Record breaking snow, caused by THE global warming, all over the midwest.

Yeap, the snow storms are caused by THE global warming. No wonder there are record blizzards in the Spring. I guess with that logic that we should be expecting blizzard conditions in July?

Hilarious. Next, these leftists and scientists will be saying that snow and water are the same thing. What a lie. Snow is hard. Water drips. They are completely different.
Not much being reported by the commie networks with their commie agendas.

I'll go on record as saying that this has been one of the warmest winters I can remember.

My wife refuses to turn the heat below 75.

I let her cuz I'm promised higher thermostat levels contributes to global warming which should then flood coastal regions like Washington DC and New York City by scientists and the media.

I'm still waiting damn it!
More on THE FACTS about CO2

CO2 is nothing but another tax/fee scheme cooked up by the left to steal our money. Hence their solution to CO2 emissions is to force us to purchase CO2 credits from liberals, riiiiiight.
But it isn't just about taxation. It is about population control, and governmental control of the entire planet. It's about dissolving borders, controlling economies of scale, eradicating individual liberties, and dismantling sovereignty.
Not much being reported by the commie networks with their commie agendas.
So what? Temps can increase from 25 F to 28 F for example and it will still snow, possibly more, since warmer air can hold more moisture.

Total BS.

Cooler air is more dense and can hold more moisture. Any second rate auto mechanic knows this. Automotive engineers have known this fact for a very long time and have had to deal with the fact that colder air is more dense and holds more liquid than warmer air. The reason they have to know this is because when it's cold, your car needs more fuel in the denser air to start. Old cars had what they call a choke. The ideal ratio of fuel and air is called the stoichiometric ratio which requires 14.7 parts air to one part gas to make the engine start immediately and run normally.

This is why modern cars all measure the temperature of the air coming into the engine so the cars computer can adjust the on/off time, or pulse width, the fuel injectors stay active for to make you car always start right up, and control this stoichiometric ratio. Next liberal lie please!

And it sure does get foggy on some of our real cold days don't it? lol

Dummy, air density has nothing to do with it.

Hotter air keeps water molecules moving fast enough to not CONDENSATE. When hot air is cooled condensation occurs because water molecules are slowed and bunch up (see cold beer bottle on a hot day)

Does warm air “hold” more water vapor than cold air?

Thanks, but I've made my point and caught another cult liar in the process.

You've made a FALSE point.

When the air is warmer there is more water molecules staying in the air, more water that can condensate into precipitation. So when you said "Total BS" you were wrong.

This is what the deniers are forced to do, they have to deny science that has nothing to do with the field of climate change. The fact that warmer air holds more moisture has been known for much longer than the idea of climate change has been around.

It is a waste of time to argue with the intentionally ignorant

Sent from my iPhone using
So what? Temps can increase from 25 F to 28 F for example and it will still snow, possibly more, since warmer air can hold more moisture.
Total BS.

Cooler air is more dense and can hold more moisture. Any second rate auto mechanic knows this. Automotive engineers have known this fact for a very long time and have had to deal with the fact that colder air is more dense and holds more liquid than warmer air. The reason they have to know this is because when it's cold, your car needs more fuel in the denser air to start. Old cars had what they call a choke. The ideal ratio of fuel and air is called the stoichiometric ratio which requires 14.7 parts air to one part gas to make the engine start immediately and run normally.

This is why modern cars all measure the temperature of the air coming into the engine so the cars computer can adjust the on/off time, or pulse width, the fuel injectors stay active for to make you car always start right up, and control this stoichiometric ratio. Next liberal lie please!

And it sure does get foggy on some of our real cold days don't it? lol

Dummy, air density has nothing to do with it.

Hotter air keeps water molecules moving fast enough to not CONDENSATE. When hot air is cooled condensation occurs because water molecules are slowed and bunch up (see cold beer bottle on a hot day)

Does warm air “hold” more water vapor than cold air?
Thanks, but I've made my point and caught another cult liar in the process.

