Racism - Who Cares

You know what? If my next door neighbor does not like white people, I don't care.

Has anybody ever stopped, taken a step back, taken a deep breath, and though outside of the box for a minute? .....and though to yourself: Who really cares?

Why is it anybody's business who someone likes or doesn't like. Why should I care? People like and dislike other people for all sorts of reasons, their looks, their habits, maybe they have a whiny voice, maybe their annoying, maybe their a Seattle Seahawks fan....

....why should race not be a reason to? Why is it anybody's business? Like I said, if my next door neighbor does not like white people (I am white by the way) I don't really care. That's her bee's wax. It does not affect my life in the slightest.

Has anybody ever really stopped and thought about it that way? People are all knotted up and bunched up over stuff that is really none of their business.

Obviously I am not talking about violence or doing harm to people: That's an entirely different issue. But if a black guy just prefers the company of blacks or an Asian guy just prefers the company of Asians, whyy should anybody care? Get a life for Pete's sake.
Bonjour, I think it's important to talk about racism because now it's the opposite, I mean we start A to go to Z to protect minorities and we can thank the democrap who pass and give them all. the white race has become one that defends itself for its rights and even more for its Survival from terrorist attacks and other horrors made by foreigners in their own country.

No, it's not the opposite. Whites like you have not lost anything except their minds.
I am very proud to be white, I have red hair with green eyes, it bothers you?

Does it bother you that we blacks are calling out the racists here?
Look in the mirror bitch, you forgot one
You know what? If my next door neighbor does not like white people, I don't care.

Has anybody ever stopped, taken a step back, taken a deep breath, and though outside of the box for a minute? .....and though to yourself: Who really cares?

Why is it anybody's business who someone likes or doesn't like. Why should I care? People like and dislike other people for all sorts of reasons, their looks, their habits, maybe they have a whiny voice, maybe their annoying, maybe their a Seattle Seahawks fan....

....why should race not be a reason to? Why is it anybody's business? Like I said, if my next door neighbor does not like white people (I am white by the way) I don't really care. That's her bee's wax. It does not affect my life in the slightest.

Has anybody ever really stopped and thought about it that way? People are all knotted up and bunched up over stuff that is really none of their business.

Obviously I am not talking about violence or doing harm to people: That's an entirely different issue. But if a black guy just prefers the company of blacks or an Asian guy just prefers the company of Asians, whyy should anybody care? Get a life for Pete's sake.
Bonjour, I think it's important to talk about racism because now it's the opposite, I mean we start A to go to Z to protect minorities and we can thank the democrap who pass and give them all. the white race has become one that defends itself for its rights and even more for its Survival from terrorist attacks and other horrors made by foreigners in their own country.

No, it's not the opposite. Whites like you have not lost anything except their minds.
I am very proud to be white, I have red hair with green eyes, it bothers you?
------------------------------------ and its long been my opinion that a good looking Redheads are the best looking Beauties on the Earth . You may have a Celtic background eh Dalia .
The biggest racist ploy in the world is Equal Opportunity.

Have you ever heard Rand Paul on that issue. Its one of the few issues that he is 100% correct on, and that everybody else is scared to death to agree with him about.

He says that discrimination laws are unconstitutional and that the free market works better than those laws.
It wasn't working so hot prior to civil rights legislation. Why do you (and Rand) think it will do such a better job now?
The biggest racist ploy in the world is Equal Opportunity.

Have you ever heard Rand Paul on that issue. Its one of the few issues that he is 100% correct on, and that everybody else is scared to death to agree with him about.

He says that discrimination laws are unconstitutional and that the free market works better than those laws.
It wasn't working so hot prior to civil rights legislation. Why do you (and Rand) think it will do such a better job now?

Apples and Oranges.

Back then there were actual discriminatory laws on the books. Those had to be gotten rid of.

Also, the market reacts according to the will of the people. 60 years ago many people were actual racists. Today people are not (and the few that are are too few to affect the market).

