Question for gay marriage opponents

You did not demonstrate legislative urgency to enact laws for the past 240 years to prevent single parents from keeping their kids. Clearly shows you are a hypocrite. If you oppose single parent households then you should speak out against 50% of American households that are single parent households.

Instincts are natural. For you to ask where "instincts" come from makes no sense. Where do your instincts come from? Where does anyone's instincts come from? Why don't you worry about your own instincts and leave the rest to other people.

It doesn't matter whether something is natural or not. Mother nature created gays. This clearly proves that homosexuality is natural trait in all animals. It is none of anyone else's business what the gays do, where their instincts come from or how it affecst the rest of us.

That's a truckload of butthurt over something that doesn't matter.

I can oppose anything I choose to without pushing legislation.
My Law was written eons ago.
And you don't get to tell me what I'm allowed to wonder about.

Laws are written by legislators, not you and me. Your personal code of conduct and belief system does not a law make. Bye.

Agreed, so tough shit what you believe, the law is clear, churches can discriminate based on religion when hiring


Yep, you are right., Churches have the right to be bigoted, hateful, discriminatory ignorant institution that they are. It's allowed under the constitution to be a bigot just as it's allowed under the constitution to be a racist.

Then shut up your yammering about forcing churches to not discriminate.

I will shut up all I want but not before I ferociously attack the reputation of the religious bigots in our religious institutions. Is that OK with you? Thanks.
You are wrong, churches are exempt from anti discriminatory laws for employment purposes when applied to religious reasons.

For example, in THIS case, a church can refuse to hire a gay. PERIOD. This has already been ruled on SCOTUS

OK then when it comes to hiring, they have exemptions. Now this is about to change. We will push our gov to gradually remove this exemption and force the churches to not discriminate. Time has come to teach the churches to behave like civilized human beings.

what a good NAZI you are.

The fact of the matter is, it's time to get rid of all public accommodation laws.

The government's job isn't to make people be nice to each other and behave like civilized human beings.

The fact of the matter is, I have a right to be uncivilized if I so choose.

I'm about sick of morons on the left and on the right who want to use big government to force those who they disagree with to comply with their beliefs. That is NOT the role of government.

Nope, the government forces business to comply with equal opportunity laws EEOC. You do not have the right to be uncivilized just as I don't have the right to drive drunk on the road. It's not a question of big government forcing itself on to others. I am prohibited from carrying weapons into government buildings. This is not a big government issue. It's called a law. It protects everyone.

So all these years, you mean to tell me, you didn't protest against civili rights acts and EEOC laws? How sad.
What class of business is a church providing? Seems to me a church is like a private club for members and guests.

Church is a private club, you are right. But the problem is it takes tax payers' funding.

If I owned a sole proprietorship business, I have to pay taxes and also I have to abide by all laws of EEOC and equal housing. I cannot exempt myself from these laws. Churches on the other hand take full advantage of tax exemmption while aggressively discriminating against a class of many people including women and gays.

Church's do not take taxpayer money. You're an idiot.
You did not demonstrate legislative urgency to enact laws for the past 240 years to prevent single parents from keeping their kids. Clearly shows you are a hypocrite. If you oppose single parent households then you should speak out against 50% of American households that are single parent households.

Instincts are natural. For you to ask where "instincts" come from makes no sense. Where do your instincts come from? Where does anyone's instincts come from? Why don't you worry about your own instincts and leave the rest to other people.

It doesn't matter whether something is natural or not. Mother nature created gays. This clearly proves that homosexuality is natural trait in all animals. It is none of anyone else's business what the gays do, where their instincts come from or how it affecst the rest of us.

That's a truckload of butthurt over something that doesn't matter.

I can oppose anything I choose to without pushing legislation.
My Law was written eons ago.
And you don't get to tell me what I'm allowed to wonder about.

Laws are written by legislators, not you and me. Your personal code of conduct and belief system does not a law make. Bye.
America is a nation of law, not emotional rhetoric. You ignore the Constitution. Discrimination is not against the Constitution.

