Religious prejudice

The average Muslim is more hardcore about Islam than even the most hardcore evangelical Christian. Dis Islam or Mohammed and much of the Muslim world will riot. Dis Jesus and no one anywhere does a thing. Christians are fairly described as 'cafeteria Christians.' They pick and choose what to follow but ignore most of the Bible and theocratic laws. When was the last time a Christian on religious grounds executed a fellow Christian for adultery as per God's law? 17th century was the last time, I looked it up the other day for another thread. Last time Muslims did? Probably earlier today.

That's the difference. Christians are liars, hypocrites, and 'casually Christian.' Muslims are ultra devout even among the least devout of them.

That's why they'll win.
Muslims follow satan. In the end Christ wins, good luck.

Nonsense like that is why you guys are a joke.
A football coach says a prayer and he is fired allegedly because a prayer might offend some agnostic or atheist in the surrounding area. Meanwhile the same federal guidelines force pretty cheerleaders to endure psychological trauma by seeing a confused boy in a skirt sharing the same locker room. Does the 1st Amendment right to free expression of religion count against the newly enacted protection for hairy men in dresses to traumatize real women? The world is upside down under the Hussein administration.
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A football coach says a prayer and he is fired allegedly because a prayer might offend some agnostic or atheist in the surrounding area. Meanwhile the same federal guidelines force pretty cheerleaders to endure psychological trauma by seeing a confused boy in a skirt sharing the same locker room. Does the 1st Amendment right to free expression of religion count against the newly enacted protection for hairy men in dresses to traumatize real women? The world is upside down under the Hussein administration.
Thanks captain melodrama. !
The average Muslim is more hardcore about Islam than even the most hardcore evangelical Christian. Dis Islam or Mohammed and much of the Muslim world will riot. Dis Jesus and no one anywhere does a thing. Christians are fairly described as 'cafeteria Christians.' They pick and choose what to follow but ignore most of the Bible and theocratic laws. When was the last time a Christian on religious grounds executed a fellow Christian for adultery as per God's law? 17th century was the last time, I looked it up the other day for another thread. Last time Muslims did? Probably earlier today.

That's the difference. Christians are liars, hypocrites, and 'casually Christian.' Muslims are ultra devout even among the least devout of them.

That's why they'll win.
Muslims follow satan. In the end Christ wins, good luck.

Nonsense like that is why you guys are a joke.
Not nonsense, I happen to know a former mooooslime from Pakistan that will agree with me.
A football coach says a prayer and he is fired allegedly because a prayer might offend some agnostic or atheist in the surrounding area. Meanwhile the same federal guidelines force pretty cheerleaders to endure psychological trauma by seeing a confused boy in a skirt sharing the same locker room. Does the 1st Amendment right to free expression of religion count against the newly enacted protection for hairy men in dresses to traumatize real women? The world is upside down under the Hussein administration.
Thanks captain melodrama. !
Truth hurts doesn't it retard?
The average Muslim is more hardcore about Islam than even the most hardcore evangelical Christian. Dis Islam or Mohammed and much of the Muslim world will riot. Dis Jesus and no one anywhere does a thing. Christians are fairly described as 'cafeteria Christians.' They pick and choose what to follow but ignore most of the Bible and theocratic laws. When was the last time a Christian on religious grounds executed a fellow Christian for adultery as per God's law? 17th century was the last time, I looked it up the other day for another thread. Last time Muslims did? Probably earlier today.

That's the difference. Christians are liars, hypocrites, and 'casually Christian.' Muslims are ultra devout even among the least devout of them.

That's why they'll win.
Muslims follow satan. In the end Christ wins, good luck.
False ! Christians , Muslims and Jews all worship the same god .
The god of Abraham.
It's dumbshits like you that make Christianity and all other religions a farce.
The average Muslim is more hardcore about Islam than even the most hardcore evangelical Christian. Dis Islam or Mohammed and much of the Muslim world will riot. Dis Jesus and no one anywhere does a thing. Christians are fairly described as 'cafeteria Christians.' They pick and choose what to follow but ignore most of the Bible and theocratic laws. When was the last time a Christian on religious grounds executed a fellow Christian for adultery as per God's law? 17th century was the last time, I looked it up the other day for another thread. Last time Muslims did? Probably earlier today.

That's the difference. Christians are liars, hypocrites, and 'casually Christian.' Muslims are ultra devout even among the least devout of them.

That's why they'll win.
Muslims follow satan. In the end Christ wins, good luck.
False ! Christians , Muslims and Jews all worship the same god .
The god of Abraham.
It's dumbshits like you that make Christianity and all other religions a farce.
Truth, something you refuse to believe in.
Lets see perhaps the people that do this can explain to us why they do it?

A Christian does something, some crime, some attack, something. The response is that the religion was to blame, that this person did what they did BECAUSE they were a Christian.

A Muslim does something, some crime some attack, something. The response from the same people that accuse the Christian of being motivated by Religion is that this Muslim or Muslims did what they did without regards to the religion, that the religion had nothing to do with the action they took.

Perhaps it is because a Christian being blamed won't result in retaliation for the claim, but a Muslim being blamed can and does result in retaliation almost every time?
Odd...I keep hearing it the other way around.
The average Muslim is more hardcore about Islam than even the most hardcore evangelical Christian. Dis Islam or Mohammed and much of the Muslim world will riot. Dis Jesus and no one anywhere does a thing. Christians are fairly described as 'cafeteria Christians.' They pick and choose what to follow but ignore most of the Bible and theocratic laws. When was the last time a Christian on religious grounds executed a fellow Christian for adultery as per God's law? 17th century was the last time, I looked it up the other day for another thread. Last time Muslims did? Probably earlier today.

