Question 2: If right wingers love America, why dont they trust American institutions?


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
Part II of my disussion on the American right asks the question: If right wingers love America, why dont they trust American institutions? It stands to reason that if you love something you tend to love the fruit it produces, right? Right wingers claim they love America more than their counterparts but have expressed utter contempt for all of its institutions. How can something so revered also be so reviled?

A partial list of untrustworthy institutions:
  • The American press
  • Doctors
  • Scientists like the CDC
  • Educators and universities
  • Environmental experts like the EPA
  • Government leaders and administrators
  • The Election process
  • The legal system
  • The actual government
The distrust is so visceral that right wing conspiracies are now commonplace. The article below talks about Fox News’ role in this predicament. As you can see from the chart below it is entirely an American phenomenon.

Why dont right wingers trust American Institutions?

Feel free to visit or revisit Part 1: Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Post Inspiration:

Collapse of trust in government is a purely American phenomenon. Why? Because we have Fox News and the others don't. Oh, they have tabloids and conservative newspapers and so forth, but nothing like Fox News, which makes its living by spreading outrage over the way the country is run.


The power of Fox News is truly spectacular. Outrage sells, and the fact that one of the two major parties amplifies Fox uncritically means it has a surprisingly large influence in setting the agenda for the mainstream media too.

The truth is that US institutions mostly operate about as well as they ever have. But Fox pushes outrage over Dr. Fauci and trust in the CDC plummets. They push outrage over Donald Trump's loss in 2020 and trust in elections plummets. They go all in on CRT and DEI and trust in schools plummets. They push climate denialism and trust in science plummets. They insist that the rest of the news media are liberal pawns and trust in the very institution that explains reality plummets.

Has there ever been an institution like Fox News that works so relentlessly from within to destroy faith in a country by its citizens? It's a real-life version of what conservatives thought the Communist Party was in the '50s. And we all just let it happen.
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Part II of my disussion on the American right asks the question: If right wingers love America, why dont they trust American institutions? It stands to reason that if you love something you tend to love the fruit it produces, right? Right wingers claim they love America more than their counterparts but have expressed utter contempt for all of its institutions. How can something so revered also be so reviled?

A partial list of untrustworthy institutions:
  • The American press
  • Doctors
  • Scientists like the CDC
  • Educators and universities
  • Environmental experts like the EPA
  • Government leaders and administrators
  • The Election process
  • The legal system
  • The actual government
The distrust is so visceral that right wing conspiracies are now commonplace. The article below talks about Fox News’ role in this predicament.

Why dont right wingers trust American Institutions?

Feel free to visit or revisit Part 1: Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Post Inspiration:

Collapse of trust in government is a purely American phenomenon. Why? Because we have Fox News and the others don't. Oh, they have tabloids and conservative newspapers and so forth, but nothing like Fox News, which makes its living by spreading outrage over the way the country is run.

View attachment 934907

The power of Fox News is truly spectacular. Outrage sells, and the fact that one of the two major parties amplifies Fox uncritically means it has a surprisingly large influence in setting the agenda for the mainstream media too.

The truth is that US institutions mostly operate about as well as they ever have. But Fox pushes outrage over Dr. Fauci and trust in the CDC plummets. They push outrage over Donald Trump's loss in 2020 and trust in elections plummets. They go all in on CRT and DEI and trust in schools plummets. They push climate denialism and trust in science plummets. They insist that the rest of the news media are liberal pawns and trust in the very institution that explains reality plummets.

Has there ever been an institution like Fox News that works so relentlessly from within to destroy faith in a country by its citizens? It's a real-life version of what conservatives thought the Communist Party was in the '50s. And we all just let it happen.
THIS IS A CLASSIC SILLY POST. YOu know that what you say is wrong so you try to make a comparative case.

IT stands to reason that if you love something you don't let it produce just any old fruti !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF you have kids this is a daily experience.

