Question for repubs: if abortion should be illegal, should it be illegal for a father to leave?

The state should take care of orphaned children as well as young and/or impoverished pregnant women. The superstitious laws of maintaining virginity should be abolished

"Laws of maintaining virginity"?

Yes it is. Its our duty as taxpayers to take care of them if the parents don't. 10 dollar an hour jobs don't feed them.
I think a better question is, why is it okay for a woman to have a child and legally abandon it at a hospital for the taxpayers to take care of, but it's not okay for a man to walk away from his responsibility of being a father?
Because as usual you focus on the woman and not the child. This same logic applies to why single, poor mothers need SNAP. There must be support for the dependent child - it isn't about what the woman gets out of it. If a woman can't take care of a child, she shouldn't be punished simply because it would deincentivize her from giving the child up she can't take care of

Yes it is. Its our duty as taxpayers to take care of them if the parents don't. 10 dollar an hour jobs don't feed them.

How does preventing them from getting $10 an hour jobs by raising the minimum wage above what they are worth take care of them?
me of you anti tax crybabies will be the first to complain about having your precious middle tax dollars supporting kids. Hypocrites.

Shouldn't the parents support their kids if they can, to the extent that they can?

You're absolutely right - they should. I WILL give credit to my ex - he did pay his child support every month. He thought I was robbing him blind at $125/month per child - three of them when he was making WAY more money than I was. It just so happened that at the time I was new to world of legal secretary and working for a domestic relations attorney so I was privy to what other fathers in my ex's financial bracket were paying and my ex was getting off E-A-S-Y. The kids remember him sometimes handing me checks and asking me to hold them a few days until his paycheck was deposited ... and he'd be out of town with his sleazy 2nd wife in FL or NV or some such place. I WILL give him credit for voluntarily paying child support beyond their respective 18th birthday until their high school graduation. He divorced and remarried that wench 5 or 6 times before it was all over with for good. She married someone else and shortly after she died. He went on to marry another far worse wench who totally OWNS him. Our children now consider the first stepmother (whom they hated) a walk in the park compared to the current demon he's married.

Fast forward a few decades and my children are 49, 47 and 42 ... and their father has informed them first that he never loved them and doesn't know why ... then recently after a plea from my youngest, informed them that he loves them but will not participate in any functions of their lives, will not stay in touch with them or see them ... he loves his wife and she's good to him (which is to say she'll drink with him and is a good piece of ass). So at this point, I have three very hurt children on my hands ... one of them a near basket case.

When a woman gives birth ... she does NOT spit out a DIY manual along with the child. It's learn as you go and it's a lifetime relationship. It doesn't end on their 18th birthday. There is no such thing as a PERFECT PARENT - you do the best you can, you love them, you nurture them, them chide them, ground them, you get angry with them, you get so frustrated sometimes you call them by 3 or 4 different names before you finally get the name right ... but above all you love them ... they laugh today and still wonder who "Carol Ann" is ... and I have absolutely no idea...just a name I spat out in frustration.
I know a man blowing his load requires no labored effort, but surely men must realize the consequences of such an action if a woman ends up pregnant and keeps the baby. If conservatives cared about personal responsibility, they would address this.

Personally i don't think a man should be legally obligated to stay, but I also support a woman's right to choose. Everybody wins with that compromise.

I think when it comes to "personal responsibility", male RWs will pontificate about it endlessly when it serves to self-righteously shame easy targets like single mothers on welfare. It just makes them feel better about their own insecurities I guess. When it comes to issues closer to home like a father's role in the child's life, they keep their mouths shut like the hypocritical cowards that they are.
With this issue it's best for the government to stay the fuck out

The life or death of the most innocent members of society isn't a public interest?
If the answer to your question is yes, Then it should be legal for parents to "abort" their children at any prior to adulthood if they so choose.
me of you anti tax crybabies will be the first to complain about having your precious middle tax dollars supporting kids. Hypocrites.

Shouldn't the parents support their kids if they can, to the extent that they can?

You're absolutely right - they should. I WILL give credit to my ex - he did pay his child support every month. He thought I was robbing him blind at $125/month per child - three of them when he was making WAY more money than I was. It just so happened that at the time I was new to world of legal secretary and working for a domestic relations attorney so I was privy to what other fathers in my ex's financial bracket were paying and my ex was getting off E-A-S-Y. The kids remember him sometimes handing me checks and asking me to hold them a few days until his paycheck was deposited ... and he'd be out of town with his sleazy 2nd wife in FL or NV or some such place. I WILL give him credit for voluntarily paying child support beyond their respective 18th birthday until their high school graduation. He divorced and remarried that wench 5 or 6 times before it was all over with for good. She married someone else and shortly after she died. He went on to marry another far worse wench who totally OWNS him. Our children now consider the first stepmother (whom they hated) a walk in the park compared to the current demon he's married.

