Republican Party Losing White Educated People

Makes sense. Educated people tend to respect others who tell the truth. Trump has over 10,000 documented lies in just a little over two years. Imagine how many lies he’s told that haven’t been documented.

The Dems have to make sure they give their educated voters a reason to vote for them. Perhaps the greatest example is this: These new abortion restrictions may do the trick in showing college educated women and men the inherent danger of conservatives; combined with the repulsive lies Trump has told on the subject. The point bing the lies probably aren’t enough (—yeah I can’t believe it either—).
Toro, it's time to provide some credentials. I have multiple degrees from different not bullshit fields. What's your credentials?

Given your question, you don't have a degree in statistics.


White males vote mostly republican, that's a fact. Just like the fact that responsible people that aren't parasitical or part of the special interest class generally vote for republican, even if the party is going out of their way to not represent these people... Well maybe now that Trump is kicking them in their balls we are finally seeing some growth in that department.
College-educated whites are now supporting the Republican Party at the lowest rate in at least 20 years. For much of the past two decades, white, college-educated Americans supported the GOP. But no more. And that is almost exclusively because of Trump.


Conversely, support for the GOP by non-college educated whites has never been higher. And that too is almost exclusively due to Trump.


Non-College Whites Had Affinity for GOP Before Trump
Maybe the tariffs? The huge losses in the stock market? The anti-immigrant talk that is making rich businessmen's shadow workforce unpopular?

I don't know, but if anything it is a socioeconomic shift of supporters--the rich who are invested up to their eyeballs in the global economy may not be overly impressed with some of Trump's decisions. The blue collar workers finally have a spokesman giving all the "elitists" the bird. They like that. They don't think too hard about what he's doing--who on earth understands economics anyway?.

It isn't about how much time someone spent sitting behind a desk reading books.
With the current tariffs how many will lose jobs and how many millions will lose jobs if the moron taxes the next 300 billion at 25% and PLEASE don't buy the BS that the money is going into our treasury Even Kudlow on faux said it wasn't ,,,,, WE will do the paying ,,,just like the idiot screwed folks as a civilian
I don't want to talk about the tariffs. I just mentioned them since I was trying to think of sensible reasons other than years of education that might make rich folk shy away from the Republican party. It sure had nothing to do with Trump's personality or behavior, because they voted for him.
Yes his personality and behavior are above reproach Are U Kidding me?
Edward, I was positing reasons why Republicans voted for him. Not because I thought his personality was above reproach. Slow down reading those posts, there, bud.
We are still here and ever increasing in numbers, strength and resolve as we watch infant Democrats Still try and bang the drum for their dead witch hunt.
College-educated whites are now supporting the Republican Party at the lowest rate in at least 20 years. For much of the past two decades, white, college-educated Americans supported the GOP. But no more. And that is almost exclusively because of Trump.


Conversely, support for the GOP by non-college educated whites has never been higher. And that too is almost exclusively due to Trump.


Non-College Whites Had Affinity for GOP Before Trump
College educated is not a good thing any more lol.. have you seen what the department of education has done? Poor Betsy has the worst job cleaning that mess up
Republicans are the educated mainstream middle class Americans who the angry liberal bigots loath so much
College-educated whites are now supporting the Republican Party at the lowest rate in at least 20 years. For much of the past two decades, white, college-educated Americans supported the GOP. But no more. And that is almost exclusively because of Trump.


Conversely, support for the GOP by non-college educated whites has never been higher. And that too is almost exclusively due to Trump.


Non-College Whites Had Affinity for GOP Before Trump
They went to college maybe but whether or not they received a real education is highly doubtful. Most just go asshole deep in debt for nothing more than four or more years of brain washing and social engineering (programming).
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Makes sense. Educated people tend to respect others who tell the truth. Trump has over 10,000 documented lies in just a little over two years. Imagine how many lies he’s told that haven’t been documented.

The Dems have to make sure they give their educated voters a reason to vote for them. Perhaps the greatest example is this: These new abortion restrictions may do the trick in showing college educated women and men the inherent danger of conservatives; combined with the repulsive lies Trump has told on the subject. The point bing the lies probably aren’t enough (—yeah I can’t believe it either—).

dimocraps being not only scum, but stupid, haven't figured out how they should use the myth of the educated dimocrap.

Instead of telling everybody how smart they are, instead of telling everybody how wise they are, instead of telling everybody that doesn't have a degree that...... they're neither.

Maybe they should they try to think of ways to help those who didn't have the opportunity to get a degree instead of mocking them.

But that thought didn't even cross their minds.

dimocrap SCUM see themselves as The Ruling Elite. Since when does Royalty care about the peasantry?

It's what this shit is always all about. Every time. "We're SUPERIOR to you" is what they're saying.

"We're BETTER than you" is what they mean.

dimocraps truly are the scum of the Earth.

