Reality sets in for Oregon governor

The only other action is to reduce the cost of living by operations controlled by rich folks..
Moonglow, your suggestion should go without saying, but it would take someone a lot smarter than me to come up with a solution. The obvious counter option to raising wages is dropping costs. However that involves decisions from private businesses, and the record of large corporations is not loyalty to employees. As a retiree living on SS and a small pension, I can make a long list of items that increase yearly while my income remains static by act of Congress. Healthcare COB and meds goes up every year, home and auto insurances, foods, vet care for pets, utilities..the list is endless and it is like getting nicked to death. BTW, have you seen the lists of meds NOT covered, or in a barely covered tier? To work more than one job just to keep a head above water, raise a family, without hope of the kids higher education is the seed of rebellion. That's what bred the dreaded Unions. OTOH, Mom & Pop aren't rolling in dough either. Nor is it fair to ask them to impoverish themselves. Government has excluded employers of under x many employees, which is a break. So what's the answer?

Yes, we retired people have been taking it in the shorts. The government calculates inflation based on gasoline price only it seems but that only when they can use it to justify not increasing Social Security.

I've been retired for 20 years today and when I first retired we would go to dinner at a local steakhouse chain and dinner for two would run me approx $35 now it is $83 but I am actually getting $3,000 less each year clear to live on because of increases in health insurance. My pension from the union has a deduction for my union health insurance which is now my secondary to Medicare. Both Medicare and my secondary insurance costs have continued to go up up up up through the years while pensions all increased little to none.

Which results in an actual loss of $3000 / year compared to when I retired not to mention that the price of everything else has gone up as well. Health insurance has cut my income but inflation in other things has increased my outgo.

I retired very comfortable but now I can see that it won't be long before I might have to become a Wal-Mart greeter someday. Welll, probably not but it could happen if inflation isn't stopped or some massive increases in Social Security.
Where retired people have been raped the hardest is at the Fed. By bailing out the zombie banks with ZIRP, they have committed mass robbery of savers.

Yes that is another / different crime not only against retirees but against EVERYONE who tries to save money.

Who would have thought when we were in our working day that banks would get away with paying .01% interest on savings accounts and be allowed to charge up to 35% interest on credit cards etc.?

And then they bitch that they aren't making enough money.

I remember the good old days when we had Usery Laws and they could not charge more than 10% interest and ALL INTEREST WE PAID WAS TAX DEDUCTIBLE.

Thanks to Ronald Regan who pushed through the largest tax increase in history on the lower classes, we can only deduct mortgage interest now. No more deduction for the massive interest on those credit cards. And he < wanted > to take away the home mortgage deduction too but couldn't get away with it because Republicans pay interest on their homes too ( many of them ).

Ronald Reagan was the biggest traitor in history after Henry Kissinger.
Let me show the liberal mindset at work here.

One-third of the "involuntarily uninsured" are high school dropouts. That's a big chunk.

Like I said before, individuals making bad decisions, and now they want the rest of us to carry them on our backs for the rest of their lives.

But what really reveals the mindset of a liberal is that they call the people being forced to carry these high school dropouts "freeloaders"!

The people who are voluntarily uninsured are being forced to buy a commercial product (health insurance) and pay higher rates to help subsidize high school dropouts. And these are who the liberals call "freeloaders". It just doesn't get more Orwellian or Randian than that.


CORNISH: For months, Democrats had expressly argued that the penalty charge under the new law was not a tax and it seems as though the court has described it as a tax, so what do you consider this?

PELOSI: What I call this is the free rider provision. Call it what you will, but the fact is that some people who will not, even though they're younger and healthier and have some resources, decide they're invincible and they're not going to pay into a system. So, when they get sick, then they think they can just dip into it and that makes it more expensive for other people. And so, in order to eliminate the free rider piece of this, there's a penalty to be paid if you don't want to participate. Call it what you will. What it does is lower cost for the American people and it's a fair way to go.

