Question to leftist Supporters, Did the medias misrepresentation of Trump's "Inject disinfectant" Comment Change your Opinion of them?

Are you tired of the medias lies yet

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You're off message. tRump had admitted he said it, but that it was in the way of a sarcastic question (or response depending on when you listened to him) to reporters that he wasn't talking to and weren't asking questions at the time.

Get with the program, Son.
And your a fucking idiot...

In buisness we have what are called "brain storming sessions" where every idea that comes into your head you throw out because it might trigger someone else with a relevant strategy or process that is valuable. Nice to see that you people are totally blindered on taking out trump at all costs even if it kills millions....
So, was he lying when he said it was a sarcastic question/response to reporters that he wasn't talking to at the time?

Simple yes or no will suffice.
How about Fuck You... Read the whole exchange in context you fucking liar!
How about you put down the lysol and rejoin reality.

It happened. It happened the way I and others have said it happened. There's video of all of it. Unaltered, unedited, video. Plus many of us watched it unfold live.

Stop lying.
I am wondering if Trump's comment about injecting disinfectant changes your opinion of him? I am not asking if you would vote for Biden because of it, just wondering if a comment this incredibly stupid would have any meaning to you?

Clearly he is telling another lie when he says he was being sarcastic, he was being serious.

We Trump supporters were stupid enough to watch the whole thing and realize you're a lying asshole.

Yeah you pretty much have to be really really stupid to watch the whole thing, read the transcript and still think someones lying.

Look, uh, Honky hating asshole, watch the whole thing.

Why do I bother?

I did watch the whole thing. Then I went and read the transcript. Then I went back and watched it again. Its conclusive. Drumpfs a fucking major league idiot.

Then you know nothing about medicine and love quoting Honky out of context.

I know more about medicine than Drumpf. I would never tell anyone to test injecting Bleach into people. What kind of fucking idiot would suggest something like that on national TV in front of god and the entire planet?

Yo, superior Black Man, watch the whole thing, not just a pre-selected 1.6 seconds.
Then again, everyone here already knows what a lying asshole you are.

I already told you I watched it twice and read the transcript. The more I watched and read the more convinced I became that Drumpf was an inbred idiot.

Then you're a moron.
Trump's entire presentation was on target.
I'm not putting you on Ignore but I will probably never respond to you again because everyone here with a brain knows what a piece of shit you are.

if such ignorant nonsense...followed by Trump lying that he was just being “sarcastic” is on target then what the fuck does missing the target look like?

You calling some one a moron after saying something so ridiculous is pure irony.

I presume you don't have a science degree because you only paid attention to the video for the pre-selected 1,6 second sound-bite.
It's amazing how you worthless pieces of shit can hold down a job with no attention span.

You are totally fucking nuts.

Even Trump said he didn’t mean what he said, that he meant the opposite, that he was being sarcastic.

AND STILL you try to deny it.

I called Trump fans degenerates and boy do you fools work overtime to prove me exactly right. you realize what an ass you just made of yourself?
I specifically have posted several times in the last 12 hours how Trump meant that as a joke and you Liberals didn't take it as a joke because you are mentally ill.
You probably went back an watched the whole thing, totally against your mental illness, and are trying to deny what I have been posted.

Try to admit you're wrong and perhaps people will have some respect for you.

But you're lying, or at least willfully repeating a lie.

So you're posting that you watched the entire video in a calm and objective state of mind?

Liberals in this thread are so ignorant...
Was Lysol on the list?

Well? Did it?

I watched the presser live and while I can admit that Trumps innability to stop every random thought from coming out of his mouth is disappointing I completely understood the premise of his question.
Was it appropriate for public? Probably not since we have so many citizens that don't posess the common sense to understand where he was coming from. Despite their lack of intelligence it is Trumps job to protect them too and that means being cautious with his public statements.
Had the media taken THAT approach to his comments they would be acceptable but that's not what they did is it.... Their decision to purposely misrepresent him in order to turn the public against him is disgusting.

