Record breaking snow, caused by THE global warming, all over the midwest.

Cooler air is more dense and can hold more moisture. Any second rate auto mechanic knows this. Automotive engineers have known this fact for a very long time and have had to deal with the fact that colder air is more dense and holds more liquid than warmer air. The reason they have to know this is because when it's cold, your car needs more fuel in the denser air to start. Old cars had what they call a choke. The ideal ratio of fuel and air is called the stoichiometric ratio which requires 14.7 parts air to one part gas to make the engine start immediately and run normally. This is why modern cars all measure the temperature of the air coming into the engine so the cars computer can adjust the on/off time, or pulse width, the fuel injectors stay active for to make you car always start right up, and control this stoichiometric ratio. Next liberal lie please! And it sure does get foggy on some of our real cold days don't it?
You're talking fuel. I'm talking water. If you insist on your explanation, please explain this.


Moisture Holding Capacity of Air
Your pretty picture proves nothing cultist, my post was based on facts used daily. I wonder why there is always so much fog on those cold days? lol Go away.

I wonder why there is always so much fog on those cold days?

No need to wonder. The answer is simple.

Because the ground is wetter and warmer than the air layer above. Ever see mist rising off a pond in the morning?
Total BS.

Cooler air is more dense and can hold more moisture. Any second rate auto mechanic knows this. Automotive engineers have known this fact for a very long time and have had to deal with the fact that colder air is more dense and holds more liquid than warmer air. The reason they have to know this is because when it's cold, your car needs more fuel in the denser air to start. Old cars had what they call a choke. The ideal ratio of fuel and air is called the stoichiometric ratio which requires 14.7 parts air to one part gas to make the engine start immediately and run normally.

This is why modern cars all measure the temperature of the air coming into the engine so the cars computer can adjust the on/off time, or pulse width, the fuel injectors stay active for to make you car always start right up, and control this stoichiometric ratio. Next liberal lie please!

And it sure does get foggy on some of our real cold days don't it? lol

Dummy, air density has nothing to do with it.

Hotter air keeps water molecules moving fast enough to not CONDENSATE. When hot air is cooled condensation occurs because water molecules are slowed and bunch up (see cold beer bottle on a hot day)

Does warm air “hold” more water vapor than cold air?
Thanks, but I've made my point and caught another cult liar in the process.

You've made a FALSE point.

When the air is warmer there is more water molecules staying in the air, more water that can condensate into precipitation. So when you said "Total BS" you were wrong.

This is what the deniers are forced to do, they have to deny science that has nothing to do with the field of climate change. The fact that warmer air holds more moisture has been known for much longer than the idea of climate change has been around.

It is a waste of time to argue with the intentionally ignorant

Sent from my iPhone using

I agree with it.

Like I said, I'm told coastal cities like New York and Washington DC will soon be under water.

So I do what I can, I drive an SUV and eat a can of baked beans every day.
I'm told coastal cities like New York and Washington DC will soon be under water.

Who tells you these things? Voices? What else do they say?
For any Trolls I have on IGNORE that want to play games about 'settled science'...theories are NEVER settled science. But Scientific Laws ARE SETTLED SCIENCE.

Therefore, I will direct all Global Warming Trolls to actually discuss "SCIENCE" by responding to Posts #72 and #77.

I will discuss THE FACTs presented in post #77, and will discuss related ideologies, and paradigms in post #72 if you want a legitimate discussion.
Scientific laws are not even settled science. Quantum physics & black holes blow all kinds of "established law" right out of the water.

Scientific law, and I use the term loosely, is limited to our limited understanding.
Well, if you look at a Scientific Laws they are limited in scope to empirical evidence, but the Reason it is a Scientific Law is because of Repeatable Results, and tested & verified Empirical Evidence.

Where as theories are just postulations about perceptions from observed events or interpreted but limited and often flawed data from an event that cannot be observed.

Theories are opinions on a perceived event, and different people perceive and interpret events differently.

The only way a Theory becomes LAW is when all Opinions have been tested, and found in error, and only one Opinion and Postulation can be repeatedly tested & verified without exception and without fail to be Cause and Effect Consistently True.