So, if a Blacks Only or a Whites Only business were to start up today, nobody would do business with them, and the market would drive it out of business, without the unconstitutional regulations.
Well, that's the question isn't it. If I prefer the company of my own race am I a racist?
That is only the question if you don't know what racism is.

You have wasted no time in exposing your ignorance.....

I didn't say that I didn't know what it is your gonad gargling loser. The point of the thread is, is it anybody's business?

If I prefer the company of my own race, why would that be anybody's business but my own?

You got an answer for that Tiny-dick?
Does the RNC know you're using such language? Paid shills should be a mite more polite.
The biggest racist ploy in the world is Equal Opportunity.

Have you ever heard Rand Paul on that issue. Its one of the few issues that he is 100% correct on, and that everybody else is scared to death to agree with him about.

He says that discrimination laws are unconstitutional and that the free market works better than those laws.
It wasn't working so hot prior to civil rights legislation. Why do you (and Rand) think it will do such a better job now?

Apples and Oranges.

Back then there were actual discriminatory laws on the books. Those had to be gotten rid of.

Also, the market reacts according to the will of the people. 60 years ago many people were actual racists. Today people are not (and the few that are are too few to affect the market).

So, if a Blacks Only or a Whites Only business were to start up today, nobody would do business with them, and the market would drive it out of business, without the unconstitutional regulations.
I hope you're right about that.
You know what? If my next door neighbor does not like white people, I don't care.

Has anybody ever stopped, taken a step back, taken a deep breath, and though outside of the box for a minute? .....and though to yourself: Who really cares?

Why is it anybody's business who someone likes or doesn't like. Why should I care? People like and dislike other people for all sorts of reasons, their looks, their habits, maybe they have a whiny voice, maybe their annoying, maybe their a Seattle Seahawks fan....

....why should race not be a reason to? Why is it anybody's business? Like I said, if my next door neighbor does not like white people (I am white by the way) I don't really care. That's her bee's wax. It does not affect my life in the slightest.

Has anybody ever really stopped and thought about it that way? People are all knotted up and bunched up over stuff that is really none of their business.

Obviously I am not talking about violence or doing harm to people: That's an entirely different issue. But if a black guy just prefers the company of blacks or an Asian guy just prefers the company of Asians, whyy should anybody care? Get a life for Pete's sake.
Racism promoters pretend that institutional Racism is the same as personal Racism. Civil Rights activists would be out of a job if they didn't keep fanning the flames. Didn't we just see a bunch of Democratic Presidential candidates bow down to Al Sharpton and kiss the reparation ring?
You know what? If my next door neighbor does not like white people, I don't care.
This statement clearly indicates you haven't got the faintest notion of what racism even is and are completely unqualified to discuss the topic.

Oh shut up dickless. I said at the get-go, I am not talking about policies that cause unfair harm, and I am not talking about violent types of racism. I am talking about some people just don't like other types of people.

But since you are so friggin smart, how about you define racism for everyone here. Go ahead Mrs. Einstein, we are all waiting to hear your brilliant definition.
You're an idiot. Your weak attempts at insulting me contradict each other and you don't even realize it. Plus, you are female but still thought it was ok to try to insult me by calling me female. You betray your self loathing by that.

You are weak and stupid and not worth my time.

Begone tRumpkin, back to whatever maga-cesspool you slithered out of.

Translation: You could not answer the question because for all your huff and puff you are just a moron.

Your translator is broken.
Why are you proud of something that you had nothing to do with?

What a stupid question. I am proud of the soldiers who died for me in WWII but I had nothing to do with that either, ya' dope.

Its also a cowardly question; I am sure you would never ask a black man or a Latino man that question.

FYI my mother was half black and I have never said I am proud of it because I did absolutely nothing to make it happen.

And soldiers can be proud of their service you can admire that service but you don't seem to understand those soldiers actually did something.

Be proud of your accomplishments not in things about yourself that you had absolutely no part in like something as irrelevant as skin or eye color
Well, I think we are straying into the realm of semantics and what each one of us think and feel that pride is.
Well, I think we are straying into the realm of semantics and what each one of us think and feel that pride is.
I responded to a person saying they were proud to be white with red hair and green eyes.

