Question for Trump supporters: Would this be okay with you?

Trump represents the anger and frustration Americans are feeling from GOP betrayals and that attitude of "You'll just have to take it because you've got nowhere else to go". It seems that the GOP is willing to give the election to the Democrats to prevent Trump from getting elected and ruining their gravy train club in Washington but hard working Americans who once trusted the GOP are equally as willing to leave the party. Why stay when both parties have become one in the same?

Isn't it funny how you never see the Democrats do anything like this? I don't think the DNC was crazy about DumBama either, until they seen how popular he was getting, and then (unlike the Republicans) they jumped on the bandwagon.

The establishment is pissed, but fails to understand that it's because of them that there is a Trump in the first place. Instead of blaming themselves for the creation they made, they get mad at Trump.

I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?

Trump is opposite on several issues with the right.

First of all, conservatives want to defund Planned Parenthood--not praise them. Trump (like most Democrats) want to increase taxes on the wealthy......again. You won't hear anybody on right-wing radio say that. Trump wants to play nice-nice with Putin. Another thing you never hear on right-wing radio.
What about illegal immigration and Islamic terrorism, probably the two most important issues for conservatives. He's the only candidate who is willing to do what's necessary to stop that shit, yet he's being opposed by most Republicans. There's a lot more to this than meets the eye.

Suuuuure he is. That's why he started advocating "give and take" on the issue, and edging toward a "path to citizenship" stance on illegals. Waffling candy-ass can't even stick to a consistent position long enough to get through a primary.
Trump represents the anger and frustration Americans are feeling from GOP betrayals and that attitude of "You'll just have to take it because you've got nowhere else to go". It seems that the GOP is willing to give the election to the Democrats to prevent Trump from getting elected and ruining their gravy train club in Washington but hard working Americans who once trusted the GOP are equally as willing to leave the party. Why stay when both parties have become one in the same?

Isn't it funny how you never see the Democrats do anything like this? I don't think the DNC was crazy about DumBama either, until they seen how popular he was getting, and then (unlike the Republicans) they jumped on the bandwagon.

The establishment is pissed, but fails to understand that it's because of them that there is a Trump in the first place. Instead of blaming themselves for the creation they made, they get mad at Trump.

I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?

Trump is opposite on several issues with the right.

First of all, conservatives want to defund Planned Parenthood--not praise them. Trump (like most Democrats) want to increase taxes on the wealthy......again. You won't hear anybody on right-wing radio say that. Trump wants to play nice-nice with Putin. Another thing you never hear on right-wing radio.
What about illegal immigration and Islamic terrorism, probably the two most important issues for conservatives. He's the only candidate who is willing to do what's necessary to stop that shit, yet he's being opposed by most Republicans. There's a lot more to this than meets the eye.

Suuuuure he is. That's why he started advocating "give and take" on the issue, and edging toward a "path to citizenship" stance on illegals. Waffling candy-ass can't even stick to a consistent position long enough to get through a primary.

I have to agree with you. His position on H1-Bs really pissed me off.
Trump represents the anger and frustration Americans are feeling from GOP betrayals and that attitude of "You'll just have to take it because you've got nowhere else to go". It seems that the GOP is willing to give the election to the Democrats to prevent Trump from getting elected and ruining their gravy train club in Washington but hard working Americans who once trusted the GOP are equally as willing to leave the party. Why stay when both parties have become one in the same?

Isn't it funny how you never see the Democrats do anything like this? I don't think the DNC was crazy about DumBama either, until they seen how popular he was getting, and then (unlike the Republicans) they jumped on the bandwagon.

The establishment is pissed, but fails to understand that it's because of them that there is a Trump in the first place. Instead of blaming themselves for the creation they made, they get mad at Trump.

I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?

Trump is opposite on several issues with the right.

First of all, conservatives want to defund Planned Parenthood--not praise them. Trump (like most Democrats) want to increase taxes on the wealthy......again. You won't hear anybody on right-wing radio say that. Trump wants to play nice-nice with Putin. Another thing you never hear on right-wing radio.
What about illegal immigration and Islamic terrorism, probably the two most important issues for conservatives. He's the only candidate who is willing to do what's necessary to stop that shit, yet he's being opposed by most Republicans. There's a lot more to this than meets the eye.

Who is opposing Trump on illegal immigration? Some have stated it's not possible to throw all these people back over the border, but nobody that I know is totally against his idea either. They just don't think it's feasible

Did you catch Cruz's reference to the Arizona solution in the last debate?