As President of the United States, it's his job to choose his words carefully when he steps behind that podium, especially when you're standing up in front of the nation and giving a briefing that's supposed to be informative during a pandemic that is killing hundreds of people in your own country every day. This isn't a MAGA rally where he can riff the first thing that pops into his brain and it means nothing to most sane people. But people listen and pay attention when the leader of the free world speaks in back of that podium with that presidential seal. And right now, people are scared. Too often, Trump comes across like a drunk at bar at closing time. And that's dangerous. It doesn't matter what people think he meant to say, it's what he said and how it came across. And it came across as Trump touting miracle cures of UV light and disinfectants. Just like he did with the hydroxychloraquine. He sounded like he was touting these so the media called him out for it. Which I have no problem with. In fact, it's about time the media started showing a little backbone when it comes to dealing with Trump. Too often, they are too deferential to him for fear of losing their access to him or upsetting him. He needs to get called out more forcefully more often.
Hey jack of idiots, want to ignore my posts some more about UV light being infected into patients?

Do you jack of morons that UV light is a disinfectant?

Hey jack of liars, you are an ignorant embarrassing brainwashed loser and a liar.

Wow. Did you hurt yourself typing that? Because that's a lot of butthurt in three sentences.
UV light is used routinely to disinfect and kill germs on surfaces.
Now, if you'd like to inject yourself with some disinfectant or bring that UV light into your body "in some other way", I promise, I won't judge. :)


You are aware that we use En-do-trachea tubes that are UV active light sources which clean the tube and kill the virus in the trachea dont you? Your also aware we have suctioning tubes for the trachea that have UV lights on them so that when they suction the trachea and bronchial tubes they kill the virus as well.

We also have mist/sprays that can be used to kill the virus on inhalation as well.

Trump was asking about these types of therapy's.

The only one who is butt hurt here is you as you have been caught in a major lie.... AGAIN
tRump was making shit up as he went along. Attempting to sound smart and failing miserably.

Stop trying to defend the indefensible.

Just relax and have a tRumptini.
You're off message. tRump had admitted he said it, but that it was in the way of a sarcastic question (or response depending on when you listened to him) to reporters that he wasn't talking to and weren't asking questions at the time.

Get with the program, Son.
And your a fucking idiot...

In buisness we have what are called "brain storming sessions" where every idea that comes into your head you throw out because it might trigger someone else with a relevant strategy or process that is valuable. Nice to see that you people are totally blindered on taking out trump at all costs even if it kills millions....
So, was he lying when he said it was a sarcastic question/response to reporters that he wasn't talking to at the time?

Simple yes or no will suffice.
How about Fuck You... Read the whole exchange in context you fucking liar!
How about you put down the lysol and rejoin reality.

It happened. It happened the way I and others have said it happened. There's video of all of it. Unaltered, unedited, video. Plus many of us watched it unfold live.

Stop lying.
NO it didn't.. You fucks are misquoting Trumps words. YOU ARE A LIAR...

Are you not able to read the word LIKE?

"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning,"

He was simply asking a legitimate question about therapy's. You fuckwits turned it into something it is not.
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I am wondering if Trump's comment about injecting disinfectant changes your opinion of him? I am not asking if you would vote for Biden because of it, just wondering if a comment this incredibly stupid would have any meaning to you?

Clearly he is telling another lie when he says he was being sarcastic, he was being serious.

We Trump supporters were stupid enough to watch the whole thing and realize you're a lying asshole.

Yeah you pretty much have to be really really stupid to watch the whole thing, read the transcript and still think someones lying.

Look, uh, Honky hating asshole, watch the whole thing.

Why do I bother?

I did watch the whole thing. Then I went and read the transcript. Then I went back and watched it again. Its conclusive. Drumpfs a fucking major league idiot.

Then you know nothing about medicine and love quoting Honky out of context.

I know more about medicine than Drumpf. I would never tell anyone to test injecting Bleach into people. What kind of fucking idiot would suggest something like that on national TV in front of god and the entire planet?

Yo, superior Black Man, watch the whole thing, not just a pre-selected 1.6 seconds.
Then again, everyone here already knows what a lying asshole you are.

I already told you I watched it twice and read the transcript. The more I watched and read the more convinced I became that Drumpf was an inbred idiot.

Then you're a moron.
Trump's entire presentation was on target.
I'm not putting you on Ignore but I will probably never respond to you again because everyone here with a brain knows what a piece of shit you are.

if such ignorant nonsense...followed by Trump lying that he was just being “sarcastic” is on target then what the fuck does missing the target look like?

You calling some one a moron after saying something so ridiculous is pure irony.

I presume you don't have a science degree because you only paid attention to the video for the pre-selected 1,6 second sound-bite.
It's amazing how you worthless pieces of shit can hold down a job with no attention span.

You are totally fucking nuts.

Even Trump said he didn’t mean what he said, that he meant the opposite, that he was being sarcastic.