Discrimination in the public sphere (employment, housing, school enrollments) are heavily regulated. Bigotry and racism are not regulated. So you are right, a person can be an ugly racist and a bigot. Institutions and employers can't follow the same path. Although I understand churches have the exemption to not hire gays, we also have the right to lable churches as bigoted institution.

Just because I have the right to smoke doesn't mean I should. Just because a church is allowed to discrimnate against gays doesn't mean they should.


No, not agreed.

Its none of mine, or your, business what a church we don't attend believes. I mean literally NONE . I don't care. Lots of churches have doctrine I dont believe in. Guess what I do? I don't attend those fucking churches. Problem fucking solved.

Once again, this is not about you. I don't belong to a family next door and never go to their homes or weddings. Does not mean I don't care about the gay man living right next door whether he has a right to marry.

You seem to be saying "It's OK for churches to discriminate because it doesn't affect me". Would you say the same about a black person "I am not black so what happens to me and what they do in their personal and public lives doesn't bother me"?
OK then when it comes to hiring, they have exemptions. Now this is about to change. We will push our gov to gradually remove this exemption and force the churches to not discriminate. Time has come to teach the churches to behave like civilized human beings.

what a good NAZI you are.

The fact of the matter is, it's time to get rid of all public accommodation laws.

The government's job isn't to make people be nice to each other and behave like civilized human beings.

The fact of the matter is, I have a right to be uncivilized if I so choose.

I'm about sick of morons on the left and on the right who want to use big government to force those who they disagree with to comply with their beliefs. That is NOT the role of government.

Nope, the government forces business to comply with equal opportunity laws EEOC. You do not have the right to be uncivilized just as I don't have the right to drive drunk on the road. It's not a question of big government forcing itself on to others. I am prohibited from carrying weapons into government buildings. This is not a big government issue. It's called a law. It protects everyone.

So all these years, you mean to tell me, you didn't protest against civili rights acts and EEOC laws? How sad.
What class of business is a church providing? Seems to me a church is like a private club for members and guests.

Church is a private club, you are right. But the problem is it takes tax payers' funding.

If I owned a sole proprietorship business, I have to pay taxes and also I have to abide by all laws of EEOC and equal housing. I cannot exempt myself from these laws. Churches on the other hand take full advantage of tax exemmption while aggressively discriminating against a class of many people including women and gays.

Church's do not take taxpayer money. You're an idiot.

God, I said tax breaks. That is a form of tax burden shift.
You did not demonstrate legislative urgency to enact laws for the past 240 years to prevent single parents from keeping their kids. Clearly shows you are a hypocrite. If you oppose single parent households then you should speak out against 50% of American households that are single parent households.

Instincts are natural. For you to ask where "instincts" come from makes no sense. Where do your instincts come from? Where does anyone's instincts come from? Why don't you worry about your own instincts and leave the rest to other people.

It doesn't matter whether something is natural or not. Mother nature created gays. This clearly proves that homosexuality is natural trait in all animals. It is none of anyone else's business what the gays do, where their instincts come from or how it affecst the rest of us.

That's a truckload of butthurt over something that doesn't matter.

I can oppose anything I choose to without pushing legislation.
My Law was written eons ago.
And you don't get to tell me what I'm allowed to wonder about.

Laws are written by legislators, not you and me. Your personal code of conduct and belief system does not a law make. Bye.

Agreed, so tough shit what you believe, the law is clear, churches can discriminate based on religion when hiring


Yep, you are right., Churches have the right to be bigoted, hateful, discriminatory ignorant institution that they are. It's allowed under the constitution to be a bigot just as it's allowed under the constitution to be a racist.
Correct. The same constitution protects you. You're free to be a hateful Christophobic bigot. Now you're getting it.

Yes, except that I am not a bigot unlike churches. I don't get tax breaks unlike churches. And no, I don't discriminate against gays and women and minorities. Churches discriminate. And no, I am not a christophobe, I just fight their bigotry. Fighting the religious bigotry is not a Christophobia.

