Religious prejudice

Lets see perhaps the people that do this can explain to us why they do it?

A Christian does something, some crime, some attack, something. The response is that the religion was to blame, that this person did what they did BECAUSE they were a Christian.

A Muslim does something, some crime some attack, something. The response from the same people that accuse the Christian of being motivated by Religion is that this Muslim or Muslims did what they did without regards to the religion, that the religion had nothing to do with the action they took.

Perhaps it is because a Christian being blamed won't result in retaliation for the claim, but a Muslim being blamed can and does result in retaliation almost every time?

Always alike it when you post Sarge, spot on.
Liberals crap their pants because they're scare of Muslims. I think it has to do with frady cat libs are afraid they'll blow their house up, or if Muslims are in a group them might jump em and beat the living daylights out of em.
The president is the scardest of them all. He blames free beer night in benghazi on a video
Isis blows a plane up, and jugears blames it on global warming.

Its an airtight argument.....until we ask you to show us a particular person who actually did this.

Alas, specifics are your kryptonite.
We'll answer you when Panda's fly

Laughing.....yeah, who wants to talk to the guy who just pointed out that the Emperor has no clothes?

hope no one in your family makes their pop tart in the shape of a gun, they might get expelled.
Pretty asinine reason for someone getting kicked out of school isn't it . I own guns religiously
Now that I've prove that your emperor analogy is pointless and i've knocked you to the ground, don't get up just stay their. And after practice you can get up and leave.
Lets see perhaps the people that do this can explain to us why they do it?

A Christian does something, some crime, some attack, something. The response is that the religion was to blame, that this person did what they did BECAUSE they were a Christian.

A Muslim does something, some crime some attack, something. The response from the same people that accuse the Christian of being motivated by Religion is that this Muslim or Muslims did what they did without regards to the religion, that the religion had nothing to do with the action they took.

Perhaps it is because a Christian being blamed won't result in retaliation for the claim, but a Muslim being blamed can and does result in retaliation almost every time?

Always alike it when you post Sarge, spot on.
Liberals crap their pants because they're scare of Muslims. I think it has to do with frady cat libs are afraid they'll blow their house up, or if Muslims are in a group them might jump em and beat the living daylights out of em.
The president is the scardest of them all. He blames free beer night in benghazi on a video
Isis blows a plane up, and jugears blames it on global warming.

Its an airtight argument.....until we ask you to show us a particular person who actually did this.

Alas, specifics are your kryptonite.
We'll answer you when Panda's fly

Laughing.....yeah, who wants to talk to the guy who just pointed out that the Emperor has no clothes?

hope no one in your family makes their pop tart in the shape of a gun, they might get expelled.
Pretty asinine reason for someone getting kicked out of school isn't it .
Now that I've prove that your emperor analogy is pointless and i've knocked you to the ground, don't get up just stay their. And after practice you can get up and leave.

And what does that have to do with the OP's claims? Or is this a general 'stream of consciousness' rant where every so often you hollar 'Pop Tart!' before being put back in the corner?

Name the person that does what the OP describes. Specifically. With evidence to back the claim. You can't.

Which is exactly my point.
Lets see perhaps the people that do this can explain to us why they do it?

A Christian does something, some crime, some attack, something. The response is that the religion was to blame, that this person did what they did BECAUSE they were a Christian.

A Muslim does something, some crime some attack, something. The response from the same people that accuse the Christian of being motivated by Religion is that this Muslim or Muslims did what they did without regards to the religion, that the religion had nothing to do with the action they took.

Perhaps it is because a Christian being blamed won't result in retaliation for the claim, but a Muslim being blamed can and does result in retaliation almost every time?

Could you post a link or something to back up your claim?

Study: Children Exposed To Religion Have Difficulty Distinguishing Fact From Fiction

That could also be said from children watching Minecraft.
I've never heard of Minecraft. What I do know is that when a group of atheists have an agenda to make Christianity appear harmful to society they will use whatever they can find to make a case for it. As you know, any small child has trouble differentiating fantasy from reality, learning to share, etc. Their study proves nothing.


The study found that, of the 66 participants, children who went to church or were enrolled in a parochial school were significantly less able than secular children to identify supernatural elements, such as talking animals, as fictional.

Less able than secular children. Sounds like they're not talking about 'every' kid. But a comparison of them.
Always alike it when you post Sarge, spot on.
Liberals crap their pants because they're scare of Muslims. I think it has to do with frady cat libs are afraid they'll blow their house up, or if Muslims are in a group them might jump em and beat the living daylights out of em.
The president is the scardest of them all. He blames free beer night in benghazi on a video
Isis blows a plane up, and jugears blames it on global warming.