AND STILL you try to deny it.

I called Trump fans degenerates and boy do you fools work overtime to prove me exactly right. you realize what an ass you just made of yourself?
I specifically have posted several times in the last 12 hours how Trump meant that as a joke and you Liberals didn't take it as a joke because you are mentally ill.
You probably went back an watched the whole thing, totally against your mental illness, and are trying to deny what I have been posted.

Try to admit you're wrong and perhaps people will have some respect for you.

But you're lying, or at least willfully repeating a lie.

So you're posting that you watched the entire video in a calm and objective state of mind?

I watched it live.
Well? Did it?

I watched the presser live and while I can admit that Trumps innability to stop every random thought from coming out of his mouth is disappointing I completely understood the premise of his question.
Was it appropriate for public? Probably not since we have so many citizens that don't posess the common sense to understand where he was coming from. Despite their lack of intelligence it is Trumps job to protect them too and that means being cautious with his public statements.
Had the media taken THAT approach to his comments they would be acceptable but that's not what they did is it.... Their decision to purposely misrepresent him in order to turn the public against him is disgusting.

As President of the United States, it's his job to choose his words carefully when he steps behind that podium, especially when you're standing up in front of the nation and giving a briefing that's supposed to be informative during a pandemic that is killing hundreds of people in your own country every day. This isn't a MAGA rally where he can riff the first thing that pops into his brain and it means nothing to most sane people. But people listen and pay attention when the leader of the free world speaks in back of that podium with that presidential seal. And right now, people are scared. Too often, Trump comes across like a drunk at bar at closing time. And that's dangerous. It doesn't matter what people think he meant to say, it's what he said and how it came across. And it came across as Trump touting miracle cures of UV light and disinfectants. Just like he did with the hydroxychloraquine. He sounded like he was touting these so the media called him out for it. Which I have no problem with. In fact, it's about time the media started showing a little backbone when it comes to dealing with Trump. Too often, they are too deferential to him for fear of losing their access to him or upsetting him. He needs to get called out more forcefully more often.
Hey jack of idiots, want to ignore my posts some more about UV light being infected into patients?

Do you jack of morons that UV light is a disinfectant?

Hey jack of liars, you are an ignorant embarrassing brainwashed loser and a liar.

Wow. Did you hurt yourself typing that? Because that's a lot of butthurt in three sentences.
UV light is used routinely to disinfect and kill germs on surfaces.
Now, if you'd like to inject yourself with some disinfectant or bring that UV light into your body "in some other way", I promise, I won't judge. :)


You are aware that we use En-do-trachea tubes that are UV active light sources which clean the tube and kill the virus in the trachea dont you? Your also aware we have suctioning tubes for the trachea that have UV lights on them so that when they suction the trachea and bronchial tubes they kill the virus as well.

We also have mist/sprays that can be used to kill the virus on inhalation as well.

Trump was asking about these types of therapy's.

The only one who is butt hurt here is you as you have been caught in a major lie.... AGAIN
tRump was making shit up as he went along. Attempting to sound smart and failing miserably.

Stop trying to defend the indefensible.

Just relax and have a tRumptini.
You mean he just went up and ad libbed everything and then the scientists had to start working on this cure?
You're off message. tRump had admitted he said it, but that it was in the way of a sarcastic question (or response depending on when you listened to him) to reporters that he wasn't talking to and weren't asking questions at the time.

Get with the program, Son.
And your a fucking idiot...

In buisness we have what are called "brain storming sessions" where every idea that comes into your head you throw out because it might trigger someone else with a relevant strategy or process that is valuable. Nice to see that you people are totally blindered on taking out trump at all costs even if it kills millions....
So, was he lying when he said it was a sarcastic question/response to reporters that he wasn't talking to at the time?

Simple yes or no will suffice.
How about Fuck You... Read the whole exchange in context you fucking liar!
How about you put down the lysol and rejoin reality.

It happened. It happened the way I and others have said it happened. There's video of all of it. Unaltered, unedited, video. Plus many of us watched it unfold live.

Stop lying.
NO it didn't.. You fucks are misquoting Trumps words. YOU ARE A LIAR...

Are you not able to read the word LIKE?

"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning,"

He was simply asking a legitimate question about therapy's. You fuckwits turned it into something it is not.
Relax...Crep is mentally ill...always has been.
And what's scary is he's actually one of the more rational here of the mentally ill.
You're off message. tRump had admitted he said it, but that it was in the way of a sarcastic question (or response depending on when you listened to him) to reporters that he wasn't talking to and weren't asking questions at the time.

