat my wife'.

pretty simple. donny will lie even when the truth would work for him. he simply can't help himself.

and you fall into the trap.

and the story in the press is, "playtime denies beating his wife".

these "questions" are not actually questions. they are accusations thinly veiled, used to smear republicans.

the person asking the question is a vile piece of shit, and trump was trying ways of blowing off the question.

but donny is a stable genius who plays chess while everyone else is playing checkers.

right? lol ....

correct. and eventually he came up, "you're fake news".

but you people still reach back to the old shit, to try to gin up shit.

but, it is all shit you all know it.

donny also said that 'they love their country' & said one Q freakazoid, margorie taylor green - who has said racist & isamaphobic things & 9/11 CONspiracy nutter is a 'rising star' in the (R) party a while ago.... so he knows who they are & he'll cuddle up to anybody as long as they 'like him'.

so, you're dropping the nonsense about duke, to move on to other shit allegations?

you really are wally.

View attachment 377555

it's all relative cartoon boy. the OP topic is about Q anon & how donny is lying about embracing extremist wackjobs with extremist views as long as they like him.

duke ... q anon .... pepe ....
Any equivalent of a Democratic President doing anything even REMOTELY close to this OP?

All the dem presidents who sucked up to Farakan.

Hell, rev wright was a BLT guy. Their beliefs are even goofier and more hateful and racist and marxist.

so, yes. lots. even worse.
There wasn‘t one Democratic president that sucked up to Farrakan. Stop with your friggin lies.

View attachment 377286
So what. There are many photos of photos with politicians with people they disapprove. You wrote all dems presidents sucked up to farrakan... admit you lied.

yes, all the ones that did that, fit the bill.

i admit i expected more photos to show up.

do you think donny will work with q anon to further their agenda as long as they further his no matter what either agenda might be?

i think that that is quite a leap from "heard of them" to "work to further their agenda".

Try to be less crazy.

uh-huh.... he's only 'heard of them' ... but didn't know who david duke was?

how do you handle a question, along the lines of "have you stopped beating your wife yet"?

how about 'david duke is a fucking racist & i don't want his endorsement' ?


yeah, he tried that. it did not work.

SO, next he tried blowing off the question.

That is the point, you wace baiting partisan hack.

I think the next step, is anyone asks you that question, you slap them. Hard.

that's not a question to blow off. he could have & should have denounced it right then & there. instead he lies about knowing who the dude is.

what a cop out from the both of you.

he had denounced it many times before. you know that.

how do you answer a question like, "have you stopped beating your wife yet"?

lol ... how about 'i don't beat my wife'.

pretty simple. donny will lie even when the truth would work for him. he simply can't help himself.

and you fall into the trap.

and the story in the press is, "playtime denies beating his wife".

these "questions" are not actually questions. they are accusations thinly veiled, used to smear republicans.

the person asking the question is a vile piece of shit, and trump was trying ways of blowing off the question.

but donny is a stable genius who plays chess while everyone else is playing checkers.

right? lol ....

correct. and eventually he came up, "you're fake news".

but you people still reach back to the old shit, to try to gin up shit.

but, it is all shit you all know it.

donny also said that 'they love their country' & said one Q freakazoid, margorie taylor green - who has said racist & isamaphobic things & 9/11 CONspiracy nutter is a 'rising star' in the (R) party a while ago.... so he knows who they are & he'll cuddle up to anybody as long as they 'like him'.

so, you're dropping the nonsense about duke, to move on to other shit allegations?

you really are wally.

View attachment 377555

it's all relative cartoon boy. the OP topic is about Q anon & how donny is lying about embracing extremist wackjobs with extremist views as long as they like him.

duke ... q anon .... pepe ....

yeah, and as you lose one argument, you move to another, never admitting that you lost and coming back to it later, dishonestly pretending that you don't remember getting your ass kicked before.

you people are disgusting in your tactics and your goals.
Any equivalent of a Democratic President doing anything even REMOTELY close to this OP?

All the dem presidents who sucked up to Farakan.

Hell, rev wright was a BLT guy. Their beliefs are even goofier and more hateful and racist and marxist.

so, yes. lots. even worse.
There wasn‘t one Democratic president that sucked up to Farrakan. Stop with your friggin lies.

View attachment 377286
So what. There are many photos of photos with politicians with people they disapprove. You wrote all dems presidents sucked up to farrakan... admit you lied.

yes, all the ones that did that, fit the bill.

i admit i expected more photos to show up.

do you think donny will work with q anon to further their agenda as long as they further his no matter what either agenda might be?

i think that that is quite a leap from "heard of them" to "work to further their agenda".

Try to be less crazy.

uh-huh.... he's only 'heard of them' ... but didn't know who david duke was?

how do you handle a question, along the lines of "have you stopped beating your wife yet"?

how about 'david duke is a fucking racist & i don't want his endorsement' ?


yeah, he tried that. it did not work.