Global Warming can and NEVER will Approach The Status of Law, and No Civilization should build itself, it's social economic and cultural fabric on untested, unstable, changeable opinions of others.

That gives you Civilizations like Nazi Germany or The Communist Soviet Union who used Science as a weapon to propagandize their own people. They loved their theories and revered them as sacred pronouncements as if from god, and by god, I mean themselves.
Last edited:
You're talking fuel. I'm talking water. If you insist on your explanation, please explain this.


Moisture Holding Capacity of Air
Your pretty picture proves nothing cultist, my post was based on facts used daily. I wonder why there is always so much fog on those cold days? lol Go away.
Go away? In your dreams, if you think your explanation of fuel in an automobile trumps actual science about moisture in the atmosphere.
Trumps? Using your heroes name? lol! No I didn't Trump anything I just proved to any rational person how easy it is to trigger a liar!
That all you got? You should be embarrassed.
Classic troll response, it even made my list of most often used libtard whines.

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity

18. You can’t read.

As opposed to your tactic. Tell a lie, proclaim it to be truth and never relent even in the face of ovewhelming proof.
Not much being reported by the commie networks with their commie agendas.

Remember, that Big Yellow Thing in the Sky has almost no impact on our Climate. The fact that solar activity is at a minimum is boob bait for rubes, keep believing in the power of the CO2 molecule


Wow, if only scientist knew about that big yellow thing in the sky then they could favor in its activity when looking at climate change....

Oh wait, they do know about the sun and they do factor in solar activity...

There is an old’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt....

You should take that advice wig your posting

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Can you please link to Peer Reviewed papers describing how the Consensus Cult describes the Sun's influence on Earth climate

For example, IPCC AR4 describing cooling as TSI eclines, as we're seeing today

"As early as 1910, Abbot believed that he had detected a downward trend in TSI that coincided with a general cooling of climate...."

1.4.3 Solar Variability and the Total Solar Irradiance - AR4 WGI Chapter 1: Historical Overview of Climate Change Science
Dummy, air density has nothing to do with it.

Hotter air keeps water molecules moving fast enough to not CONDENSATE. When hot air is cooled condensation occurs because water molecules are slowed and bunch up (see cold beer bottle on a hot day)

Does warm air “hold” more water vapor than cold air?
Thanks, but I've made my point and caught another cult liar in the process.

You've made a FALSE point.

When the air is warmer there is more water molecules staying in the air, more water that can condensate into precipitation. So when you said "Total BS" you were wrong.
Some things are irrefutable if you are capable of being honest. The car thing is irrefutable. These people are nothing if not liars. Of course gasoline and water are different but they are both liquid and both capable of being atomized and both are capable of being suspended in the air.

Idiot, the car thing has to do with air density, not water content.
Liquid content. Notice how the word games come out when they lose?

What about liquid content dummy?

The vertical distribution of liquid water content (LWC) and its relationship with temperature (T) strongly affect the heat budget of the atmosphere. Some large-scale models of the atmosphere use a relationship between LWC and T to diagnostically obtain LWC from T under saturated conditions. Airborne observations conducted within clouds over northeastern North America during the 1984–93 time period are used to study the relationship between LWC and T. Observed frequency distributions of LWC are approximated by lognormal distribution curves and are best represented by median values. The median LWC values monotonically increase with warmer temperatures. However, the mean LWC reaches 0.23 g m−3 at about T = 2.5°C. LWC decreases below and above 2.5°C, except that it reaches a maximum value of 0.26 g m−3 at 22.5°C. The relationship between LWC and T from the present study is compared with that of earlier studies from the former Soviet Union. Differences can be attributed to the design and limits of the probes, natural variability in the 35 years, and the limited dataset for some temperature intervals. The LWC versus T relationship developed from observations in this study can be compared with large-scale model simulations.<0446:LWCATR>2.0.CO;2
Not much being reported by the commie networks with their commie agendas.
So what? Temps can increase from 25 F to 28 F for example and it will still snow, possibly more, since warmer air can hold more moisture.

