Record breaking snow, caused by THE global warming, all over the midwest.

Sorry bout that,

1. Global Warming isn't real, only a mind numb robot liberal will open their clap trap about the topic.
2. There is no way to attribute this delayed spring to the opposite of what they are seeing, its very cold/snowing, and these idiots say its because of it being very hot in other places, and at different times.
3. The weather is a complex thing, set in motion by the creator, stop thinking people has some sort of control over it, its usurping the creators rule.
4. If anything this whole global warming deal, is just a way to stick your finger in the creators eye, stop doing it, and relax the creators got this!
5. And look to the sun, preferably with no eye protection.

Cooler air is more dense and can hold more moisture. Any second rate auto mechanic knows this. Automotive engineers have known this fact for a very long time and have had to deal with the fact that colder air is more dense and holds more liquid than warmer air. The reason they have to know this is because when it's cold, your car needs more fuel in the denser air to start. Old cars had what they call a choke. The ideal ratio of fuel and air is called the stoichiometric ratio which requires 14.7 parts air to one part gas to make the engine start immediately and run normally. This is why modern cars all measure the temperature of the air coming into the engine so the cars computer can adjust the on/off time, or pulse width, the fuel injectors stay active for to make you car always start right up, and control this stoichiometric ratio. Next liberal lie please! And it sure does get foggy on some of our real cold days don't it?
You're talking fuel. I'm talking water. If you insist on your explanation, please explain this.


Moisture Holding Capacity of Air
Global weather change is obvious, you can deny it but unless you live in a deep cave it is obvious. A single word 'warming' confuses the corporate puppies, sad. Agnotology keeps the conservative snowflakes looking in the other direction, you guys are funny, ignorant too.

"So it's basically a shoot the messenger strategy that they've been pursuing for decades, but most actually scientists have been ignoring them for about the same amount of time." Trump is taking advice on the future of the environment from a man who denies basic science

Excellent read for those whose minds are not managed by corporate money: Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming by Naomi Oreskes


'Agnotology, The Making and Unmaking of Ignorance' Agnotology: The Making and Unmaking of Ignorance by Robert N. Proctor
For the last time.
Global weather/climate change is happening. Fact!
Now, the cause by mankind is the question.
How much are we causing, and can we reverse the effect is the question.
And UNTIL you chicken little tree huggers can identify and quantify human contribution, you do not have a fact, you have a theory.
Now, shut the F up.
Fact is, I have been a denouncer of the global warming cultists for a long time.The reason is not because I don't believe in global warming, the reason is their data is flawed, and their goals are to regulate more and tax more, based on said faulty data. I know that with all the stuff modern society has created and are using daily, we must be contributing some warming to the planet over all, but how much is just a guess. The cult says they want to reverse this and save the world but the only way to stop any "warming" of this magnitude is the revert to a preindustrial society, and that is never going to happen, yet the cult leaders and parrots always accuse the conservatives of wanting to do this very thing. lol! They don't offer any solution except the same tired and worn out tax tax tax and regulate everything!
Cooler air is more dense and can hold more moisture. Any second rate auto mechanic knows this. Automotive engineers have known this fact for a very long time and have had to deal with the fact that colder air is more dense and holds more liquid than warmer air. The reason they have to know this is because when it's cold, your car needs more fuel in the denser air to start. Old cars had what they call a choke. The ideal ratio of fuel and air is called the stoichiometric ratio which requires 14.7 parts air to one part gas to make the engine start immediately and run normally. This is why modern cars all measure the temperature of the air coming into the engine so the cars computer can adjust the on/off time, or pulse width, the fuel injectors stay active for to make you car always start right up, and control this stoichiometric ratio. Next liberal lie please! And it sure does get foggy on some of our real cold days don't it?
You're talking fuel. I'm talking water. If you insist on your explanation, please explain this.


Moisture Holding Capacity of Air
Your pretty picture proves nothing cultist, my post was based on facts used daily. I wonder why there is always so much fog on those cold days? lol Go away.
Not much being reported by the commie networks with their commie agendas.