AND LOGICALLY YOU MAKE A FOOL OF YOURSELF. Let's quote you and agree with you

YOu say :. How can something so revered also be so reviled?
Okay then YOU MUST BE WRONG...either they don't revere it or they don't revile it !!!
No other possiblity exists. This is what gets people thrown out of debates :)
You have to pick one...IF in fact they don't revile it, you've lost your premise

And if they do revile it, then where do you get off saying they revere it?

Part II of my disussion on the American right asks the question: If right wingers love America, why dont they trust American institutions? It stands to reason that if you love something you tend to love the fruit it produces, right? Right wingers claim they love America more than their counterparts but have expressed utter contempt for all of its institutions. How can something so revered also be so reviled?

A partial list of untrustworthy institutions:
  • The American press
  • Doctors
  • Scientists like the CDC
  • Educators and universities
  • Environmental experts like the EPA
  • Government leaders and administrators
  • The Election process
  • The legal system
  • The actual government
The distrust is so visceral that right wing conspiracies are now commonplace. The article below talks about Fox News’ role in this predicament. As you can see from the chart below it is entirely an American phenomenon.

Why dont right wingers trust American Institutions?

Feel free to visit or revisit Part 1: Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Post Inspiration:

Collapse of trust in government is a purely American phenomenon. Why? Because we have Fox News and the others don't. Oh, they have tabloids and conservative newspapers and so forth, but nothing like Fox News, which makes its living by spreading outrage over the way the country is run.

View attachment 934907

The power of Fox News is truly spectacular. Outrage sells, and the fact that one of the two major parties amplifies Fox uncritically means it has a surprisingly large influence in setting the agenda for the mainstream media too.

The truth is that US institutions mostly operate about as well as they ever have. But Fox pushes outrage over Dr. Fauci and trust in the CDC plummets. They push outrage over Donald Trump's loss in 2020 and trust in elections plummets. They go all in on CRT and DEI and trust in schools plummets. They push climate denialism and trust in science plummets. They insist that the rest of the news media are liberal pawns and trust in the very institution that explains reality plummets.

Has there ever been an institution like Fox News that works so relentlessly from within to destroy faith in a country by its citizens? It's a real-life version of what conservatives thought the Communist Party was in the '50s. And we all just let it happen.
Reminds me of this:

The voices they trust make a good living turning them into paranoid drama queens.

If something isn't working properly, you fix it, using intelligence, reason and innovation. You don't destroy it like an angry caveman.
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Part II of my disussion on the American right asks the question: If right wingers love America, why dont they trust American institutions? It stands to reason that if you love something you tend to love the fruit it produces, right? Right wingers claim they love America more than their counterparts but have expressed utter contempt for all of its institutions. How can something so revered also be so reviled?

A partial list of untrustworthy institutions:
  • The American press
  • Doctors
  • Scientists like the CDC
  • Educators and universities
  • Environmental experts like the EPA
  • Government leaders and administrators
  • The Election process
  • The legal system
  • The actual government
The distrust is so visceral that right wing conspiracies are now commonplace. The article below talks about Fox News’ role in this predicament. As you can see from the chart below it is entirely an American phenomenon.

Why dont right wingers trust American Institutions?

Feel free to visit or revisit Part 1: Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Post Inspiration:

Collapse of trust in government is a purely American phenomenon. Why? Because we have Fox News and the others don't. Oh, they have tabloids and conservative newspapers and so forth, but nothing like Fox News, which makes its living by spreading outrage over the way the country is run.

View attachment 934907

The power of Fox News is truly spectacular. Outrage sells, and the fact that one of the two major parties amplifies Fox uncritically means it has a surprisingly large influence in setting the agenda for the mainstream media too.

The truth is that US institutions mostly operate about as well as they ever have. But Fox pushes outrage over Dr. Fauci and trust in the CDC plummets. They push outrage over Donald Trump's loss in 2020 and trust in elections plummets. They go all in on CRT and DEI and trust in schools plummets. They push climate denialism and trust in science plummets. They insist that the rest of the news media are liberal pawns and trust in the very institution that explains reality plummets.