Total BS.

Cooler air is more dense and can hold more moisture. Any second rate auto mechanic knows this. Automotive engineers have known this fact for a very long time and have had to deal with the fact that colder air is more dense and holds more liquid than warmer air. The reason they have to know this is because when it's cold, your car needs more fuel in the denser air to start. Old cars had what they call a choke. The ideal ratio of fuel and air is called the stoichiometric ratio which requires 14.7 parts air to one part gas to make the engine start immediately and run normally.

This is why modern cars all measure the temperature of the air coming into the engine so the cars computer can adjust the on/off time, or pulse width, the fuel injectors stay active for to make you car always start right up, and control this stoichiometric ratio. Next liberal lie please!

And it sure does get foggy on some of our real cold days don't it? lol

Dummy, air density has nothing to do with it.

Hotter air keeps water molecules moving fast enough to not CONDENSATE. When hot air is cooled condensation occurs because water molecules are slowed and bunch up (see cold beer bottle on a hot day)

Does warm air “hold” more water vapor than cold air?

Thanks, but I've made my point and caught another cult liar in the process.

Dummy, air density has nothing to do with it.

Hotter air keeps water molecules moving fast enough to not CONDENSATE. When hot air is cooled condensation occurs because water molecules are slowed and bunch up (see cold beer bottle on a hot day)

Does warm air “hold” more water vapor than cold air?
Thanks, but I've made my point and caught another cult liar in the process.

You've made a FALSE point.

When the air is warmer there is more water molecules staying in the air, more water that can condensate into precipitation. So when you said "Total BS" you were wrong.

This is what the deniers are forced to do, they have to deny science that has nothing to do with the field of climate change. The fact that warmer air holds more moisture has been known for much longer than the idea of climate change has been around.

It is a waste of time to argue with the intentionally ignorant

Sent from my iPhone using

I agree with it.

Like I said, I'm told coastal cities like New York and Washington DC will soon be under water.

So I do what I can, I drive an SUV and eat a can of baked beans every day.
I'm told coastal cities like New York and Washington DC will soon be under water.

Who tells you these things? Voices? What else do they say?

I would like to say I heard it from reading Dr. Suess, but the media wants us to believe.

Study: global warming related sea level rise poses big threat to Washington, D.C.

So you don't?
Total BS.

Cooler air is more dense and can hold more moisture. Any second rate auto mechanic knows this. Automotive engineers have known this fact for a very long time and have had to deal with the fact that colder air is more dense and holds more liquid than warmer air. The reason they have to know this is because when it's cold, your car needs more fuel in the denser air to start. Old cars had what they call a choke. The ideal ratio of fuel and air is called the stoichiometric ratio which requires 14.7 parts air to one part gas to make the engine start immediately and run normally.

This is why modern cars all measure the temperature of the air coming into the engine so the cars computer can adjust the on/off time, or pulse width, the fuel injectors stay active for to make you car always start right up, and control this stoichiometric ratio. Next liberal lie please!

And it sure does get foggy on some of our real cold days don't it? lol

Dummy, air density has nothing to do with it.

Hotter air keeps water molecules moving fast enough to not CONDENSATE. When hot air is cooled condensation occurs because water molecules are slowed and bunch up (see cold beer bottle on a hot day)

Does warm air “hold” more water vapor than cold air?
Thanks, but I've made my point and caught another cult liar in the process.

You've made a FALSE point.

When the air is warmer there is more water molecules staying in the air, more water that can condensate into precipitation. So when you said "Total BS" you were wrong.

This is what the deniers are forced to do, they have to deny science that has nothing to do with the field of climate change. The fact that warmer air holds more moisture has been known for much longer than the idea of climate change has been around.

It is a waste of time to argue with the intentionally ignorant

Sent from my iPhone using
Actually you are denying that I made a statement of scientific fact. You thugs have taken over the Goebbels tactics and made them your own. If we don't agree with you we are either stupid, dumb, uneducated or a bigot, liar or racist. Anyone watching you can this and as a result you are losing more and more supporters because of this. Please, don't stop!
Actually you are denying that I made a statement of scientific fact.