Its an airtight argument.....until we ask you to show us a particular person who actually did this.

Alas, specifics are your kryptonite.
We'll answer you when Panda's fly

Laughing.....yeah, who wants to talk to the guy who just pointed out that the Emperor has no clothes?

hope no one in your family makes their pop tart in the shape of a gun, they might get expelled.
Pretty asinine reason for someone getting kicked out of school isn't it .
Now that I've prove that your emperor analogy is pointless and i've knocked you to the ground, don't get up just stay their. And after practice you can get up and leave.

And what does that have to do with the OP's claims? Or is this a general 'stream of consciousness' rant where every so often you hollar 'Pop Tart!' before being put back in the corner?

Name the person that does what the OP describes. Specifically. With evidence to back the claim. You can't.

Which is exactly my point.
Op thru it out there as a general question. He didn't provide link which makes it pretty much open ended.
Why don't you produce a link to prove him wrong.
Its an airtight argument.....until we ask you to show us a particular person who actually did this.

Alas, specifics are your kryptonite.
We'll answer you when Panda's fly

Laughing.....yeah, who wants to talk to the guy who just pointed out that the Emperor has no clothes?

hope no one in your family makes their pop tart in the shape of a gun, they might get expelled.
Pretty asinine reason for someone getting kicked out of school isn't it .
Now that I've prove that your emperor analogy is pointless and i've knocked you to the ground, don't get up just stay their. And after practice you can get up and leave.

And what does that have to do with the OP's claims? Or is this a general 'stream of consciousness' rant where every so often you hollar 'Pop Tart!' before being put back in the corner?

Name the person that does what the OP describes. Specifically. With evidence to back the claim. You can't.

Which is exactly my point.
Op thru it out there as a general question. He didn't provide link which makes it pretty much open ended.
Why don't you produce a link to prove him wrong.

So you can't name a single person that matches the OP's description.

Huh. Neither could I.
We'll answer you when Panda's fly

Laughing.....yeah, who wants to talk to the guy who just pointed out that the Emperor has no clothes?

hope no one in your family makes their pop tart in the shape of a gun, they might get expelled.
Pretty asinine reason for someone getting kicked out of school isn't it .
Now that I've prove that your emperor analogy is pointless and i've knocked you to the ground, don't get up just stay their. And after practice you can get up and leave.

And what does that have to do with the OP's claims? Or is this a general 'stream of consciousness' rant where every so often you hollar 'Pop Tart!' before being put back in the corner?

Name the person that does what the OP describes. Specifically. With evidence to back the claim. You can't.

Which is exactly my point.
Op thru it out there as a general question. He didn't provide link which makes it pretty much open ended.
Why don't you produce a link to prove him wrong.

So you can't name a single person that matches the OP's description.

Huh. Neither could I.
maybe you cold pull a trick play out of your butt. Like an end around or a half back option. That'll fix him.
Laughing.....yeah, who wants to talk to the guy who just pointed out that the Emperor has no clothes?

hope no one in your family makes their pop tart in the shape of a gun, they might get expelled.
Pretty asinine reason for someone getting kicked out of school isn't it .
Now that I've prove that your emperor analogy is pointless and i've knocked you to the ground, don't get up just stay their. And after practice you can get up and leave.

And what does that have to do with the OP's claims? Or is this a general 'stream of consciousness' rant where every so often you hollar 'Pop Tart!' before being put back in the corner?

Name the person that does what the OP describes. Specifically. With evidence to back the claim. You can't.

Which is exactly my point.
Op thru it out there as a general question. He didn't provide link which makes it pretty much open ended.
Why don't you produce a link to prove him wrong.

So you can't name a single person that matches the OP's description.

Huh. Neither could I.
maybe you cold pull a trick play out of your butt. Like an end around or a half back option. That'll fix him.

Or maybe you could just name, well....anyone who matches the description in the OP.

Not an imagination character of your invention, mind you. An actual, living person. seems neither of us could find any.
hope no one in your family makes their pop tart in the shape of a gun, they might get expelled.
Pretty asinine reason for someone getting kicked out of school isn't it .
Now that I've prove that your emperor analogy is pointless and i've knocked you to the ground, don't get up just stay their. And after practice you can get up and leave.

And what does that have to do with the OP's claims? Or is this a general 'stream of consciousness' rant where every so often you hollar 'Pop Tart!' before being put back in the corner?