Get with the program, Son.
And your a fucking idiot...

In buisness we have what are called "brain storming sessions" where every idea that comes into your head you throw out because it might trigger someone else with a relevant strategy or process that is valuable. Nice to see that you people are totally blindered on taking out trump at all costs even if it kills millions....
So, was he lying when he said it was a sarcastic question/response to reporters that he wasn't talking to at the time?

Simple yes or no will suffice.
How about Fuck You... Read the whole exchange in context you fucking liar!
How about you put down the lysol and rejoin reality.

It happened. It happened the way I and others have said it happened. There's video of all of it. Unaltered, unedited, video. Plus many of us watched it unfold live.

Stop lying.
NO it didn't.. You fucks are misquoting Trumps words. YOU ARE A LIAR...

Are you not able to read the word LIKE?

"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning,"

He was simply asking a legitimate question about therapy's. You fuckwits turned it into something it is not.
Yes, it did happen. Even tRump admits it happened. He's trying to cover for it by saying it was "sarcastic".

Which means you need to stop.trying to justify it and get in message.
After watching Trump supporters believe everything he says no matter how ludicrous, even mentioning that shit was terribly irresponsible. Perhaps he was not even aware that there was already a problem with dummies using household disinfectants to dose themselves for various health concerns. Whatever his actual intent was is irrelevant, a public briefing is a horrible place to be floating questionable bullshit he heard on the internet.
Did you eat a UV light bulb too?
No I'm not like you, I know stupid bullshit when I hear it. Did you look hopefully at the bleach bottle when he said that?

I don't follow POTUS as closely as you, I only watched that presser this morning.

He wasn't recommending snorting PineSol or eating UV bulbs, only CNN watchers think that's what was said
What I think is that it was a drowning man grasping at straws, just like he did with the "miracle" drug he had all you convinced was the answer to all this. Remember being absolutely certain cloroquine was going to cure the virus and have us back to work by now? After that it is clear Trump supporters are dangerously credulous of anything he says.

When did Trump promise us hydroxichloroquine was going to have everybody back to work by now? When did he say it was the solution to our problem?
Repeatedly until they tested it on veterans and found it to be dangerous and ineffective.

We've been using the stuff for over 50 years. Has had FDA approval all those years. Now that President Trump suggested we try it, all of a sudden it's dangerous and ineffective. Gee, a government entity padding a story for the MSM. Who would have thought that?

It's been successful in many cases, and that's why doctors all over the world are using it. You had a Democrat Michigan state rep have her ass torn out because she believed she was saved by those drugs, and thanked the President for discussing it.
Are you still defending the president's push to use this drug after the studies indicated it was useless crap and potentially dangeous? Now you know why people reacted with such alarm when he brought up the latest stupid bullshit.

The drug is already approved by FDA, and in wide use you moron.

You're the moron here, Norman. IT'S KILLING COVID19 PATIENTS.

The part where it's killing covid19 patients, is why intelligent people said he shouldn't be promoting an unproven drug as a cure, because it has some nasty side effects. You told us it wouldn't hurt anyone because it's already approved and in use for other things.


The drug is absolutely not killing covid patients, that's a lie. People who are more desperate take the drug is what you are seeing. It is effective if taken early enough.

There is no cure for stupid Norman.

This was not a peer-reviewed study.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Veterans Affairs issued a statement by email to Fox News which read, “This was not a clinical trial. It is simply an analysis of retrospective data regarding hospitalized patients. The findings should not be viewed as definitive because the analysis doesn’t adjust for patients’ clinical status and showed that hydroxychloroquine alone was provided to VA’s sickest COVID-19 patients, many times as a last resort.”

Yup, and this idiot is too stupid to understand that of course those who take the drug die more, because THEY ARE SICK. But, she is a Canadian moron with TDS, so she can't understand simple facts.

It's so funny when you think about it. If DumBama went out and suggested we give these drugs a try, they would be celebrating it's success. I mean for crying out loud, even at a time like this, the left can make prescriptions a political issue.

He wouldn't, that's the difference.
I am wondering if Trump's comment about injecting disinfectant changes your opinion of him? I am not asking if you would vote for Biden because of it, just wondering if a comment this incredibly stupid would have any meaning to you?

Clearly he is telling another lie when he says he was being sarcastic, he was being serious.