Because you didn't. You made a boneheaded, moronic statement and called it fact.

By your logic there should be mega hurricanes growing in the arctic. :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:
Thanks, but I've made my point and caught another cult liar in the process.

You've made a FALSE point.

When the air is warmer there is more water molecules staying in the air, more water that can condensate into precipitation. So when you said "Total BS" you were wrong.

This is what the deniers are forced to do, they have to deny science that has nothing to do with the field of climate change. The fact that warmer air holds more moisture has been known for much longer than the idea of climate change has been around.

It is a waste of time to argue with the intentionally ignorant

Sent from my iPhone using

I agree with it.

Like I said, I'm told coastal cities like New York and Washington DC will soon be under water.

So I do what I can, I drive an SUV and eat a can of baked beans every day.
I'm told coastal cities like New York and Washington DC will soon be under water.

Who tells you these things? Voices? What else do they say?

I would like to say I heard it from reading Dr. Suess, but the media wants us to believe.

Study: global warming related sea level rise poses big threat to Washington, D.C.

So you don't?

Thanks for the link. The one thing that link does not say is that costal cities will soon be underwater. Love it when you fools refute your own lies

Sent from my iPhone using
Dummy, air density has nothing to do with it.

Hotter air keeps water molecules moving fast enough to not CONDENSATE. When hot air is cooled condensation occurs because water molecules are slowed and bunch up (see cold beer bottle on a hot day)

Does warm air “hold” more water vapor than cold air?
Thanks, but I've made my point and caught another cult liar in the process.

You've made a FALSE point.

When the air is warmer there is more water molecules staying in the air, more water that can condensate into precipitation. So when you said "Total BS" you were wrong.

This is what the deniers are forced to do, they have to deny science that has nothing to do with the field of climate change. The fact that warmer air holds more moisture has been known for much longer than the idea of climate change has been around.

It is a waste of time to argue with the intentionally ignorant

Sent from my iPhone using
Actually you are denying that I made a statement of scientific fact. You thugs have taken over the Goebbels tactics and made them your own. If we don't agree with you we are either stupid, dumb, uneducated or a bigot, liar or racist. Anyone watching you can this and as a result you are losing more and more supporters because of this. Please, don't stop!
Actually you are denying that I made a statement of scientific fact.

Because you didn't. You made a boneheaded, moronic statement and called it fact.

By your logic there should be mega hurricanes growing in the arctic. :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:
Yet, it is a fact. Science. Proven. Used by millions.
Not much being reported by the commie networks with their commie agendas.

You do realize this is exactly the kind of extremes, out of season, weather event the climatologists have been predicting right?

It's not hard to predict since the earth has had wild climate changes since its inception.

The jet stream determines the temperatures be they high or low and since the jet stream MOVES the temperatures also MOVE depending on where it is.

Yes and warmer oceans contribute to the instability that make the fluctuations in the jet stream more common, more severe and for longer durations.
You've made a FALSE point.

When the air is warmer there is more water molecules staying in the air, more water that can condensate into precipitation. So when you said "Total BS" you were wrong.

This is what the deniers are forced to do, they have to deny science that has nothing to do with the field of climate change. The fact that warmer air holds more moisture has been known for much longer than the idea of climate change has been around.

It is a waste of time to argue with the intentionally ignorant

Sent from my iPhone using

I agree with it.

Like I said, I'm told coastal cities like New York and Washington DC will soon be under water.

So I do what I can, I drive an SUV and eat a can of baked beans every day.
I'm told coastal cities like New York and Washington DC will soon be under water.

Who tells you these things? Voices? What else do they say?

I would like to say I heard it from reading Dr. Suess, but the media wants us to believe.

Study: global warming related sea level rise poses big threat to Washington, D.C.

So you don't?

Thanks for the link. The one thing that link does not say is that costal cities will soon be underwater. Love it when you fools refute your own lies

Sent from my iPhone using

So why did Time Warner move their HQ to the Manhattan waterfront?
So what? Temps can increase from 25 F to 28 F for example and it will still snow, possibly more, since warmer air can hold more moisture.
Total BS.

