Question for Republicans : Can Trump Win?

I am asking about the primary and the general, what do you think?

Yes to both. People underestimate him because they just see him from his television show. The man has actually created things....buildings, golf courses, all over the world, he has assembled the people to get these jobs done, dealt with foreign governments and their bureaucrats.....he has actually accomplished things while most of the politicians have been people who work for people like Trump...

So yes..he can do both....
It couldn't be a landslide because no Dems will vote for him. He may be able to garner enough independents to squeak out a win if all the chips land on his side of the table.

Entertaining if nothing else.

The unions may go for him..he actually has a history of dealing with all of them...remember, he actually had to get things done and he had to negotiate with unions....and the blue collar workers...same thing...he has employed a lot of them and they are losing jobs and wages to illegal foriegn yeah....he can get demcorat votes too....
I am asking about the primary and the general, what do you think?
Yes, he can win.
I'm for the Corporate States of America. I think he would get us there. voters turned into stock holders of the greatest country on earth designed to be the greatest country on earth by it's corporate leadership starting with Donald Trump. I heard he plans on getting Icahn as Ambassador to China.
While he has maintained a substantial lead now for months he has never cracked 30% in the polls, at least that I've seen. Meanwhile, Hillary is over 50% in many polls. If Hillary gets the nomination most Bernie supporters like me will happily vote for Hillary over any GOP candidate, few will stay home. With the vote so spread out in the Republican Party I'm not so sure that establishment types and evangelicals will find Trump palatable and may loose enthusiasm and stay home.

.....and, if I may, let me add a few other factors into the hodgepodge of this primary and next year's election....

First, Trump is much more "liberal" than he is that strange definition use by right wingers, "a true conservative".

Second, Trump has actually benefited by the unprecedented large number of candidates, and even with a few gone, the number is still substantial.

Third, there is a considerable number of senate seats that will have to be defended by the RNC......and I have no doubt, that democrats will go all out to bring out the vote next November which will greatly help Hillary.

Fourth, another incentive to get the vote out, is the very likely scenario that the next president will be nominating 2-4 court Justices....

Finally, this primary has shown that Hispanics and Latinos will certainly show up at the voting booths since they are really pissed at republicans.
Right , the Hispanic vote will be the largest ever, Hillary will probably get 90% of it.

I think another factor is that this will be another history making election with the chance for a woman president. I'm sure that won't sway Repubs but independent women will be where Black voters were in 2008 with a chance to have "one of their own" elected. Should really drive the turnout.
So they'll win California. There are 49 other states.
My guess is that Trump will NEVER win...I cannot believe that the electorate (even the right wing loonies) is really that dumb....

Most likely, Rubio and Kasich or Rubio and Fiorina

against Clinton and [Julian?] Castro.

The electorate elected Barack Obama twice. Never underestimate how dumb they can get.

He can win. I'm not sure why anyone would want him to
Interesting, I have become convinced that Trump can in fact win...the primary.

I don't think there is a chance in hell he can win the general, but we shall see...

If he were to win the general and become president I think he would be very ineffectual. This is a man much to used to getting his own way. When you're born rich and everybody around you is your employee it tends to go that way. Working in a system of power sharing is something he has never had to do, he will try to order the congress to do something and then find out they don't have to.

Of course he will never admit he is wrong and it will be gridlock.

He is more than just being rich...he has built very hostile places....and managed to get those things built, all over the world..he knows how to assemble the people to get those things done......he has actually accomplished real things in the real world.....uniting teams of people from vastly different fields to get them done..and he has dealt with politicians and bureaucrats from around the world....
He has more experience at getting real things done than all of the other candidates...
I am asking about the primary and the general, what do you think?

He has to survive the GOP establishment attempts to take him down.

If he can do that, his charisma by itself gives him good chances to win.

I'm sorry but I think Democrats are too optimistic about Hillary.

She has lost before. She can lose again.

that is my opinion.
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I'm thinking the country is pretty fed up with the constant ultra left wing failures both foreign and domestic of the past 7 years represented by Obama, Hillary and the rest of the left wing, "F" over the middle-class (but lie about it) types.

Trump can win because he obviously loves the country and most important to me he seems quite dedicated to getting responsible Americans back to work and government out of the f'ing way of successful American lives.

View attachment 53267
I'm an American and I've had a successful life. I've been self employed for 39 years and as a general building contractor I've dealt with a lot of government bureaucrats. They have for the most part been helpful and courteous. They enforce the building, zoning and planning laws and believe me you should be happy they do. These regulations protect all of us.