California built its own wall, and diverted the illegal immigrant flow from San Diego to the desert around Yuma. Arizona can't afford to build its own wall, and for the last decade, we've had illegals dying in job lots out in the desert, robbing and assaulting citizens to the point that ranchers near the border can't travel their own property without being armed, jumps in our crime rate . . .

So instead, we passed laws denying them drivers' licenses, free medical care beyond life-saving emergency care, and a host of other social benefits. Our law enforcement officials have taken it upon themselves to enforce immigration law, even when they had to fight the federal government to do it. They're even allowed to ask about it on traffic stops and other interactions unrelated to immigration. We require that all employers use E-verify. We've basically made it very uncomfortable and unpleasant to be an illegal alien in the state of Arizona, to the extent that the state government has the ability to do so.

That self-deportation that everyone derided when Romney suggested it? It happened. Approximately 200,000 illegals picked up and left. Economic experts say that our gross domestic product dropped by 2%, state revenues by about that much, and our employment rate dropped by about 2.5. However, our total spending on education ALSO dropped, since there were about 80,000 fewer students. So did our spending on Medicaid and prisons. And since farms couldn't employ illegals anymore, wages for legal farmworkers went up by 15%.
Trump represents the anger and frustration Americans are feeling from GOP betrayals and that attitude of "You'll just have to take it because you've got nowhere else to go". It seems that the GOP is willing to give the election to the Democrats to prevent Trump from getting elected and ruining their gravy train club in Washington but hard working Americans who once trusted the GOP are equally as willing to leave the party. Why stay when both parties have become one in the same?

Yeah, yeah, you're angry. I note, however, that you have no objection to that "Suck it, you have no other choice, so screw you" attitude when YOU are the one dishing it out.
Go away, stalker.

Piss off, Captain Impotence. I'm not your waitress, and I'm not taking your order. You can't handle it? Run away crying like Trump does.
I really don't think it's his "outsider" status.

I think it's his behavior.

He is not real polished, or just speaks his mind, and what everyone is really thinking but are too PC to say so. Considering the majority of your posts have dealt with being PC one would think that someone so non-PC would inspire you. Or maybe that is the problem, you think he should be more PC and all your post bitchin' about being PC were BS.

Kinda funny, that something Rubio brought up about Trump and Rubio is forgotten.
I see a difference between PC's attempt to strangle open conversation and forgiving a major presidential candidate for acting like he's 15. "Hey, cool, he's talking about his dick in a major, nationally-televised debate, I love the way he's not PC". Holy crap. He's certainly welcome to behave that way, and I certainly wouldn't try to silence him.

What is on his mind appears to be polls, insulting people, his hurt feelings, rambling stream of consciousness, manic hyperbole and playing to the crowd. All I'm saying is I don't get the attraction, and I can understand why more moderate Republicans don't either.

I don't even know what he supposedly said about his dick but what I heard it was in response to what Rubio had said. That's what is so great about the situation, Trump says crap like that, you folks get your shorts in a knot and he just wins bigger. I really don't think you are getting what the Trump phenomena is all about.

But, why don't you write him a letter and tell him you think he should be more PC.

Why should the Republicans run more moderate candidates? McCain might as well be a democrat and Romney is not far behind.

Oh, we "get" the Trump "phenomena". Why do you think we have so little respect for it?

The fact that you people can't tell the difference between "politically incorrect" and "repulsively offensive and trashy" is just the tip of the iceberg, Captain Titanic.

Look at it this way, Trump gives that never vote any way other the democrat an out for once again holding their nose and voting for the equally repulsive Mrs. Tuluza Clinton. Stay with the same old same old, it has done as well so far.

Are you aware that your post made no sense in any language that is English?
I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?
Your not well like. Maybe you are not deserving of an answer.

Could be, but it's a pertinent question. I'm just trying to figure out exactly why the GOP hates Trump so much.

Not all of the GOP, mostly it's the establishment.

For instance Limbaugh and O'Reilly are friends with Trump. On the other hand, Michael Medved and Beck hate Trump and don't hide it. Trump is dividing the party even more so and the establishment is upset by this. They were hoping the TP would just fade away and now Trump is reigniting it.

In one regard, though, Trump is a uniter. Disgust and loathing for him are damned near the only thing that conservatives, independents, AND liberals have been able to agree on for as long as I can remember.

You assume too much.

