Question For The Gun Haters


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
An easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case?
The mental case's AR jammed.
n easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case?
The mental case's AR jammed.

How many people would have been shot if a mental case didn't have a gun and they didn't have AR's available to civilians.

How many people would have died if bad drivers hadn't been given the keys to a car?

What's your point?
I think his point would be to allow more good guys to have guns. But, that is California, so not going to happen.
n easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case?
The mental case's AR jammed.

How many people would have been shot if a mental case didn't have a gun and they didn't have AR's available to civilians.

Because he totally couldn't have used a different gun, right?
n easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case?
The mental case's AR jammed.

How many people would have been shot if a mental case didn't have a gun and they didn't have AR's available to civilians.
That wasn't the question traitor.
An easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case?
The mental case's AR jammed.

Sources are saying he didn't have a gun with him...that another member of the Synagogue gave him his/her gun to use.....

At the one nightclub shooting there were 6 off duty cops..without guns...and they weren't able to stop that shooter...because they didn't have guns...

Anti-gunners never understand the truth, reality or facts in these events.
An easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case?
The mental case's AR jammed.

Sources are saying he didn't have a gun with him...that another member of the Synagogue gave him his/her gun to use.....

At the one nightclub shooting there were 6 off duty cops..without guns...and they weren't able to stop that shooter...because they didn't have guns...

Anti-gunners never understand the truth, reality or facts in these events.
I wonder why they had a gun if they wouldn't use it?
n easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case?
The mental case's AR jammed.

How many people would have been shot if a mental case didn't have a gun and they didn't have AR's available to civilians.

Well.....he killed one with an AR-15, a muslim terrorist in France, with a rental truck, killed 86 people and injured 435 with 5 minutes of obviously, we need to ban rental trucks since they are deadlier than AR-15 rifles...even the Vegas shooter, firing from a fortified, concealed position, firing into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people, and he only killed 58....vs the 86 by the rental Truck...

Ban rental trucks...and cars...they kill more people every single year than guns do...
n easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case?
The mental case's AR jammed.

How many people would have been shot if a mental case didn't have a gun and they didn't have AR's available to civilians.

Well.....he killed one with an AR-15, a muslim terrorist in France, with a rental truck, killed 86 people and injured 435 with 5 minutes of obviously, we need to ban rental trucks since they are deadlier than AR-15 rifles...even the Vegas shooter, firing from a fortified, concealed position, firing into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people, and he only killed 58....vs the 86 by the rental Truck...

Ban rental trucks...and cars...they kill more people every single year than guns do...
Ban filthy spineless liberal scum.
An easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case?
The mental case's AR jammed.

Sources are saying he didn't have a gun with him...that another member of the Synagogue gave him his/her gun to use.....

At the one nightclub shooting there were 6 off duty cops..without guns...and they weren't able to stop that shooter...because they didn't have guns...

Anti-gunners never understand the truth, reality or facts in these events.
I wonder why they had a gun if they wouldn't use it?

Well.....they likely would have used it if the trained cop...who didn't have a gun....wasn't there....but I don't see a problem with saying, Here Buddy, you use it.....kinda makes sense....and again, if the unarmed cop wasn't there, they likely would have stepped up...

And to give the anti-gunners aggravation....

armed civilians are 94% effective at stopping mass shooters like this one, and/or decreasing the dead and injured during an attack...
An easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case?
The mental case's AR jammed.
BP agent shot as bad guy was leaving. He didn't stop shit. We were lucky the guy either didn't properly maintain his weapon or bought substandard ammunition.

Yet another RWNJ with no real idea what he's doing.
An easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case?
The mental case's AR jammed.
BP agent shot as bad guy was leaving. He didn't stop shit. We were lucky the guy either didn't properly maintain his weapon or bought substandard ammunition.

Yet another RWNJ with no real idea what he's doing.

Armed civilians are 94% effective against mass public shooters when they have their legal guns with them...that is the truth, born out by actual attacks and results....
An easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case?
The mental case's AR jammed.
BP agent shot as bad guy was leaving. He didn't stop shit. We were lucky the guy either didn't properly maintain his weapon or bought substandard ammunition.