My God, the stupidity of the OP, is unbelievable.
I have two words for you genius,,,La Nina.
Have you ever considered, going back and getting your GED?
Not much being reported by the commie networks with their commie agendas.

My God, the stupidity of the OP, is unbelievable.
I have two words for you genius,,,La Nina.
Have you ever considered, going back and getting your GED?

Oh, so if you get disagreed with the person is automatically stupid, huh? Classic liberals failure! did you forget to put "racist" in there as well, or are you saving that for later?
Cooler air is more dense and can hold more moisture. Any second rate auto mechanic knows this. Automotive engineers have known this fact for a very long time and have had to deal with the fact that colder air is more dense and holds more liquid than warmer air. The reason they have to know this is because when it's cold, your car needs more fuel in the denser air to start. Old cars had what they call a choke. The ideal ratio of fuel and air is called the stoichiometric ratio which requires 14.7 parts air to one part gas to make the engine start immediately and run normally. This is why modern cars all measure the temperature of the air coming into the engine so the cars computer can adjust the on/off time, or pulse width, the fuel injectors stay active for to make you car always start right up, and control this stoichiometric ratio. Next liberal lie please! And it sure does get foggy on some of our real cold days don't it?
You're talking fuel. I'm talking water. If you insist on your explanation, please explain this.


Moisture Holding Capacity of Air
Your pretty picture proves nothing cultist, my post was based on facts used daily. I wonder why there is always so much fog on those cold days? lol Go away.
Go away? In your dreams, if you think your explanation of fuel in an automobile trumps actual science about moisture in the atmosphere. :laugh2:
Cooler air is more dense and can hold more moisture. Any second rate auto mechanic knows this. Automotive engineers have known this fact for a very long time and have had to deal with the fact that colder air is more dense and holds more liquid than warmer air. The reason they have to know this is because when it's cold, your car needs more fuel in the denser air to start. Old cars had what they call a choke. The ideal ratio of fuel and air is called the stoichiometric ratio which requires 14.7 parts air to one part gas to make the engine start immediately and run normally. This is why modern cars all measure the temperature of the air coming into the engine so the cars computer can adjust the on/off time, or pulse width, the fuel injectors stay active for to make you car always start right up, and control this stoichiometric ratio. Next liberal lie please! And it sure does get foggy on some of our real cold days don't it?
You're talking fuel. I'm talking water. If you insist on your explanation, please explain this.


Moisture Holding Capacity of Air
Your pretty picture proves nothing cultist, my post was based on facts used daily. I wonder why there is always so much fog on those cold days? lol Go away.
Go away? In your dreams, if you think your explanation of fuel in an automobile trumps actual science about moisture in the atmosphere. :laugh2:
Trumps? Using your heroes name? lol! No I didn't Trump anything I just proved to any rational person how easy it is to trigger a liar!
Cooler air is more dense and can hold more moisture. Any second rate auto mechanic knows this. Automotive engineers have known this fact for a very long time and have had to deal with the fact that colder air is more dense and holds more liquid than warmer air. The reason they have to know this is because when it's cold, your car needs more fuel in the denser air to start. Old cars had what they call a choke. The ideal ratio of fuel and air is called the stoichiometric ratio which requires 14.7 parts air to one part gas to make the engine start immediately and run normally. This is why modern cars all measure the temperature of the air coming into the engine so the cars computer can adjust the on/off time, or pulse width, the fuel injectors stay active for to make you car always start right up, and control this stoichiometric ratio. Next liberal lie please! And it sure does get foggy on some of our real cold days don't it?
You're talking fuel. I'm talking water. If you insist on your explanation, please explain this.