Cooler air is more dense and can hold more moisture. Any second rate auto mechanic knows this. Automotive engineers have known this fact for a very long time and have had to deal with the fact that colder air is more dense and holds more liquid than warmer air. The reason they have to know this is because when it's cold, your car needs more fuel in the denser air to start. Old cars had what they call a choke. The ideal ratio of fuel and air is called the stoichiometric ratio which requires 14.7 parts air to one part gas to make the engine start immediately and run normally.

This is why modern cars all measure the temperature of the air coming into the engine so the cars computer can adjust the on/off time, or pulse width, the fuel injectors stay active for to make you car always start right up, and control this stoichiometric ratio. Next liberal lie please!

And it sure does get foggy on some of our real cold days don't it? lol

Dummy, air density has nothing to do with it.

Hotter air keeps water molecules moving fast enough to not CONDENSATE. When hot air is cooled condensation occurs because water molecules are slowed and bunch up (see cold beer bottle on a hot day)

Does warm air “hold” more water vapor than cold air?
Thanks, but I've made my point and caught another cult liar in the process.

You've made a FALSE point.

When the air is warmer there is more water molecules staying in the air, more water that can condensate into precipitation. So when you said "Total BS" you were wrong.
Some things are irrefutable if you are capable of being honest. The car thing is irrefutable. These people are nothing if not liars. Of course gasoline and water are different but they are both liquid and both capable of being atomized and both are capable of being suspended in the air.
You're simply wrong.

This is a graphic of water vapor in the atmosphere. Blue is highest concentration and white is lowest.
Note the difference between the equator and the poles.


Water Vapor : Global Maps
Total BS.

Cooler air is more dense and can hold more moisture. Any second rate auto mechanic knows this. Automotive engineers have known this fact for a very long time and have had to deal with the fact that colder air is more dense and holds more liquid than warmer air. The reason they have to know this is because when it's cold, your car needs more fuel in the denser air to start. Old cars had what they call a choke. The ideal ratio of fuel and air is called the stoichiometric ratio which requires 14.7 parts air to one part gas to make the engine start immediately and run normally.

This is why modern cars all measure the temperature of the air coming into the engine so the cars computer can adjust the on/off time, or pulse width, the fuel injectors stay active for to make you car always start right up, and control this stoichiometric ratio. Next liberal lie please!

And it sure does get foggy on some of our real cold days don't it? lol

Dummy, air density has nothing to do with it.

Hotter air keeps water molecules moving fast enough to not CONDENSATE. When hot air is cooled condensation occurs because water molecules are slowed and bunch up (see cold beer bottle on a hot day)

Does warm air “hold” more water vapor than cold air?
Thanks, but I've made my point and caught another cult liar in the process.

You've made a FALSE point.

When the air is warmer there is more water molecules staying in the air, more water that can condensate into precipitation. So when you said "Total BS" you were wrong.
Some things are irrefutable if you are capable of being honest. The car thing is irrefutable. These people are nothing if not liars. Of course gasoline and water are different but they are both liquid and both capable of being atomized and both are capable of being suspended in the air.
You're simply wrong.

This is a graphic of water vapor in the atmosphere. Blue is highest concentration and white is lowest.
Note the difference between the equator and the poles.

View attachment 188367
Water Vapor : Global Maps
Stop lying troll, it's a done deal and used everyday. Go play in the freeway.
This is what the deniers are forced to do, they have to deny science that has nothing to do with the field of climate change. The fact that warmer air holds more moisture has been known for much longer than the idea of climate change has been around.

It is a waste of time to argue with the intentionally ignorant

Sent from my iPhone using

I agree with it.

Like I said, I'm told coastal cities like New York and Washington DC will soon be under water.

So I do what I can, I drive an SUV and eat a can of baked beans every day.
I'm told coastal cities like New York and Washington DC will soon be under water.

Who tells you these things? Voices? What else do they say?

I would like to say I heard it from reading Dr. Suess, but the media wants us to believe.

Study: global warming related sea level rise poses big threat to Washington, D.C.

So you don't?