That's a truckload of butthurt over something that doesn't matter.

I can oppose anything I choose to without pushing legislation.
My Law was written eons ago.
And you don't get to tell me what I'm allowed to wonder about.

Laws are written by legislators, not you and me. Your personal code of conduct and belief system does not a law make. Bye.

Agreed, so tough shit what you believe, the law is clear, churches can discriminate based on religion when hiring


Yep, you are right., Churches have the right to be bigoted, hateful, discriminatory ignorant institution that they are. It's allowed under the constitution to be a bigot just as it's allowed under the constitution to be a racist.
Correct. The same constitution protects you. You're free to be a hateful Christophobic bigot. Now you're getting it.

Yes, except that I am not a bigot unlike churches. I don't get tax breaks unlike churches. And no, I don't discriminate against gays and women and minorities. Churches discriminate. And no, I am not a christophobe, I just fight their bigotry. Fighting the religious bigotry is not a Christophobia.

You're a Christaphobe
You are wrong and then you are wrong again.

The state does not have to invent new rights. The state can easily take away tax breaks.

Second, the state does not prevent any religious institution from exercising its religious beliefs except that those beliefs have limits. We do not tolerate religions that practice polygamy and child marriages.

Similarly you can't allow religions to discriminate against gays when it comes to employment. Notice I said employment. I said nothing about gay marriages. Churches do not have to marry two gays.

The right to "marry" is protected.
The right to "marry in the churches" is not protected. There is no such constututional right to be married in churches.

The state cannot violate the Constitution. Don't you believe in the constitutional theory of separation of church and state?

I believe in the dignity of respecting all human beings. This includes gays and lesbians.

As I said before, the churches can practice their religions 24-7 until they die. I don't care. What the churches cannot do is discriminate against its employees during hiring.

The attorneys are waiting in the wings to get started on their lawsuits. Churches have to come out of their 2000 year old traditions of discrimination and move forward with the rest of us into the 21st century.
You're ignoring the Constitution.

Rights are granted gradually, one person at a time. Over time, we will force the churches to comply with non discriminatory common sense practices.

You seem to be extremely agitated at the idea of gays and lesbians getting equal rights. Do you also support slavery by any chance?
Nope. Rights are not granted. Rights are "inherent". Do you understand the meaning of that word?

Some rights are granted, not all rights are inherent. Do you understand what I just said?
The state cannot violate the Constitution. Don't you believe in the constitutional theory of separation of church and state?

I believe in the dignity of respecting all human beings. This includes gays and lesbians.

As I said before, the churches can practice their religions 24-7 until they die. I don't care. What the churches cannot do is discriminate against its employees during hiring.

The attorneys are waiting in the wings to get started on their lawsuits. Churches have to come out of their 2000 year old traditions of discrimination and move forward with the rest of us into the 21st century.
You're ignoring the Constitution.

Rights are granted gradually, one person at a time. Over time, we will force the churches to comply with non discriminatory common sense practices.

You seem to be extremely agitated at the idea of gays and lesbians getting equal rights. Do you also support slavery by any chance?
Nope. Rights are not granted. Rights are "inherent". Do you understand the meaning of that word?

Some rights are granted, not all rights are inherent. Do you understand what I just said?

No because it didnt make a bit of god damned sense.

You do NOT have a right to work at a church that doesn't want you. Why do you not get that?
Laws are written by legislators, not you and me. Your personal code of conduct and belief system does not a law make. Bye.

Agreed, so tough shit what you believe, the law is clear, churches can discriminate based on religion when hiring


Yep, you are right., Churches have the right to be bigoted, hateful, discriminatory ignorant institution that they are. It's allowed under the constitution to be a bigot just as it's allowed under the constitution to be a racist.
Correct. The same constitution protects you. You're free to be a hateful Christophobic bigot. Now you're getting it.

Yes, except that I am not a bigot unlike churches. I don't get tax breaks unlike churches. And no, I don't discriminate against gays and women and minorities. Churches discriminate. And no, I am not a christophobe, I just fight their bigotry. Fighting the religious bigotry is not a Christophobia.

