Question for "objective" right-wingers.....

I did not want this thread to be about the culpability of the Bush administration...ONLY that the investigation of the 9-11 commission was done much quicker than the Benghazi...ON-GOING.....investigation that will drag until election day of next year......for OBVIOUS reasons.

Nonetheless, here's a recap of the 9-11 briefings.

The August 6th PDB should have been read in conjunction with the daily briefs preceding it, the ones the Bush administration would not release. The administration’s reaction to what Mr. Bush was told in the weeks before that infamous briefing reflected significantly more negligence than has been disclosed. In other words, the Aug. 6 document, for all of the controversy it provoked, is not nearly as shocking as the briefs that came before it.

The direct warnings to Mr. Bush about the possibility of a Qaeda attack began in the spring of 2001. By May 1, the Central Intelligence Agency told the White House of a report that “a group presently in the United States” was planning a terrorist operation. Weeks later, on June 22, the daily brief reported that Qaeda strikes could be “imminent,” although intelligence suggested the time frame was flexible.

Equivalent direct warning of possibility: "There are reports that guno plans to one day hit nat in the head with a snowball within a flexible time frame, although it could be imminent maybe."

So. Your defense?

Question: When was Al Qaeda NOT planning terrorist attacks?
YOu asked a question and I answered.

Indeed, your "answers" showed much research and objectivity, correct?


I answered based on the assumption that you did not already know the answers.

YOur recent posts show that to be incorrect.

You knew the answers. You decided to play a fairly standard lib game of pretending that information you disagreed with did not exist.

That is a form of lying.

Your behavior is especially of note when considering how objective YOU are in your judgement that the memos in question, buried among thousands of others, are the "smoking gun" that you want them to be.

Bush was a new president who happened to be in charge when the US was the victim of a surprise attack. You are the dishonest partisan here who wants to blame him so as to deflect from the failures of your own side.

Obama was a moron who destabilized a quite nation for little reason, and put an embassy into a war zone.

It was his policy that created the situation.

His responsibility.
I did not want this thread to be about the culpability of the Bush administration...ONLY that the investigation of the 9-11 commission was done much quicker than the Benghazi...ON-GOING.....investigation that will drag until election day of next year......for OBVIOUS reasons.

Nonetheless, here's a recap of the 9-11 briefings.

The August 6th PDB should have been read in conjunction with the daily briefs preceding it, the ones the Bush administration would not release. The administration’s reaction to what Mr. Bush was told in the weeks before that infamous briefing reflected significantly more negligence than has been disclosed. In other words, the Aug. 6 document, for all of the controversy it provoked, is not nearly as shocking as the briefs that came before it.

The direct warnings to Mr. Bush about the possibility of a Qaeda attack began in the spring of 2001. By May 1, the Central Intelligence Agency told the White House of a report that “a group presently in the United States” was planning a terrorist operation. Weeks later, on June 22, the daily brief reported that Qaeda strikes could be “imminent,” although intelligence suggested the time frame was flexible.
There's really no point. The right either forgave W for 9/11 or shifted the blame to Democrats on 9/12. That cat's out of the bag. They will never admit any Republican culpability for anything.

Everything bad that's ever happened is 100% the fault of Democrats. That's how these partisan hacks operate.
George Bush was in office barely 8 months when America was attacked on 9/11/2001. Bill Clinton was using American planes to attack civilians in a defenseless European country while the same terrorists that he dismissed in the first attack on the World Trade center were attending flight school under his freaking nose. Clinton's idiot Attorney General even issued an order that prevented the FBI from sharing information with the CIA under threat of arrest and imprisonment. If President Bush made any errors it was not firing every dumb assed political appointee in the Clinton administration but he thought he would be a nice guy and keep the idiots on.

So, your conclusion is that 9-11 was all Clinton's fault.......Interesting.
I dont get that from what he posted.
Both Clinton and Bush ignored the facts that they had to indicate an attack would happen.
Clinton however should have been at least curious why muslims were learning to fly but not interested in how to land.

Well it was Bush who was told about Flight Schools:
FBI Was Warned About Flight Schools

Bush was also specifically warned about Bin Laden, he was placed at number one by Clinton.