Has there ever been an institution like Fox News that works so relentlessly from within to destroy faith in a country by its citizens? It's a real-life version of what conservatives thought the Communist Party was in the '50s. And we all just let it happen.
Your "question" is based on a false equivalence. Love for one's country does NOT mean unquestioning acceptance of what the leadership does or does not do.
Part II of my disussion on the American right asks the question: If right wingers love America, why dont they trust American institutions? It stands to reason that if you love something you tend to love the fruit it produces, right? Right wingers claim they love America more than their counterparts but have expressed utter contempt for all of its institutions. How can something so revered also be so reviled?

A partial list of untrustworthy institutions:
  • The American press
  • Doctors
  • Scientists like the CDC
  • Educators and universities
  • Environmental experts like the EPA
  • Government leaders and administrators
  • The Election process
  • The legal system
  • The actual government
The distrust is so visceral that right wing conspiracies are now commonplace. The article below talks about Fox News’ role in this predicament. As you can see from the chart below it is entirely an American phenomenon.

Why dont right wingers trust American Institutions?

Feel free to visit or revisit Part 1: Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Post Inspiration:

Collapse of trust in government is a purely American phenomenon. Why? Because we have Fox News and the others don't. Oh, they have tabloids and conservative newspapers and so forth, but nothing like Fox News, which makes its living by spreading outrage over the way the country is run.

View attachment 934907

The power of Fox News is truly spectacular. Outrage sells, and the fact that one of the two major parties amplifies Fox uncritically means it has a surprisingly large influence in setting the agenda for the mainstream media too.

The truth is that US institutions mostly operate about as well as they ever have. But Fox pushes outrage over Dr. Fauci and trust in the CDC plummets. They push outrage over Donald Trump's loss in 2020 and trust in elections plummets. They go all in on CRT and DEI and trust in schools plummets. They push climate denialism and trust in science plummets. They insist that the rest of the news media are liberal pawns and trust in the very institution that explains reality plummets.

Has there ever been an institution like Fox News that works so relentlessly from within to destroy faith in a country by its citizens? It's a real-life version of what conservatives thought the Communist Party was in the '50s. And we all just let it happen.
  • The American Press: Infiltrated by far-left ideologs.
  • Doctors: Dr. Fauci who was determined to have assisted China with "gain of function" studies and testing to achieve the COVID-19 virus.
  • CDC: Told us that you couldn't catch or transmit the COVID-19 virus if inoculated. They lied.
  • Educators and Universities: Infiltrated by Marxist instructors.
  • Environmental Experts: Telling us that we must seriously reduce our environmental footprint, acknowledging that if the US were to go to net zero, it wouldn't do much, as China is producing more and more coal plants and emissions.
  • Government Leaders and Administrators: A perfect example: California took 24 billion dollars to help the homeless. The result....they somehow miraculously "lost" the 24 billion dollars and say they don't know where it went.
  • The Election Process: The dead vote, duplicate ballots, ballots showing up on non-ballot paper and being counted, large numbers of ballots showing up after voting polls close and still get counted, signatures on ballots not matching signatures on file, Dominion voting machines "accidentally" selecting the wrong candidate and large numbers of ballots turning up missing.
  • The legal system: Letting violent offenders out without bail. Letting habitual criminals continue getting out and committing the same crimes, over and over again.
  • The actual government: The current administration is attacking our U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights. Leftist/Marxist states are thumbing their noses at the Supreme Court and our freedoms.
What's great about our nation and why do we love it? Our Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
Part II of my disussion on the American right asks the question: If right wingers love America, why dont they trust American institutions? It stands to reason that if you love something you tend to love the fruit it produces, right? Right wingers claim they love America more than their counterparts but have expressed utter contempt for all of its institutions. How can something so revered also be so reviled?