You've made a FALSE point.

When the air is warmer there is more water molecules staying in the air, more water that can condensate into precipitation. So when you said "Total BS" you were wrong.

This is what the deniers are forced to do, they have to deny science that has nothing to do with the field of climate change. The fact that warmer air holds more moisture has been known for much longer than the idea of climate change has been around.

It is a waste of time to argue with the intentionally ignorant

Sent from my iPhone using

I agree with it.

Like I said, I'm told coastal cities like New York and Washington DC will soon be under water.

So I do what I can, I drive an SUV and eat a can of baked beans every day.
Liberals solution to global warming...

Solution? You fools can't even acknowledge a problem, never mind having a better solution.

Lib please you freaks have been playing these scams for decades, tax increases, fees, punishing your political enemies is always your goal. Before global warming it was the ozone layer and before that deformed frogs and before that global cooling and before that the spotted owl, the delta smelt, and any other creepy crawly you could use to abuse the endangered species act to further the liberal agenda.

Liberals used the endangered species act to attack ranchers by declaring the desert tortoise endangered. But when the desert tortoise got in the way of a Dem land development project near Las Vegas the libs killed hundreds of desert tortoises, shocker. You people have zero credibility.
So what? Temps can increase from 25 F to 28 F for example and it will still snow, possibly more, since warmer air can hold more moisture.
Total BS.

Cooler air is more dense and can hold more moisture. Any second rate auto mechanic knows this. Automotive engineers have known this fact for a very long time and have had to deal with the fact that colder air is more dense and holds more liquid than warmer air. The reason they have to know this is because when it's cold, your car needs more fuel in the denser air to start. Old cars had what they call a choke. The ideal ratio of fuel and air is called the stoichiometric ratio which requires 14.7 parts air to one part gas to make the engine start immediately and run normally.

This is why modern cars all measure the temperature of the air coming into the engine so the cars computer can adjust the on/off time, or pulse width, the fuel injectors stay active for to make you car always start right up, and control this stoichiometric ratio. Next liberal lie please!

And it sure does get foggy on some of our real cold days don't it? lol

Dummy, air density has nothing to do with it.

Hotter air keeps water molecules moving fast enough to not CONDENSATE. When hot air is cooled condensation occurs because water molecules are slowed and bunch up (see cold beer bottle on a hot day)

Does warm air “hold” more water vapor than cold air?
Thanks, but I've made my point and caught another cult liar in the process.

You've made a FALSE point.

When the air is warmer there is more water molecules staying in the air, more water that can condensate into precipitation. So when you said "Total BS" you were wrong.

This is what the deniers are forced to do, they have to deny science that has nothing to do with the field of climate change. The fact that warmer air holds more moisture has been known for much longer than the idea of climate change has been around.

It is a waste of time to argue with the intentionally ignorant

Sent from my iPhone using
Actually you are denying that I made a statement of scientific fact. You thugs have taken over the Goebbels tactics and made them your own. If we don't agree with you we are either stupid, dumb, uneducated or a bigot, liar or racist. Anyone watching you can this and as a result you are losing more and more supporters because of this. Please, don't stop!
More on THE FACTS about CO2

CO2 is nothing but another tax/fee scheme cooked up by the left to steal our money. Hence their solution to CO2 emissions is to force us to purchase CO2 credits from liberals, riiiiiight.
But it isn't just about taxation. It is about population control, and governmental control of the entire planet. It's about dissolving borders, controlling economies of scale, eradicating individual liberties, and dismantling sovereignty.

Its not nearly that complicated. At the root of any of this liberal crap you will find its either money they are after, they are attacking one of their enemies, or the control freaks are trying to micromanage. Frequently its a combination of these.

Here's where it comes from...liberals are convinced they are the master race and should be in charge of the masses and the wealth.
Total BS.