I suspect you are like so many who go to work and sit in your cubicle with right wing radio in your ear and think that there is this big evil government, but have never even had any dealings with the government. Don't forget we are the government. It's just everyday Americans not some alien invaders.

Really sad how the right wing has turned into haters of American government.
While he has maintained a substantial lead now for months he has never cracked 30% in the polls, at least that I've seen. Meanwhile, Hillary is over 50% in many polls. If Hillary gets the nomination most Bernie supporters like me will happily vote for Hillary over any GOP candidate, few will stay home. With the vote so spread out in the Republican Party I'm not so sure that establishment types and evangelicals will find Trump palatable and may loose enthusiasm and stay home.

.....and, if I may, let me add a few other factors into the hodgepodge of this primary and next year's election....

First, Trump is much more "liberal" than he is that strange definition use by right wingers, "a true conservative".

Second, Trump has actually benefited by the unprecedented large number of candidates, and even with a few gone, the number is still substantial.

Third, there is a considerable number of senate seats that will have to be defended by the RNC......and I have no doubt, that democrats will go all out to bring out the vote next November which will greatly help Hillary.

Fourth, another incentive to get the vote out, is the very likely scenario that the next president will be nominating 2-4 court Justices....

Finally, this primary has shown that Hispanics and Latinos will certainly show up at the voting booths since they are really pissed at republicans.
Right , the Hispanic vote will be the largest ever, Hillary will probably get 90% of it.

I think another factor is that this will be another history making election with the chance for a woman president. I'm sure that won't sway Repubs but independent women will be where Black voters were in 2008 with a chance to have "one of their own" elected. Should really drive the turnout.
So they'll win California. There are 49 other states.

Eh, now-a-days California and New York voters can be bought off with truckloads of pot and dildos.
I am asking about the primary and the general, what do you think?

He has to survive the GOP establishment attempts to take him down.

If he can do that, his charisma by itself gives him good chances to win.

I'm sorry but I think Democrats are too optimistic about Hillary.

She has lost before. She can lose again.

that is my opinion.

She didn't lose to a Republican. She lost to another Democrat.
I'm thinking the country is pretty fed up with the constant ultra left wing failures both foreign and domestic of the past 7 years represented by Obama, Hillary and the rest of the left wing, "F" over the middle-class (but lie about it) types.

Trump can win because he obviously loves the country and most important to me he seems quite dedicated to getting responsible Americans back to work and government out of the f'ing way of successful American lives.

View attachment 53267
I'm an American and I've had a successful life. I've been self employed for 39 years and as a general building contractor I've dealt with a lot of government bureaucrats. They have for the most part been helpful and courteous. They enforce the building, zoning and planning laws and believe me you should be happy they do. These regulations protect all of us.

I suspect you are like so many who go to work and sit in your cubicle with right wing radio in your ear and think that there is this big evil government, but have never even had any dealings with the government. Don't forget we are the government. It's just everyday Americans not some alien invaders.

Really sad how the right wing has turned into haters of American government.

I've had a very successful life in many ways, truly blessed actually.

I think you're full of crap to be honest. Government bureaucrats are mostly helpful and courteous... :lmao:.. next you'll tell me they never waste your time and effort with frivolous bullshit.

I'll take it that you don't do business in California and cut you some slack...
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I'm thinking the country is pretty fed up with the constant ultra left wing failures both foreign and domestic of the past 7 years represented by Obama, Hillary and the rest of the left wing, "F" over the middle-class (but lie about it) types.

Trump can win because he obviously loves the country and most important to me he seems quite dedicated to getting responsible Americans back to work and government out of the f'ing way of successful American lives.

View attachment 53267

Well, at least you're equal parts wrong and naive.
While he has maintained a substantial lead now for months he has never cracked 30% in the polls, at least that I've seen. Meanwhile, Hillary is over 50% in many polls. If Hillary gets the nomination most Bernie supporters like me will happily vote for Hillary over any GOP candidate, few will stay home. With the vote so spread out in the Republican Party I'm not so sure that establishment types and evangelicals will find Trump palatable and may loose enthusiasm and stay home.

.....and, if I may, let me add a few other factors into the hodgepodge of this primary and next year's election....

First, Trump is much more "liberal" than he is that strange definition use by right wingers, "a true conservative".

Second, Trump has actually benefited by the unprecedented large number of candidates, and even with a few gone, the number is still substantial.

Third, there is a considerable number of senate seats that will have to be defended by the RNC......and I have no doubt, that democrats will go all out to bring out the vote next November which will greatly help Hillary.

Fourth, another incentive to get the vote out, is the very likely scenario that the next president will be nominating 2-4 court Justices....