That's the difference. Christians are liars, hypocrites, and 'casually Christian.' Muslims are ultra devout even among the least devout of them.

That's why they'll win.
Muslims follow satan. In the end Christ wins, good luck.
False ! Christians , Muslims and Jews all worship the same god .
The god of Abraham.
It's dumbshits like you that make Christianity and all other religions a farce.
Truth, something you refuse to believe in.
You wouldn't know truth if it bitch slapped you.
Christian lives matter no more or no less than any other lives, the problem is Christians think they do.

Think that's more a nationalism thing than religious. US Christians could give a crap about Christians in the 3rd world, or recently illegal alien ones.
Lets see perhaps the people that do this can explain to us why they do it?

A Christian does something, some crime, some attack, something. The response is that the religion was to blame, that this person did what they did BECAUSE they were a Christian.

A Muslim does something, some crime some attack, something. The response from the same people that accuse the Christian of being motivated by Religion is that this Muslim or Muslims did what they did without regards to the religion, that the religion had nothing to do with the action they took.

Perhaps it is because a Christian being blamed won't result in retaliation for the claim, but a Muslim being blamed can and does result in retaliation almost every time?

Completely false premise. Don't you get tired from whining about how you think Christians are persecuted here? Doesn't it get boring?
Christian lives matter no more or no less than any other lives, the problem is Christians think they do.

Every Christian you've ever met has told you that? Or is it just your mindless bigotry that makes you say that?
I'm just the opposite as to the attitude posted in the OP. At times I feel a bit guilty about it but then I read about the Muslims and some atrocity and it puts me right back into my prejudicial frame of mind. I even side with what must be Obama's attitude of not trusting any of the Muslims over there. And if indeed that is his attitude, that'll be the one thing we can agree on.
Lets see perhaps the people that do this can explain to us why they do it?

A Christian does something, some crime, some attack, something. The response is that the religion was to blame, that this person did what they did BECAUSE they were a Christian.

A Muslim does something, some crime some attack, something. The response from the same people that accuse the Christian of being motivated by Religion is that this Muslim or Muslims did what they did without regards to the religion, that the religion had nothing to do with the action they took.

Perhaps it is because a Christian being blamed won't result in retaliation for the claim, but a Muslim being blamed can and does result in retaliation almost every time?

Always alike it when you post Sarge, spot on.
Liberals crap their pants because they're scare of Muslims. I think it has to do with frady cat libs are afraid they'll blow their house up, or if Muslims are in a group them might jump em and beat the living daylights out of em.
The president is the scardest of them all. He blames free beer night in benghazi on a video
Isis blows a plane up, and jugears blames it on global warming.
Lets see perhaps the people that do this can explain to us why they do it?

A Christian does something, some crime, some attack, something. The response is that the religion was to blame, that this person did what they did BECAUSE they were a Christian.

A Muslim does something, some crime some attack, something. The response from the same people that accuse the Christian of being motivated by Religion is that this Muslim or Muslims did what they did without regards to the religion, that the religion had nothing to do with the action they took.

Perhaps it is because a Christian being blamed won't result in retaliation for the claim, but a Muslim being blamed can and does result in retaliation almost every time?

Always alike it when you post Sarge, spot on.
Liberals crap their pants because they're scare of Muslims. I think it has to do with frady cat libs are afraid they'll blow their house up, or if Muslims are in a group them might jump em and beat the living daylights out of em.
The president is the scardest of them all. He blames free beer night in benghazi on a video
Isis blows a plane up, and jugears blames it on global warming.

Its an airtight argument.....until we ask you to show us a particular person who actually did this.

Alas, specifics are your kryptonite.
Lets see perhaps the people that do this can explain to us why they do it?

A Christian does something, some crime, some attack, something. The response is that the religion was to blame, that this person did what they did BECAUSE they were a Christian.

A Muslim does something, some crime some attack, something. The response from the same people that accuse the Christian of being motivated by Religion is that this Muslim or Muslims did what they did without regards to the religion, that the religion had nothing to do with the action they took.

Perhaps it is because a Christian being blamed won't result in retaliation for the claim, but a Muslim being blamed can and does result in retaliation almost every time?

Always alike it when you post Sarge, spot on.
Liberals crap their pants because they're scare of Muslims. I think it has to do with frady cat libs are afraid they'll blow their house up, or if Muslims are in a group them might jump em and beat the living daylights out of em.
The president is the scardest of them all. He blames free beer night in benghazi on a video
Isis blows a plane up, and jugears blames it on global warming.

Its an airtight argument.....until we ask you to show us a particular person who actually did this.

Alas, specifics are your kryptonite.
We'll answer you when Panda's fly
Lets see perhaps the people that do this can explain to us why they do it?

A Christian does something, some crime, some attack, something. The response is that the religion was to blame, that this person did what they did BECAUSE they were a Christian.

A Muslim does something, some crime some attack, something. The response from the same people that accuse the Christian of being motivated by Religion is that this Muslim or Muslims did what they did without regards to the religion, that the religion had nothing to do with the action they took.

Perhaps it is because a Christian being blamed won't result in retaliation for the claim, but a Muslim being blamed can and does result in retaliation almost every time?

Always alike it when you post Sarge, spot on.
Liberals crap their pants because they're scare of Muslims. I think it has to do with frady cat libs are afraid they'll blow their house up, or if Muslims are in a group them might jump em and beat the living daylights out of em.
The president is the scardest of them all. He blames free beer night in benghazi on a video
Isis blows a plane up, and jugears blames it on global warming.

Its an airtight argument.....until we ask you to show us a particular person who actually did this.

Alas, specifics are your kryptonite.
We'll answer you when Panda's fly

Laughing.....yeah, who wants to talk to the guy who just pointed out that the Emperor has no clothes?

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