Question for Trump supporters: Would this be okay with you?

From what I'm hearing, the GOP establishment is trying to downplay the possibility of a brokered convention. Surely they know it would cause a huge revolt within their own party. And regardless, there's nothing they can do if he gets the required votes.

Also, Trump's supporters have made it pretty clear that they've had it with the GOP and really don't care what it thinks about Trump. Okay.

So here's my question: Would you mind if the "establishment" ran and backed a more moderate Republican, like a Romney or a Ryan or a Rubio, and ran them third party?
If you don't mind Hillary as President, then there should be no objection.
Yeah Hillary isn't racist or anything like that.
From what I'm hearing, the GOP establishment is trying to downplay the possibility of a brokered convention. Surely they know it would cause a huge revolt within their own party. And regardless, there's nothing they can do if he gets the required votes.

Also, Trump's supporters have made it pretty clear that they've had it with the GOP and really don't care what it thinks about Trump. Okay.

So here's my question: Would you mind if the "establishment" ran and backed a more moderate Republican, like a Romney or a Ryan or a Rubio, and ran them third party?
The three 'R's would all turn their backs on the Republican they would be just hanging themselves. It would assure Hillary won and cause their base to turn on them like they turned on Chris Christy.
So he's uncouth and that's reason to throw the election?

LIke I said, you are asking the wrong question.

This is not about what is wrong with Trump, this is about what is wrong with the GOP Establishment.

Do they think that having HIllary define the Court for the next generation is a good thing?

If they don't have a problem with a Democrat President, then why the hell have they taken on the job of supposedly fighting against that?

Yeah, no doubt even considering doing such a thing is huge. Obviously this all gets answered pretty quickly, but the RNC and the rest have some pretty big freaking decisions to make pretty quickly. Maybe they decide to put all their effort into Cruz.
Do you consider their behavior appropriate?
As it pertains to Trump, you mean?

As it pertains to the fact that they

a. Believe they have a Right to work against the wishes of the GOP voters.

b. Would rather lose than win.

c. appear to NOT be invested in advancing their supposed principles or the interests of the nation as they supposedly see them.
Well, with the caveat that I don't have a dog in the GOP hunt, I can understand their panic. I think the guy is a national embarrassment, a living, breathing, ranting illustration of the old term "Ugly American".

That said, I think they're still just stunned and don't quite know how to react. Yeah, it's their responsibility to promote the GOP nominee, you're right. That's why, given the options that appear to be available to them, I'm starting to think they'll minimize their support for him without being overtly hostile and concentrate more on House & Senate races.

IF, big "if" there, it's true that they would literally rather lose than have him in the White House....well, it's like jumping out of a burning building. They're fucked either way. They don't want this guy representing their party. They think they would damage the GOP brand even more. But then they'd have Hillary.

I'm just glad I'm not in their shoes.
I said that I did not have a dog in the race the other day. It had nothing to do with desperation for me. I don't care for Hillary its pretty obvious why anyone would not vote for her to me. I like Bernie but I do think he may be a bit off on the its okay to just let more Muslims in the country due to the fact of the Islamic bs. Carter did not even go that route. Ted Cruz lying about what his staff did just lost full credibility with me. Rubio is a slimy dwerp so looks like Trump is the next president as far as I can see.
From what I'm hearing, the GOP establishment is trying to downplay the possibility of a brokered convention. Surely they know it would cause a huge revolt within their own party. And regardless, there's nothing they can do if he gets the required votes.

Also, Trump's supporters have made it pretty clear that they've had it with the GOP and really don't care what it thinks about Trump. Okay.

So here's my question: Would you mind if the "establishment" ran and backed a more moderate Republican, like a Romney or a Ryan or a Rubio, and ran them third party?
If you don't mind Hillary as President, then there should be no objection.
Yeah Hillary isn't racist or anything like that.

The next thing she's going to say is Bernie is a racist.
If they did that wouldn't that be like saying there is no Republican party? and voters really do not count?
They're shitting bricks. It's beginning to look like they'd rather lose the general than back Trump. So outside of just bending over and taking it, this would be their only option.