Thanks for the link. The one thing that link does not say is that costal cities will soon be underwater. Love it when you fools refute your own lies

Sent from my iPhone using

So why did Time Warner move their HQ to the Manhattan waterfront?

They liked the view?

How the fuck am I supposed to know why a company moves their HQ?

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Regarding Temperatures and Humidity. Above 32 degrees F temperature ALONE has nothing really to do with relative humidity. You can have 5% humidity at 95 degrees, or 80% humidity. You can have the same at 33 degrees F.

The more humidity in the air, the greater likelihood "the air" eventually has to shed itself of that humidity. This is called precipitation.

This is when water vapor condenses in to liquid form, and it does two things, reduces the relatively humidity eventually of the air which contains it, and also can reduce the temperature. It is a transfer of energy in to what we call weather.

The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics requires energy transfer for precipitation to occur. In other words, The Earth can never get infinitely more humid, or infinitely more warmer. When we see things like Wind, Rain, Snow, what we are witnessing is the transfer of energies according to The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. The only way the Earth could get warmer is through Increased Solar Activity introducing more energy in to the system, or some other external heat source of some sort. Other than that it is a completely closed system.

So let's talk about the statement "Warmer Air Can Contain More Moisure". That as a generalized statement is not exactly true.

Now if you factor in The Dew Point and changes in atmospheric pressures, then you are discussing how warmer air can contain more moisture. Increasing Atmospheric Pressure increases the dew point or that line at which water vapor can condense in to liquid form. Decreasing The Atmospheric Pressure Decreases the Dew Point.

Relative Humidity of 100% is a term that simply tells you the air is saturated with Maximum Moisture at it's particular temperature, and atmospheric pressure. That is why it is called Relative Humidity, because it is relative to Barometric Pressure and Temperature. You can have 100% relative humidity at 33 F as well as at 95 F.

Now, knowing all of this, did you know that Global Warming Models, actually factor out such data? Our Climate systems are too complicated for these models to work. They also have to factor out Solar Minimums and Maximums, and Fluctuations in The Jet Stream as well as relative cloud cover. They also have to factor out seasonal changes, and variations in Ocean Tides and currents.

Now what kind of model is that, and is it one you could rely on?

Nope, not even in the least. Global Warming Models are nothing but simulations like a video game.

It's like rigging an election, where you get to set up the polls to only accept a certain set of voters so you can achieve the desired result. Global Warming Models are a dumbed down version of our climate system, with an overemphasis on one factor to achieve a desired result "Programmed" in to The Model as if it were a Factual Data Point based on Immutable Scientific Law.
Last edited:
Not much being reported by the commie networks with their commie agendas.

You do realize this is exactly the kind of extremes, out of season, weather event the climatologists have been predicting right?

It's not hard to predict since the earth has had wild climate changes since its inception.

The jet stream determines the temperatures be they high or low and since the jet stream MOVES the temperatures also MOVE depending on where it is.

Warmer earth (specifically oceans) generates that unstable jet stream and causes the weird weather we've been having, like record breaking snow storms in mid April.
Thanks, but I've made my point and caught another cult liar in the process.

You've made a FALSE point.

When the air is warmer there is more water molecules staying in the air, more water that can condensate into precipitation. So when you said "Total BS" you were wrong.

This is what the deniers are forced to do, they have to deny science that has nothing to do with the field of climate change. The fact that warmer air holds more moisture has been known for much longer than the idea of climate change has been around.

It is a waste of time to argue with the intentionally ignorant

Sent from my iPhone using
Actually you are denying that I made a statement of scientific fact. You thugs have taken over the Goebbels tactics and made them your own. If we don't agree with you we are either stupid, dumb, uneducated or a bigot, liar or racist. Anyone watching you can this and as a result you are losing more and more supporters because of this. Please, don't stop!
Actually you are denying that I made a statement of scientific fact.

Because you didn't. You made a boneheaded, moronic statement and called it fact.

By your logic there should be mega hurricanes growing in the arctic. :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:
Yet, it is a fact. Science. Proven. Used by millions.

Show us, dope.

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