Fast forward a few decades and my children are 49, 47 and 42 ... and their father has informed them first that he never loved them and doesn't know why ... then recently after a plea from my youngest, informed them that he loves them but will not participate in any functions of their lives, will not stay in touch with them or see them ... he loves his wife and she's good to him (which is to say she'll drink with him and is a good piece of ass). So at this point, I have three very hurt children on my hands ... one of them a near basket case.

When a woman gives birth ... she does NOT spit out a DIY manual along with the child. It's learn as you go and it's a lifetime relationship. It doesn't end on their 18th birthday. There is no such thing as a PERFECT PARENT - you do the best you can, you love them, you nurture them, them chide them, ground them, you get angry with them, you get so frustrated sometimes you call them by 3 or 4 different names before you finally get the name right ... but above all you love them ... they laugh today and still wonder who "Carol Ann" is ... and I have absolutely no idea...just a name I spat out in frustration.

Some guys are real asses. My father barely paid child support too and also whined about what little he did pay. He and his second wife both made more than my mother. My mother and he agreed my mother would pay for my sister's college and he'd pay for mine. Guess how that turned out. He did help me some. Mostly I worked and paid my own way. My mother couldn't afford to help us both.

BTW, my father was a government expert in child support enforcement. He testified to the Senate and was quoted in the USA today on the subject. He'd talk about the "deadbeats" who didn't pay child support. He had it all twisted in his mind that somehow that didn't apply to him. No point, just sometimes life sucks and people are stupid
I know a man blowing his load requires no labored effort, but surely men must realize the consequences of such an action if a woman ends up pregnant and keeps the baby. If conservatives cared about personal responsibility, they would address this.

Personally i don't think a man should be legally obligated to stay, but I also support a woman's right to choose. Everybody wins with that compromise.

I think when it comes to "personal responsibility", male RWs will pontificate about it endlessly when it serves to self-righteously shame easy targets like single mothers on welfare. It just makes them feel better about their own insecurities I guess. When it comes to issues closer to home like a father's role in the child's life, they keep their mouths shut like the hypocritical cowards that they are.
With this issue it's best for the government to stay the fuck out

The life or death of the most innocent members of society isn't a public interest?
If the answer to your question is yes, Then it should be legal for parents to "abort" their children at any prior to adulthood if they so choose.
The federal government has no moral standing, and they should stay out of all personal affairs including financial and anything else that is considered private.
I think a better question is, why is it okay for a woman to have a child and legally abandon it at a hospital for the taxpayers to take care of, but it's not okay for a man to walk away from his responsibility of being a father?

It's apparent you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
I know a man blowing his load requires no labored effort, but surely men must realize the consequences of such an action if a woman ends up pregnant and keeps the baby. If conservatives cared about personal responsibility, they would address this.

Personally i don't think a man should be legally obligated to stay, but I also support a woman's right to choose. Everybody wins with that compromise.

I think when it comes to "personal responsibility", male RWs will pontificate about it endlessly when it serves to self-righteously shame easy targets like single mothers on welfare. It just makes them feel better about their own insecurities I guess. When it comes to issues closer to home like a father's role in the child's life, they keep their mouths shut like the hypocritical cowards that they are.
With this issue it's best for the government to stay the fuck out

The life or death of the most innocent members of society isn't a public interest?
If the answer to your question is yes, Then it should be legal for parents to "abort" their children at any prior to adulthood if they so choose.
The federal government has no moral standing, and they should stay out of all personal affairs including financial and anything else that is considered private.
Exactly, so if your six year old becomes too much of a burdon, simply dispose of him privately. It's not the governments business.
I think a better question is, why is it okay for a woman to have a child and legally abandon it at a hospital for the taxpayers to take care of, but it's not okay for a man to walk away from his responsibility of being a father?

It's apparent you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
So you don't have an intelligent answer to his question.
I think a better question is, why is it okay for a woman to have a child and legally abandon it at a hospital for the taxpayers to take care of, but it's not okay for a man to walk away from his responsibility of being a father?

It's apparent you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

I always know what I'm talking about. I'm smart
I think a better question is, why is it okay for a woman to have a child and legally abandon it at a hospital for the taxpayers to take care of, but it's not okay for a man to walk away from his responsibility of being a father?
Because democrats need a wedge issue to win votes
I know a man blowing his load requires no labored effort, but surely men must realize the consequences of such an action if a woman ends up pregnant and keeps the baby. If conservatives cared about personal responsibility, they would address this.

Personally i don't think a man should be legally obligated to stay, but I also support a woman's right to choose. Everybody wins with that compromise.

I think when it comes to "personal responsibility", male RWs will pontificate about it endlessly when it serves to self-righteously shame easy targets like single mothers on welfare. It just makes them feel better about their own insecurities I guess. When it comes to issues closer to home like a father's role in the child's life, they keep their mouths shut like the hypocritical cowards that they are.
With this issue it's best for the government to stay the fuck out

The life or death of the most innocent members of society isn't a public interest?
If the answer to your question is yes, Then it should be legal for parents to "abort" their children at any prior to adulthood if they so choose.


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