You're a Christaphobe

If fighting religious bigotry, hate, discrimination, idiocy, ignorance, age old horrible traditions, inhuman religious practices, homophobia, misogyny is "Christophobia" then by all means, put me down as one of the "Christophobes" in your dictionary.
Agreed, so tough shit what you believe, the law is clear, churches can discriminate based on religion when hiring


Yep, you are right., Churches have the right to be bigoted, hateful, discriminatory ignorant institution that they are. It's allowed under the constitution to be a bigot just as it's allowed under the constitution to be a racist.
Correct. The same constitution protects you. You're free to be a hateful Christophobic bigot. Now you're getting it.

Yes, except that I am not a bigot unlike churches. I don't get tax breaks unlike churches. And no, I don't discriminate against gays and women and minorities. Churches discriminate. And no, I am not a christophobe, I just fight their bigotry. Fighting the religious bigotry is not a Christophobia.

You're a Christaphobe

If fighting religious bigotry, hate, discrimination, idiocy, ignorance, age old horrible traditions, inhuman religious practices, homophobia, misogyny is "Christophobia" then by all means, put me down as one of the "Christophobes" in your dictionary.

You're already there, and you are every bit as bad as any "homophobe" you have chastized.
I believe in the dignity of respecting all human beings. This includes gays and lesbians.

As I said before, the churches can practice their religions 24-7 until they die. I don't care. What the churches cannot do is discriminate against its employees during hiring.

The attorneys are waiting in the wings to get started on their lawsuits. Churches have to come out of their 2000 year old traditions of discrimination and move forward with the rest of us into the 21st century.
You're ignoring the Constitution.

Rights are granted gradually, one person at a time. Over time, we will force the churches to comply with non discriminatory common sense practices.

You seem to be extremely agitated at the idea of gays and lesbians getting equal rights. Do you also support slavery by any chance?
Nope. Rights are not granted. Rights are "inherent". Do you understand the meaning of that word?

Some rights are granted, not all rights are inherent. Do you understand what I just said?

No because it didnt make a bit of god damned sense.

You do NOT have a right to work at a church that doesn't want you. Why do you not get that?

I agree I do not have the right to work at churches that doesn't want me. What I said earlier was that corporations do not have the right to discriminate.

Now churches do have exemptions under the ENDA act but that will gradually change in the future. I never said anyone has the right to work at any given place. No one is asking for the right to work with a specific employer. My point was about discrimination, not employment guarantees.
You're ignoring the Constitution.

Rights are granted gradually, one person at a time. Over time, we will force the churches to comply with non discriminatory common sense practices.

You seem to be extremely agitated at the idea of gays and lesbians getting equal rights. Do you also support slavery by any chance?
Nope. Rights are not granted. Rights are "inherent". Do you understand the meaning of that word?

Some rights are granted, not all rights are inherent. Do you understand what I just said?

No because it didnt make a bit of god damned sense.

You do NOT have a right to work at a church that doesn't want you. Why do you not get that?

I agree I do not have the right to work at churches that doesn't want me. What I said earlier was that corporations do not have the right to discriminate.

Now churches do have exemptions under the ENDA act but that will gradually change in the future. I never said anyone has the right to work at any given place. No one is asking for the right to work with a specific employer. My point was about discrimination, not employment guarantees.

LOL no you didn't , you're trying to walk back your comments. You CLEARLY stated that churches should have to follow anti discrimination laws and when I pointed out that they don't have to, you said "well that will change and we will force them to" those are your own words.

Do you not believe in your principles enough to keep them through an entire thread?
Yep, you are right., Churches have the right to be bigoted, hateful, discriminatory ignorant institution that they are. It's allowed under the constitution to be a bigot just as it's allowed under the constitution to be a racist.
Correct. The same constitution protects you. You're free to be a hateful Christophobic bigot. Now you're getting it.