I don't get it. Trump is saying exactly the same things that right wingers have been saying for years. I would think they should love having Trump for the nominee.
He supports much of the status quo that cost the country a lot of money

Please elaborate
he supports forced use of ethanol even though it's been shown to be worse than just gas
He needs to know it does not work. Maybe he is just not informed on that fact yet.
From what I'm hearing, the GOP establishment is trying to downplay the possibility of a brokered convention. Surely they know it would cause a huge revolt within their own party. And regardless, there's nothing they can do if he gets the required votes.

Also, Trump's supporters have made it pretty clear that they've had it with the GOP and really don't care what it thinks about Trump. Okay.

So here's my question: Would you mind if the "establishment" ran and backed a more moderate Republican, like a Romney or a Ryan or a Rubio, and ran them third party?
The three 'R's would all turn their backs on the Republican they would be just hanging themselves. It would assure Hillary won and cause their base to turn on them like they turned on Chris Christy.

I think everyone is jumping the gun here. As you see, Trump has problems in closed primaries, just as most pundits predicted.

I believe Trump is going to take Florida because I have been here checking for 3 2 and 1/2 months. But, if Rubio drops afterwards, Cruz will get the sufficient delegates to win out right as long as most of the remaining primaries are closed.

I believe seeing Trump win open primaries proves beyond reasonable doubt, that blue collar Democrats and Independents are driving his support if most of the rest are closed, Trump will not even perform as well as yesterday, as most support of Rubio goes Cruz.
That's the kind of remark that guarantees minorities will never vote republican in any election.
No, it's the free shit that will keep them voting Democrat. Why should I pretend it's any different when we both know it isn't?

Believe what you want. If you chose to think insults like that will endear you to minorities, I urge you to say it loud and often.
First of all, not all minorities are slaves to public assistance. Second, I'm not interested in being endeared to the ones who have no self respect. If they can't respect themselves, they don't deserve any respect from me or anyone else, and believe me, no one respects someone who takes handouts all their life and thinks that's ok.

That's what I urge you to say often and loud. It's an amazing outreach technique the right has developed.
I said I'm not interested in reaching out to them, what part of that don't you understand?

Then quit whining when they don't vote your way.
If they did that wouldn't that be like saying there is no Republican party? and voters really do not count?
They're shitting bricks. It's beginning to look like they'd rather lose the general than back Trump. So outside of just bending over and taking it, this would be their only option.

I don't get it. Trump is saying exactly the same things that right wingers have been saying for years. I would think they should love having Trump for the nominee.
He supports much of the status quo that cost the country a lot of money

Please elaborate
he supports forced use of ethanol even though it's been shown to be worse than just gas

OK. Is that the total difference?
Sounds like they are just laughing at your desires. Time for a third party?
Democrats do the same thing to minorities, they just don't seem to care as long as they get that monthly check.

No, not really. Of course, minorities aren't always satisfied with the final results, but progress is being made,and I think they can tell the difference between who is actually trying to help them and who is trying to blame them for all the countries problems. Insults like yours claiming they only want a monthly check tend to keep them away from the republican party though.
No, they'll always be slaves to the Democrats. They've been brainwashed for over 50 years. They came here as slaves and the Dems have kept them on the plantation either by force or welfare. They just accept it.

That's the kind of remark that guarantees minorities will never vote republican in any election.

Minorities will avoid voting Republican no matter what unless they suddenly all get educated or otherwise start to follow politics and see for themselves Democrats have done nothing for them.

So you think all minorities are uneducated?
From what I'm hearing, the GOP establishment is trying to downplay the possibility of a brokered convention. Surely they know it would cause a huge revolt within their own party. And regardless, there's nothing they can do if he gets the required votes..

There would be a contested convention if no candidate wins 1237 votes on the first ballot. After that, the only thing that matters is that a candidate wins 1237 votes on subsequent ballots. If Trump - or any candidate - doesn't win 1237 votes, then they shouldn't be the candidate, full stop. And if Trump wins 1237 votes - like any other candidate - he should be the nominee.
What I'm curious about, though, is what the establishment does then. Back a moderate Republican third party candidate, back Gary Johnson, provide minimal support to Trump or fully back him to save the House and Senate.

My guess is that they just step aside and not support Trump. He'd be the nominee, but most won't endorse him or help him with fundraising or the election.

Trump promised us he will be self-funded. He's not taking money from anybody; another thing the establishment hates.