A partial list of untrustworthy institutions:
  • The American press
  • Doctors
  • Scientists like the CDC
  • Educators and universities
  • Environmental experts like the EPA
  • Government leaders and administrators
  • The Election process
  • The legal system
  • The actual government
The distrust is so visceral that right wing conspiracies are now commonplace. The article below talks about Fox News’ role in this predicament. As you can see from the chart below it is entirely an American phenomenon.

Why dont right wingers trust American Institutions?

Feel free to visit or revisit Part 1: Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Post Inspiration:

Collapse of trust in government is a purely American phenomenon. Why? Because we have Fox News and the others don't. Oh, they have tabloids and conservative newspapers and so forth, but nothing like Fox News, which makes its living by spreading outrage over the way the country is run.

View attachment 934907

The power of Fox News is truly spectacular. Outrage sells, and the fact that one of the two major parties amplifies Fox uncritically means it has a surprisingly large influence in setting the agenda for the mainstream media too.

The truth is that US institutions mostly operate about as well as they ever have. But Fox pushes outrage over Dr. Fauci and trust in the CDC plummets. They push outrage over Donald Trump's loss in 2020 and trust in elections plummets. They go all in on CRT and DEI and trust in schools plummets. They push climate denialism and trust in science plummets. They insist that the rest of the news media are liberal pawns and trust in the very institution that explains reality plummets.

Has there ever been an institution like Fox News that works so relentlessly from within to destroy faith in a country by its citizens? It's a real-life version of what conservatives thought the Communist Party was in the '50s. And we all just let it happen.

Leftist idiocy has ruined those institutions.
Part II of my disussion on the American right asks the question: If right wingers love America, why dont they trust American institutions?
Again, we love what we believe America was supposed to be, not what it is. M

These institutions are a large part of what we dislike about the way America opersted. Many of the should not exist, under our reading of the US Constitution. The few that are Constitutional, should operate in far different ways than they do currently, as we see it.
THIS IS A CLASSIC SILLY POST. YOu know that what you say is wrong so you try to make a comparative case.

IT stands to reason that if you love something you don't let it produce just any old fruti !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF you have kids this is a daily experience.

AND LOGICALLY YOU MAKE A FOOL OF YOURSELF. Let's quote you and agree with you

YOu say :. How can something so revered also be so reviled?
Okay then YOU MUST BE WRONG...either they don't revere it or they don't revile it !!!
No other possiblity exists. This is what gets people thrown out of debates :)
You have to pick one...IF in fact they don't revile it, you've lost your premise

And if they do revile it, then where do you get off saying they revere it?

Please point out what you disagree with on the OP.
Part II of my disussion on the American right asks the question: If right wingers love America, why dont they trust American institutions? It stands to reason that if you love something you tend to love the fruit it produces, right? Right wingers claim they love America more than their counterparts but have expressed utter contempt for all of its institutions. How can something so revered also be so reviled?

A partial list of untrustworthy institutions:
  • The American press
  • Doctors
  • Scientists like the CDC
  • Educators and universities
  • Environmental experts like the EPA
  • Government leaders and administrators
  • The Election process
  • The legal system
  • The actual government
The distrust is so visceral that right wing conspiracies are now commonplace. The article below talks about Fox News’ role in this predicament. As you can see from the chart below it is entirely an American phenomenon.

Why dont right wingers trust American Institutions?

Feel free to visit or revisit Part 1: Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Post Inspiration:

Collapse of trust in government is a purely American phenomenon. Why? Because we have Fox News and the others don't. Oh, they have tabloids and conservative newspapers and so forth, but nothing like Fox News, which makes its living by spreading outrage over the way the country is run.

View attachment 934907

The power of Fox News is truly spectacular. Outrage sells, and the fact that one of the two major parties amplifies Fox uncritically means it has a surprisingly large influence in setting the agenda for the mainstream media too.