We Trump supporters were stupid enough to watch the whole thing and realize you're a lying asshole.

Yeah you pretty much have to be really really stupid to watch the whole thing, read the transcript and still think someones lying.

Look, uh, Honky hating asshole, watch the whole thing.

Why do I bother?

I did watch the whole thing. Then I went and read the transcript. Then I went back and watched it again. Its conclusive. Drumpfs a fucking major league idiot.

Then you know nothing about medicine and love quoting Honky out of context.

I know more about medicine than Drumpf. I would never tell anyone to test injecting Bleach into people. What kind of fucking idiot would suggest something like that on national TV in front of god and the entire planet?

Yo, superior Black Man, watch the whole thing, not just a pre-selected 1.6 seconds.
Then again, everyone here already knows what a lying asshole you are.

I already told you I watched it twice and read the transcript. The more I watched and read the more convinced I became that Drumpf was an inbred idiot.

Then you're a moron.
Trump's entire presentation was on target.
I'm not putting you on Ignore but I will probably never respond to you again because everyone here with a brain knows what a piece of shit you are.

if such ignorant nonsense...followed by Trump lying that he was just being “sarcastic” is on target then what the fuck does missing the target look like?

You calling some one a moron after saying something so ridiculous is pure irony.

I presume you don't have a science degree because you only paid attention to the video for the pre-selected 1,6 second sound-bite.
It's amazing how you worthless pieces of shit can hold down a job with no attention span.

You are totally fucking nuts.

Even Trump said he didn’t mean what he said, that he meant the opposite, that he was being sarcastic.

AND STILL you try to deny it.

I called Trump fans degenerates and boy do you fools work overtime to prove me exactly right. you realize what an ass you just made of yourself?
I specifically have posted several times in the last 12 hours how Trump meant that as a joke and you Liberals didn't take it as a joke because you are mentally ill.
You probably went back an watched the whole thing, totally against your mental illness, and are trying to deny what I have been posted.

Try to admit you're wrong and perhaps people will have some respect for you.

But you're lying, or at least willfully repeating a lie.

So you're posting that you watched the entire video in a calm and objective state of mind?

I watched it live.

Then you're mentally ill.
We have a multitude of Democrats (as opposed to Liberals) on outrFacebook group and even they stopped responding to the Liberals.
Well? Did it?

I watched the presser live and while I can admit that Trumps innability to stop every random thought from coming out of his mouth is disappointing I completely understood the premise of his question.
Was it appropriate for public? Probably not since we have so many citizens that don't posess the common sense to understand where he was coming from. Despite their lack of intelligence it is Trumps job to protect them too and that means being cautious with his public statements.
Had the media taken THAT approach to his comments they would be acceptable but that's not what they did is it.... Their decision to purposely misrepresent him in order to turn the public against him is disgusting.

As President of the United States, it's his job to choose his words carefully when he steps behind that podium, especially when you're standing up in front of the nation and giving a briefing that's supposed to be informative during a pandemic that is killing hundreds of people in your own country every day. This isn't a MAGA rally where he can riff the first thing that pops into his brain and it means nothing to most sane people. But people listen and pay attention when the leader of the free world speaks in back of that podium with that presidential seal. And right now, people are scared. Too often, Trump comes across like a drunk at bar at closing time. And that's dangerous. It doesn't matter what people think he meant to say, it's what he said and how it came across. And it came across as Trump touting miracle cures of UV light and disinfectants. Just like he did with the hydroxychloraquine. He sounded like he was touting these so the media called him out for it. Which I have no problem with. In fact, it's about time the media started showing a little backbone when it comes to dealing with Trump. Too often, they are too deferential to him for fear of losing their access to him or upsetting him. He needs to get called out more forcefully more often.
Hey jack of idiots, want to ignore my posts some more about UV light being infected into patients?

Do you jack of morons that UV light is a disinfectant?

Hey jack of liars, you are an ignorant embarrassing brainwashed loser and a liar.

Wow. Did you hurt yourself typing that? Because that's a lot of butthurt in three sentences.
UV light is used routinely to disinfect and kill germs on surfaces.
Now, if you'd like to inject yourself with some disinfectant or bring that UV light into your body "in some other way", I promise, I won't judge. :)


You are aware that we use En-do-trachea tubes that are UV active light sources which clean the tube and kill the virus in the trachea dont you? Your also aware we have suctioning tubes for the trachea that have UV lights on them so that when they suction the trachea and bronchial tubes they kill the virus as well.