Another example:

no one forced anyone onto anything except obama forcing all of us to buy ins or get fined

The main thing is to go after all those "freeloaders" who refuse to buy their fair share of insurance.

There are plenty more examples from this forum.
No, not really.. like I asked before, why not be really fair and mandate a $50k minimum wage?

Why not bring back slavery?

Slaves were unpaid..... hence the slave thingy.

This is not a meme. This is actually what Rock said, and he sorta' leans right....


It also means you obviously aren't worth much as an employee. But seriously, how much does it take to push a button that lowers a basket into a fryer?

No, that's not what it means. It's human nature to be greedy.

The Waltons, whose collective worth amongst 4 people is now $135,000,000,000, have finally decided to raise wages because their turnover has become too expensive for them:

One Reason Wal-Mart Is Raising Pay: Turnover

One Reason Wal-Mart Is Raising Pay: Turnover

Well, so much for the notion that markets don't work. It's like I say alt he time, labor is a commodity just like shoes.... when pay becomes an issue that starts affecting the bottom line, good or bad, it will be adjusted accordingly. No company wants to constantly have to hire new employees to replace those who quit. That's just dumb.
When Bush cut trillions in taxes, that revenue was gone. When Republicans helped move millions of jobs to China and close tens of thousands of factories, that revenue was gone.

With those factory closings, the means to that revenue stream is gone. You can't start it up again. You can only rebuild. Republicans will never let that happen. When they talk economics, it's always about taxes. It's all they know. And we've seen where that path leads.

Add deregulating everything!!! Hover started the great depression and Bush started the great recession because of this shit...But a little know fact is that the long depression of 1894 was also caused by it. History proves that republican policies suck.
The only other action is to reduce the cost of living by operations controlled by rich folks..
Moonglow, your suggestion should go without saying, but it would take someone a lot smarter than me to come up with a solution. The obvious counter option to raising wages is dropping costs. However that involves decisions from private businesses, and the record of large corporations is not loyalty to employees. As a retiree living on SS and a small pension, I can make a long list of items that increase yearly while my income remains static by act of Congress. Healthcare COB and meds goes up every year, home and auto insurances, foods, vet care for pets, utilities..the list is endless and it is like getting nicked to death. BTW, have you seen the lists of meds NOT covered, or in a barely covered tier? To work more than one job just to keep a head above water, raise a family, without hope of the kids higher education is the seed of rebellion. That's what bred the dreaded Unions. OTOH, Mom & Pop aren't rolling in dough either. Nor is it fair to ask them to impoverish themselves. Government has excluded employers of under x many employees, which is a break. So what's the answer?

Yes, we retired people have been taking it in the shorts. The government calculates inflation based on gasoline price only it seems but that only when they can use it to justify not increasing Social Security.

I've been retired for 20 years today and when I first retired we would go to dinner at a local steakhouse chain and dinner for two would run me approx $35 now it is $83 but I am actually getting $3,000 less each year clear to live on because of increases in health insurance. My pension from the union has a deduction for my union health insurance which is now my secondary to Medicare. Both Medicare and my secondary insurance costs have continued to go up up up up through the years while pensions all increased little to none.

Which results in an actual loss of $3000 / year compared to when I retired not to mention that the price of everything else has gone up as well. Health insurance has cut my income but inflation in other things has increased my outgo.

I retired very comfortable but now I can see that it won't be long before I might have to become a Wal-Mart greeter someday. Welll, probably not but it could happen if inflation isn't stopped or some massive increases in Social Security.
Where retired people have been raped the hardest is at the Fed. By bailing out the zombie banks with ZIRP, they have committed mass robbery of savers.

Yes that is another / different crime not only against retirees but against EVERYONE who tries to save money.

Who would have thought when we were in our working day that banks would get away with paying .01% interest on savings accounts and be allowed to charge up to 35% interest on credit cards etc.?

And then they bitch that they aren't making enough money.

I remember the good old days when we had Usery Laws and they could not charge more than 10% interest and ALL INTEREST WE PAID WAS TAX DEDUCTIBLE.

