Rep Apologizes for Obama 'Tar Baby' Comment

He apologized for the stupid people and for political purposes. Tar baby is not a racist term. Niggardly is not a racist term. Some people are just stupid. Others are just looking for a reason to distract from Obama's horrid performance as POTUS.

What makes you think you gets to decide what's racist towards blacks and what's not?

I don't. In this case we have the entire context, so all we have to do is read what he said. Anyone he reads what he said will quickly realize that he wasn't using "tar baby" as a racist term.

In the last 60 or 70 years, has the term "tar baby" not been racial? Seriously, please just stop. We get it, your an apologist.
He apologized for the stupid people and for political purposes. Tar baby is not a racist term. Niggardly is not a racist term. Some people are just stupid. Others are just looking for a reason to distract from Obama's horrid performance as POTUS.

What makes you think you gets to decide what's racist towards blacks and what's not?

I don't. In this case we have the entire context, so all we have to do is read what he said. Anyone he reads what he said will quickly realize that he wasn't using "tar baby" as a racist term.

Who says? You? Just because you want to play stupid doesn't mean the rest of the world has to. You get one opinion, one interpretation of what he meant. You don't get to dictate what the rest of the world thinks of what he said, or what he meant. You already had to backtrack and change up on claiming "tar baby" was not a racist term. Maybe you should quit while you're ahead. Trying to speak for the entire world just isn't working for you. Especially since you obviously don't know what the hell you're talking about.
In the last 60 or 70 years, has the term "tar baby" not been racial? Seriously, please just stop. We get it, your an apologist.

What makes you think you gets to decide what's racist towards blacks and what's not?

I don't. In this case we have the entire context, so all we have to do is read what he said. Anyone he reads what he said will quickly realize that he wasn't using "tar baby" as a racist term.

In the last 60 or 70 years, has the term "tar baby" not been racial? Seriously, please just stop. We get it, your an apologist.

I not an apologist. I am a realist. The man used an expression that has more than one meaning. It's not his fault that you are stupid.

Not to worry, useful idiots, race hustlers and poverty pimps will all dutifully trot out the shopworn charges of "Racism" and fan the flames of hatred.
What makes you think you gets to decide what's racist towards blacks and what's not?

I don't. In this case we have the entire context, so all we have to do is read what he said. Anyone he reads what he said will quickly realize that he wasn't using "tar baby" as a racist term.

Who says? You? Just because you want to play stupid doesn't mean the rest of the world has to. You get one opinion, one interpretation of what he meant. You don't get to dictate what the rest of the world thinks of what he said, or what he meant. You already had to backtrack and change up on claiming "tar baby" was not a racist term. Maybe you should quit while you're ahead. Trying to speak for the entire world just isn't working for you. Especially since you obviously don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Why the hell NOT??
You seem to THINK YOU CAN..
give it rest dear, when you all have to get your panties in a wad over the words, tar baby... It is just PLAIN OLE STUPID.
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What makes you think you gets to decide what's racist towards blacks and what's not?

I don't. In this case we have the entire context, so all we have to do is read what he said. Anyone he reads what he said will quickly realize that he wasn't using "tar baby" as a racist term.

Who says? You? Just because you want to play stupid doesn't mean the rest of the world has to. You get one opinion, one interpretation of what he meant. You don't get to dictate what the rest of the world thinks of what he said, or what he meant. You already had to backtrack and change up on claiming "tar baby" was not a racist term. Maybe you should quit while you're ahead. Trying to speak for the entire world just isn't working for you. Especially since you obviously don't know what the hell you're talking about.

You're a crackpot. I speak for myself, nobody else.
White people. If you feel as thought the term 'tar baby' is not offensive to blacks, go up to one, the biggest one you can find, and call him one. Let us know how it turned out. Pussy's behind keyboards.

California girl is the biggest apologist of everything right I have ever seen. Wow.

that'd be relevant if anyone had actually called obama a tar baby. as it is, not so much...

keep swinging corky :thup:

Fair enough. Saying obama obama obama and then mentioning the words tar baby is fine righty? I am being serious here..if this guy said something like this in public pre Obama, then maybe this was not done on purpose. Has he ever said this before pre obama...? Of course not.

Gotcha. You are being disingenuous if you really are saying he did not do this on purpose.

wink wink nudge nudge....hey republicans, just reminding you I am with you....brb, now I will apologize to him and my apologists will make everything right.

Tar baby, please.

you remain an idiot of epic proportions.
What makes you think you gets to decide what's racist towards blacks and what's not?

I don't. In this case we have the entire context, so all we have to do is read what he said. Anyone he reads what he said will quickly realize that he wasn't using "tar baby" as a racist term.

Who says? You? Just because you want to play stupid doesn't mean the rest of the world has to. You get one opinion, one interpretation of what he meant. You don't get to dictate what the rest of the world thinks of what he said, or what he meant. You already had to backtrack and change up on claiming "tar baby" was not a racist term. Maybe you should quit while you're ahead. Trying to speak for the entire world just isn't working for you. Especially since you obviously don't know what the hell you're talking about.

it's only a racist term in the minds of racists.

true story
I don't. In this case we have the entire context, so all we have to do is read what he said. Anyone he reads what he said will quickly realize that he wasn't using "tar baby" as a racist term.

Who says? You? Just because you want to play stupid doesn't mean the rest of the world has to. You get one opinion, one interpretation of what he meant. You don't get to dictate what the rest of the world thinks of what he said, or what he meant. You already had to backtrack and change up on claiming "tar baby" was not a racist term. Maybe you should quit while you're ahead. Trying to speak for the entire world just isn't working for you. Especially since you obviously don't know what the hell you're talking about.

You're a crackpot. I speak for myself, nobody else.