Cooler air is more dense and can hold more moisture. Any second rate auto mechanic knows this. Automotive engineers have known this fact for a very long time and have had to deal with the fact that colder air is more dense and holds more liquid than warmer air. The reason they have to know this is because when it's cold, your car needs more fuel in the denser air to start. Old cars had what they call a choke. The ideal ratio of fuel and air is called the stoichiometric ratio which requires 14.7 parts air to one part gas to make the engine start immediately and run normally.

This is why modern cars all measure the temperature of the air coming into the engine so the cars computer can adjust the on/off time, or pulse width, the fuel injectors stay active for to make you car always start right up, and control this stoichiometric ratio. Next liberal lie please!

And it sure does get foggy on some of our real cold days don't it? lol

Dummy, air density has nothing to do with it.

Hotter air keeps water molecules moving fast enough to not CONDENSATE. When hot air is cooled condensation occurs because water molecules are slowed and bunch up (see cold beer bottle on a hot day)

Does warm air “hold” more water vapor than cold air?
Thanks, but I've made my point and caught another cult liar in the process.

You've made a FALSE point.

When the air is warmer there is more water molecules staying in the air, more water that can condensate into precipitation. So when you said "Total BS" you were wrong.

This is what the deniers are forced to do, they have to deny science that has nothing to do with the field of climate change. The fact that warmer air holds more moisture has been known for much longer than the idea of climate change has been around.

It is a waste of time to argue with the intentionally ignorant

Sent from my iPhone using
Actually you are denying that I made a statement of scientific fact. You thugs have taken over the Goebbels tactics and made them your own. If we don't agree with you we are either stupid, dumb, uneducated or a bigot, liar or racist. Anyone watching you can this and as a result you are losing more and more supporters because of this. Please, don't stop!

It is not a scientific fact that colder air can hold more water, it is your MISUNDERSTANDING of scientific facts.
Total BS.

Cooler air is more dense and can hold more moisture. Any second rate auto mechanic knows this. Automotive engineers have known this fact for a very long time and have had to deal with the fact that colder air is more dense and holds more liquid than warmer air. The reason they have to know this is because when it's cold, your car needs more fuel in the denser air to start. Old cars had what they call a choke. The ideal ratio of fuel and air is called the stoichiometric ratio which requires 14.7 parts air to one part gas to make the engine start immediately and run normally.

This is why modern cars all measure the temperature of the air coming into the engine so the cars computer can adjust the on/off time, or pulse width, the fuel injectors stay active for to make you car always start right up, and control this stoichiometric ratio. Next liberal lie please!

And it sure does get foggy on some of our real cold days don't it? lol

Dummy, air density has nothing to do with it.

Hotter air keeps water molecules moving fast enough to not CONDENSATE. When hot air is cooled condensation occurs because water molecules are slowed and bunch up (see cold beer bottle on a hot day)

Does warm air “hold” more water vapor than cold air?
Thanks, but I've made my point and caught another cult liar in the process.

You've made a FALSE point.

When the air is warmer there is more water molecules staying in the air, more water that can condensate into precipitation. So when you said "Total BS" you were wrong.

This is what the deniers are forced to do, they have to deny science that has nothing to do with the field of climate change. The fact that warmer air holds more moisture has been known for much longer than the idea of climate change has been around.

It is a waste of time to argue with the intentionally ignorant

Sent from my iPhone using

I agree with it.

Like I said, I'm told coastal cities like New York and Washington DC will soon be under water.

So I do what I can, I drive an SUV and eat a can of baked beans every day.

No scientist has ever made such a claim. Only the talking heads and the climate change talking heads are every bit as ignorant as the denier talking heads.

Here is a thought for not get your science from a news organization

Sent from my iPhone using
Golfing Gator cannot even intelligently discuss CO2. He doesn't even understand it's basic properties as a gas.

Nor does he understand any scientific principles, like The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics which refutes global warming theory mechanics.