Yes, except that I am not a bigot unlike churches. I don't get tax breaks unlike churches. And no, I don't discriminate against gays and women and minorities. Churches discriminate. And no, I am not a christophobe, I just fight their bigotry. Fighting the religious bigotry is not a Christophobia.

You're a Christaphobe

If fighting religious bigotry, hate, discrimination, idiocy, ignorance, age old horrible traditions, inhuman religious practices, homophobia, misogyny is "Christophobia" then by all means, put me down as one of the "Christophobes" in your dictionary.

You're already there, and you are every bit as bad as any "homophobe" you have chastized.

Nope, I am not the same as homophobes. Homophobes discriminate against gays. They either hate gays or they are fearful of homosexuality. And homosexuals are not at fault for being homosexuals. They are born that way. They did not choose to be gays.

Religious institutions choose to be homophobic on their own will. And in the real world no one would engage in this kind of bigotry. But religious institutions somehow think they are above the moral ode that is imposed on the rest of us. They've exempted themselves from the common sense rules against bigotry.

For this you called me a Christophobe. Suit yourself. You calling me C-phobe doesn't make me one as I am not a phobe against any group of people. I am phobic against people who engage in bigotry and human rights violations.
Rights are granted gradually, one person at a time. Over time, we will force the churches to comply with non discriminatory common sense practices.

You seem to be extremely agitated at the idea of gays and lesbians getting equal rights. Do you also support slavery by any chance?
Nope. Rights are not granted. Rights are "inherent". Do you understand the meaning of that word?

Some rights are granted, not all rights are inherent. Do you understand what I just said?

No because it didnt make a bit of god damned sense.

You do NOT have a right to work at a church that doesn't want you. Why do you not get that?

I agree I do not have the right to work at churches that doesn't want me. What I said earlier was that corporations do not have the right to discriminate.

Now churches do have exemptions under the ENDA act but that will gradually change in the future. I never said anyone has the right to work at any given place. No one is asking for the right to work with a specific employer. My point was about discrimination, not employment guarantees.

LOL no you didn't , you're trying to walk back your comments. You CLEARLY stated that churches should have to follow anti discrimination laws and when I pointed out that they don't have to, you said "well that will change and we will force them to" those are your own words.

Do you not believe in your principles enough to keep them through an entire thread?

Nope, you misunderstood me. I said the churches are exempt from hiring gays. My point was hey shouldn't be exempt. Yes I did look up ENDA and I corrected myself. So you can make that correction now and move on.
Nope. Rights are not granted. Rights are "inherent". Do you understand the meaning of that word?

Some rights are granted, not all rights are inherent. Do you understand what I just said?

No because it didnt make a bit of god damned sense.

You do NOT have a right to work at a church that doesn't want you. Why do you not get that?

I agree I do not have the right to work at churches that doesn't want me. What I said earlier was that corporations do not have the right to discriminate.

Now churches do have exemptions under the ENDA act but that will gradually change in the future. I never said anyone has the right to work at any given place. No one is asking for the right to work with a specific employer. My point was about discrimination, not employment guarantees.

LOL no you didn't , you're trying to walk back your comments. You CLEARLY stated that churches should have to follow anti discrimination laws and when I pointed out that they don't have to, you said "well that will change and we will force them to" those are your own words.

Do you not believe in your principles enough to keep them through an entire thread?

Nope, you misunderstood me. I said the churches are exempt from hiring gays. My point was hey shouldn't be exempt. Yes I did look up ENDA and I corrected myself. So you can make that correction now and move on.

What? These are YOUR fucking words

OK then when it comes to hiring, they have exemptions. Now this is about to change. We will push our gov to gradually remove this exemption and force the churches to not discriminate. Time has come to teach the churches to behave like civilized human beings.

Clearly you advocated the government forcing churches to not discriminate when hiring.
Some rights are granted, not all rights are inherent. Do you understand what I just said?

No because it didnt make a bit of god damned sense.

You do NOT have a right to work at a church that doesn't want you. Why do you not get that?