Name the person that does what the OP describes. Specifically. With evidence to back the claim. You can't.

Which is exactly my point.
Op thru it out there as a general question. He didn't provide link which makes it pretty much open ended.
Why don't you produce a link to prove him wrong.

So you can't name a single person that matches the OP's description.

Huh. Neither could I.
maybe you cold pull a trick play out of your butt. Like an end around or a half back option. That'll fix him.

Or maybe you could just name, well....anyone who matches the description in the OP.

Not an imagination character of your invention, mind you. An actual, living person. seems neither of us could find any.
So when you say jump, I'm suppose to say how high
sorry sister, i don't play that game.
Lets see perhaps the people that do this can explain to us why they do it?

A Christian does something, some crime, some attack, something. The response is that the religion was to blame, that this person did what they did BECAUSE they were a Christian.

A Muslim does something, some crime some attack, something. The response from the same people that accuse the Christian of being motivated by Religion is that this Muslim or Muslims did what they did without regards to the religion, that the religion had nothing to do with the action they took.

Perhaps it is because a Christian being blamed won't result in retaliation for the claim, but a Muslim being blamed can and does result in retaliation almost every time?

Could you post a link or something to back up your claim?

Study: Children Exposed To Religion Have Difficulty Distinguishing Fact From Fiction

Religion Makes Children More Selfish, Say Scientists

Study: Religious children less altruistic, more mean than nonreligious

Study: Religion Makes Children More Judgmental, Less Generous

There is an underlying theme throughout. Guess what it is?

That religion screws up kids.

I wonder why if religion screws up kids so bad that most of the leaders of this nation and its industries throughout its history have been religious? Even the father of modern rocketry prayed to God. Oh well.

Maybe because Christians are inclined to believe boldface lies including "I'm a Christian."

I disagree. Most all the Christians I know are about like everyone else I know. They work hard and take care of their families and tend to, unlike many on USMB, mind their own business.
And what does that have to do with the OP's claims? Or is this a general 'stream of consciousness' rant where every so often you hollar 'Pop Tart!' before being put back in the corner?

Name the person that does what the OP describes. Specifically. With evidence to back the claim. You can't.

Which is exactly my point.
Op thru it out there as a general question. He didn't provide link which makes it pretty much open ended.
Why don't you produce a link to prove him wrong.

So you can't name a single person that matches the OP's description.

Huh. Neither could I.
maybe you cold pull a trick play out of your butt. Like an end around or a half back option. That'll fix him.

Or maybe you could just name, well....anyone who matches the description in the OP.

Not an imagination character of your invention, mind you. An actual, living person. seems neither of us could find any.
So when you say jump, I'm suppose to say how high
sorry sister, i don't play that game.

No, when I ask you to back up your claims, you're supposed to fail miserably and give me a series of snivelling excuses.

As you have no idea what you're talking about.

Well done!
The average Muslim is more hardcore about Islam than even the most hardcore evangelical Christian. Dis Islam or Mohammed and much of the Muslim world will riot. Dis Jesus and no one anywhere does a thing. Christians are fairly described as 'cafeteria Christians.' They pick and choose what to follow but ignore most of the Bible and theocratic laws. When was the last time a Christian on religious grounds executed a fellow Christian for adultery as per God's law? 17th century was the last time, I looked it up the other day for another thread. Last time Muslims did? Probably earlier today.

That's the difference. Christians are liars, hypocrites, and 'casually Christian.' Muslims are ultra devout even among the least devout of them.

That's why they'll win.
Muslims follow satan. In the end Christ wins, good luck.

Muslims worship the moon god Allah.

I wonder why if religion screws up kids so bad that most of the leaders of this nation and its industries throughout its history have been religious? Even the father of modern rocketry prayed to God. Oh well.

Maybe because Christians are inclined to believe boldface lies including "I'm a Christian."

I disagree. Most all the Christians I know are about like everyone else I know. They work hard and take care of their families and tend to, unlike many on USMB, mind their own business.

Yeah, that was the deep breath I had to take when I started chatting here: recognizing that the folks here aren't a representational cross section of people. But often, some rather extreme individuals.

My experience has been yours. Most Christians I know are just folks.
In my experience religious people are the most prejudice.

From my own observations, I've witnessed you attacking Christians. Many times, just as the post to which I am responding, you attack them without any provocation at all. On the other hand, I have as yet to witness a Christian attacking you.
In my experience religious people are the most prejudice.

From my own observations, I've witnessed you attacking Christians. Many times, just as the post to which I am responding, you attack them without any provocation at all. On the other hand, I have as yet to witness a Christian attacking you.