Trump has raised $25 million of outside money, and there is a PAC is in name that has raised $1.5 million.
Minorities will avoid voting Republican no matter what unless they suddenly all get educated or otherwise start to follow politics and see for themselves Democrats have done nothing for them.

Minorities will start voting Republican more when people like you stop saying things like this.
Trump represents the anger and frustration Americans are feeling from GOP betrayals and that attitude of "You'll just have to take it because you've got nowhere else to go". It seems that the GOP is willing to give the election to the Democrats to prevent Trump from getting elected and ruining their gravy train club in Washington but hard working Americans who once trusted the GOP are equally as willing to leave the party. Why stay when both parties have become one in the same?

Isn't it funny how you never see the Democrats do anything like this? I don't think the DNC was crazy about DumBama either, until they seen how popular he was getting, and then (unlike the Republicans) they jumped on the bandwagon.

The establishment is pissed, but fails to understand that it's because of them that there is a Trump in the first place. Instead of blaming themselves for the creation they made, they get mad at Trump.

I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?

He does not completely follow every decision republicans have made. He doesn't agree that the US should have gone into Iraq, he believes Isis was the result of our involvement there.
He believes in keeping the threat out of the United States, which explains his position on unchecked refugees. He will not allow issues like illegal immigration to be swept under the rug, or to choose Obama's analogy, kick the can further down the road without confronting the issues that allowed the influx of illegal immigrants to become the return problem we have today after Regean's annesty "band-aid" solution. If you want to ignore problems resulting in issues, in exchange for quick fix appeasement "make nice" solutions, Trump is not your guy.
Trump represents the anger and frustration Americans are feeling from GOP betrayals and that attitude of "You'll just have to take it because you've got nowhere else to go". It seems that the GOP is willing to give the election to the Democrats to prevent Trump from getting elected and ruining their gravy train club in Washington but hard working Americans who once trusted the GOP are equally as willing to leave the party. Why stay when both parties have become one in the same?

Isn't it funny how you never see the Democrats do anything like this? I don't think the DNC was crazy about DumBama either, until they seen how popular he was getting, and then (unlike the Republicans) they jumped on the bandwagon.

The establishment is pissed, but fails to understand that it's because of them that there is a Trump in the first place. Instead of blaming themselves for the creation they made, they get mad at Trump.

I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?

He does not completely follow every decision republicans have made. He doesn't agree that the US should have gone into Iraq, he believes Isis was the result of our involvement there.
He believes in keeping the threat out of the United States, which explains his position on unchecked refugees. He will not allow issues like illegal immigration to be swept under the rug, or to choose Obama's analogy, kick the can further down the road without confronting the issues that allowed the influx of illegal immigrants to become the return problem we have today after Regean's annesty "band-aid" solution. If you want to ignore problems resulting in issues, in exchange for quick fix appeasement "make nice" solutions, Trump is not your guy.

Many right wing radio stations do admit that Bush made mistakes, and they also blame our actions or inactions for causing Isis. I still haven't seen a big difference between what right wing radio has said for years and what Trump advocates. The few small differences I have found just don't justify the massive hate the GOP has for him.
Trump represents the anger and frustration Americans are feeling from GOP betrayals and that attitude of "You'll just have to take it because you've got nowhere else to go". It seems that the GOP is willing to give the election to the Democrats to prevent Trump from getting elected and ruining their gravy train club in Washington but hard working Americans who once trusted the GOP are equally as willing to leave the party. Why stay when both parties have become one in the same?

Isn't it funny how you never see the Democrats do anything like this? I don't think the DNC was crazy about DumBama either, until they seen how popular he was getting, and then (unlike the Republicans) they jumped on the bandwagon.

The establishment is pissed, but fails to understand that it's because of them that there is a Trump in the first place. Instead of blaming themselves for the creation they made, they get mad at Trump.

I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?

He does not completely follow every decision republicans have made. He doesn't agree that the US should have gone into Iraq, he believes Isis was the result of our involvement there.
He believes in keeping the threat out of the United States, which explains his position on unchecked refugees. He will not allow issues like illegal immigration to be swept under the rug, or to choose Obama's analogy, kick the can further down the road without confronting the issues that allowed the influx of illegal immigrants to become the return problem we have today after Regean's annesty "band-aid" solution. If you want to ignore problems resulting in issues, in exchange for quick fix appeasement "make nice" solutions, Trump is not your guy.