I agree I do not have the right to work at churches that doesn't want me. What I said earlier was that corporations do not have the right to discriminate.

Now churches do have exemptions under the ENDA act but that will gradually change in the future. I never said anyone has the right to work at any given place. No one is asking for the right to work with a specific employer. My point was about discrimination, not employment guarantees.

LOL no you didn't , you're trying to walk back your comments. You CLEARLY stated that churches should have to follow anti discrimination laws and when I pointed out that they don't have to, you said "well that will change and we will force them to" those are your own words.

Do you not believe in your principles enough to keep them through an entire thread?

Nope, you misunderstood me. I said the churches are exempt from hiring gays. My point was hey shouldn't be exempt. Yes I did look up ENDA and I corrected myself. So you can make that correction now and move on.

What? These are YOUR fucking words

OK then when it comes to hiring, they have exemptions. Now this is about to change. We will push our gov to gradually remove this exemption and force the churches to not discriminate. Time has come to teach the churches to behave like civilized human beings.

Clearly you advocated the government forcing churches to not discriminate when hiring.

Right, I want government to have churches like civilized human beings and not like human-rights-violating bigots that they are today. Correct.
No because it didnt make a bit of god damned sense.

You do NOT have a right to work at a church that doesn't want you. Why do you not get that?

I agree I do not have the right to work at churches that doesn't want me. What I said earlier was that corporations do not have the right to discriminate.

Now churches do have exemptions under the ENDA act but that will gradually change in the future. I never said anyone has the right to work at any given place. No one is asking for the right to work with a specific employer. My point was about discrimination, not employment guarantees.

LOL no you didn't , you're trying to walk back your comments. You CLEARLY stated that churches should have to follow anti discrimination laws and when I pointed out that they don't have to, you said "well that will change and we will force them to" those are your own words.

Do you not believe in your principles enough to keep them through an entire thread?

Nope, you misunderstood me. I said the churches are exempt from hiring gays. My point was hey shouldn't be exempt. Yes I did look up ENDA and I corrected myself. So you can make that correction now and move on.

What? These are YOUR fucking words

OK then when it comes to hiring, they have exemptions. Now this is about to change. We will push our gov to gradually remove this exemption and force the churches to not discriminate. Time has come to teach the churches to behave like civilized human beings.

Clearly you advocated the government forcing churches to not discriminate when hiring.

Right, I want government to have churches like civilized human beings and not like human-rights-violating bigots that they are today. Correct.

So then, why did you deny that you wanted the government to force churches not to discriminate?

You're just stupid and can't carry on a conversation , is that it?
I agree I do not have the right to work at churches that doesn't want me. What I said earlier was that corporations do not have the right to discriminate.

Now churches do have exemptions under the ENDA act but that will gradually change in the future. I never said anyone has the right to work at any given place. No one is asking for the right to work with a specific employer. My point was about discrimination, not employment guarantees.

LOL no you didn't , you're trying to walk back your comments. You CLEARLY stated that churches should have to follow anti discrimination laws and when I pointed out that they don't have to, you said "well that will change and we will force them to" those are your own words.

Do you not believe in your principles enough to keep them through an entire thread?

Nope, you misunderstood me. I said the churches are exempt from hiring gays. My point was hey shouldn't be exempt. Yes I did look up ENDA and I corrected myself. So you can make that correction now and move on.

What? These are YOUR fucking words

OK then when it comes to hiring, they have exemptions. Now this is about to change. We will push our gov to gradually remove this exemption and force the churches to not discriminate. Time has come to teach the churches to behave like civilized human beings.

Clearly you advocated the government forcing churches to not discriminate when hiring.

Right, I want government to have churches like civilized human beings and not like human-rights-violating bigots that they are today. Correct.

So then, why did you deny that you wanted the government to force churches not to discriminate?

You're just stupid and can't carry on a conversation , is that it?

No I think you have a comprehension problem. SCOTUS BUTTHURTIS?

I said this (pay attention now).