Anyone he reads what he said will quickly realize that he wasn't using "tar baby" as a racist term

So who were you referring to as "ANYBODY"?
Who says? You? Just because you want to play stupid doesn't mean the rest of the world has to. You get one opinion, one interpretation of what he meant. You don't get to dictate what the rest of the world thinks of what he said, or what he meant. You already had to backtrack and change up on claiming "tar baby" was not a racist term. Maybe you should quit while you're ahead. Trying to speak for the entire world just isn't working for you. Especially since you obviously don't know what the hell you're talking about.

You're a crackpot. I speak for myself, nobody else.

Anyone he reads what he said will quickly realize that he wasn't using "tar baby" as a racist term

So who were you referring to as "ANYBODY"?

anyone with a room temperature IQ or higher.

sorry you didn't make the cut :eusa_shhh:
You're a crackpot. I speak for myself, nobody else.

Anyone he reads what he said will quickly realize that he wasn't using "tar baby" as a racist term

So who were you referring to as "ANYBODY"?

anyone with a room temperature IQ or higher.

sorry you didn't make the cut :eusa_shhh:

But he just said he only speaks for himself. Do try to keep up. It will save you a lot of embarrassment in the future. Not that you seem to care.
What were two Republicans thinking, calling Obama 'tar baby' and 'boy'? -

Republican Rep. Doug Lamborn of Colorado and commentator Pat Buchanan, a former candidate for president, both apologized Wednesday for using racially charged terms to refer to Obama.

And then Tuesday night, former GOP presidential candidate and MSNBC contributor Pat Buchanan, in a tête-à-tête with the Rev. Al Sharpton, referred to Mr. Obama as "your boy." “My what?” the Rev. Mr. Sharpton shot back. “My president, Barack Obama? What did you say?”

Mr. Buchanan hinted that he was using a boxing analogy, replying that the president was "your boy in the ring."

Representative Lamborn, who apologized to Obama in a letter, said in a separate statement Wednesday that he shouldn't have used a term "that some find insensitive" and that he meant to criticize presidential policies that have "created an economic quagmire for the nation, and [which] are responsible for the dismal economic conditions our country faces."

“Some folks took what I said as some kind of a slur,” Mr. Buchanan said on Wednesday. “None was meant, none was intended, none was delivered.”

Nevertheless, to some critics, the gaffes are illuminating bits of evidence to underscore what many believe is an essentially racist view of Obama by some in America's conservative circles.

Given that language is the primary purveyor of people's deepest thoughts, as well as the fact that language use is often unconscious, "even a slip of the tongue can reflect the kind of prevalence of racism that still exists within our culture," says Shawn Parry-Giles, director of the Center for Political Communication and Civic Leadership at the University of Maryland in College Park. "Progressives would say it's part of a larger conspiracy to target voters to use Obama's race as a means to help defeat him."
It is just like the lipstick on a pig comment by Obama! He meant nothing by it. PCness douche bags like you make a mountain out of a mole hill! He wasn't being racist, rather he was using a common phrase for a sticky situation! Nothing racist about it! In fact it came about from Br'er Rabbit!

Tar baby - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Am I not allowed to order ribs and watermelon (two foods I LOVED and love them together), because their associated with black people?

PCness is out of control!
A nation of pussies.

I weep for America.

I agree. Apparently, a sticky substance is now offensive. How pathetic. That's what left wing whining about 'racism' has done. We now cannot speak in case some fucking moron creates some faux outrage. Pathetic jerkoffs.


Tar baby is a racist term from waaaaay back.

Didn't you say you didn't like Racists?

Tar Baby is a common phrase by many people for a sticky situation, you stupid fuck. It came about from Br'er Rabbit!

Same with saying they tarred and feathered that guy! Meaning they punished that guy unmercifully. Liberals try to make it a race thing, but it was a copy mob punish feudal Europe and the colonies! The victims were mostly White!
It is just like the lipstick on a pig comment by Obama! He meant nothing by it. PCness douche bags like you make a mountain out of a mole hill! He wasn't being racist, rather he was using a common phrase for a sticky situation! Nothing racist about it! In fact it came about from Br'er Rabbit!

Tar baby - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Am I not allowed to order ribs and watermelon (two foods I LOVED and love them together), because their associated with black people?

PCness is out of control!

This from your own source....
The expression tar baby is also used occasionally as a derogatory term for black people (in the U.S. it refers to African-Americans; in New Zealand it refers to Maori). As a result, some people suggest avoiding the use of the term in any context
Basically I could care less if a person is racist.

But I do not want racists as legislators or leaders of the country, if they are using their racist beliefs to create laws or policy.

Does it matter at all to you that the rep didn't mean in any way shape or form to be racist? He wasn't referring to a black baby, he was referring to a sticky situation!

Rather a faux outrage at a conservative is your real aim!
It is just like the lipstick on a pig comment by Obama! He meant nothing by it. PCness douche bags like you make a mountain out of a mole hill! He wasn't being racist, rather he was using a common phrase for a sticky situation! Nothing racist about it! In fact it came about from Br'er Rabbit!

Tar baby - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Am I not allowed to order ribs and watermelon (two foods I LOVED and love them together), because their associated with black people?

PCness is out of control!

This from your own source....
The expression tar baby is also used occasionally as a derogatory term for black people (in the U.S. it refers to African-Americans; in New Zealand it refers to Maori). As a result, some people suggest avoiding the use of the term in any context

And what is your point? He was clearly meaning a sticky situation!
You have to be fucking moron to think that referring to a black person as a "tar baby" in any context is going to fly.

You do have a point there! He should have been more selective with his words. It would have been like a rep calling say Cantor a penny-pincher!

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