Yet another RWNJ with no real idea what he's doing.
You weren't their but your lying ass pretends like you know exactly what happened when you dont know shit.
An easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case?
The mental case's AR jammed.
BP agent shot as bad guy was leaving. He didn't stop shit. We were lucky the guy either didn't properly maintain his weapon or bought substandard ammunition.

Yet another RWNJ with no real idea what he's doing.

Armed civilians are 94% effective against mass public shooters when they have their legal guns with them...that is the truth, born out by actual attacks and results....

Made up statistics with no factual reality.

We have been lucky lately that list RWNJ shooters are too dumb to maintain their weapons properly.
An easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case?
The mental case's AR jammed.
BP agent shot as bad guy was leaving. He didn't stop shit. We were lucky the guy either didn't properly maintain his weapon or bought substandard ammunition.

Yet another RWNJ with no real idea what he's doing.
You weren't their but your lying ass pretends like you know exactly what happened when you dont know shit.
Going by witness accounts son.

Why would they lie?
An easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case?
The mental case's AR jammed.
BP agent shot as bad guy was leaving. He didn't stop shit. We were lucky the guy either didn't properly maintain his weapon or bought substandard ammunition.

Yet another RWNJ with no real idea what he's doing.

Armed civilians are 94% effective against mass public shooters when they have their legal guns with them...that is the truth, born out by actual attacks and results....

Made up statistics with no factual reality.

We have been lucky lately that list RWNJ shooters are too dumb to maintain their weapons properly.


Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events [FBI]

Of all the active shooter events there were 33 at which an armed citizen was present. Of those, Armed Citizens were successful at stopping the Active shooter 75.8% of the time (25 incidents) and were successful in reducing the loss of life in an additional 18.2% (6) of incidents. In only 2 of the 33 incidents (6.1%) was the Armed Citizen(s) not helpful in any way in stopping the active shooter or reducing the loss of life.

Thus the headline of our report that Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events.

In the 2 incidents at which the armed citizen “failed” to stop or slow the active shooter, one is the previously mentioned incident with hunters. The other is an incident in which the CCWer was shot in the back in a Las Vegas Walmart when he failed to identify that there were 2 Active Shooters involved in the attack. He neglected to identify the one that shot him in the back while he was trying to ambush the other perpetrator.

We also decided to look at the breakdown of events that took place in gun free zones and the relative death toll from events in gun free zones vs non-gun-free zones.

Of the 283 incidents in our data pool, we were unable to identify if the event took place in a gun-free zone in a large number (41%) of the events. Most of the events took place at a business, church, home, or other places at which as a rule of law it is not a gun free zone but potentially could have been declared one by the property owner. Without any information in the FBI study or any indication one way or the other from the news reports, we have indicated that event with a question mark.

If you look at all of the Active Shooter events (pie chart on the top) you see that for those which we have the information, almost twice as many took place in gun free zones than not; but realistically the vast majority of those for which we have no information (indicated as ?) are probably NOT gun free zones.

If you isolate just the events at which 8 or more people were killed the data paints a different picture (pie chart on the bottom). In these incidents, 77.8% took place in a gun-free zone suggesting that gun free zones lead to a higher death rate vs active shooter events in general
To a lefty, common sense guns laws are allowing one bullet a year for ten thousand dollars, and not allowing the gun to have sights. Gun control = Gun Bans
n easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case?
The mental case's AR jammed.

How many people would have been shot if a mental case didn't have a gun and they didn't have AR's available to civilians.

Because he totally couldn't have used a different gun, right?

They think if they ban guns the bad guys won’t have any, which is wrong because they do not buy them legally. There are millions of guns to be bought on the street. The bad people will always have guns. Doesn’t matter why they do.

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How many people would have been shot if a mental case didn't have a gun and they didn't have AR's available to civilians.

So instead he rolls up with a Timothy McCaigh special in the back of a UHaul and blows the whole place to Kingdom Come.

That would be just so much better.

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