The truth is that US institutions mostly operate about as well as they ever have. But Fox pushes outrage over Dr. Fauci and trust in the CDC plummets. They push outrage over Donald Trump's loss in 2020 and trust in elections plummets. They go all in on CRT and DEI and trust in schools plummets. They push climate denialism and trust in science plummets. They insist that the rest of the news media are liberal pawns and trust in the very institution that explains reality plummets.

Has there ever been an institution like Fox News that works so relentlessly from within to destroy faith in a country by its citizens? It's a real-life version of what conservatives thought the Communist Party was in the '50s. And we all just let it happen.

American institutions have been infested with leftists.
Part II of my disussion on the American right asks the question: If right wingers love America, why dont they trust American institutions? It stands to reason that if you love something you tend to love the fruit it produces, right? Right wingers claim they love America more than their counterparts but have expressed utter contempt for all of its institutions. How can something so revered also be so reviled?

A partial list of untrustworthy institutions:
  • The American press
  • Doctors
  • Scientists like the CDC
  • Educators and universities
  • Environmental experts like the EPA
  • Government leaders and administrators
  • The Election process
  • The legal system
  • The actual government
The distrust is so visceral that right wing conspiracies are now commonplace. The article below talks about Fox News’ role in this predicament. As you can see from the chart below it is entirely an American phenomenon.

Why dont right wingers trust American Institutions?

Feel free to visit or revisit Part 1: Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Post Inspiration:

Collapse of trust in government is a purely American phenomenon. Why? Because we have Fox News and the others don't. Oh, they have tabloids and conservative newspapers and so forth, but nothing like Fox News, which makes its living by spreading outrage over the way the country is run.

View attachment 934907

The power of Fox News is truly spectacular. Outrage sells, and the fact that one of the two major parties amplifies Fox uncritically means it has a surprisingly large influence in setting the agenda for the mainstream media too.

The truth is that US institutions mostly operate about as well as they ever have. But Fox pushes outrage over Dr. Fauci and trust in the CDC plummets. They push outrage over Donald Trump's loss in 2020 and trust in elections plummets. They go all in on CRT and DEI and trust in schools plummets. They push climate denialism and trust in science plummets. They insist that the rest of the news media are liberal pawns and trust in the very institution that explains reality plummets.

Has there ever been an institution like Fox News that works so relentlessly from within to destroy faith in a country by its citizens? It's a real-life version of what conservatives thought the Communist Party was in the '50s. And we all just let it happen.
You've missed one off the list, they want to Delegitimize the Supreme Court too.....oh hang that the Right or the Left Wing that wants to do that?

I think communists would probably want to censor such things as the news and social media, remember when it was Twitter...oh hang that the Right or the Left Wing that did that?
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  • The American Press: Infiltrated by far-left ideologs.
  • Doctors: Dr. Fauci who was determined to have assisted China with "gain of function" studies and testing to achieve the COVID-19 virus.
  • CDC: Told us that you couldn't catch or transmit the COVID-19 virus if inoculated. They lied.
  • Educators and Universities: Infiltrated by Marxist instructors.
  • Environmental Experts: Telling us that we must seriously reduce our environmental footprint, acknowledging that if the US were to go to net zero, it wouldn't do much, as China is producing more and more coal plants and emissions.
  • Government Leaders and Administrators: A perfect example: California took 24 billion dollars to help the homeless. The result....they somehow miraculously "lost" the 24 billion dollars and say they don't know where it went.
  • The Election Process: The dead vote, duplicate ballots, ballots showing up on non-ballot paper and being counted, large numbers of ballots showing up after voting polls close and still get counted, signatures on ballots not matching signatures on file, Dominion voting machines "accidentally" selecting the wrong candidate and large numbers of ballots turning up missing.
  • The legal system: Letting violent offenders out without bail. Letting habitual criminals continue getting out and committing the same crimes, over and over again.
  • The actual government: The current administration is attacking our U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights. Leftist/Marxist states are thumbing their noses at the Supreme Court and our freedoms.
What's great about our nation and why do we love it? Our Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
Thats a dark picture you painted loaded with conspiracies. You really think there is that much organization and timed activities to pull that off? Isn’t it more likely that you simply don’t like some aspects of each and have built a narrative of interwoven conspiracy where none exists?