Moisture Holding Capacity of Air
Your pretty picture proves nothing cultist, my post was based on facts used daily. I wonder why there is always so much fog on those cold days? lol Go away.
Go away? In your dreams, if you think your explanation of fuel in an automobile trumps actual science about moisture in the atmosphere.
Trumps? Using your heroes name? lol! No I didn't Trump anything I just proved to any rational person how easy it is to trigger a liar!
That all you got? You should be embarrassed.
Cooler air is more dense and can hold more moisture. Any second rate auto mechanic knows this. Automotive engineers have known this fact for a very long time and have had to deal with the fact that colder air is more dense and holds more liquid than warmer air. The reason they have to know this is because when it's cold, your car needs more fuel in the denser air to start. Old cars had what they call a choke. The ideal ratio of fuel and air is called the stoichiometric ratio which requires 14.7 parts air to one part gas to make the engine start immediately and run normally. This is why modern cars all measure the temperature of the air coming into the engine so the cars computer can adjust the on/off time, or pulse width, the fuel injectors stay active for to make you car always start right up, and control this stoichiometric ratio. Next liberal lie please! And it sure does get foggy on some of our real cold days don't it?
You're talking fuel. I'm talking water. If you insist on your explanation, please explain this.


Moisture Holding Capacity of Air
Your pretty picture proves nothing cultist, my post was based on facts used daily. I wonder why there is always so much fog on those cold days? lol Go away.
Go away? In your dreams, if you think your explanation of fuel in an automobile trumps actual science about moisture in the atmosphere.
Trumps? Using your heroes name? lol! No I didn't Trump anything I just proved to any rational person how easy it is to trigger a liar!
That all you got? You should be embarrassed.
Classic troll response, it even made my list of most often used libtard whines.

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity

18. You can’t read.
CO2 has no Transitive IR capabilities. In other words, CO2 is neutral in it's capacity to retain and reflect Infrared Radiation which is the spectrum of energy coming from the sun that actually warms your skin and this planet.

CO2 as a vehicle for Global Warming is a complete hoax. The reason that 'liver diviners" 'false prophets" and "soothsayers" chose CO2 as a target is quite simple.

We live on a carbon based planet, with carbon based lifeforms, and Carbon is the primary building block of ALL LIFE on Earth. All animal life on this planet inhales oxygen and exhales CO2 in respiration.

If you can REGULATE CARBON & CO2 and classify it as a poison, then you can impose RULE & Control on all Life on Earth. In other words, Global WARMING DOGMA is nothing but a Vehicle to Achieve Global Rule.

Classifying CO2 as a Poison is actually Classifying Life as a Poison or a Virus Even.

And to make this perfectly clear that this is EXACTLY WHAT THE LEFTIST ARE TRYING TO ACHIEVE, I give you AL GORE.

If The Planet has a Fever, then what is causing The FEVER?

Why do you think they call is Anthropogenic Global Warming?

Man-Made Global Warming!

Humans, then, are being classified as a virus, a carcinogen, a disease, and their life processes, even "RESPIRATION" are poisoning the planet. This is exactly what Leftists Think and are taught to think their entire lives.

The Left has declared WAR on LIFE. Literally. Ask Margaret Sanger, and Al Gore. They aren't ashamed to tell you how worthless and toxic human beings are to the planet.
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Not much being reported by the commie networks with their commie agendas.
So what? Temps can increase from 25 F to 28 F for example and it will still snow, possibly more, since warmer air can hold more moisture.

Total BS.

Cooler air is more dense and can hold more moisture. Any second rate auto mechanic knows this. Automotive engineers have known this fact for a very long time and have had to deal with the fact that colder air is more dense and holds more liquid than warmer air. The reason they have to know this is because when it's cold, your car needs more fuel in the denser air to start. Old cars had what they call a choke. The ideal ratio of fuel and air is called the stoichiometric ratio which requires 14.7 parts air to one part gas to make the engine start immediately and run normally.

This is why modern cars all measure the temperature of the air coming into the engine so the cars computer can adjust the on/off time, or pulse width, the fuel injectors stay active for to make you car always start right up, and control this stoichiometric ratio. Next liberal lie please!

And it sure does get foggy on some of our real cold days don't it? lol

Dummy, air density has nothing to do with it.