Thanks to Ronald Regan who pushed through the largest tax increase in history on the lower classes, we can only deduct mortgage interest now. No more deduction for the massive interest on those credit cards. And he < wanted > to take away the home mortgage deduction too but couldn't get away with it because Republicans pay interest on their homes too ( many of them ).

Ronald Reagan was the biggest traitor in history after Henry Kissinger.
Reagan didn't go far enough. We need to ban all tax expenditures.
Why not bring back slavery?

Slaves were unpaid..... hence the slave thingy.

This is not a meme. This is actually what Rock said, and he sorta' leans right....


It also means you obviously aren't worth much as an employee. But seriously, how much does it take to push a button that lowers a basket into a fryer?

No, that's not what it means. It's human nature to be greedy.

The Waltons, whose collective worth amongst 4 people is now $135,000,000,000, have finally decided to raise wages because their turnover has become too expensive for them:

One Reason Wal-Mart Is Raising Pay: Turnover

One Reason Wal-Mart Is Raising Pay: Turnover

Well, so much for the notion that markets don't work. It's like I say alt he time, labor is a commodity just like shoes.... when pay becomes an issue that starts affecting the bottom line, good or bad, it will be adjusted accordingly. No company wants to constantly have to hire new employees to replace those who quit. That's just dumb.

You are referring to an economic state that is not being manipulated by monopolies or government.
The U.S. has become a corporatocracy.
Goldman Sachs won in Iowa on Monday night. They just have masks which look like Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz.
again, wherever there is a decent minimum wage, businesses do better.

Not if it puts them out of business.

If you can't pay a decent wage in the US and make money, then you should go out of business, or find a new way of doing business.

Who sets the "decent wage", who is "owed" it, and why?

We the People. We have a government of the People.
no, we really do not.
if we did there would be no obamacare

two presidential elections say otherwise. :cuckoo:
The only other action is to reduce the cost of living by operations controlled by rich folks..
Moonglow, your suggestion should go without saying, but it would take someone a lot smarter than me to come up with a solution. The obvious counter option to raising wages is dropping costs. However that involves decisions from private businesses, and the record of large corporations is not loyalty to employees. As a retiree living on SS and a small pension, I can make a long list of items that increase yearly while my income remains static by act of Congress. Healthcare COB and meds goes up every year, home and auto insurances, foods, vet care for pets, utilities..the list is endless and it is like getting nicked to death. BTW, have you seen the lists of meds NOT covered, or in a barely covered tier? To work more than one job just to keep a head above water, raise a family, without hope of the kids higher education is the seed of rebellion. That's what bred the dreaded Unions. OTOH, Mom & Pop aren't rolling in dough either. Nor is it fair to ask them to impoverish themselves. Government has excluded employers of under x many employees, which is a break. So what's the answer?

Yes, we retired people have been taking it in the shorts. The government calculates inflation based on gasoline price only it seems but that only when they can use it to justify not increasing Social Security.

I've been retired for 20 years today and when I first retired we would go to dinner at a local steakhouse chain and dinner for two would run me approx $35 now it is $83 but I am actually getting $3,000 less each year clear to live on because of increases in health insurance. My pension from the union has a deduction for my union health insurance which is now my secondary to Medicare. Both Medicare and my secondary insurance costs have continued to go up up up up through the years while pensions all increased little to none.

Which results in an actual loss of $3000 / year compared to when I retired not to mention that the price of everything else has gone up as well. Health insurance has cut my income but inflation in other things has increased my outgo.

I retired very comfortable but now I can see that it won't be long before I might have to become a Wal-Mart greeter someday. Welll, probably not but it could happen if inflation isn't stopped or some massive increases in Social Security.
Where retired people have been raped the hardest is at the Fed. By bailing out the zombie banks with ZIRP, they have committed mass robbery of savers.

Yes that is another / different crime not only against retirees but against EVERYONE who tries to save money.