Like I said, The Left are nothing but fanatics, and cult members. Rational Thinking is not part of their game. It's 100% emotional. They are crusaders for causes they don't even understand.

Gay-rights lawyer David S. Buckel sets himself on fire in protest suicide - CNN
Golfing Gator cannot even intelligently discuss CO2. He doesn't even understand it's basic properties as a gas.

Nor does he understand any scientific principles, like The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics which refutes global warming theory mechanics.

Do you think scientists understand scientific principles and laws of thermodynamics? :rolleyes:
Unseasonable cool here in Central Florida today.

Global warming my ass!
Not much being reported by the commie networks with their commie agendas.
So what? Temps can increase from 25 F to 28 F for example and it will still snow, possibly more, since warmer air can hold more moisture.

Total BS.

Cooler air is more dense and can hold more moisture. Any second rate auto mechanic knows this. Automotive engineers have known this fact for a very long time and have had to deal with the fact that colder air is more dense and holds more liquid than warmer air. The reason they have to know this is because when it's cold, your car needs more fuel in the denser air to start. Old cars had what they call a choke. The ideal ratio of fuel and air is called the stoichiometric ratio which requires 14.7 parts air to one part gas to make the engine start immediately and run normally.

This is why modern cars all measure the temperature of the air coming into the engine so the cars computer can adjust the on/off time, or pulse width, the fuel injectors stay active for to make you car always start right up, and control this stoichiometric ratio. Next liberal lie please!

And it sure does get foggy on some of our real cold days don't it? lol

Dummy, air density has nothing to do with it.

Hotter air keeps water molecules moving fast enough to not CONDENSATE. When hot air is cooled condensation occurs because water molecules are slowed and bunch up (see cold beer bottle on a hot day)

Does warm air “hold” more water vapor than cold air?

Thanks, but I've made my point and caught another cult liar in the process.

You've made a FALSE point.

When the air is warmer there is more water molecules staying in the air, more water that can condensate into precipitation. So when you said "Total BS" you were wrong.

Some things are irrefutable if you are capable of being honest. The car thing is irrefutable. These people are nothing if not liars. Of course gasoline and water are different but they are both liquid and both capable of being atomized and both are capable of being suspended in the air.
Last edited:
Not much being reported by the commie networks with their commie agendas.

You do realize this is exactly the kind of extremes, out of season, weather event the climatologists have been predicting right?

It's not hard to predict since the earth has had wild climate changes since its inception.

The jet stream determines the temperatures be they high or low and since the jet stream MOVES the temperatures also MOVE depending on where it is.
For any Trolls I have on IGNORE that want to play games about 'settled science'...theories are NEVER settled science. But Scientific Laws ARE SETTLED SCIENCE.

Therefore, I will direct all Global Warming Trolls to actually discuss "SCIENCE" by responding to Posts #72 and #77.

I will discuss THE FACTs presented in post #77, and will discuss related ideologies, and paradigms in post #72 if you want a legitimate discussion.
For any Trolls I have on IGNORE that want to play games about 'settled science'...theories are NEVER settled science. But Scientific Laws ARE SETTLED SCIENCE.

Therefore, I will direct all Global Warming Trolls to actually discuss "SCIENCE" by responding to Posts #72 and #77.

I will discuss THE FACTs presented in post #77, and will discuss related ideologies, and paradigms in post #72 if you want a legitimate discussion.
Scientific laws are not even settled science. Quantum physics & black holes blow all kinds of "established law" right out of the water.

Scientific law, and I use the term loosely, is limited to our limited understanding.
Not much being reported by the commie networks with their commie agendas.
So what? Temps can increase from 25 F to 28 F for example and it will still snow, possibly more, since warmer air can hold more moisture.

Total BS.