Hotter air keeps water molecules moving fast enough to not CONDENSATE. When hot air is cooled condensation occurs because water molecules are slowed and bunch up (see cold beer bottle on a hot day)

Does warm air “hold” more water vapor than cold air?
Not much being reported by the commie networks with their commie agendas.
So what? Temps can increase from 25 F to 28 F for example and it will still snow, possibly more, since warmer air can hold more moisture.

Total BS.

Cooler air is more dense and can hold more moisture. Any second rate auto mechanic knows this. Automotive engineers have known this fact for a very long time and have had to deal with the fact that colder air is more dense and holds more liquid than warmer air. The reason they have to know this is because when it's cold, your car needs more fuel in the denser air to start. Old cars had what they call a choke. The ideal ratio of fuel and air is called the stoichiometric ratio which requires 14.7 parts air to one part gas to make the engine start immediately and run normally.

This is why modern cars all measure the temperature of the air coming into the engine so the cars computer can adjust the on/off time, or pulse width, the fuel injectors stay active for to make you car always start right up, and control this stoichiometric ratio. Next liberal lie please!

And it sure does get foggy on some of our real cold days don't it? lol

Dummy, air density has nothing to do with it.

Hotter air keeps water molecules moving fast enough to not CONDENSATE. When hot air is cooled condensation occurs because water molecules are slowed and bunch up (see cold beer bottle on a hot day)

Does warm air “hold” more water vapor than cold air?

Thanks, but I've made my point and caught another cult liar in the process.
Not much being reported by the commie networks with their commie agendas.
So what? Temps can increase from 25 F to 28 F for example and it will still snow, possibly more, since warmer air can hold more moisture.

Total BS.

Cooler air is more dense and can hold more moisture. Any second rate auto mechanic knows this. Automotive engineers have known this fact for a very long time and have had to deal with the fact that colder air is more dense and holds more liquid than warmer air. The reason they have to know this is because when it's cold, your car needs more fuel in the denser air to start. Old cars had what they call a choke. The ideal ratio of fuel and air is called the stoichiometric ratio which requires 14.7 parts air to one part gas to make the engine start immediately and run normally.

This is why modern cars all measure the temperature of the air coming into the engine so the cars computer can adjust the on/off time, or pulse width, the fuel injectors stay active for to make you car always start right up, and control this stoichiometric ratio. Next liberal lie please!

And it sure does get foggy on some of our real cold days don't it? lol

Dummy, air density has nothing to do with it.

Hotter air keeps water molecules moving fast enough to not CONDENSATE. When hot air is cooled condensation occurs because water molecules are slowed and bunch up (see cold beer bottle on a hot day)

Does warm air “hold” more water vapor than cold air?

Thanks, but I've made my point and caught another cult liar in the process.

You've made a FALSE point.

When the air is warmer there is more water molecules staying in the air, more water that can condensate into precipitation. So when you said "Total BS" you were wrong.
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More on THE FACTS about CO2

The first damaging fact to the theory: CO2 is actually a heavy gas. It is not ‘well mixed’ in the air as per the glib claim. Just check out the NASA image (above) showing widely varying carbon dioxide concentrations. Indeed, schoolchildren are shown just how heavy CO2 is by way of a simple school lab experiment. This heavy gas thus struggles to rise and soon falls back to earth due to its Specific Gravity (SG). Real scientists rely on the SG measure which gives standard air a value of 1.0 where the measured SG of CO2 is 1.5 (considerably heavier). Thus, in the real world the warming theory barely gets off the ground.

As shown in Carbon Dioxide Not a Well Mixed Gas and Can’t Cause Global Warming the same principle applies to heat transfer: the Specific Heat (SH) of air is 1.0 and the SH of CO2 is 0.8 (thus CO2 heats and cools faster). Combining these properties allows for thermal mixing. Heavy CO2 warms faster and rises, as in a hot air balloon. It then rapidly cools and falls. Once it falls it loses any claimed climate impact.