Bush dropped the ball while on vacation in Texas...
George Bush was in office barely 8 months when America was attacked on 9/11/2001. Bill Clinton was using American planes to attack civilians in a defenseless European country while the same terrorists that he dismissed in the first attack on the World Trade center were attending flight school under his freaking nose. Clinton's idiot Attorney General even issued an order that prevented the FBI from sharing information with the CIA under threat of arrest and imprisonment. If President Bush made any errors it was not firing every dumb assed political appointee in the Clinton administration but he thought he would be a nice guy and keep the idiots on.

So, your conclusion is that 9-11 was all Clinton's fault.......Interesting.
I dont get that from what he posted.
Both Clinton and Bush ignored the facts that they had to indicate an attack would happen.
Clinton however should have been at least curious why muslims were learning to fly but not interested in how to land.
Well it was Bush who was told about Flight Schools:
FBI Was Warned About Flight Schools
Bush was also specifically warned about Bin Laden, he was placed at number one by Clinton.
Bush dropped the ball while on vacation in Texas...
What did I just read?
Oh yeah.
Everything bad that's ever happened is 100% the fault of Republicans. That's how you partisan hacks operate.
Any loss of American lives is a tragedy......

That stated, it should raise some skepticism in any objective mind as the WHY it has taken the Benghazi select committee, about 2 additional months (and they're still going strong in their so-called investigation) to find out more about the loss of 4 American live.......than it took the 9-11 commission to investigate the loss of almost 3,000 American lives......???

Jeb Bush has just struggled with this obvious hypocrisy.

Jeb Bush Falls Apart When Asked Why He Blames Obama For Benghazi But Not W for 9/11

The Democrats weren't obstructing the 9/11 investigation
George Bush was in office barely 8 months when America was attacked on 9/11/2001. Bill Clinton was using American planes to attack civilians in a defenseless European country while the same terrorists that he dismissed in the first attack on the World Trade center were attending flight school under his freaking nose. Clinton's idiot Attorney General even issued an order that prevented the FBI from sharing information with the CIA under threat of arrest and imprisonment. If President Bush made any errors it was not firing every dumb assed political appointee in the Clinton administration but he thought he would be a nice guy and keep the idiots on.

So, your conclusion is that 9-11 was all Clinton's fault.......Interesting.
I dont get that from what he posted.
Both Clinton and Bush ignored the facts that they had to indicate an attack would happen.
Clinton however should have been at least curious why muslims were learning to fly but not interested in how to land.

Well it was Bush who was told about Flight Schools:
FBI Was Warned About Flight Schools

Bush was also specifically warned about Bin Laden, he was placed at number one by Clinton.

Bush dropped the ball while on vacation in Texas...

So you actually believe that the President personally runs national intelligence? Wow, every time I think I can't think any less of you people, incredible
So you actually believe that the President personally runs national intelligence?

NO. NO.....the president personally runs national intelligence ONLY if the president is a democrat...otherwise. of course not.......LOL
answered based on the assumption that you did not already know the answers.

Yes, and after a careful review of your "brilliant" answers, indeed they were written on the tablets from Mt. Sinai....Ergo, how could ANYONE possible dispute those "answers"?

(right wingers be dumber than they were yesterday....and that is not an easy task.)
There's really no point. The right either forgave W for 9/11....
What's to forgive?
Hey, shit happens, right?
Sorry... don't see an actual answer to my question.
Please do try again.
Ignoring the warnings. That's what's to forgive.
Present a sound argument as to how the warnings, in the context of a pre-9/11 world, were prophetic and actionable.
Related questions for right wingers.....

1. Are you all satisfied regarding how the Benghazi committee is operating?
2. Do you think they're taking too long?
3. Is the amount of money spent on the investigation just right?
4. Finally, do you think that there is NO political partisanship in the investigation?
answered based on the assumption that you did not already know the answers.

Yes, and after a careful review of your "brilliant" answers, indeed they were written on the tablets from Mt. Sinai....Ergo, how could ANYONE possible dispute those "answers"?

(right wingers be dumber than they were yesterday....and that is not an easy task.)

I'm not the one lying here, you are.

You're the blind partisan, not me.

Bush was not responsible for 9-11. Obama was responsible for Libya.

The reasons have been explained to you.
Related questions for right wingers.....

1. Are you all satisfied regarding how the Benghazi committee is operating?
2. Do you think they're taking too long?
3. Is the amount of money spent on the investigation just right?
4. Finally, do you think that there is NO political partisanship in the investigation?

Why should I answer any more of your questions, considering how you responded the last time I did that?

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