And what do you mean by 'attacking'? If a Christian tries to use their religion as justification for treating someone else like shit, I'll call them on it.

In my own life, that's rarely an issue. On this board, it happens more often.
In my experience religious people are the most prejudice.

From my own observations, I've witnessed you attacking Christians. Many times, just as the post to which I am responding, you attack them without any provocation at all. On the other hand, I have as yet to witness a Christian attacking you.

And what do you mean by 'attacking'? If a Christian tries to use their religion as justification for treating someone else like shit, I'll call them on it.

In my own life, that's rarely an issue. On this board, it happens more often.
Wait, let me get this right..... YOU HAVE noticed "Christians" on this board attacking others.... BUT never noticed anyone protecting Muslims, making excuses for them or claiming that Muslims involved in attacks were NOT doing that for Islam, RIGHT?
In my experience religious people are the most prejudice.

From my own observations, I've witnessed you attacking Christians. Many times, just as the post to which I am responding, you attack them without any provocation at all. On the other hand, I have as yet to witness a Christian attacking you.

And what do you mean by 'attacking'? If a Christian tries to use their religion as justification for treating someone else like shit, I'll call them on it.

In my own life, that's rarely an issue. On this board, it happens more often.
Wait, let me get this right..... YOU HAVE noticed "Christians" on this board attacking others.... BUT never noticed anyone protecting Muslims, making excuses for them or claiming that Muslims involved in attacks were NOT doing that for Islam, RIGHT?

When did I say any of that? Can you quote me?

And with your paraphrasing being that awful, do you really expect me to accept you as speaking for the President?
Op thru it out there as a general question. He didn't provide link which makes it pretty much open ended.
Why don't you produce a link to prove him wrong.

So you can't name a single person that matches the OP's description.

Huh. Neither could I.
maybe you cold pull a trick play out of your butt. Like an end around or a half back option. That'll fix him.

Or maybe you could just name, well....anyone who matches the description in the OP.

Not an imagination character of your invention, mind you. An actual, living person. seems neither of us could find any.
So when you say jump, I'm suppose to say how high
sorry sister, i don't play that game.

No, when I ask you to back up your claims, you're supposed to fail miserably and give me a series of snivelling excuses.

As you have no idea what you're talking about.

Well done!
ya but I know I have no idea what I'm talking about and you're acting like Albert Einstein.
So you can't name a single person that matches the OP's description.

Huh. Neither could I.
maybe you cold pull a trick play out of your butt. Like an end around or a half back option. That'll fix him.

Or maybe you could just name, well....anyone who matches the description in the OP.

Not an imagination character of your invention, mind you. An actual, living person. seems neither of us could find any.
So when you say jump, I'm suppose to say how high
sorry sister, i don't play that game.

No, when I ask you to back up your claims, you're supposed to fail miserably and give me a series of snivelling excuses.

As you have no idea what you're talking about.

Well done!
ya but I know I have no idea what I'm talking about and you're acting like Albert Einstein.

And I have no idea what you're talking about now. Something about Albert Einstein?
Lets see perhaps the people that do this can explain to us why they do it?

A Christian does something, some crime, some attack, something. The response is that the religion was to blame, that this person did what they did BECAUSE they were a Christian.

A Muslim does something, some crime some attack, something. The response from the same people that accuse the Christian of being motivated by Religion is that this Muslim or Muslims did what they did without regards to the religion, that the religion had nothing to do with the action they took.

Perhaps it is because a Christian being blamed won't result in retaliation for the claim, but a Muslim being blamed can and does result in retaliation almost every time?
Religious prejudice manifests when someone of a given religion commits a crime, where those hostile to that religion assume all persons of that faith are likewise criminals and predisposed to committing criminal acts – it's known as a composition fallacy.

Let's look at an example of a Christian being responsible for a mass shooting, killing dozens – to other Christians the crime belongs to the shooter alone, it's assumed he's mentally ill, and even if it's determined his Christian faith played a role in the shooting, the individual is perceived to not be representative of all Christians, nor is Christianity as a faith blamed for the mass shooting.

Now, we have the same mass shooting, dozens killed, but this time a Muslim is responsible – those hostile to Islam will assume that the shooter acted on his faith alone, that all Muslims are capable of such crimes because they believe Islam is a 'terrorist religion,' and Islam as a faith should be held responsible for the mass shooting, ignoring the possibility that a Muslim can act on his own, having nothing to do with his religion.

Again, that's religious prejudice.

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