Nope. I assume nothing. I'm observing. I've been a staunch conservative since Ronald Reagan's presidency, when I was in high school, and Donald Trump is literally the only topic EVER on which I have found myself routinely agreeing with non-conservatives. And a lot of my acquaintances are reporting much the same experience. It's profoundly unsettling.
Isn't it funny how you never see the Democrats do anything like this? I don't think the DNC was crazy about DumBama either, until they seen how popular he was getting, and then (unlike the Republicans) they jumped on the bandwagon.

The establishment is pissed, but fails to understand that it's because of them that there is a Trump in the first place. Instead of blaming themselves for the creation they made, they get mad at Trump.

I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?

Trump is opposite on several issues with the right.

First of all, conservatives want to defund Planned Parenthood--not praise them. Trump (like most Democrats) want to increase taxes on the wealthy......again. You won't hear anybody on right-wing radio say that. Trump wants to play nice-nice with Putin. Another thing you never hear on right-wing radio.
What about illegal immigration and Islamic terrorism, probably the two most important issues for conservatives. He's the only candidate who is willing to do what's necessary to stop that shit, yet he's being opposed by most Republicans. There's a lot more to this than meets the eye.

Who is opposing Trump on illegal immigration? Some have stated it's not possible to throw all these people back over the border, but nobody that I know is totally against his idea either. They just don't think it's feasible

Did you catch Cruz's reference to the Arizona solution in the last debate?

California built its own wall, and diverted the illegal immigrant flow from San Diego to the desert around Yuma. Arizona can't afford to build its own wall, and for the last decade, we've had illegals dying in job lots out in the desert, robbing and assaulting citizens to the point that ranchers near the border can't travel their own property without being armed, jumps in our crime rate . . .

So instead, we passed laws denying them drivers' licenses, free medical care beyond life-saving emergency care, and a host of other social benefits. Our law enforcement officials have taken it upon themselves to enforce immigration law, even when they had to fight the federal government to do it. They're even allowed to ask about it on traffic stops and other interactions unrelated to immigration. We require that all employers use E-verify. We've basically made it very uncomfortable and unpleasant to be an illegal alien in the state of Arizona, to the extent that the state government has the ability to do so.

That self-deportation that everyone derided when Romney suggested it? It happened. Approximately 200,000 illegals picked up and left. Economic experts say that our gross domestic product dropped by 2%, state revenues by about that much, and our employment rate dropped by about 2.5. However, our total spending on education ALSO dropped, since there were about 80,000 fewer students. So did our spending on Medicaid and prisons. And since farms couldn't employ illegals anymore, wages for legal farmworkers went up by 15%.

I'm confused. I seem to remember a few years ago when Arizona passed their own immigration procedures and DumBama took it to court and had it stopped. I must have missed something from then until now, but I do remember the results when it was first passed. It was astounding.

That's why my idea is to have a new federal law that anybody here caught illegally will face a minimum five year prison sentence. No extra border security.....just a law that will chase most of them out of the country. One law would save us billions and billions of dollars, but you know how liberals would view a pragmatic solution.
Anything to derail the rightful winner is bullshit. I will not be voting in this election if that were to happen.

The problem really arises if the definition of "rightful winner" differs from the public's perception of what constitutes "rightful".
I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?

Trump is opposite on several issues with the right.

First of all, conservatives want to defund Planned Parenthood--not praise them. Trump (like most Democrats) want to increase taxes on the wealthy......again. You won't hear anybody on right-wing radio say that. Trump wants to play nice-nice with Putin. Another thing you never hear on right-wing radio.
What about illegal immigration and Islamic terrorism, probably the two most important issues for conservatives. He's the only candidate who is willing to do what's necessary to stop that shit, yet he's being opposed by most Republicans. There's a lot more to this than meets the eye.

Who is opposing Trump on illegal immigration? Some have stated it's not possible to throw all these people back over the border, but nobody that I know is totally against his idea either. They just don't think it's feasible

Did you catch Cruz's reference to the Arizona solution in the last debate?

California built its own wall, and diverted the illegal immigrant flow from San Diego to the desert around Yuma. Arizona can't afford to build its own wall, and for the last decade, we've had illegals dying in job lots out in the desert, robbing and assaulting citizens to the point that ranchers near the border can't travel their own property without being armed, jumps in our crime rate . . .