Finally, this primary has shown that Hispanics and Latinos will certainly show up at the voting booths since they are really pissed at republicans.
Right , the Hispanic vote will be the largest ever, Hillary will probably get 90% of it.

I think another factor is that this will be another history making election with the chance for a woman president. I'm sure that won't sway Repubs but independent women will be where Black voters were in 2008 with a chance to have "one of their own" elected. Should really drive the turnout.
So they'll win California. There are 49 other states.

Eh, now-a-days California and New York voters can be bought off with truckloads of pot and dildos.

Was that a quote from Donald?

It sounds like something Donald would say.
I'm thinking the country is pretty fed up with the constant ultra left wing failures both foreign and domestic of the past 7 years represented by Obama, Hillary and the rest of the left wing, "F" over the middle-class (but lie about it) types.

Trump can win because he obviously loves the country and most important to me he seems quite dedicated to getting responsible Americans back to work and government out of the f'ing way of successful American lives.

View attachment 53267

Well, at least you're equal parts wrong and naive.

I've been actually reading your posts of late, thanks for the laughs.
While he has maintained a substantial lead now for months he has never cracked 30% in the polls, at least that I've seen. Meanwhile, Hillary is over 50% in many polls. If Hillary gets the nomination most Bernie supporters like me will happily vote for Hillary over any GOP candidate, few will stay home. With the vote so spread out in the Republican Party I'm not so sure that establishment types and evangelicals will find Trump palatable and may loose enthusiasm and stay home.

.....and, if I may, let me add a few other factors into the hodgepodge of this primary and next year's election....

First, Trump is much more "liberal" than he is that strange definition use by right wingers, "a true conservative".

Second, Trump has actually benefited by the unprecedented large number of candidates, and even with a few gone, the number is still substantial.

Third, there is a considerable number of senate seats that will have to be defended by the RNC......and I have no doubt, that democrats will go all out to bring out the vote next November which will greatly help Hillary.

Fourth, another incentive to get the vote out, is the very likely scenario that the next president will be nominating 2-4 court Justices....

Finally, this primary has shown that Hispanics and Latinos will certainly show up at the voting booths since they are really pissed at republicans.
Right , the Hispanic vote will be the largest ever, Hillary will probably get 90% of it.

I think another factor is that this will be another history making election with the chance for a woman president. I'm sure that won't sway Repubs but independent women will be where Black voters were in 2008 with a chance to have "one of their own" elected. Should really drive the turnout.
So they'll win California. There are 49 other states.

Eh, now-a-days California and New York voters can be bought off with truckloads of pot and dildos.

Was that a quote from Donald?

It sounds like something Donald would say.

It also sounds like something that hurt your delicate feelings.

I wonder if he ever said that Democrats like to make sluts out of your daughters and pussies out of your sons... mmmm
.....and, if I may, let me add a few other factors into the hodgepodge of this primary and next year's election....

First, Trump is much more "liberal" than he is that strange definition use by right wingers, "a true conservative".

Second, Trump has actually benefited by the unprecedented large number of candidates, and even with a few gone, the number is still substantial.

Third, there is a considerable number of senate seats that will have to be defended by the RNC......and I have no doubt, that democrats will go all out to bring out the vote next November which will greatly help Hillary.

Fourth, another incentive to get the vote out, is the very likely scenario that the next president will be nominating 2-4 court Justices....

Finally, this primary has shown that Hispanics and Latinos will certainly show up at the voting booths since they are really pissed at republicans.
Right , the Hispanic vote will be the largest ever, Hillary will probably get 90% of it.

I think another factor is that this will be another history making election with the chance for a woman president. I'm sure that won't sway Repubs but independent women will be where Black voters were in 2008 with a chance to have "one of their own" elected. Should really drive the turnout.
So they'll win California. There are 49 other states.

Eh, now-a-days California and New York voters can be bought off with truckloads of pot and dildos.

Was that a quote from Donald?

It sounds like something Donald would say.

It also sounds like something that hurt your delicate feelings.

I wonder if he ever said that Democrats like to make sluts out of your daughters and pussies out of your sons... mmmm

A democrat must have done a job on you...
When handicapping elections, it's always fun to go back and time and see who said what. Here is a sampling of Lumpy 1 and his body of "work"

Just 4 of my personal predictions..
1) middle-class taxes will be raised..
2) small businesses will close down in droves
3) doctors will start retiring in droves
4) even U3 unemployment with rise above 10%
I'm thinking 301 Romney... 237 Obama
Romney has the building momentum despite the liberal press jumping on any imagined or minor gaffe of Romney's or their misinformation, yup, only time will tell.

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