Who would have thought when we were in our working day that banks would get away with paying .01% interest on savings accounts and be allowed to charge up to 35% interest on credit cards etc.?

And then they bitch that they aren't making enough money.

I remember the good old days when we had Usery Laws and they could not charge more than 10% interest and ALL INTEREST WE PAID WAS TAX DEDUCTIBLE.

Thanks to Ronald Regan who pushed through the largest tax increase in history on the lower classes, we can only deduct mortgage interest now. No more deduction for the massive interest on those credit cards. And he < wanted > to take away the home mortgage deduction too but couldn't get away with it because Republicans pay interest on their homes too ( many of them ).

Ronald Reagan was the biggest traitor in history after Henry Kissinger.
Reagan didn't go far enough. We need to ban all tax expenditures.

That is something somalia has been forced to do. I sure hope you're kidding.
The only other action is to reduce the cost of living by operations controlled by rich folks..
Moonglow, your suggestion should go without saying, but it would take someone a lot smarter than me to come up with a solution. The obvious counter option to raising wages is dropping costs. However that involves decisions from private businesses, and the record of large corporations is not loyalty to employees. As a retiree living on SS and a small pension, I can make a long list of items that increase yearly while my income remains static by act of Congress. Healthcare COB and meds goes up every year, home and auto insurances, foods, vet care for pets, utilities..the list is endless and it is like getting nicked to death. BTW, have you seen the lists of meds NOT covered, or in a barely covered tier? To work more than one job just to keep a head above water, raise a family, without hope of the kids higher education is the seed of rebellion. That's what bred the dreaded Unions. OTOH, Mom & Pop aren't rolling in dough either. Nor is it fair to ask them to impoverish themselves. Government has excluded employers of under x many employees, which is a break. So what's the answer?

Yes, we retired people have been taking it in the shorts. The government calculates inflation based on gasoline price only it seems but that only when they can use it to justify not increasing Social Security.

I've been retired for 20 years today and when I first retired we would go to dinner at a local steakhouse chain and dinner for two would run me approx $35 now it is $83 but I am actually getting $3,000 less each year clear to live on because of increases in health insurance. My pension from the union has a deduction for my union health insurance which is now my secondary to Medicare. Both Medicare and my secondary insurance costs have continued to go up up up up through the years while pensions all increased little to none.

Which results in an actual loss of $3000 / year compared to when I retired not to mention that the price of everything else has gone up as well. Health insurance has cut my income but inflation in other things has increased my outgo.

I retired very comfortable but now I can see that it won't be long before I might have to become a Wal-Mart greeter someday. Welll, probably not but it could happen if inflation isn't stopped or some massive increases in Social Security.
Where retired people have been raped the hardest is at the Fed. By bailing out the zombie banks with ZIRP, they have committed mass robbery of savers.

Yes that is another / different crime not only against retirees but against EVERYONE who tries to save money.

Who would have thought when we were in our working day that banks would get away with paying .01% interest on savings accounts and be allowed to charge up to 35% interest on credit cards etc.?

And then they bitch that they aren't making enough money.

I remember the good old days when we had Usery Laws and they could not charge more than 10% interest and ALL INTEREST WE PAID WAS TAX DEDUCTIBLE.

Thanks to Ronald Regan who pushed through the largest tax increase in history on the lower classes, we can only deduct mortgage interest now. No more deduction for the massive interest on those credit cards. And he < wanted > to take away the home mortgage deduction too but couldn't get away with it because Republicans pay interest on their homes too ( many of them ).

Ronald Reagan was the biggest traitor in history after Henry Kissinger.
Reagan didn't go far enough. We need to ban all tax expenditures.