1. I corrected myself about the exemptions churches get when it comes to hiring gays.
2. I said churches do not have to hire gays after I looked up the ENDA exemptions for religious institutions.
3. As a result of 1 and 2, I made a comment that it's time for the government to abolish the exmption from churches about their hiring practices. Churches MUST be forced to behave like civilized human beings, not like the bigots that they are when they discriminate against gays today.

I am looking for a change in church's discriminatory policies against gays and lesbians. There, did you get that now?
LOL no you didn't , you're trying to walk back your comments. You CLEARLY stated that churches should have to follow anti discrimination laws and when I pointed out that they don't have to, you said "well that will change and we will force them to" those are your own words.

Do you not believe in your principles enough to keep them through an entire thread?

Nope, you misunderstood me. I said the churches are exempt from hiring gays. My point was hey shouldn't be exempt. Yes I did look up ENDA and I corrected myself. So you can make that correction now and move on.

What? These are YOUR fucking words

OK then when it comes to hiring, they have exemptions. Now this is about to change. We will push our gov to gradually remove this exemption and force the churches to not discriminate. Time has come to teach the churches to behave like civilized human beings.

Clearly you advocated the government forcing churches to not discriminate when hiring.

Right, I want government to have churches like civilized human beings and not like human-rights-violating bigots that they are today. Correct.

So then, why did you deny that you wanted the government to force churches not to discriminate?

You're just stupid and can't carry on a conversation , is that it?

No I think you have a comprehension problem. SCOTUS BUTTHURTIS?

I said this (pay attention now).

1. I corrected myself about the exemptions churches get when it comes to hiring gays.
2. I said churches do not have to hire gays after I looked up the ENDA exemptions for religious institutions.
3. As a result of 1 and 2, I made a comment that it's time for the government to abolish the exmption from churches about their hiring practices. Churches MUST be forced to behave like civilized human beings, not like the bigots that they are when they discriminate against gays today.

I am looking for a change in church's discriminatory policies against gays and lesbians. There, did you get that now?
What in the fuck are you even talking about?

That's exactly what I fucking said. You favor the government forcing churches to not discriminate, and you said "no that isn't what I said" and now you're admitting it is what you said.

You're fucking retarded son.
Nope, you misunderstood me. I said the churches are exempt from hiring gays. My point was hey shouldn't be exempt. Yes I did look up ENDA and I corrected myself. So you can make that correction now and move on.

What? These are YOUR fucking words

OK then when it comes to hiring, they have exemptions. Now this is about to change. We will push our gov to gradually remove this exemption and force the churches to not discriminate. Time has come to teach the churches to behave like civilized human beings.

Clearly you advocated the government forcing churches to not discriminate when hiring.

Right, I want government to have churches like civilized human beings and not like human-rights-violating bigots that they are today. Correct.

So then, why did you deny that you wanted the government to force churches not to discriminate?

You're just stupid and can't carry on a conversation , is that it?

No I think you have a comprehension problem. SCOTUS BUTTHURTIS?

I said this (pay attention now).

1. I corrected myself about the exemptions churches get when it comes to hiring gays.
2. I said churches do not have to hire gays after I looked up the ENDA exemptions for religious institutions.
3. As a result of 1 and 2, I made a comment that it's time for the government to abolish the exmption from churches about their hiring practices. Churches MUST be forced to behave like civilized human beings, not like the bigots that they are when they discriminate against gays today.

I am looking for a change in church's discriminatory policies against gays and lesbians. There, did you get that now?
What in the fuck are you even talking about?

That's exactly what I fucking said. You favor the government forcing churches to not discriminate, and you said "no that isn't what I said" and now you're admitting it is what you said.

You're fucking retarded son.

I've said what I've said. I said "Currently government allows churches to discriminate and I want the government to hold churches accountable in the future by preventing this kind of discrimination by passing legislation to prevent it".

Yes, I would like for the government to change this policy of allowing discrimination by the religious bigots. If this is what you said and I said, then halleleujah, we all agree.

Waiting for your next F word loaded post to laugh at.

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