So instead, we passed laws denying them drivers' licenses, free medical care beyond life-saving emergency care, and a host of other social benefits. Our law enforcement officials have taken it upon themselves to enforce immigration law, even when they had to fight the federal government to do it. They're even allowed to ask about it on traffic stops and other interactions unrelated to immigration. We require that all employers use E-verify. We've basically made it very uncomfortable and unpleasant to be an illegal alien in the state of Arizona, to the extent that the state government has the ability to do so.

That self-deportation that everyone derided when Romney suggested it? It happened. Approximately 200,000 illegals picked up and left. Economic experts say that our gross domestic product dropped by 2%, state revenues by about that much, and our employment rate dropped by about 2.5. However, our total spending on education ALSO dropped, since there were about 80,000 fewer students. So did our spending on Medicaid and prisons. And since farms couldn't employ illegals anymore, wages for legal farmworkers went up by 15%.

I'm confused. I seem to remember a few years ago when Arizona passed their own immigration procedures and DumBama took it to court and had it stopped. I must have missed something from then until now, but I do remember the results when it was first passed. It was astounding.

That's why my idea is to have a new federal law that anybody here caught illegally will face a minimum five year prison sentence. No extra border security.....just a law that will chase most of them out of the country. One law would save us billions and billions of dollars, but you know how liberals would view a pragmatic solution.

The US Supreme Court ruled that three of the four provisions were superseded by federal law: we can't require legal immigrants to carry papers, law enforcement can't simply arrest illegals, and we can't make it illegal for illegals to hold jobs.

However, they upheld the provision allowing law enforcement to investigate the immigration status of anyone stopped, detained, or arrested, if there is reasonable suspicion to warrant it. And, of course, while we cannot make it illegal for them to hold jobs, we can and did make it illegal - with real teeth in the law - to employ them. And we certainly can deny them state funds for anything outside of life-saving emergency medical care.
I'm confused. I seem to remember a few years ago when Arizona passed their own immigration procedures and DumBama took it to court and had it stopped. I must have missed something from then until now, but I do remember the results when it was first passed. It was astounding.

That's why my idea is to have a new federal law that anybody here caught illegally will face a minimum five year prison sentence. No extra border security.....just a law that will chase most of them out of the country. One law would save us billions and billions of dollars, but you know how liberals would view a pragmatic solution.
That's why we need the wall. Once it's built, it's there to stay and it will be effective. Without it, we can keep expecting some fucked up liberal out to build their base with foreigners to stop prosecuting them and freeing the ones who are already incarcerated. We need that wall and Trump is the only one willing to build it.
From what I'm hearing, the GOP establishment is trying to downplay the possibility of a brokered convention. Surely they know it would cause a huge revolt within their own party. And regardless, there's nothing they can do if he gets the required votes..

There would be a contested convention if no candidate wins 1237 votes on the first ballot. After that, the only thing that matters is that a candidate wins 1237 votes on subsequent ballots. If Trump - or any candidate - doesn't win 1237 votes, then they shouldn't be the candidate, full stop. And if Trump wins 1237 votes - like any other candidate - he should be the nominee.
What I'm curious about, though, is what the establishment does then. Back a moderate Republican third party candidate, back Gary Johnson, provide minimal support to Trump or fully back him to save the House and Senate.

The problem with backing him to save the House and Senate is that they're concerned - rightly, I think - that Trump could do more harm than good to other candidates.

However, it's just not reasonable OR feasible for the PARTY to leave the party. That's ridiculous on the face of it. All they really can do is deny Trump any real support and backing, and surreptitiously throw support to Johnson or someone else, by having establishment personalities - speaking strictly as private individuals, of course - endorse him.
From what I'm hearing, the GOP establishment is trying to downplay the possibility of a brokered convention. Surely they know it would cause a huge revolt within their own party. And regardless, there's nothing they can do if he gets the required votes..

There would be a contested convention if no candidate wins 1237 votes on the first ballot. After that, the only thing that matters is that a candidate wins 1237 votes on subsequent ballots. If Trump - or any candidate - doesn't win 1237 votes, then they shouldn't be the candidate, full stop. And if Trump wins 1237 votes - like any other candidate - he should be the nominee.
What I'm curious about, though, is what the establishment does then. Back a moderate Republican third party candidate, back Gary Johnson, provide minimal support to Trump or fully back him to save the House and Senate.

My guess is that they just step aside and not support Trump. He'd be the nominee, but most won't endorse him or help him with fundraising or the election.

Trump promised us he will be self-funded. He's not taking money from anybody; another thing the establishment hates.