Many right wing radio stations do admit that Bush made mistakes, and they also blame our actions or inactions for causing Isis. I still haven't seen a big difference between what right wing radio has said for years and what Trump advocates. The few small differences I have found just don't justify the massive hate the GOP has for him.

I don't listen to right wing radio, I only know Trump doesn't always agree and support the direction republicans have made in the past, such as Iraq. Trump is not afraid to say where the republicans went wrong. Because he is so vocal about that in being his own voice, politicians from among the establishment are saying he is not a worthy candidate to represent the party.
the massive hate is because Trump has all the money he needs, he isn't under their control, he is a very big and very loose cannon. Trump eliminates the K-street middle-men and takes the wheel himself instead of the usual "bribe me" game.
I don't listen to right wing radio, I only know Trump doesn't always agree and support the direction republicans have made in the past, such as Iraq. Trump is not afraid to say where the republicans went wrong. Because he is so vocal about that in being his own voice, politicians from among the establishment are saying he is not a worthy candidate to represent the party.

"Establishment" Republican politicians say he's not a worthy politician because he calls POWs losers, mocks a handicapped reporters, says a woman can't be elected because she's ugly, ruminates that he'd like to punch someone in the face, calls Mexicans rapists and drug mules, says a woman isn't doing her job because she's menstruating, states that he wants to ban an entire religion from entering the country including Americans of that religion, traffics in bizarre conspiracy theories, brings up Hillary's bathroom habits, threaten people who criticize him, threaten the Speaker of the House if he doesn't co-operate with you, call critics "losers," take several days before condemning the KKK, pretend you don't know David Duke, tells companies to go fuck themselves, talk about his manhood on stage, and so on.
If they did that wouldn't that be like saying there is no Republican party? and voters really do not count?
They're shitting bricks. It's beginning to look like they'd rather lose the general than back Trump. So outside of just bending over and taking it, this would be their only option.

yep, that is the scenario being pushed by the Mrs. Clinton backers. What the hell it is not like primaries have not been contentious before.
I don't listen to right wing radio, I only know Trump doesn't always agree and support the direction republicans have made in the past, such as Iraq. Trump is not afraid to say where the republicans went wrong. Because he is so vocal about that in being his own voice, politicians from among the establishment are saying he is not a worthy candidate to represent the party.

"Establishment" Republican politicians say he's not a worthy politician because he calls POWs losers, mocks a handicapped reporters, says a woman can't be elected because she's ugly, ruminates that he'd like to punch someone in the face, calls Mexicans rapists and drug mules, says a woman isn't doing her job because she's menstruating, states that he wants to ban an entire religion from entering the country including Americans of that religion, traffics in bizarre conspiracy theories, brings up Hillary's bathroom habits, threaten people who criticize him, threaten the Speaker of the House if he doesn't co-operate with you, call critics "losers," take several days before condemning the KKK, pretend you don't know David Duke, tells companies to go fuck themselves, talk about his manhood on stage, and so on.
The disconnect of his followers is just amazing.

How a person can separate the 15% of issue discussion from the 85% of childish, rambling, embarrassing diatribe is a mystery to me.
If they did that wouldn't that be like saying there is no Republican party? and voters really do not count?
They're shitting bricks. It's beginning to look like they'd rather lose the general than back Trump. So outside of just bending over and taking it, this would be their only option.

yep, that is the scenario being pushed by the Mrs. Clinton backers. What the hell it is not like primaries have not been contentious before.
I don't remember the previous candidate of major party deploring people not to vote for the front-runner, or several national members of a party publicly distancing themselves from that same candidate.

Of course, I don't recall a major candidate talking about his dick during a debate before, either.
If they did that wouldn't that be like saying there is no Republican party? and voters really do not count?
They're shitting bricks. It's beginning to look like they'd rather lose the general than back Trump. So outside of just bending over and taking it, this would be their only option.

I don't get it. Trump is saying exactly the same things that right wingers have been saying for years. I would think they should love having Trump for the nominee.

Point of order: Trump is kicking ass.

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