Most people also do not know that Global Warming Theory is based primarily on debunked findings of John Tyndall in 1861

“Proponents [of the greenhouse gas theory] point to scientist John Tyndall for postulating what we now call global warming in his 1861 paper published in “Philosophical Transactions.” Tyndall’s experiments methodically measured with an electronic galvanometer, the relative heat absorption of various gases, gas vapors and even a few solids. He proved that they absorb heat in the order listed.

Generally, the larger the gas molecule (compound gases), the more heat they absorb with the most heat absorbed by olefiant gas (ethylene). Although he does not mention carbon dioxide, it might absorb about a third of that amount. He discovered that that these gases absorb less heat as their pressure rises, so he measured at extreme low pressures.

At one point, he generalizes that gas vapors, such as aqueous vapor, absorb roughly 13 times more than dry gases. Solids absorb even more heat. He notes that gases cool in proportion to the absorption with large molecule gases taking longer to cool.

And a little more about Tyndal and why all Climate Models fail to predict climate.

There is no doubt what he measured exists, but nowhere in John Tyndall’s paper does he add the element of time. Yes, some gases absorb heat, but for how long? If you ask any climate ‘scientist’ how long CO2 traps heat they are unable to tell you. They certainly can’t claim Tyndall “settled” it. Instead you will find airy-fairy, hand-waving pronouncements like this peach:

“As humans emit greenhouse gases like CO2, the air warms and holds more water vapor, which then traps more heat and accelerates warming.”

You see, they want to convince you that CO2 is trapping heat (like a greenhouse) but then don’t tell you how much and for how long. In fact, the only scientist to test CO2 absorption/emission in the open atmosphere is Professor Nasif Nahle (Monterrey, Mexico) in his peer-reviewed paper, ‘Determining the Total Emissivity of a Mixture of Gases Containing Overlapping Absorption Bands.’ [1]

By performing his experiments in the open atmosphere Professor Nahle found:

“Applying the physics laws of atmospheric heat transfer, the Carbon Dioxide behaves as a coolant of the Earth’s surface and the Earth’s atmosphere by its effect of diminishing the total absorptivity and total emissivity of the mixture of atmospheric gases.” [emphasis added]

So much for that ‘greenhouse effect’! Unlike academics playing with computers, applied scientists like Nahle and measurement engineers, who must be correct or buildings would catch fire, use four aspects of physics to measure gases: Pressure (Boyles Law), Temperature (Charles Law), Super-compressibility and Specific Gravity. Charles Law and Specific Gravity should be at the center of any analysis of Global Warming.

But take a look at any climate ‘science’ publication explaining how they quantify and explain their mechanism of carbon dioxide’s ‘heat trapping’ in the climate and you will only read about radiation effects, nothing at all on those essential laws that chemical science experts rely on. Anyway, a greenhouse works by blocking out cooling convection, not by trapping radiation.

And the greenhouse gas theory is all about radiation. But radiation is not the principle method of heat transport in a gaseous environment like earth’s atmosphere. Here. it is convection and conduction that carr
y heat around the system. No wonder climate computer models fail.

So, does carbon dioxide trap and retain heat? No, although it cools more slowly than some other gases, it absorbs some amount of heat and quickly cools the same amount when the heat source is removed. Does it rise up in the atmosphere? No, it does the opposite. It sinks.

Charles Law precisely quantifies the volume expansion of gas when heated at each degree of temperature. Likewise, as gas cools its volume shrinks precisely the same. Our modern instruments measure instantaneous changes in volume and temperature. This does the same as John Tyndall’s instrument, except we can measure a slight change in volume with each degree of temperature. By my experience with this, I estimate that gases lose the absorbed temperature very rapidly when the heat source is removed.

Specific gravity is the weight of a gas compared with air. Carbon Dioxide has a specific gravity of 1.52. It is about one and a half times heavier than air. It is the same weight as propane and anyone who uses propane knows it to be very heavy. Carbon dioxide sinks into our storm drains and into the ground like a puddle of water.

Climate Fraud Exposed: CO2 doesn't rise up, trap and retain heat | Principia Scientific International

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Liberals solution to global warming...raise taxes and sell carbon credits to create a trillion dollar liberal slush fund.

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