Except he already is, and even he has admitted that he'd have to in the general.
From what I'm hearing, the GOP establishment is trying to downplay the possibility of a brokered convention. Surely they know it would cause a huge revolt within their own party. And regardless, there's nothing they can do if he gets the required votes..

There would be a contested convention if no candidate wins 1237 votes on the first ballot. After that, the only thing that matters is that a candidate wins 1237 votes on subsequent ballots. If Trump - or any candidate - doesn't win 1237 votes, then they shouldn't be the candidate, full stop. And if Trump wins 1237 votes - like any other candidate - he should be the nominee.
Whoever has the most delegates should get the nomination. Anything else is thwarting the will of the people. That 1237 shit needs to be done away with.

There are 2472 delegates at the convention. 1237 is the majority of the delegates needed to win the nomination.

If any candidate gets at least 1237 delegates, he should be the nominee, including Trump. But if no candidate gets the majority of the candidates, no candidate is owed anything by anyone. It will be up to the delegates to vote however they wish after the first ballot.

If Trump ends up with 1199 and we end up with an Establishment pick, that might very well be within the rules.

Don't expect much support from the base, and all those record breaking turnouts? YOu can forget that too.

The delegates might want to consider that.

Very true. As I said, the actual definition of "rightful winner" and the public perception of it, may be two very different things. And even those of us who understand the rules are unlikely to feel honor-bound to support the candidate chosen by them.
I don't listen to right wing radio, I only know Trump doesn't always agree and support the direction republicans have made in the past, such as Iraq. Trump is not afraid to say where the republicans went wrong. Because he is so vocal about that in being his own voice, politicians from among the establishment are saying he is not a worthy candidate to represent the party.

"Establishment" Republican politicians say he's not a worthy politician because he calls POWs losers, mocks a handicapped reporters, says a woman can't be elected because she's ugly, ruminates that he'd like to punch someone in the face, calls Mexicans rapists and drug mules, says a woman isn't doing her job because she's menstruating, states that he wants to ban an entire religion from entering the country including Americans of that religion, traffics in bizarre conspiracy theories, brings up Hillary's bathroom habits, threaten people who criticize him, threaten the Speaker of the House if he doesn't co-operate with you, call critics "losers," take several days before condemning the KKK, pretend you don't know David Duke, tells companies to go fuck themselves, talk about his manhood on stage, and so on.

How is any of that so different from standard right wing radio fare?
From what I'm hearing, the GOP establishment is trying to downplay the possibility of a brokered convention. Surely they know it would cause a huge revolt within their own party. And regardless, there's nothing they can do if he gets the required votes..

There would be a contested convention if no candidate wins 1237 votes on the first ballot. After that, the only thing that matters is that a candidate wins 1237 votes on subsequent ballots. If Trump - or any candidate - doesn't win 1237 votes, then they shouldn't be the candidate, full stop. And if Trump wins 1237 votes - like any other candidate - he should be the nominee.
Whoever has the most delegates should get the nomination. Anything else is thwarting the will of the people. That 1237 shit needs to be done away with.

There are 2472 delegates at the convention. 1237 is the majority of the delegates needed to win the nomination.

If any candidate gets at least 1237 delegates, he should be the nominee, including Trump. But if no candidate gets the majority of the candidates, no candidate is owed anything by anyone. It will be up to the delegates to vote however they wish after the first ballot.

If Trump ends up with 1199 and we end up with an Establishment pick, that might very well be within the rules.

Don't expect much support from the base, and all those record breaking turnouts? YOu can forget that too.

The delegates might want to consider that.
I think it's possible that (and this is just what I'm inferring from some of what I'm hearing) the more moderate/establishment sector of the party would literally rather lose than win with Trump.

That's not for sure, obviously, but with each statement like Romney's it's going to get more and more difficult for many to back Trump.

You're correct, as far as it goes.

What a lot of people are having trouble understanding is that this is a three-sided fight. You have the GOPe and the party leadership on one side of the triangle, Trump and his fanboys on the second, and the conservative base on the third. Both the leadership and the conservatives would rather stick needles under their fingernails than have Trump as the candidate, but we also hate each other so virulently that we have a visceral reluctance to join forces.
From what I'm hearing, the GOP establishment is trying to downplay the possibility of a brokered convention. Surely they know it would cause a huge revolt within their own party. And regardless, there's nothing they can do if he gets the required votes.

Also, Trump's supporters have made it pretty clear that they've had it with the GOP and really don't care what it thinks about Trump. Okay.