We also have mist/sprays that can be used to kill the virus on inhalation as well.

Trump was asking about these types of therapy's.

The only one who is butt hurt here is you as you have been caught in a major lie.... AGAIN
tRump was making shit up as he went along. Attempting to sound smart and failing miserably.

Stop trying to defend the indefensible.

Just relax and have a tRumptini.
You mean he just went up and ad libbed everything and then the scientists had to start working on this cure?
No, I mean he stood up there and had his usual verbal diarrhea and you kids are still trying to justify it even though he has said the whole thing was "sarcasm".

Liberals in this thread are so ignorant...
Was Lysol on the list?

View attachment 328309
Promise us...
Whatever cure Trump agrees to, you won't take it.

5 Different studies on Hydrochloriquine/Z-pack have now resulted in +90% effectiveness without cardiac complication caused by HCQ. Over 7,000 people total. They all reduced hospital stays by half or better (those untreated average 24+ days, Those treated just 11 days). The evidence is so great that studies are now stopping control groups and giving them the real thing to save lives.

I hope these idiots keep going and refuse these therapy's.

Liberals in this thread are so ignorant...
Was Lysol on the list?

View attachment 328309
Promise us...
Whatever cure Trump agrees to, you won't take it.

Agree to?

Yeah, I caught that too.

The tRumpltin mindset is just baffling.

And that guy is about as "independent" as my left nut.
Well? Did it?

I watched the presser live and while I can admit that Trumps innability to stop every random thought from coming out of his mouth is disappointing I completely understood the premise of his question.
Was it appropriate for public? Probably not since we have so many citizens that don't posess the common sense to understand where he was coming from. Despite their lack of intelligence it is Trumps job to protect them too and that means being cautious with his public statements.
Had the media taken THAT approach to his comments they would be acceptable but that's not what they did is it.... Their decision to purposely misrepresent him in order to turn the public against him is disgusting.

As President of the United States, it's his job to choose his words carefully when he steps behind that podium, especially when you're standing up in front of the nation and giving a briefing that's supposed to be informative during a pandemic that is killing hundreds of people in your own country every day. This isn't a MAGA rally where he can riff the first thing that pops into his brain and it means nothing to most sane people. But people listen and pay attention when the leader of the free world speaks in back of that podium with that presidential seal. And right now, people are scared. Too often, Trump comes across like a drunk at bar at closing time. And that's dangerous. It doesn't matter what people think he meant to say, it's what he said and how it came across. And it came across as Trump touting miracle cures of UV light and disinfectants. Just like he did with the hydroxychloraquine. He sounded like he was touting these so the media called him out for it. Which I have no problem with. In fact, it's about time the media started showing a little backbone when it comes to dealing with Trump. Too often, they are too deferential to him for fear of losing their access to him or upsetting him. He needs to get called out more forcefully more often.
Hey jack of idiots, want to ignore my posts some more about UV light being infected into patients?

Do you jack of morons that UV light is a disinfectant?

Hey jack of liars, you are an ignorant embarrassing brainwashed loser and a liar.

Wow. Did you hurt yourself typing that? Because that's a lot of butthurt in three sentences.
UV light is used routinely to disinfect and kill germs on surfaces.
Now, if you'd like to inject yourself with some disinfectant or bring that UV light into your body "in some other way", I promise, I won't judge. :)


You are aware that we use En-do-trachea tubes that are UV active light sources which clean the tube and kill the virus in the trachea dont you? Your also aware we have suctioning tubes for the trachea that have UV lights on them so that when they suction the trachea and bronchial tubes they kill the virus as well.

We also have mist/sprays that can be used to kill the virus on inhalation as well.

Trump was asking about these types of therapy's.

The only one who is butt hurt here is you as you have been caught in a major lie.... AGAIN
tRump was making shit up as he went along. Attempting to sound smart and failing miserably.

Stop trying to defend the indefensible.

Just relax and have a tRumptini.
You mean he just went up and ad libbed everything and then the scientists had to start working on this cure?
No, I mean he stood up there and had his usual verbal diarrhea and you kids are still trying to justify it even though he has said the whole thing was "sarcasm".
I don't think you're quite getting it...
Most people with lives and skills only care about results, not the polite manner in which they are delivered.
You are basically hungry for an effeminate male looking to assuage your senses as opposed to a Meat & Potatoes guy who has put practically every minority in Nassau County and NYC on someone's payroll.
You definitely wouldn't like me.
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