SO, next he tried blowing off the question.

That is the point, you wace baiting partisan hack.

I think the next step, is anyone asks you that question, you slap them. Hard.

that's not a question to blow off. he could have & should have denounced it right then & there. instead he lies about knowing who the dude is.

what a cop out from the both of you.

he had denounced it many times before. you know that.

how do you answer a question like, "have you stopped beating your wife yet"?

lol ... how about 'i don't beat my wife'.

pretty simple. donny will lie even when the truth would work for him. he simply can't help himself.

and you fall into the trap.

and the story in the press is, "playtime denies beating his wife".

these "questions" are not actually questions. they are accusations thinly veiled, used to smear republicans.

the person asking the question is a vile piece of shit, and trump was trying ways of blowing off the question.

but donny is a stable genius who plays chess while everyone else is playing checkers.

right? lol ....

correct. and eventually he came up, "you're fake news".

but you people still reach back to the old shit, to try to gin up shit.

but, it is all shit you all know it.

donny also said that 'they love their country' & said one Q freakazoid, margorie taylor green - who has said racist & isamaphobic things & 9/11 CONspiracy nutter is a 'rising star' in the (R) party a while ago.... so he knows who they are & he'll cuddle up to anybody as long as they 'like him'.

so, you're dropping the nonsense about duke, to move on to other shit allegations?

you really are wally.

View attachment 377555

it's all relative cartoon boy. the OP topic is about Q anon & how donny is lying about embracing extremist wackjobs with extremist views as long as they like him.

duke ... q anon .... pepe ....

yeah, and as you lose one argument, you move to another, never admitting that you lost and coming back to it later, dishonestly pretending that you don't remember getting your ass kicked before.

you people are disgusting in your tactics and your goals.

oh - can i ask you how much you CONtributed to the ' we build the wall' fund?
Any equivalent of a Democratic President doing anything even REMOTELY close to this OP?

All the dem presidents who sucked up to Farakan.

Hell, rev wright was a BLT guy. Their beliefs are even goofier and more hateful and racist and marxist.

so, yes. lots. even worse.
There wasn‘t one Democratic president that sucked up to Farrakan. Stop with your friggin lies.

View attachment 377286
So what. There are many photos of photos with politicians with people they disapprove. You wrote all dems presidents sucked up to farrakan... admit you lied.

yes, all the ones that did that, fit the bill.

i admit i expected more photos to show up.

do you think donny will work with q anon to further their agenda as long as they further his no matter what either agenda might be?

i think that that is quite a leap from "heard of them" to "work to further their agenda".

Try to be less crazy.

uh-huh.... he's only 'heard of them' ... but didn't know who david duke was?

how do you handle a question, along the lines of "have you stopped beating your wife yet"?

how about 'david duke is a fucking racist & i don't want his endorsement' ?

Well you drunk dumbfuck, Trump denounced Duke on numerous occasions. But that doesn’t fit your narrative. Derp.
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, pathetic child.

Sounds like he was being diplomatic in both cases.

uh - there is no need to be diplomatic with an insane CONspiratorial group of extremist nutters who have birthed theories of 'elite pedophile rings' bent on world domination - that has resulted in violence.

donny is so insecure, that he will latch onto anybody & anything he believes 'likes' him & gives him the praise he craves so much.

A “conspiracy theory”? Perhaps you can explain why John Podesta has a bunch of emails talking about hotdogs, pizza, maps, and pasta? If you don’t believe the Podesta brothers are pedophiles then you are a nutcase, who will do and say anything to protect known pedophiles.
Totally hogwash. Pedestal is not a president. You accused democrat presidents of pedo with zero and BS evidence.

Trump is supporting and wishing Ghislaine Maxwell. A recruiter of minor age girls for Eipstein to rape is in jail with no bail. Think what the hell kind of mentality is that? He thinks that is okay.
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Q is fine with me! :2up:

Jack Flynn knows!!! and I'm sure his brother, General Flynn must know also! ;)

Jack Flynn #WeFightBack



"There is nothing wrong with QAnon. Just People doing their own research and learning independence of thought to find the truth. If it triggers the daylights out of fools like yourself all the better.

Don’t you get it?? It’s so simple~Yet complex. Like a meritage wine. "
When asked about the Q Anon nutters in a press conference, Trump reminded us all what really matters to him:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” he told a reporter in response to a question about QAnon. “I have heard that it is gaining in popularity … I’ve heard these are people that love our country.”

Just like when John Lewis died and the only thing Trump could muster was "he didn't come to my inauguration". Just like every damn time he talks, it's about him, who likes him, how people treat him, and how good his ratings are.

They like me very much.

What a sad, small, weak, pathetic child.

Sounds like he was being diplomatic in both cases.
If that's really what you think then you need to look up the word "diplomatic".

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