Teachers aren’t receiving marching orders, they barely get materials. The election was proven safe. California never “lost” $24B. If you read the report and not right wing news the bipartisan report said 2 of 5 programs proved to work but record keeping on outcomes were insufficient. They know where the money went they just don’t know if it helped people long term.
Again, we love what we believe America was supposed to be, not what it is. M

These institutions are a large part of what we dislike about the way America opersted. Many of the should not exist, under our reading of the US Constitution. The few that are Constitutional, should operate in far different ways than they do currently, as we see it.
We have the best universities and scientists in the world. Yet couch potatoes see a tweet and suddenly think vaccinations make them magnetic and traceable. It’s quite bizarre.

Our institutions make us great. Without the free press we’d be screwed. Our court system by and large is just. There is an element of wealth that makes your outcome better but laws are applied and held up in our courts. With few exceptions.
Your "question" is based on a false equivalence. Love for one's country does NOT mean unquestioning acceptance of what the leadership does or does not do.
Trust in institutions doesn’t mean blinding allegiance. When did you start seeing boogeymen everywhere?
I'll take leftist infiltration for $100 Alex.
Would take crazy coordination from parties that can’t even put up good candidates. Come on. You think parties that give us Joe and Donnie are capable of puppet mastery of everything you all ascribe to them?
Part II of my disussion on the American right asks the question: If right wingers love America, why dont they trust American institutions? It stands to reason that if you love something you tend to love the fruit it produces, right? Right wingers claim they love America more than their counterparts but have expressed utter contempt for all of its institutions. How can something so revered also be so reviled?

A partial list of untrustworthy institutions:
  • The American press
  • Doctors
  • Scientists like the CDC
  • Educators and universities
  • Environmental experts like the EPA
  • Government leaders and administrators
  • The Election process
  • The legal system
  • The actual government
The distrust is so visceral that right wing conspiracies are now commonplace. The article below talks about Fox News’ role in this predicament. As you can see from the chart below it is entirely an American phenomenon.

Why dont right wingers trust American Institutions?

Feel free to visit or revisit Part 1: Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Post Inspiration:

Collapse of trust in government is a purely American phenomenon. Why? Because we have Fox News and the others don't. Oh, they have tabloids and conservative newspapers and so forth, but nothing like Fox News, which makes its living by spreading outrage over the way the country is run.

View attachment 934907

The power of Fox News is truly spectacular. Outrage sells, and the fact that one of the two major parties amplifies Fox uncritically means it has a surprisingly large influence in setting the agenda for the mainstream media too.

The truth is that US institutions mostly operate about as well as they ever have. But Fox pushes outrage over Dr. Fauci and trust in the CDC plummets. They push outrage over Donald Trump's loss in 2020 and trust in elections plummets. They go all in on CRT and DEI and trust in schools plummets. They push climate denialism and trust in science plummets. They insist that the rest of the news media are liberal pawns and trust in the very institution that explains reality plummets.

Has there ever been an institution like Fox News that works so relentlessly from within to destroy faith in a country by its citizens? It's a real-life version of what conservatives thought the Communist Party was in the '50s. And we all just let it happen.

Under your theory, you would suck Hitler's dick then, commie.


Under your theory, the gov can do no wrong, commie.

virtue signaler.jpg
Under your theory, you would suck Hitler's dick then, commie.

View attachment 934945

Under your theory, the gov can do no wrong, commie.

View attachment 934947
That’s extreme. No one is asking for unquestioned loyalty we are too independent of people for that. But the default position of the right is every outcome they don’t like is the output of a conspiracy to defraud them of their rights.

Don Trump simply lost a fairly close election. That was it. And the conclusion of the right, against all available data to the contrary, was they won by millions but it was stolen. That a vaccine isn’t. That teachers want to turn you kids gay. That is what is extreme.

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