Cooler air is more dense and can hold more moisture. Any second rate auto mechanic knows this. Automotive engineers have known this fact for a very long time and have had to deal with the fact that colder air is more dense and holds more liquid than warmer air. The reason they have to know this is because when it's cold, your car needs more fuel in the denser air to start. Old cars had what they call a choke. The ideal ratio of fuel and air is called the stoichiometric ratio which requires 14.7 parts air to one part gas to make the engine start immediately and run normally.

This is why modern cars all measure the temperature of the air coming into the engine so the cars computer can adjust the on/off time, or pulse width, the fuel injectors stay active for to make you car always start right up, and control this stoichiometric ratio. Next liberal lie please!

And it sure does get foggy on some of our real cold days don't it? lol

Cooler air is more dense and can hold more moisture.
Cooler air is more dense but warm air holds more moisture.

You don't see 90% humidity when it's zero degrees.
So what? Temps can increase from 25 F to 28 F for example and it will still snow, possibly more, since warmer air can hold more moisture.
Total BS.

Cooler air is more dense and can hold more moisture. Any second rate auto mechanic knows this. Automotive engineers have known this fact for a very long time and have had to deal with the fact that colder air is more dense and holds more liquid than warmer air. The reason they have to know this is because when it's cold, your car needs more fuel in the denser air to start. Old cars had what they call a choke. The ideal ratio of fuel and air is called the stoichiometric ratio which requires 14.7 parts air to one part gas to make the engine start immediately and run normally.

This is why modern cars all measure the temperature of the air coming into the engine so the cars computer can adjust the on/off time, or pulse width, the fuel injectors stay active for to make you car always start right up, and control this stoichiometric ratio. Next liberal lie please!

And it sure does get foggy on some of our real cold days don't it? lol

Dummy, air density has nothing to do with it.

Hotter air keeps water molecules moving fast enough to not CONDENSATE. When hot air is cooled condensation occurs because water molecules are slowed and bunch up (see cold beer bottle on a hot day)

Does warm air “hold” more water vapor than cold air?
Thanks, but I've made my point and caught another cult liar in the process.

You've made a FALSE point.

When the air is warmer there is more water molecules staying in the air, more water that can condensate into precipitation. So when you said "Total BS" you were wrong.
Some things are irrefutable if you are capable of being honest. The car thing is irrefutable. These people are nothing if not liars. Of course gasoline and water are different but they are both liquid and both capable of being atomized and both are capable of being suspended in the air.

Idiot, the car thing has to do with air density, not water content.
Total BS.

Cooler air is more dense and can hold more moisture. Any second rate auto mechanic knows this. Automotive engineers have known this fact for a very long time and have had to deal with the fact that colder air is more dense and holds more liquid than warmer air. The reason they have to know this is because when it's cold, your car needs more fuel in the denser air to start. Old cars had what they call a choke. The ideal ratio of fuel and air is called the stoichiometric ratio which requires 14.7 parts air to one part gas to make the engine start immediately and run normally.

This is why modern cars all measure the temperature of the air coming into the engine so the cars computer can adjust the on/off time, or pulse width, the fuel injectors stay active for to make you car always start right up, and control this stoichiometric ratio. Next liberal lie please!

And it sure does get foggy on some of our real cold days don't it? lol

Dummy, air density has nothing to do with it.

Hotter air keeps water molecules moving fast enough to not CONDENSATE. When hot air is cooled condensation occurs because water molecules are slowed and bunch up (see cold beer bottle on a hot day)

Does warm air “hold” more water vapor than cold air?
Thanks, but I've made my point and caught another cult liar in the process.

You've made a FALSE point.

When the air is warmer there is more water molecules staying in the air, more water that can condensate into precipitation. So when you said "Total BS" you were wrong.
Some things are irrefutable if you are capable of being honest. The car thing is irrefutable. These people are nothing if not liars. Of course gasoline and water are different but they are both liquid and both capable of being atomized and both are capable of being suspended in the air.

Idiot, the car thing has to do with air density, not water content.
Liquid content. Notice how the word games come out when they lose?

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