You better figure it out, people.
They went to college maybe but whether or not they received a real education is highly doubtful. Most just go asshole derp in debt for nothing more than four or more years of brain washing and social engineering (programming).

What dimocrap scum do when they go to College is get 'Credentialed'

Not educated. Credentialed.

I've hired many College Graduates in my day. Many.

I'm not impressed.

Are they more skilled than your average non-credentialed trailer-dweller? Absolutely.

Are they what I'd call 'intelligent'? Hell no.

They go to school and learn by rote. Most of them are no more intelligent than an organ-grinder's monkey. Some, less so.

In fact, I'd say that College really hurt them. They have no idea what to do with their credentials. None at all.

Not all of them are that way. Many are truly intelligent, skilled, motivated folks.

But here's the thing........ THIS IS IMPORTANT....

They were that way BEFORE they got their credentials. College didn't do it for them.

Many more came out dumber than they went in.

The point here is, dimocrap scum want to make sure you understand that they think they're better than you.

Makes sense. Educated people tend to respect others who tell the truth. Trump has over 10,000 documented lies in just a little over two years. Imagine how many lies he’s told that haven’t been documented.

The Dems have to make sure they give their educated voters a reason to vote for them. Perhaps the greatest example is this: These new abortion restrictions may do the trick in showing college educated women and men the inherent danger of conservatives; combined with the repulsive lies Trump has told on the subject. The point bing the lies probably aren’t enough (—yeah I can’t believe it either—).

Maybe they should they try to think of ways to help those who didn't have the opportunity to get a degree instead of mocking them.

Gee, Liz Warren wants to make 4 years of College free to everyone and forgive student loans. Virtually all DNC candidates want to make 2 years of college available free of charge.

Perhaps you should be better informed. Oh, I apologize. I guess I was mocking your ignorance.
Makes sense. Educated people tend to respect others who tell the truth. Trump has over 10,000 documented lies in just a little over two years. Imagine how many lies he’s told that haven’t been documented.
Obama had over 25000 lies his first 666 days. Education.....bwhahhaa! American College education......bwhahhaaa! Its not even post high school.
The anti education stance defies belief but ties in with trump winning, and brexit. If you tell an uneducated underclass that the educated "elites" are responsible for their failures that is a comfort blanket for them.

So from that we have antivax, flat earth, globalism , fake news and so on. Educated people are repulsed by this. The evidence is clear on this thread.

And they actually don't care that they're ignorant and wrong.
Makes sense. Educated people tend to respect others who tell the truth. Trump has over 10,000 documented lies in just a little over two years. Imagine how many lies he’s told that haven’t been documented.

The Dems have to make sure they give their educated voters a reason to vote for them. Perhaps the greatest example is this: These new abortion restrictions may do the trick in showing college educated women and men the inherent danger of conservatives; combined with the repulsive lies Trump has told on the subject. The point bing the lies probably aren’t enough (—yeah I can’t believe it either—).

Maybe they should they try to think of ways to help those who didn't have the opportunity to get a degree instead of mocking them.

Gee, Liz Warren wants to make 4 years of College free to everyone and forgive student loans. Virtually all DNC candidates want to make 2 years of college available free of charge.

Perhaps you should be better informed. Oh, I apologize. I guess I was mocking your ignorance.

You whacks still don’t know how retarded you sound when you say dumbass shit like... “free to everyone”.
Do you weirdos honestly believe cash is harvested in fields?
Makes sense. Educated people tend to respect others who tell the truth. Trump has over 10,000 documented lies in just a little over two years. Imagine how many lies he’s told that haven’t been documented.

The Dems have to make sure they give their educated voters a reason to vote for them. Perhaps the greatest example is this: These new abortion restrictions may do the trick in showing college educated women and men the inherent danger of conservatives; combined with the repulsive lies Trump has told on the subject. The point bing the lies probably aren’t enough (—yeah I can’t believe it either—).

Maybe they should they try to think of ways to help those who didn't have the opportunity to get a degree instead of mocking them.

Gee, Liz Warren wants to make 4 years of College free to everyone and forgive student loans. Virtually all DNC candidates want to make 2 years of college available free of charge.

Perhaps you should be better informed. Oh, I apologize. I guess I was mocking your ignorance.

You whacks still don’t know how retarded you sound when you say dumbass shit like... “free to everyone”.
Do you weirdos honestly believe cash is harvested in fields?

It would be paid for with a 2% tax on households making $50M or more per year.
Predictable for a party that is essentially anti-education at this point.

Not "anti-education" but anti-indenture. Look at the student loans kids are burdened with. What if they can't find a good job to pay that loan back? We're for prosperity, if its college fine, if its a needed job skill fine.

^Dopey logic like this is a prime example of why.

Who is working to make education affordable for all?
Certainly not the moonbats...."Free" federal student loan money has predictably made college vastly more expensive....Anyone who has the most tenuous grasp of basic econ can tell you why.
Enlighten us, professor.

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