So here's my question: Would you mind if the "establishment" ran and backed a more moderate Republican, like a Romney or a Ryan or a Rubio, and ran them third party?

I would mind. They made a pact with Trump and they need to stick to their promise. On the same token, Trump needs to abide by his promise as well.

Their pact said nothing about rewriting the rules for him. They'll let him be the GOP candidate, at least in name, if he wins the required number of delegates. If they don't, even the conservatives who despise Trump would revolt. But if Trump doesn't produce that required number of delegates, then they have every right to go to a brokered convention and follow the rules as laid out.

However, if they subsequently try to stick some Johnny-Come-Lately establishment pawn in at that point, they're dead meat.
If they did that wouldn't that be like saying there is no Republican party? and voters really do not count?
They're shitting bricks. It's beginning to look like they'd rather lose the general than back Trump. So outside of just bending over and taking it, this would be their only option.

I don't get it. Trump is saying exactly the same things that right wingers have been saying for years. I would think they should love having Trump for the nominee.

Point of order: Trump is kicking ass.

Sure, but the GOP is arming up to stop him. They hate even the idea of him as the nominee. Why? Doesn't he echo the same things the right has been saying for years?
There are 2472 delegates at the convention. 1237 is the majority of the delegates needed to win the nomination.

If any candidate gets at least 1237 delegates, he should be the nominee, including Trump. But if no candidate gets the majority of the candidates, no candidate is owed anything by anyone. It will be up to the delegates to vote however they wish after the first ballot.

If Trump ends up with 1199 and we end up with an Establishment pick, that might very well be within the rules.

Don't expect much support from the base, and all those record breaking turnouts? YOu can forget that too.

The delegates might want to consider that.
I think it's possible that (and this is just what I'm inferring from some of what I'm hearing) the more moderate/establishment sector of the party would literally rather lose than win with Trump.

That's not for sure, obviously, but with each statement like Romney's it's going to get more and more difficult for many to back Trump.

And what does that say about THEM?

The policies that Trump is pushing, what is so radical or dangerous about them?

Answer: NOthing.

That they are having such a hissy fit because Trump is not one of them, speaks volumes about them more than it does about Trump or his supporters.
Well, maybe they're factoring his behavior into this.

So he's uncouth and that's reason to throw the election?

LIke I said, you are asking the wrong question.

This is not about what is wrong with Trump, this is about what is wrong with the GOP Establishment.

Do they think that having HIllary define the Court for the next generation is a good thing?

If they don't have a problem with a Democrat President, then why the hell have they taken on the job of supposedly fighting against that?


Have you considered that they think Trump would be just as bad as Hillary, just in his own Trump-y ways?
If they did that wouldn't that be like saying there is no Republican party? and voters really do not count?
They're shitting bricks. It's beginning to look like they'd rather lose the general than back Trump. So outside of just bending over and taking it, this would be their only option.

I don't get it. Trump is saying exactly the same things that right wingers have been saying for years. I would think they should love having Trump for the nominee.

Point of order: Trump is kicking ass.

Sure, but the GOP is arming up to stop him. They hate even the idea of him as the nominee. Why? Doesn't he echo the same things the right has been saying for years?
They want somebody they can control. Problem is, if they don't stop him fairly they will lose the general in a landslide and I don't see how they can accomplish that if he gets the most delegates.
Isn't it funny how you never see the Democrats do anything like this? I don't think the DNC was crazy about DumBama either, until they seen how popular he was getting, and then (unlike the Republicans) they jumped on the bandwagon.

The establishment is pissed, but fails to understand that it's because of them that there is a Trump in the first place. Instead of blaming themselves for the creation they made, they get mad at Trump.

I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?
Your not well like. Maybe you are not deserving of an answer.

Could be, but it's a pertinent question. I'm just trying to figure out exactly why the GOP hates Trump so much.

Not all of the GOP, mostly it's the establishment.

For instance Limbaugh and O'Reilly are friends with Trump. On the other hand, Michael Medved and Beck hate Trump and don't hide it. Trump is dividing the party even more so and the establishment is upset by this. They were hoping the TP would just fade away and now Trump is reigniting it.

In one regard, though, Trump is a uniter. Disgust and loathing for him are damned near the only thing that conservatives, independents, AND liberals have been able to agree on for as long as I can remember.

As a liberal, he disgusts me too, but I voted for him in the primary. GO TRUMP!!!

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