You didn't get that did you?
#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello. According to American citizen Mr. Lenon Honor, as well as a growing population of RESPONSIBLE, reasonably well-adjusted American citizens, Racism has become a money making $CAM.

In this video broadcast Lenon speaks about "The White Supremacy Promotion Hustle"

"3 LESSONS LEARNED FROM PHIL OF THE ADVISE SHOW" Streamed live on Oct 2, 2018 by Lenon Honor

A $cam that in my opinion is being perpetrated by our Nation's SEGREGATION minded, INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION practicing PRO BLACK community.

I'm referring to America's LARGE apparent emotionally troubled PRO BLACK community choosing to Hatefully Harass, Bully, INTIMIDATE and actively IMPEDE or PREVENT our free-thinking, successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent from peacefully pursuing THEIR OWN individual unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness.

An INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION practicing PRO BLACK community that has become well practiced at INTIMIDATING white or American citizens of European descent with 24/7 declarations of Racism, White Supremacy and White Nationalism, as well as adept at exploiting "WHITE GUILT" with constant cries of Racism and White Privilege...

...while at the same time WILLFULLY IGNORING America's unhealthy, potentially life scarring Culture of Black or African American Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment & Maltreatment vividly described in the public interviews or popular VIOLENCE riddled, female DENIGRATING music art composed by many victims of generational Child Abuse President Barack 'My Brother's Keeper' and Mrs. Michelle 'GIRL POWER' Obama chose to invite to their Nation's and children's home. :SAD:

Even sadder is witnessing my so-called responsible, apparent 'WHITE GUILT' embracing fellow American citizens sitting SILENT, allowing Americas PRO BLACK community's cries of RACISM and 'White Privilege' to influence and intimidate them, just as they INTIMIDATE and chastise our peaceful black American neighbors for acting "TOO WHITE".

I'm curious to learn other citizen's opinions about our Nation's Pres. and Mrs. Obama led PRO BLACK community that appears focused on normalizing family, people and community dysfunction.

EVIL woman Michelle Obama_02.jpg

_American GUILTY, Boyce Watkins, Shonna Ettiene.jpg

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
We aren't the racists here. Racism is not pointing out racist behavior.

You already sound like a racist to me.Inf fact you sound like one of the sniveling idiots that this thread is all about, sticking your nose into other peoples' business where it doesn't belong.

Racism - Who Cares?
You do. Because most of you whites here who are racists whine about what how everybody is racist against whites.

The fact is that whites are the least racist people in America today. Blacks and Latino are far more racist than whites.

But you know what? Like I said in the OP, if you want to be a racist, I don't care. Go ahead. You'll never see me trying to get blacks or Latinos fired from their jobs because they don't like me. If you don't like white people it does not affect my life at all. I am not a crying loser like you are.

Does it bother you that we blacks are calling out the racists here?

It only bothers me that there are little dickless bitches like you who get all waded up about it and we have to listen to you snivel.

Lol! You're a joke.

This isn't about not liking your next door neighbor because they are a different race.

You're just another dumb white racist lying to yourself about how whites are the least racist while conviently pulling out the white supremacist pity card about how everybody is is.

^That post wasn't racist, dumbass? Yes, yes it was.

Face the facts, you're a racist POS, boy. Nothing can ever undo it because you're fucked..in the head.
INTIMIDATE and chastise our peaceful black American neighbors for acting too white
Then wonder why those successful black Americans won't invest in inner city businesses taking the chance of being robbed, looted , vandalized or burnt down.
Any wonder they escape to the suburbs also?
Then if white investors come in increasing property values and rental rates, the screams of white gentrification come out.

There are plenty of successful black Americans that live a far better lifestyle than I do. I have no envy of that and respect them for their success. Nor do I feel this guilt of what I have achieved. Environment is a factor in ones chance of success and while some folks have it stacked against them regardless of race, it's still up to the individual to make it happen.

A bitter heart doesn't go far no matter who or what culture they belong too.

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