Tax expenditures equals "Tax Write offs", in other words, have a FLAT progressive tax rate, and not have all of these things that are deductible through the long form.... maybe a lower "progressive tax rate" where everyone is treated the same as far as not having all of these things that can be written off to lower their tax rate
The only other action is to reduce the cost of living by operations controlled by rich folks..

it seems to me that we would do a lot better by SUBSIDIZING the very basic
requirements of life in the USA
----ie making them AFFORDABLE to the broad base
of working people than trying to patch things up by getting employers to bankrupt
themselves by forcing them to GIVE IT AWAY. The targets are------housing, food,
health care and--------cheap internet service for all ----basic stuff for all as low prices

As long as we limit it to the same subsidy percentages enjoyed by business.
Moonglow, your suggestion should go without saying, but it would take someone a lot smarter than me to come up with a solution. The obvious counter option to raising wages is dropping costs. However that involves decisions from private businesses, and the record of large corporations is not loyalty to employees. As a retiree living on SS and a small pension, I can make a long list of items that increase yearly while my income remains static by act of Congress. Healthcare COB and meds goes up every year, home and auto insurances, foods, vet care for pets, utilities..the list is endless and it is like getting nicked to death. BTW, have you seen the lists of meds NOT covered, or in a barely covered tier? To work more than one job just to keep a head above water, raise a family, without hope of the kids higher education is the seed of rebellion. That's what bred the dreaded Unions. OTOH, Mom & Pop aren't rolling in dough either. Nor is it fair to ask them to impoverish themselves. Government has excluded employers of under x many employees, which is a break. So what's the answer?

Yes, we retired people have been taking it in the shorts. The government calculates inflation based on gasoline price only it seems but that only when they can use it to justify not increasing Social Security.

I've been retired for 20 years today and when I first retired we would go to dinner at a local steakhouse chain and dinner for two would run me approx $35 now it is $83 but I am actually getting $3,000 less each year clear to live on because of increases in health insurance. My pension from the union has a deduction for my union health insurance which is now my secondary to Medicare. Both Medicare and my secondary insurance costs have continued to go up up up up through the years while pensions all increased little to none.

Which results in an actual loss of $3000 / year compared to when I retired not to mention that the price of everything else has gone up as well. Health insurance has cut my income but inflation in other things has increased my outgo.

I retired very comfortable but now I can see that it won't be long before I might have to become a Wal-Mart greeter someday. Welll, probably not but it could happen if inflation isn't stopped or some massive increases in Social Security.
Where retired people have been raped the hardest is at the Fed. By bailing out the zombie banks with ZIRP, they have committed mass robbery of savers.

Yes that is another / different crime not only against retirees but against EVERYONE who tries to save money.

Who would have thought when we were in our working day that banks would get away with paying .01% interest on savings accounts and be allowed to charge up to 35% interest on credit cards etc.?

And then they bitch that they aren't making enough money.

I remember the good old days when we had Usery Laws and they could not charge more than 10% interest and ALL INTEREST WE PAID WAS TAX DEDUCTIBLE.

Thanks to Ronald Regan who pushed through the largest tax increase in history on the lower classes, we can only deduct mortgage interest now. No more deduction for the massive interest on those credit cards. And he < wanted > to take away the home mortgage deduction too but couldn't get away with it because Republicans pay interest on their homes too ( many of them ).

Ronald Reagan was the biggest traitor in history after Henry Kissinger.
Reagan didn't go far enough. We need to ban all tax expenditures.

That is something somalia has been forced to do. I sure hope you're kidding.

Tax expenditures

are tax write offs, see my post above
They're scaling back to what amount to significant increases anyway. That's how the game works.

$80 after taxes. Nice raise there.

Which would be $2,080.00/yr. It's a good start.[/QUOTE

No that would be $960 a year. $80 a month times 12. Pretty easy but .50 cents and hour isn't that much.

For you that would be excellent.

Ok, $960.00/yr is a good start.
They're scaling back to what amount to significant increases anyway. That's how the game works.

$80 after taxes. Nice raise there.

Which would be $2,080.00/yr. It's a good start.[/QUOTE

No that would be $960 a year. $80 a month times 12. Pretty easy but .50 cents and hour isn't that much.

For you that would be excellent.

Ok, $960.00/yr is a good start.

For you any money would be a good start, champion of high wages. :rolleyes:

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